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As requested by friends, here then I present my version of the Ogre that I use in my campaign. The Ogre is both a formidable opponent, interesting addition to the encounter list, and also an intriguing, even amusing, PC or NPC addition to an adventuring party. What do you think?:)

Semper Fidelis,



Large Giant


Ogre Physiology

Ogres are very tall, with male Ogres averaging 8.5—10.0’ in height, and weighing approximately 800-lbs. Female Ogres average about 6” inches less in height, and approximately 20% less in weight. Ogres are huge, powerful humanoids, with very broad shoulders, and massive muscles. In addition to such muscular prowess, Ogres have tremendous bone density, and powerful frames. Ogres have somewhat fewer nerve endings on the overall surface of their skin, thus providing Ogres with a relatively high pain threshold. Ogres have a great variety of eye color, though their hair tends to be usually coal black, or a very dark brown. Ogre skin tone is likewise fairly uniform, being usually egg-shell white, or the color of fresh cream. Ogres are very adaptable, and durable creatures. Thus, Ogres can be found living in just about any terrain, or climate. Because Ogres are so flexible, there are some physiological variations. In the Far North, there can be found tribes of Ogres who have pale blonde hair. In more arid wastes, and shadowy tropical jungles, Ogres may have skin the color of warm oak, or olive complexions. In great deserts, and hot savannahs, Ogres may be of a dark walnut color, or even black. Ogres have very broad feet, slightly in larger proportion to their bodies, which are very tough, with dense soles. Ogres can easily travel through most environments totally barefoot. If given the opportunity to own good boots, Ogres can indeed appreciate their value. Ogres have large, powerful hands, with tremendous grip. Ogres have very rugged constitutions, allowing them to enjoy a great resistance to diseases of all kinds. Ogres have a lifespan of approximately 150 years.

Ogres have large, broad heads, with broad, powerful jaws. Ogres have great appetites, and easily eat 4 times as much as a large human. Ogres have surprisingly agile metabolisms, and while Ogres are huge and powerful, and eat prodigious quantities of food, they seldom become fat. In a more slowed pace, Ogres can gradually become over-weight. Ogres can, however, lose weight if starved, or otherwise ill, and not up to eating normally. Ogres are generally omnivorous, and will eat just about anything that is edible. Meats, roots, vegetables, fruits, grains, everything. Ogres love to eat, and eat, and eat! Ogres are also fond of ale, and hard liquors. Ogres will drink all manner of milks and juices, whatever. Ogres can be fairly adventurous in trying new foods and drinks! It’s all good to Ogres. However, though most Ogres eat almost anything, occasionally an individual Ogre may embrace some kind of strange diet, or insist that foods be prepared a certain way. Even though Ogre “cuisine”—such as it is, may be rather rough, Ogres have the natural enthusiasm of a gourmet chef when it comes to preparing, and eating meals. Ogres possess such powerful jaws, that they can literally grind most small bones, and digest them easily. Only the largest, hardest bones, would not normally be eaten. In addition, Ogres can devour whole most creatures that are size Small, or less. Their skeletons are small, and brittle enough, that the Ogre’s broad, strong teeth can easily grind them.

