Besieged by Bones


ooc: Hold off with the eating, until it's clear that the group won't (or will) use the magic (heroes') feast today. From Rollen's choice of breakfast, apparently he doesn't want to use it.

Ann says "I'll come too. I'd rather take action, not sit here and wait! I do think we should use the magic feast."

Sam the Ram says "While my instinct is the same, the Fort needs a military leader here, in case things take another turn. If none of the wardens choose to stay, then I will."

ooc: Happy Halloween everyone! :devil:

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Sergeant Kelly looks confused. "The archers will aid the sortie by firing on any enemies that approach. Should we use the blunt arrows this time, Sirs?

Also ... magic feast?"

Steward Wingate replies "Ah, Sergeant, I forgot you are new to the upper ranks. That is a bit of a secret which you are now privy to. We have a magic item here, called a cauldron of plenty. Each day it produces food for three dozen people. Once a week, it can produce a special feast for twelve people. This magical feast fortifies the body and the spirit, for half a day. Those who eat it will have a bit of an edge in battle. If we use it today, twelve of those who will face danger should be chosen to eat it."


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OOC: Rollen will follow along and eat the magic feast this morning.

"The top officers should take part in the meal, those that will see battle and direct others. Since we don't know what dangers we will face it will do well for us to prepare to our best ability. After our magical meal we should prepare the horses at once."


The four Wardens, as well as Sir Rand, Dame Winter, and six of their cavalrymen, are chosen to eat the magic feast. Meanwhile, Steward Wingate, Sir Ram, Sergeant Kelly, Sergeant Lowe, and Herman Rand dig into their ordinary but still enjoyable breakfast.

The young lady servant Michelle Brown brings a large iron pot into the dining room and speaks a strange word.

A magnificent table, complete with chairs, silverware, and food and drink suddenly stands before you.

The sweet beverage immediately makes you feel good, and as you dig into the food, your confidence for the coming battle grows. You feel invigorated and healthy.

The food itself consists of bread, fruit (including mangoes), something that resembles boneless but tasty meat, and some dishes you can't identify but which have savory sauces. There is pie for desert. All is of excellent quality.

The feast takes a full hour to consume, and the beneficial effects do not set in until this hour is over.

[sblock=ooc]Gain 1d8+6 temporary hit points (die roll is below), a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and Will saves, and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against poison and fear effects. It lasts for 12 hours.[/sblock]
After the feast, the group makes final preparations for the expedition, which will (unless you decide otherwise) consist of the four Wardens, Dame Winter, Sir Rand, the six riders who ate the feast with you, and twenty additional cavalrymen, as well as the horses. This is almost the fort's entire force of cavalry, save only for Sir Ram and one other rider who requests to stay and assist him.

The mounted men and women mass inside the outer wall.

Dame Winter tells Sir Ram "Good luck, Sam. You'll need it as much as we will."

He replies "Be careful, Ann. Come back. I know you will."

The two armored knights exchange a somewhat awkward hug. Along with other observations you've been able to make, you can guess that the two of them shared a close relationship at some point in the past.

ooc: Any last minute preparations? BTW, just about any reasonably cheap mundane item is available within the keep, though perhaps in limited quantity. In this situation you can certainly take supplies without worrying about payment.

Deuce Traveler

Before they set off, Diego looks around for a handful of vials of Greek fire or Holy Water as they have come in handy against undead before.

As Diego mounts a smile plays on his lips. He always felt better armored and mounted. "Fine weather for a ride. Too bad the undead are out there to spoil it, but the terrain and our good men shall help provide a bit of payback for ruining the moment. Don't worry, sir. We'll bring back the Dame safe."


ooc: There are six vials each of alchemists' fire and holy water available. It's up to you how many you want to take, as they might prove useful either to your expedition or to the remaining defenders of the keep.

"I'm sure you will, sir. Yourselves as well. May the gods be with you" the Ram replies.

"Yes. And we will fight to protect the people of Absten" Ann declares. Slightly embarrassed by the attention, her tone makes clear that she regards herself as a fighter, not one to rely on others for protection any more than the rest do.

Each horse is loaded with a week's worth of rations for its rider.

ooc: You can choose to alter that amount; there's a tradeoff between being able to feed the riders, though you might find other food, or leaving more at the keep.

Each cavalryman is equipped with: chain shirt, heavy wooden shield, lance, longsword, dagger, club, and signal whistle.

These men appear well trained, though not as experienced in battle as the Wardens or the knights. The cavalry, as you would expect, are the most elite branch of the warriors at the keep; many of them no doubt have a long martial family tradition.

Each Warden is also given a whistle and the basic codes in use here (for alarm, attack, cease attacking, advance, retreat, and come help) are explained to you.

Deuce Traveler

Diego takes along one flask of Alchemist Fire and a lance. "I'm ready to do this, and should be allowed in the front ranks. I have the ability to call on Iomedae's divine aid for us for a brief instance upon our impact with the enemy. It should help us break through. We may need someone in the rear with magical of divine abilities who can keep groups of foes off our backside."

OOC: Diego will use Weal's Champion on the force at the moment of impact.


First Post
Rollen takes up a position in the middle of the calvary, knowing that he will have the best chances of making himself heard if he needs to inspire their morale. He straps his drum to his side and coils his whip at the ready beside him. Taking up the reins he signals his readiness to head out. He only hopes his face betrays none of his trepidation at the thought of joining battle with this undead horde.

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