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Encounters with the Supernatural

Amrynn Moonshadow

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Afrodyte ... those things (esp the music issue) happens to me too.

I will 'hear' a song out of nowhere in my ears mins before it happens, and then the song will come on.

and i hardly ever listen to the radio either.

othertimes i just hear past conversations and future conversations in my ears. i'll be at home and say "what do you mean you didn't think it was important!" to the wife, of course she didn't say anything. but a few days after that she'd say something, explain about not getting an oil change or whatever, and i'd kind of have to stop myself from saying that phrase i blurted earlier.

also of note is that i've been getting seizures of late. think i have to get another mri soon . . . something else happening in my / to my brain. i used to think i was in the middle of an earthquake, but nothing else in the room would move. very interesting stuff.

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Not to argue at all the Shadow People, but from seeing people's pictures on the website and hearing various stories and theories, not everyone has a similar experience, and the Shadow People are very different to different people. I looked at the pictures and didn't have a reaction until I saw the picture that made my blood freeze, then I contacted the person and they told me what had happened to them, and it was so similar to what I had experienced that went a shade paler.

Ouija Boards. Ok, here is the story I held back because it is way too out there. In High School (back in the Stone Age, aka the '80's) I went out with this cute blonde, dumber than a post, but hey, that wasn't the point back then. Anyway, I got her a Ouija Board for a gift and she got into it. Way too much. This girl could barely spell her name, but when she was on the Ouija she could write like a pro. I used to sit and watch fascinated as she wrote down what the board said. Then somehow, she contacted this woman on it. And people started seeing this woman around me, not druggies, people at parties, people totally sober with no knowledge of any of these events. She wasn't exactly a woman, but something else. I draw, and began drawing her and writing about her. In Creative Writing class, I was the only person the teacher ever had get in front of the class and read my presentations, all about this woman. Things started getting out of hand, and I had to get away from it all, I took back the Ouija and had it burned. It let out a wail as it went down in flames. She was known as Lady Sin. A few years later, I was in a comic shop and almost had a heart attack, there was a comic by a company called Chaos! named Lady Death, and she was a dead ringer for Lady Sin, down to the colorless eyes. And the scariest part? Maybe it is coincidence, but I can prove that I drew and wrote of the character, for my little high school in nowhere Idaho had a small press, and we printed up a little book, with a story and picture of Lady Sin in it.



I can't believe I forgot this one, and it happened to my mother.

When she was younger (a teenager I believe) her paternal grandmother died. They were really close, so she took it very hard. Because of that loss, she had a crisis of faith, and for a time didn't believe much of anything. Now, one day while she was cleaning dishes or some other chore, a bar stool slid across the floor. I don't mean like wobbled a couple of inches, I'm saying it moved about a foot and a half or two feet, like something out of Poltergeist. I don't recall if she was thinking about her grandmother at the time, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was.

Needless to say, Mom had no more problems believing.


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Here's a couple more I've remembered.

My brother and other relatives can't wear battery-powered watches. The power goes off - within hours, I believe. This is probably related to that whole electrical aura thing; see my previous story about said brother zapping my sister from a distance just by waving his hands.

More seriously, I've pulled a Ben Kenobi and felt a great disturbance in the Force... note first that I live in New Zealand, time zone +12 (or thereabouts, around 18 hours ahead of the USA) for reasons that will become clear. One night a couple of years ago, about 1 or 2 am, I was lying in bed, quite asleep, when I was half-awakened by what I thought was the sound of an explosion followed by the pattering of debris. I was really tired, put it out of my mind and went back to sleep. Imagine how freaked I was when I woke up on September 12th the next day and discovered the news.

Strangely, ever since I haven't been as nervous looking at aeroplanes flying overhead.

Then there are the stories I've heard from my parents, like when my father was with the Army Engineers in the Solomon Islands in a tiny little dinghy with a couple of other soldiers trying to land on a beach somewhere in, like, ten metre swells (that's about 30 feet). They actually succeeded, against all odds, but my mother (then presumably just a friend, as he was in the army as a fully ordained Catholic chaplain) had a really bad feeling at that point (3000km away) and his mother said she saw two officers walking up the path to her front door at the same time, but when she looked again they were gone (again, 3000 km or so away, but in a section of country 200km away). When quizzed on their appearance later, she described the officers who would have been sent to inform her of her son's death. Indicating, of course, that I'm rather lucky to be alive right now.


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When I was at a summer camp up near Redding, CA, the camp leader guy told us the tale of the Red Lady, whom many of the councilers and campers have year after year wandering the camp.

See, one of the current buildings stands on the foundation of what used to be a... "bath house." One night, a woman of ill repute was falsly acused of cheating a miner and his friends, and late in the night they raped and killed her. They threw her in the small river that runs through the middle of camp, and when she was found the next morning, her blood had soaked into her clothing and turned it bright red. The Madam had her burried, bloody clothing and all, next to the bath house.

