• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Seminar Transcript - Upcoming Products for 2012


As part of the fey question they announced DDI will have The Ecology of the Vegepygmy. It will likely be part of the April issue. I had a lot of fun writing that one and hope everyone enjoys it!

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I have to say that I am not impressed at all by the reprint covers. The "art" itself might be pretty cool (a little to small to tell) but putting the art inside a faux-book frame instead of having the art take up the full space of the cover is a mistake, IMO.

Also, and I might be mistaken about this (please let me know if I am), the Gygax memorial fund seems to be about making a bust and display area in honor of Gygax. That *is* pretty cool, but if that's all it is, I don't think people should confuse that with being a charitable cause.

In D&D terms, it certainly isn't an evil cause -- please don't assume that I feel a memorial is amoral in any way at all -- but it does nothing charitable in the way of easing human or animal suffering. It is just a vanity monument.


First Post
Sort of. They're using terms like that in talking about the game, but that's mostly because they either haven't decided what to officially call it or don't want to tell us yet, and apparently don't want to just call it 5e for some reason.
The reason is because they promised up and down that fifth edition wasn't coming anytime soon when they released the Essentials books. At that time they claimed that Essentials would always remain in print and that 4E was going to be around for a long time. Obviously they changed their minds and in no-time flat. I also bet Essentials will never be reprinted so that when current supplies are gone it will be gone forever.

They may also be toying with the idea of releasing the first books as D&D and then release further books as Advanced D&D. They keep referring to add-on rules "modules" they want to have available that are compatible with a "basic" game but would make game play more "advanced" if a DM chose to use them.

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