Ogre Psychology

Ogres are intellectually simple. Ogres can, over time, acquire a fairly good grasp on common sense, and life wisdom, but Ogres will never be intellectual giants. In many ways, Ogres are like giant, 800-lb 10 year old children. Ogres may ask a thousand questions, and ponder deeply the answers, but Ogres have a difficult time comprehending the answers to those same questions. Even if provided, the Ogres either forget the answer, or if they do remember it, after a thorough “Ogre-translation”, it comes out as something else. The Ogre will interpret the answer in some way that makes sense in an Ogre mind, in an Ogre world. Try as they might, the vast majority of Ogres can only comprehend life through the Ogre way. Life is simple to Ogres. Friendship, Love, Hatred, they all understand. Fighting, eating, mating, these are the important things in life. Ogres enjoy meeting new people, and creatures, though some Ogres can be suspicious, or paranoid of strangers or unusual creatures. These kinds of things, Ogres can understand. More sophisticated ideas, more subtle ways of manipulation, Ogres often simply fail to grasp. As an example, an Ogre can comprehend being lied to, or if told that someone is a liar, or just lied to him, the Ogre would understand that. However, in some such situation, a demagogue or oily merchant could manipulate and deceive an Ogre by avoiding an outright lie, but by subtly twisting the truth. The Ogre has difficulties in comprehending such fine distinctions. Likewise, broad humour, and broad philosophy, Ogres can understand, and even enjoy. Deep, complex discussions using many sophisticated words, though, will simply enshroud the conversation in mystery for the Ogre. Keeping concepts and ideas simple, broad, and straightforward, and the Ogre will comprehend what’s being said, and what’s going on. Otherwise, an Ogre may simply shake his head, or grab his head in frustration, and exclaim to his non-Ogre companions;

“Errrhhhggg…You guys!…Stop talking fast!…I can’t see the words that you are speaking!…strange words…(as the Ogre looks back and forth to his companions, a somewhat frustrated, glazed look comes over him…)…Say words I can see!…” and so on.

Ogres are capable of a normal range of emotions. Ogres often express themselves in passionate, overly dramatic ways. When Ogres fall in love, for example, the Ogres think about their sweetheart all the time, and attempt to lavish gifts upon them. Of course, these gifts are always of some appropriate “Ogre” style. Things that any good Ogre would like. Ogres are always interested in mating, with many different races, as well. Other races are seen as “new”, “strange”, or “different.” Once an Ogre decides to get married, though, they are quite monogamous. Raising good children is very important to Ogres, as is loving their spouse. Ogres love their families, and friends. Ogres are deeply loyal, and while they have a somewhat simple “code of honour” it is one that is comprised of maintaining their own sense of pride, their family, clan, and tribal dignity, protecting their family, and defending their friends. And killing their enemies. Period. As simple as these are, Ogres take them very, very seriously, and will fight to the death for them. Ogres have been known to travel great distances, and even recruit other Ogres, or friends, to find the person who killed one of their friends. Ogres don’t let it die, or go away. Ogres are sincere, even if many of their methods are very heavy-handed, or otherwise clumsy. Needless to say, being caught in the grip of an enraged Ogre is not a good place to be! As an example, suppose the Ogre “Rogg” is working as a labourer in a large town, and a friend of his, “Karainna” the rogue, comes to him, and tells “Rogg” that “Dimthor” hurt her.

In reality, “Dimthor” could have raped her, or abused her in many different ways, and the context of it might be something worthy of a soap-opera. “Karainna” may have stolen something from “Dimthor,” or cheated on him, if she was his girlfriend, and so on. All of that, though, would be perhaps too complicated for “Rogg” to understand. More importantly, “Rogg” wouldn’t really care. He would only care that his friend had been “Hurt.” That alone, would be sufficient motivation for “Rogg” to go straight away looking for “Dimthor” and pull his head right off! For “Rogg,” it’s that simple. Seeing his little friend in tears would be enough to provoke his wrath.

Ogres prefer team efforts, even though Ogres are competitive, and enjoy taunting each other, or complaining to each other while doing some unpleasant task or job. Generally, Ogres have optimistic, happy demeanors. Ogres tend to be generally enthusiastic about all of life. Ogres enjoy walking in the forest, or swimming in the cool lakes, or laying about in a sunny meadow. Ogres are eager to hunt, and fish. Ogres like to play Ogre-forms of rugby, soccer, or wrestling, as well as challenges of strength or improvised contests. Raise a horn of ale, and make a bold challenge, and an Ogre would be hard-pressed not to leap in!

