Nintendo admits the Wii U is failing


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Honestly, I think Nintendo needed to do something which they would NEVER do: they needed to make it so you could hook your own tablet up to the Wii U.

Nobody wants the Wii U tablet because they already have tablets: iPads, iPad Minis, Nexus 7s, Samsungs, Kindle Fires. If Nintendo wanted to make a game system you could play on a second screen, they needed to work with the second screens people already owned.

But given that they apparently don't even know what XBox Live is, that probably was never in the cards.

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It's weird. To me Nintendo did the MOST number of things right with their console. Backwards comparability, upped hardware enough to matter to get some more hardcore gamers etc, but the really screwed up with their business plan.

Nintendo is the reason I do NOT buy launch systems anymore. Sure Sony and Xbox both release crap day one, but its got a reason to be. I have my 3DS from day one, but I shouldn't have bought the damn things till a year later when they release larger screens with games that came with the system for the same price as before! That really pissed me off. Now Nintendo wants me ( I'm a fanboy who got the first brick of a gameboy in third grade) to railly to their side when a new system comes out? Not going to happen any more. I still don't have a reason to buy a WiiU, and if they can't get their games out ( and only their games, Nintendo don't play nice with NOBODY), I won't pick up one either.

As a fanboy, I honestly feel betrayed by my loyalty top these guys.

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