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Thor Comic News/Spoiler


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Thor's hammer will be wielded by a woman. News here.

Alright. Sorry. I suppose the spoiler warning in the title will just have to be enough.


That's happening.

Their language is very similar to the Spider-man shenanigans that just wrapped up. “This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR."

Which is fine, but it makes me think they'll just fix everything in time for a movie. Which means "This is THOR" should be "This is THOR for now, until we need THOR to be a dude again".

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Naked and living in a barrel
The nerdic misogynic backlast will be glorious!

Love the art.

And she has actual armor that covers her boobies and belly! :eek:


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Oh yeah. There is a certain segment of the comic audience that will implode at this. I'm sure it's happening on twitter right now.



Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
As a father of a daughter who likes comics but struggles to find cool "girl" costumes/clothes/toys, this rocks.



Mod Squad
Staff member

Please note: Please have content in your thread.

When we get threads starting with a post that has a link, and precious little else, Google knocks us for it, making EN World come up less often in searches. This has a revenue impact on the site. Which means we moderators now have to start shooting down threads that start with such posts.

So, give us a paragraph in your own words up on the OP, please? Thanks!


I don't expect this will last very long. Marvel has gone out of the way to ensure that their comics don't overtly "contradict" the characters in their movies too much, so that new comics readers brought in from having seen the movies don't get too confused. The X-Men wore black leather outfits in the movies, so sure enough, the X-Men in the comics started doing likewise. They had Samuel L. Jackson portray Nick Fury in the movies, so they gave Nick Fury in the comics (who, other than in the Ultimate Universe, was a white guy) a black son named Nick Fury, Jr. so moviegoers who wanted to start picking up the comics wouldn't be too confused.

I suspect that, unless they're planning to recast Thor as a woman in the remaining Avengers movies, the comic book Thor will be reverted to male by the time "Avengers 2" hits the screen, if not before.


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