Ogre Society

Ogre society is based on fairly large families containing the parents, one or both sets of grandparents, perhaps a widowed uncle or aunt, and 5-10 (d6+4) siblings. Then, there is the Clan, which contains a range of Ogres all related in some way to each other; and then, ther is the Tribe, which is composed of different Clans, all united under the leadership of a Chieftan, several revered Priests, and a group of Elders. Ogres may live in a variety of areas, as Ogres are very adaptable, and live in such a way as to be adaptive to any nearby dominant culture. The Ogres will readily blend elements of their own culture with that of different parts that they like, or are deeply impressed by, from the nearest dominant culture.

Ogres have an unusually durable digestive system, and can eat just about any kind of meat, plant, or root, with no ill-effects. Ogres can also digest most bones, as well. Only the largest of bones will be discarded. The Ogre’s jaws are so powerful, they are capable of crunching bones. For an example, an Ogre could rip apart and swallow a Halfling in perhaps two bites. Whole. Gone. Done with. A large elk, or boar, on the other hand, would cause the Ogre to discard the rib-cage, the skull, antlers, and spine. Legs, feet, and smaller bones, however, would easily be ingested. A 6’ human could be devoured in four or five bites. Ogres are also fond of using seasonings, like salt, pepper, onions, as well as various sauces, in preparing their meals. Ogres often have recipes handed down from generation to generation. Many tribes of Ogres have yearly food contests, like chili cook-offs, where Ogres with famous recipes gather to enter contests and such. Ogres, of course, don’t find anything particularly “Sacred” about eating humanoids of any kind. Ogres see all of these creatures as potential food, and some of the food can be quite interesting to talk to before they are eaten! Ogres tend to look at other smaller humanoids in some of the same ways as many people eat various kinds of dogs. Some dogs are your friends, and pets, so they of course, are not eaten. Meanwhile, with out even batting an eye, they can walk down to the local market and buy a dog to cook up for dinner. Ogres tend to be very casual about it. They don’t really understand why some people get upset about eating humanoids. Ogres don’t eat humanoids that are their friends, of course, but other humanoids have potential…

Ogres that live in urban areas don’t eat humanoids…usually. They have generally accepted that eating humans, or other humanoids, isn’t considered nice. However, that doesn’t stop Ogres from making jokes about it though, even in public. In the wilderness though, or if really, really angered, an Ogre even from that background could be tempted! Ogres in general, and even Ogres from an urban background, whether they are of Good Alignment, or Evil Alignment, or somewhere in between, don’t see eating humanoids as a “Moral” issue. Rather, it is simply a different kind of food. In urban areas, or otherwise in areas where Ogres are living with humans and such, Ogres often resist eating humanoids, especially humanoids that irritate them, much in the same way that many humans resist certain activities because there is a law against it, and of the promise of punishment, as well as the potential of being socially ostracized by other, non-Ogres, that the Ogres consider to be important people. It is from this, and a desire to get along with their human neighbors, that compel Ogres to resist eating the tax man, rather than some sense of moral taboo.

Beyond some of these quirks of philosophy, and a few others, like having a rough enjoyment of inflicting pain on prisoners, “food” that fights back, or enemies, Ogres are generally capable of a broad degree of alignments. Good or Neutral Ogres, for example, would be willing to roughly “examine” a prisoner, all the while being somewhat indifferent to the creatures screams of agony. An Evil Ogre, however, would eagerly seek to torture the victim, even going out of it’s way to inflict the most gruesome of agonies upon the wretched victim. Such unleashed agonies would serve as great entertainment for the Evil Ogre.

Ogres, despite being somewhat simple intellectually, are nonetheless capable of some common sense, and straightforward thinking. Ogres are adaptable enough for example, to not only be proficient in living in simple communities in the wilderness, but are also reasonably capable of making a living in large, urban areas, towns, and cities. Ogres obviously, make excellent labourers, bodyguards, and construction crews. Ogres also make excellent soldiers, even if they require a measure of tact to deal with properly. A sergeant, unless he has already earned the Ogre’s respect, simply does not scream and berate an Ogre! Ogre’s have been known to literally pull people’s arms out entirely, or reach out and bite someone’s head clean off. Othertimes, Ogres have simply picked up an offending human, and break their spines over their bent leg. Following that up by tossing the now dead human clear across to land in a heap against a wall tends to send a clear message! Thus, Ogres require a mix of respect, patronization, and tact, to deal with. Ogres respond well to sincere friendship, and are always well disposed towards those who teach them cool skills, feed them lots of good food, and make sure they have good equipment that looks cool, and sharp.

