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Homebrew Classes: Duskblade & Flamelord


Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
I have some homebrew classes for my current campaign that I want to share with you guys. Please read them, critique them, and if you like them playtest them! The duskblade was originally one I really enjoyed in a 3.5 campaign (originally found in PB2); when 4e came out, I desperately tried to make it work because the concept of someone channeling spells into their blade is such a cool idea. The flamelord (the name I admit is rather unfortunate...) I invented when my Dragonborn Warlord MC-Sorcerer was just not packing the heat like I thought he should. So, without further adieu:

Duskblade (Swordmage): Some call the duskblade the rudimentary or cavalier version of the traditional swordmage. However, many contest that the art of the duskblade is an ancient elf tradition that predates the sundering of the elven races. Whatever the truth, their means are powerful and effective, quickly and effectively dispatching enemies with stroke of blade and chant of spell. Duskblades channel magic into their weapons, and then slash away until a new spell or tactic is required. More straight-forward than a mage, more nuanced than a warrior - a true hybrid ready and able to show its worth.

Flamelord (Warlord): When the dimensional bindings on the world are weak, and the primordials try to break to freedom in the mortal plane, some of their power seeps through. When fire-energy finds its way into the heart of mortal, he is filled with the will to conquer and the flames to destroy all in his path. A flamelord is the perfect, if unintentional, tool of the primordials - a warrior-king to exhibit the power of inferno. Some flamelords use their powers to rid the land of evil, others give in to their elemental guardians. Others still use the fire for themselves, to become the overlord who guides with the torch of tyrrany. Where many mortals find themselves caught in the rip-currents of war, you command command its tide. How will you use your power?

Design notes: The duskblade is based off the slayer, but is a sub-class of the swordmage. What the duskblade lacks in durability it makes up with accuracy of attack and debilitating effects.
The flamelord is based off the warpriest, but is a sub-class of the warlord. Most of its powers are reflavored cleric powers and features. It does not get the versatility of channel divinity, but benefits from the warlord's weapon and armor proficiencies.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and of course PEACH!


  • Duskblade.pdf
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  • Flamelord v 2-0.pdf
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