How do you improve Astrogation?


First Post
Astrogation is listed as the equivalent to Navigation in Space.

It's in the Vehicles category of skills.

The only place you can get the Vehicles category or Astrogation are in Origin Careers. There is no way to get anything in the Vehicles category after one's Origin Career.

I kind of wonder if there was a change to skills late in the game, because Navigation is referred to in a few places where it should be Astrogation (like the roles section which describes Starship Pilots as requiring high Navigation skills).

Is this as intended? How does one improve one's space navigation ability in such a case? Incremental Advances only?

Or was it an oversight? Is there errata somewhere?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
You can always buy skills with XP.

And yes, the Pilot career should totally say astrogation, not navigation. Good errata catch!

Generally, navigation and astrogation are interchangeable.


First Post
Thank you very much for the quick response.

I was referring to "Roles Aboard a Starship" on page 212, where it recommends Pilot characters go for high Navigation despite the Attribute Check for space travel requiring Astrogation instead.

That did prompt me to check for further errata suggestions, though. I suspect both Pilot and Smuggler need Navigation swapped out for Astrogation.

Only Farm Hand and Navy Brat, both Origins, get access to the [Vehicles] category, and I think a lot of the careers would benefit from it (probably the ones that have Piloting already), but I couldn't say which for sure needs it, if any.

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