Old Ogres are cared for by their families, as are any orphaned children. Ogres deeply revere older Ogres, and deeply cherish younger Ogres. Ogres tend to reach puberty very quickly, in about 10 years. By the time an Ogre is 12, the Ogre is certainly in puberty. The Ogre grows rapidly, and by the time an Ogre is about 15 years old, the Ogre is considered an adult. Ogre metabolism is such that an Ogre will remain physically capable until somewhere in the 120’s. One of the important things about older Ogres to the tribe, is that because Ogres have a hard time of learning new things quickly, older Ogres often act like walking libraries. Though Ogre Priests and Bards serve an official capacity and status, all Ogre Elders are important. They are revered out of love and respect, but also because the Ogre Elders have knowledge and wisdom that the younger Ogres cannot even remember yet, let alone fully comprehend. Thus, Ogre Elders are deeply revered by everyone in the Ogre Community. Because Ogres can live around 150 years, Ogres can, over time, accumulate knowledge. Particularly about nature, animals, tribal lore, history, as well as strange things that occur in the tribe’s area. Ogres enjoy keeping pets, usually large wolves, for entertainment, friendship, and protection. What ideals do Ogres value? Ogres value courage, loyalty, and a certain stoic dignity while enduring pain. Ogres value honour, family, and friendship. Ogres value honesty, and love. Ogres value ferocity, and tenacity. Ogre’s favorite animals are probably wolves, bears, and boars, for these implied values.

Ogre Religion

Ogre religion is simple, like the Ogres themselves. Ogres generally worship mountain, fire, and earth deities. Ogres often have different names for them, depending on the region. Ogres have Ogre names for them, and visualize them as Ogres, but Ogres also don’t see why these gods cannot form themselves into different forms, as desired. Thus, Ogres may often find identification with some local god, even in a non-Ogre culture, but seems to echo or mimic the values that Ogres identify with. In such cases, it is easily feasible to have Ogres worshipping an “Earth Mother” and a “Mountain King” deities in the wild, while being comfortable with priests of human deities in the area, that are analogous to the “Earth Mother,” and “Mountain King.” In human towns or cities, if they welcome Ogres, it may not be unusual for a human mountain god, or war god, to have a congregation of Ogres attending services. Likewise, at a gathering of the faithful worshipping an “Earth Mother” deity, it would reasonably attract some Ogre converts to their congregation. As long as the Ogre is welcome, Ogres like to worship the gods.

Ogres enjoy the worship, the food, and the feeling of being with their friends and family. As far as Ogres in the “wild” go, religiously speaking, as long as the Ogre is upholding the traditional Ogre values, and the particular customs involved, Ogres don’t really get into “theological arguments.” Ogres have primarily an oral tradition, and are also known to be highly superstitious. Ogres take omens and taboos very seriously. Ogres believe that their ancestors watch over them, and that the gods sometimes watch them as well. Ogres are believe that dark gods are out there, somewhere, waiting for them.

Thus, Ogres believe in the benefits of all manner of charms and icons. Ogres have a simple, but deep, spirituality. In the Ogre world, there are strong, good gods, that love Ogres. Then, there are the dark, evil gods that don’t like Ogres. They want to kill Ogres, and eat Ogres! These evil gods don’t love Ogres at all. Thus, Ogres should be faithful to good Ogre gods. While Ogres don’t often get into “theological” arguments, they do sometimes get involved, when they are exposed to them, with various schisms and denominations. Some even get involved with strange cults, and unusual religions.

