
Li Shenron

Name: Sheridan "Dagger" Cartwright

Race: Human male, aged 32
Class: Rogue, 1st level
Background: Soldier, Thug (from Rogue Scheme)
Specialty: Survivor

Languages: Common, Thieves' Cant (Rogue)

Alignment: NG

Ability scores

Strength: 16 (+3)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

notes: +1 to all except +2 to Wis (Human), +1 to Str (Rogue)

Trained skills

Stealth: +7 (Dex)
Survival: +6 (Wis*)
Spot: +6 (Wis*)
Insight: +6 (Wis*) **
Streetwise: +6 (Cha*)
Intimidate: +6 (Cha*)

  • default to +3 minimum (from Skill Mastery)
    • replaces duplicate Intimidate

Other class/background features

Skill Mastery 10 (Rogue)
Military Rank (Soldier)
Bad Reputation (Thug)

Combat stats

Hit points: 14 (Rogue 6 + Constitution 3 + Toughness 5)
Hit dice: 1d6
Initiative: +4
AC: 15 (leather 11 + Dexterity 4)

Proficiencies: basic and finesse weapons, simple and martial missiles, light armor

Rapier: attack +6, damage 1d6+4 piercing
Dagger: attack +6, damage 1d4+4 piercing (range 20/80)
Katana: attack +6, damage 1d8+4 slashing (two-handed)

Sneak Attack 2d6 (Rogue)
Thug Tactics (from Rogue Scheme)


(Rogue) Leather armor, rapier, daggers (5), adventurer's kit, healer's kit (10) + 96gp
(Soldier) Lucky charm, souvenir (captured weapon: katana), rank insignia, bone dice + 40gp

Physical description

Sheridan looks athletic and powerfully built, with higher than average height, dark tan skin, and a still juvenile face compensated by his already half-white hair. He is generally silent and untalkative and practically never smiles; he rarely looks into the other people's eyes and usually appears frowning, his eyes looking downward at the soil as if busy in his own thoughts, although he later always proves to be very alert and attentive.

Background history

Sheridan is a native of the town of Cragwar in Breland. He drafted into the Last War at a young age and proved a valiant and brave soldier for Breland army where he gained the nickname "Dagger" for his dexterity with blades, but also gained a very honorable reputation among the enemies for never being ruthless or mercyless. After many years of service however, he began to drift towards depression and entered a crisis phase, and while stationing in Cyre with his troops for months he was temporary relieved from duties because of these health reasons, just a few days before the events that destroyed Cyre and took the lives of all his comrades. Shattered with the loss of all his dearest friends and with guilt for having survived, he became unable to reinvent a life for himself after the end of the Last War, and turned to live a questionable life in the various slums of the city of Sharn. After a few years, he was recently found (casually or on purpose, he does not know) by his elderly former captain who literally dragged him out of the undercity and drafted him into the Sharn Watch as an attempt to reinstate the brave warrior he used to be.


Sheridan is still emotionally and morally unstable after the experience in the war. His natural goodness and bravery still shows in his actions, but he frequently succumbs to anger when confronted by particular situations. In the slums he has gained a reputation for being ruthless against the ruthless, small or big fish. While he still retains strong personal respect towards legitimate authorities, he doesn't seem to believe anymore in their effectiveness against crime and evil.

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Li Shenron

Some notes about equipment...

The rules are not clear on whether the second background from being a Rogue should also grant its equipment, but I really think it should not, therefore I picked the equipment part from the Rogue class + the part from the Soldier background only.

The equipment as Soldier includes a "souvenir" captured from some enemy, a weapon being a valid option. I though that an exotic weapon would fit and picked a katana, but if this is inappropriate to the setting (or if you think it's just too valuable), I can change it to something else.

Anyway, he is not going to use it except perhaps in a climatic battle because:

(a) it's a two-handed weapon and he likes to have a hand free as much as possible
(b) he keeps it as a special memory (for reasons he won't yet talk about) and wouldn't want to risk losing it or scratching it

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