Now she roams the night appearing as either a woman in smoky red clothes, or two red eyes, and if any man stares straight at them, when they fall asleep she will hang over them as they dream, torturing them for what they did to her.

I never saw the Red Lady, but... I could have.

Amrynn Moonshadow

First Post
lots of people around the world were 'antsy' to call it that pre 9-11.

i remember i really didn't want to go to work, and was basically acting like an animal does before an earthquake, etc . . .

though, i guess by 'a lot' i'm talking about around 200 / 6 billion. so that's not really alot then.

cool stories everyone, keep posting!


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i was flying from an francisco to nashville once and my flight got cancelled so they routed em first class through dallas. as we switched planes in dallas donnie and marie osmond got on and sat near me. marie looks like anyone else, but donny is realy kinda tough and scary looking in real life.


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I have an odd experience as well but I only have vague memories of it nowadays. The holes in what I remember of it were filled in by my mother, as I apperently told everyone if the living room at the time of the incident....
I used to live on a 400 acre farm in rural Virginia and one of my duties was feeding the horses in the evening. The barn was about a quarter of the mile from the house, but vision of it was obscured by a large hill between the two. I think it was late fall around 1987 or so, it was just a regular night I had fed the horses and cleaned up a mess I had made earlier in the day and started towards the house with my dog Joe. I feel like it was darker than it should have been, but that could be a part of my hazy memory. Anyway less than half way home I was ambushed by an odd looking humanoid creature unlike anything I have ever seen, but when I try to recall it now I cannot even remember anything ..no details whatsoever. The thing rushed out of a copse of trees and attemted to grab me as I tried to dash away. It managed to get its hands on me from behind and it began to pick me up, but my dog..a large half german shepard timber wolf mixbreed, attacked the thing.....and I ran full tilt towards my house. I ran directly indoors and told my mom and dad. At first they didnt believe me till they saw my pants were torn and stained ...but the tears looked claw like and the stains were an odd color...then my dog came running up onto the poarch and he had a blood soaked mouth. My dad says it never happened but my mom believes me...I have mostly forgotten it. The only two things that bug me about it are 1. at first I thought it may have been a person in a mask, but the town I grew up in is extremely small and we knew everyone by name...and a person being mauled by a dog of Joes size wouldnt have gone unnoticed...and 2 I have an uncanny memory for details...I recall most of the facts of my 2nd birthday...but not any of the details of the thing that ambushed me..even though I described it exactly to my parents immediatly after the incident.....

A way to find out?

Terraism said:
You know, I don't believe in the supernatural. I never had, in any way, shape of form. I'm a hard-core skeptic, for reasons that we can't get into on these boards. :) But it's funny, because I trust the people here, and I can't idly dismiss all these posted events as coincidence (some of 'em are too precise for that) or misunderstanding (too exact) or made up (r: I trust these people). [Shakes head.] Drat and bother. Thinking deep thoughts at midnight-thirty does odd things to my head.

I feel basically the same way - a skeptic that can't entirely dismiss this stuff from the relatively trusted source that it this board. However, many of these stories are "explainable" depending on circumstances.

The is a skeptic society of some kind (can't remember the name, but I imagine they have a web site) that offers a $1 million dollar reward for verifiable proof of the supernatural. So far, no one has been able to collect.

In all seriousness, maybe some of the folks in this thread (the red blood plasma walls and/or the haunted Target, for instance), might want to take a shot at it! It would at least be interesting to see what the skeptics would make of whatever they could find in these haunted places.

To add to the thread (although this is not supernatural), my brother suffers from night terrors. One night when we were on vacation he was fishing late (4am or so), and my mom heard some kids yelling in the night.

She went down to check on my brother, and it turns out he had already gone to bed. She leaned over him and said "Are you ok, I heard someone scream?" Later, my brother said that a dark figure leaned into his field of vision and said "I can kill you once in your dreams!" Note how the two phrases rhyme.

Anyhoo, my brother came out of the bed and attacked her in self-defense (my family is way more into "fight" than "flight," even where demons are concerned), knocking her backwards. She hit her head on a table, was cut, and quite a lot of blood was shed (superficial but nasty looking wound).

I heard all this and charged down the stairs, intending to grab a kitchen knife and ready to fight to the death (again, my whole family is fanatical, what can I say). I never made it to the kitchen because of the bizarre sight I encountered - my brother pinning my mom down and clearly attacking her. The chilling thing was, he wasn't using his hands - he was trying to bite out her throat like some primal wolf-thing. Creepy.

Anyway, we got my bro off my mom, he woke up, and promptly freaked out over what happened. Mom needed a stitch or two, but came through fine. We've never spoken of it again.

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