D&D 5E Street date for D&D Next Starter Game is July 15


People seem to forget WoTC made a decent intro set for AD&D in 1999 and it included dice, pre con characters, an adventure, a town, levels 1-3 and it cost $10 so I do not see why they can't make something decent for $20 which is less than the rate of inflation for $10 since 1999.

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I think the starter kit is just the Basic rules, and probably could have levels 1-20 as the fighter will be the warrior only, wizard probably evocation only, rogue is probably thief only, and cleric is probably healing domain only. You could probably have less than 8 pages with those most basic subclasses.

Jan van Leyden

July, 15th? That means I can gauge gamers' respsonses before buying it: I'll be in France for Holidays at that time. ;)

Regarding the contents for the price and the claim to be a Starter Set and not only an Introductory Set, WotC can perhaps - I know I'm walking on thin ice here - publish free downloadable material to extend it. You'd have to pay little money to check it out and can add stuff to further test it. Add in advertisments or perhaps even a discount code in the box for D&D's Holy Trinity, put some good marketing on the web site where you access the additional material and off you go.


My big question is why is the code A92160000 (1 alpha, 8 numeric) when the WotC item code for Legacy of the Crystal Shard is 0786964642 (10 numeric)? I was about to start haranguing WotC on twitter about my PDF download suggestion, but need better ammo than the A-number.
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Majoru Oakheart

So the Barnes & Noble 'leak' was actually right, about this one at least?
Yes, it was. I'm going to go out on a limb and say they will be right about both of the release dates. That's the reason WOTC is running a Q&A and character creation workshop at GenCon. The PHB won't be available until Aug 19, which is the Tuesday after GenCon. However, copies will be for sale at GenCon itself a couple of days before GenCon. This will allow WOTC to sell the books directly to their most enthusiastic fans(thereby making more money since they don't have to go through distributors and retailers for these sales).

Since most people who get the book at the con won't have time to read it before attending games, they will have the character creation workshops to walk people through the process with plenty of copies of the PHB at the workshop. Heck, if they are smart....they might sell copies of the book during the workshop to avoid absurdly long lines at their booth.

I'm still going to continue my guess and say that by the end of the week they will announce both the starter kit and the PHB.

I'm bound to be wrong about something, but I like guessing.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
[MENTION=3586]MerricB[/MENTION] just mentioned elsewhere that "I've seen a report from a meeting last week that the PHB is August and the DMG is November. Both $49.99. Think we'll hear more soon.... Apparently there was a retailer's conference last week that gave that information. I'm dubious, but Red Box details were confirmed."



Their PR dept. is certainly dropping the ball. We shouldn't be learning about new products from third parties like this.

Yep. And if it proves that the B&N leak is correct, that now means we've had that information given by somewhat-reputable third-party sources twice.


I wouldn't be deterred by it only costing $20. Will we see something like the Pathfinder Basic Box? Probably not. But this is the sort of product that could be a loss leader - an introductory price, even, with it going up to $25 or $30 with later print runs. So when we see $20 we don't need to think "$20's worth of material."

That said, I'm guessing we get 3 levels, 4 classes, and just a barebones rules set with an adventure and a handful of monsters. I can live with that.

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