House rules for an Universal d20.

I have been thinking about adaptation to the d20 system from other franchises, and the possibility of the creation of a SRD to create the ultimate universal d20 could be used by 3rd party companies who would rather use a system more known and used by many players. Other reason is d20 system needs an adjustment of the XP rewards in settings with modern technology or extra help. A psicokiller with a knife could be a nightmare for civilians PCs without an arm in a survival horror, but in post-apocalypse battlefield would be only a walking target with free extra XPs for solider PCs with military weapons. With modern weapons only a shot could kill a huge animal as an elephant, for example. Or a horde of zombies could be hit by a PC driving a truck. Where would be the balance of power?

Here my ideas:

In melee attacks, the fighter with longer weapon usually can attacks first, and if haven't got any got to block enemy attacks then he could suffer a counterattack by a second enemy in the same turn.

Adding allegiance, and powers with alignment keys can hurt enemies with same alignment but different allegiance (religion, race, tribe, country..), for example a drow warlock vs a orc shaman.

More abilities scores:
- Astuteness (social manipulation, creativity, improvisation, fast thoughts).
- Grace (fate, karma, luck, a special divine blessing).
- Technique (physical-visual coordination, but for actions don't need to be fast, or learned in advance: wealth, arts & crafting, playing music, dance, martial maneuvers).
- Courage (fear resistance).

And how to avoid abuses by munchkin players with so many abilities scores? With two different pools of ab. sc. points to be distributed.

- Hit points and levels of health. Do you remember the protoss' shields from Starcraft? Or Fortitude/health and Resistance/shield stats from Fortnite. The hit points wouldn't change, but damage in the health levels would be like a faster and simpler version of losing points of Constitution. Losing levels of health would cause a penalty to the dices for throws of physical checks.

- In the mass battle adding "squad" as monster subtype. This would work like the monster type "swarn". The group would be one pool of hit-points, and with a pool of "morality points". If these are lost, the effect would be the squad would be demoralized. This could allow warlord's powers about no-magic healing, like the martial maneuvers of the school of the white raven from "Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords".

- Sanity system: Here I would rather get some ideas from "Unknown Armies". The parameters would be trauma (violence, fear or stress by other causes), reality ("suffering hallucinations?") and insecurity ("I will be betrayed again", "I will succeed!"). A sane person had got 8-11 points of each pillar of sanity. From 11 and 20 it would a bonus for saves of madness checks, but also a penalty for social skills. Being too hardened wouldn't be very good.

- Level of power and level of knowledge. The level of power would be the classic bonus about hit points, attacks and saves, and the knowledge would be the skills used more in storytelling games what in action-RPG videogames. Usually this wouldn't matter too much, but sometimes the PCs are too powerful to be ordinary humanoids, for example superheroes, gothic monsters or alien mechas (giant robots). Then here the PCs would get a low XPs reward, but they could get "storytelling points" to buy "will points" (to be used like actions points to get advantage in some dice throws) or to improve their levels of knowledge.

What do you say? Of course this could be improved in a lot of things, but at least we need something for the first step, we have to risk to make mistakes to test what works better.

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