D&D 5E Combat 'minigame' mechanic query

Hey folks!

I'm a first-time DM prepping for his game early next month. I was considering adding the following mechanic to one of the encounters. Let me know if it sounds fun/gimmicky/tedious.

Context/setup: the players meet a wiry, old soldier--Don Raul--in their travels who's looking for his donkey, Dabble. He seems a little off-kilter, but (hopefully) they allow him to follow them.

Later that night, they encounter a bunch of wolves and worgs. Don Raul, in full senile bravado, charges headlong into a warg but gets tossed aside into a thicket of vines.


Raul has no movement, but has freed his arms enough to be able to throw stones at the wolves. At the bottom of initiative, Don Raul throws a stone at the closest target within reach (+2 to hit; 1d4 bludgeoning). As a bonus action, you can give Don Raul some verbal or visual queue to direct his attack at a specific target and give him advantage on his roll.

You can also plea Don Raul for help.As a bonus action, you call for help and Don Raul will use his action to throw an item from his inventory. As a reaction, make a DC 13 DEX Saving throw. On a failed save, the item smashes on the ground. On a success, you catch the item.
As a bonus action, you call for help and Don Raul will use his action to throw an item from his inventory. As a reaction, make a DC 13 DEX Saving throw. On a failed save, the item smashes on the ground. On a success, you catch the item.

If Don Raul hears multiple commands, he will follow the one given most recently.

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Sounds fine to me. Especially if it's just a one-time thing. If I were a player, though, I don't know if it would occur to me to ask him for help.

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