Witch spell question


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Witch definitely is more support/debuff, and their spell list is annoyingly focused on mind-affecting will saves and divinations, expecially at low levels.

My skim through the spell list (0 and 1st) to build my L1 witch focused on spells that don't require a Will save, simply because anything weak to will saves can likely be affected by hexes anyway.

Patron choice can help. You could take Elements and get some blast spells, unfortunately mostly fire.

But why? The Witch is a stellar debuffer and supporter. If the desire is to play a blaster, Sorcerers and Wizards are better at it. My point is more to be aware that this is the role you're setting yourself up for so, if that's not the role you wish to play, maybe choose a different class. If it is your desired role, then you've come to the right place!

There's a nice synergy between "I can buff the warrior if he stays close by" and "I'd sure like a warrior nearby since I have low hit points and no armor" as well. Now, our group has a Dwarven Gunfighter/Gun Tank/Pistolero, so what better fellow to stand back from the main melee with me?

The obvious direct damage choice is the Inflict spells - not sure how I missed that. Of course, these come with both touch range and will saves, both major drawbacks.

I have a Witch Handbook, if you'd like, though it's based upon doing the most optimal things. Like...getting Slumber, boosting the DC sky high and taking Accursed Hex for when it misses, and spamming save or lose stuff every round. May not appeal to your tastes. :) But the feat, familiar, and patron advice might still be helpful, and I actually listed and rated every single witch spell.

Pretty sure I've looked at that, and some other handbooks (Witch and Wizard). They focus on optimization, sure, but it's nice to see other peoples' takes on the options. I don't think most of us want a fully optimized cardboard cut-out character (or are going to argue "I Cackle every waking moment so Fortune stays up forever"), but few of us want to play the comic relief sidekick who spends most combats cowering, running or unconscious either, so there is a balance to be struck.

I'm definitely looking at Slumber, Fortune, Flight and Misfortune as we go forward (and I definitely agree that the lower level hexes are full of great choices, which thin out rapidly with the more powerful hexes - of course, some nice feats are only available at higher levels, so Extra Hex early and Split Hex later works).

EDIT: And you talked me into changing my patron (though it was a bit of a near thing - one spell read made the difference).
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