What form does Ogre worship take then? Well, Ogre-priests wear various ceremonial robes, with feathers, teeth, and so on. Many Ogre tribes will have a tribal animal, and thus, that animal will be a popular motif throughout the tribe. Ogres pray, and they might meditate while burning incense as well. During especially significant times of worship, wearing specially carved animal masks, and dancing joyously around large bonfires is an integral part of Ogre religious expression. Ogres would certainly fervently pray over their food, and have special ceremonies for war, or to beseech the gods for help during great disasters.

Ogre Adventurers

Ogres are curious creatures, and often have wander-lust. Ogres like just wandering around. Especially unattached, young Ogres. Exploring, meeting new creatures, seeing new places, enjoying new foods, all of these things—in addition to the thrill of fighting and combat—make adventuring very appealing to young Ogres. On occasion, even an older, more seasoned Ogre may take an interest in wandering and exploring. Ogres make excellent soldiers, labourers, and so on. Thus, their presence is often-times highly desired, if the Ogre in question is nice—in many civilized areas.

Ogres like adventure, danger, and food. Ogres also like gold, and cool possessions. Ogres are not insanely greedy, but they are acquisitive, and possessive of what belongings that they do have. Ogres make good employees, and they are hard-working. Ogres make excellent adventurers, because aside from being ferocious and very effective in hand-to-hand combat, Ogres are humorous, and fun to be around. Ogres can also be very intimidating, so often times trouble is easily avoided just by the sight of an Ogre standing over your shoulder, let alone an Ogre coming over to say something like,
“Is there a problem here?” All the while having a slight smile, and a certain gleam in their eye. While Ogres as individuals may not be especially concerned with money, there are special items that they like. New armour, awesome-looking weapons, new boots, and so on. These are things that an Ogre likes. If an Ogre was say, offered a very sharp sword, (say, a +5 Longsword, Keen, with other abilities too.) and a +2 Greatsword, that has a dragon-head pommel, and glows with blue fire, the typical Ogre would prefer the +2 Greatsword that has a cool pommel and glows with blue fire. The Greatsword doesn’t necessarily have to have any other powers, or even do extra fire-damage. It glows! It has a cool pommel! It looks awesome! The Ogre mind will be far more impressed owning such a sword, than something that appears mudane, but is in fact, far more powerful a weapon. Ogres aren’t especially concerned with money, as long as other party members can buy things that the Ogre needs, and provide him with food, Ogres don’t really value money. They value items, but coins don’t mean much to them. Ogres like gems, the fact that gems help Ogres get some of the things that they want is nice, but Ogres don’t really value gems for their “GP Value.” Rather, they value gems based on how pretty the colours are, and so on. Thus, diamonds and such are of less value to them. In fact, Ogres value some pretty swirled coloured stones more than some gem-stones. Just like a really nice wolf-fur robe is far more valuable to an Ogre than a whole pouch of gems. Things like that are of value to Ogres. Wealth for the sake of “Wealth” is largely meaningless to Ogres.

Large Giant
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp)
Initiative: --2 (Dex)
Speed: 30’ Feet
AC: 15 +5 Natural Armour; +3 Hide; (--1 Due to Size);( --2 Dex)
Attacks: (--1 Due to Size ) Bite +7 Melee/Claw +6 Melee /Claw +6 Melee or by Weapon Type +7 Melee (+8 Great Club, Great Axe, Great Sword/+1 Ranged
Damage: Bite 1d8+5/Claw 1d6+3/Claw 1d6+3 Or by Weapon Type +5 Melee/-2 Ranged
Face/Reach: 5’ Feet/10’ Feet
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’ Range; Damage Reduction 3/--
Saves: Will +3 (+2 From Iron Will)/ Reflex +1/Fortitude +6(+2 From Great Fortitude)
Abilities: Str 20 Dex 9 Con 18 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 7
Note: Player Characters/NPC’s Ability Modifiers: Str +10 Dex –4 Con +8 Int –2 Wis +0 Cha –4
Skills: 6+Int Modifier(+1/extra hit die)
Racial Skill Bonuses:

