Making The Dwarfiest Dwarf that ever Dwarfed, the one who Dwarfs all other Dwarfs, essentially short beard elemental (Uninteresting_n00b)


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Originally posted by Uninteresting_n00b:

First things first: Yes, I know of Fistbeard Beardfist (and his brother Fistbear Bearfist).
I have thought of a few builds:
Dwarf Paragon3/ Fighter 2/ Whatever 2/ Battlesmith 5/ Whatever 8
Dwarf Paragon 3/ Fighter 2/ Cleric 3/ Hammer of Moradin 10/ Whatever 2
Dwarf Paragon 3/ Fighter 2/ Dwarven Defender 10/ Whatever 5 (Probably the least optimized build)
Dwarf Paragon 3/Crusader 5/ Whatever 2/ Deepstone Sentinel 10
Dwarf Paragon 3/ Whatever 1/ Incarnate 1/ Ironsoul Forgemaster 10/ Whatever 5

Basically, Dwarf Paragon is must for me. Any thoughts on these builds?

Originally posted by Tempest_Stormwind:

I've got some bad news for you - dwarf paragon is actually really bad. So that passes judgement on all five of them.

Of them, I would strongly not suggest Dwarven Defender. As written, it's like throwing your weapon - a very clever way of disarming yourself and rendering yourself irrelevant to the battle. (Basically, assume that if you use your Defensive Stance, you're not going to be contributing to most encounters; read the class without its stance and it shows its true colors.). Also, Deepstone Sentinel is 5 levels long, not 10.

The only build I've ever seen that uses dwarf paragon and still comes out effective is the Hanzo(x) build. It's closest to your last one and actually really good at what it does, even if the progression itself is a teensy bit uneven. Note that the specific bloodline picked is largely cosmetic.

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