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[NEXT] Reclaiming Blingdenstone


"Perhaps these two groups could form such a symbiotic bond?" the man says

"I don't know what you mean with symbolic" answers Ojor, then speaks louder, talking ot the pech. "Listen, friend. We can make no promises - only offer our word. If kobolds and orcs are too enemies of the gnomes we'll deal with them; I've met such enemies in the past. I'll bring your word to the gnomes, but I don't know what 'healig the stone' means, so I propose a meeting between both of your people to discuss terms. I'll negotiate that if you give me your consent"

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"Good, you give your word to speak to the gnome leader, We will protect you from harm by the raging spirit. Wait here, I will return with help"

With that he turns and walks through the wall into the stone and the cave is left in silence.


”How about that? says Ojor. ”Walking through stone. Not the worst ability one could have, specially in a place like this!”

“Anyway, anything can happen while the pechs come back. Me must keep watch, stay out of sight and look for a defensive position”


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After what seems like a very long time he returns with 7 other pechs.

"We are ready. The Raging Spirit resides in the Wounded Cavern (6 on the map). However the gnomes will not let us go through the area they have reclaimed. We must go around. We will follow you" He casually looks around. "Wasn't there one more of you?"


"He likes to pretend he's sneaky," says Arvas with a grin. "Let's get going, fellas. About time we saw some action," he says, waving everyone forward.

Drawing out his greatsword from its scabbard on his back, the demon slayer takes the lead and heads towards the passageways to the North.


"'Won't let you go through their areas?' what nonsense is that?" says Ojor, very surprised. "If you are going to be allies, the first step is end such idiocy.


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OOC: So do you head to the north passages? or head to talk to the gnomes about letting the pech throuh?


"We are going to have to clear these areas out anyway," says Arvas. "And convincing the gnomes that they ought to ally with and respect the pechs will be much easier if we have something to show for it first."


"We are going to have to clear these areas out anyway," says Arvas. "And convincing the gnomes that they ought to ally with and respect the pechs will be much easier if we have something to show for it first."

"You're probably right" says Ojor. "Besides, talking takes time and it's probably wise to not suppose we have plenty of that, seeing how battered the gnomes were. To the north tunnels, then."

"Still, I don't have a good opinion of those who deny passage through their city to their neighbors, then send for their help."

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