Climb +2 Craft (Any) +4 Intimidation +6 Listen +2 Search +2 Spot +2 Swim +2 Wilderness Lore +2

Feats: Multi-attack, Large & In Charge; Simple Weapon Proficiency; Martial Weapon Proficiency; Weapon Focus: Great Club; Weapon Focus: Great Axe; Weapon Focus: Great Sword; Iron Will; Great Fortitude

Climate/Terrain: Any Climate/Any Land
Organization: 2—5 Family (d4+1); 5—20 Squad (5d4); 20-40 Band (d20+20); 40—60 Clan (d20+40); 61+ Tribe (60+as desired)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often Chaotic Good; In general, Ogres that live in Urban areas are often Lawful Good, or Lawful Neutral. If of Evil alignment, Ogres are usually Chaotic Evil in the wilderness, or Lawful Evil in Urban areas that are evil.
Advancement: By Character Class

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This is a lot more information than I'd usually go to for a race, even a major one, but it's nicely done. Sorry, but it's late, though, so I just skimmed it. I only really noticed a few typos in the stat block, where the Dex of 9 doesn't match the -2 penalty to initiative or the -4 penalty to PC Ogre's Dex scores. Ditto with the 7 Intelligence but only -2 penalty to Int scores.

Oh, and as for your sig, where did you get it? I seem to recall a thread about paladins where I tried to defend a PC paladin I played who was indeed afraid, but who still fought for good regardless. I wonder if I could have a source for a quote to help back up that argument. :)


First Post

Hello Ryan!:) Well, the stats of -2 can thus be extrapolated appropriately still. Sorry for the mistake though! I'm glad that you like my Ogres!

As for my sig, the source was my father, Richard J. Leahy, who used to explain this to me often when I was a lad growing up. It was originally in response to a question that I asked him about his time in the war. It was then that he explained many such things to me.:)

Semper Fidelis,



First Post
I've noticed a peculiar thing on these boards. If a post is really good and well-thought out it won't be commented on. On the other hand if something is dumb or trollish it will get many responses. Needless to say, SHARK, your ogre is very good. I saw Shrek last night and your ogre reminds me a lot about him. I thoroghly enjoyed reading about your ogre. Very funny. :)


First Post

Hello Frostmarrow! LOL! Well, I did make up my Ogre LONG BEFORE Shrek came out, so there's no mistake there! I'm glad you like it. Everyone in my group loves them. They are more flexible. Evil Ogres, of course, can be really, really wicked. While there are more neutral Ogres, and the Good Ogres are interesting, and add a lot to the group, and the campaign alike.

On another note, why do you think well-thought out posts are ignored, and troll-posts have lots of traffic? It is kinda strange, isn't it? I don't know why, except maybe people really *like* to get nasty and fight each other in stupid flame-wars. That seems to entertain the masses, while interacting with well-thoughtout, even occasionally complex ideas or writing that demands some thought and reflection, well,--that often seems to demand more effort than many are willing to put forth. I suppose, hmmm?

Semper Fidelis,



Really superb, SHARK, really really superb!
I think your ogre race is going to be an addition to my campaign...

If a post is good, there is no need for discussion :) That might be the answer...

By the way, do you know where your father get your sig`s text?
I know the words (and use them from time to time), but I can`t remember where I got them... :)

Mustrum Ridcully


First Post

Thankyou Horacio! I like Ogres too!:) I think they're pretty cool!

Mustrum Ridcully:

Well, I believe the way he said it was original, and unique. But I can't say I've ever heard anyone express it in the same way. My father's words to me have always been a fine measure of advice, and wisdom. Top notch.:)

Semper Fidelis,



SHARK said:
Thankyou Horacio! I like Ogres too!:) I think they're pretty cool!

Semper Fidelis,


Thankyou, SHARK, for giving us your superb campaign ideas and pieces of art like these ogres!

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