Mounted Adventurers -- Horses to mount any minature on


A few years ago, my adventuring party came into some horses. In the past, horses were simply used as a means to speed travel between two points. However, eventually, the party began encountering faster monsters and starting fighting on horseback. I had invested in providing plenty of miniature choices for the players, but adding a horse made the matter a bit more complex. I wanted a way to preserve the player's choice of miniature, and I did not want to begin the "horse version" inventory. The horse marker (2"x2" full color cardboard icon) that a figure could be placed was a great solution, but I wanted something more visually satisfying to match the rest of the adventure diorama during the game.

So I found some 28mm plastic horses. About half of which suit my plan. I cut the horse in half, cutting out the belly and making room for a standard miniature to slide into. Mounted the two half horses, and placed a elevated stand (felt padding) so the miniature can sit high enough to look like it is riding the horse. Now I have a half dozen or so horses that my players can freely place their figures on for mounted adventures without having to change miniatures completely.

The pictures below show the result of the project.


  • horse1.jpg
    108 KB · Views: 185
  • horse2.jpg
    106.7 KB · Views: 189

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I crit!
That's an amazing idea. I've seen something similar but these do a much better job at obscuring the visual slight if hand. Nice!

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