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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 4 - 5 (thread 4)


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Edena here.
With thread 3 full, here is yet another Interlude thread.
Unless you cram more than 200 posts into it in the next 13 hours, it should be the last Interlude.

The people of AnaKeri are friendly now to the visitors representing Alyx, Anabstercorian, Mr Draco and Serpenteye, Kaboom, and William.

Kaboom finds the merfolk particularly friendly.

They are very curious about their brethren around Oerik, and about Oerik itself.

The people of AnaKeri are as varied as the people of Oerik.
The area in which the people from Oerik have arrived is only a small area of the continent.
They now entertain the visitors, treat them well, treat them as honored guests.

The land is lush, and unusually friendly for a tropical land.
There is a notable lack of poisonous snakes and other such dangers, and most of the trees and plants are harmless.
Many of the trees bear lush fruits of every kind.
These people have access to a ready foodsource that is twenty times what they need, and that foodsource is easily obtained.

Eventually, emissaries of both the Alliance of Oerth and the Union of Oerth are taken into the deep forest, and journey for 3 days through it.
And there it is.
Still 2 miles distant, is a great stone structure, with people moving around inside it and outside it.
Surrounding it are numerous lesser structures, and machines of various sorts.
Around all that is a defensive perimeter, and a Disintigration Fence.
The native people explain that they did not take the observers any closer because invisible watchers scry the area are the perimeter.

The banner of the Eternal Empire of Oerth flies above the great structure's topmost point, suspended on a high pole.

Other teams are led to the two other invaders.

However, when the scouts and visitors get close to where it is stated Saermont is, a Confusion effect - apparently cast in conjunction with Permanency over a vast area - stops them.
The forests ahead are totally bewildering.
Attempting to push into this, the search party finds itself back where it started, after several hours of trying to get through.
This happens again, when they try a second time, and once more they arrive back where they started.

Those sent searching for Inor Taladost meet with no luck.
They come upon something quickly enough.
A huge pool of water, is what they come upon.
There is nothing here now but that pool of water.
No magic, no left over trash, no nothing!
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Mr. Draco

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Then, out of natural curiosity, one of the members of the Union team will, while under the effect of a waterbreathing spell, explore what is in the pool of water.


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Nothing. Nothing is in the water at all.

By the way - O'Skoteinos, in case you do not read the other thread ...

Some spies alleged to be yours were caught in the Lortmil Technomancy.
These spies have stated you wished to sabotage the nuclear capabilities of the Lortmil Technomancy.
Although you had nothing to do with it, there was a nuclear explosion in the Union, as the gift of the Lortmil Technomancy to the Union was sabotaged.

Now, the Lortmil Technomancy has given you an ultimatum.
Effectively, they are demanding your people disarm and surrender, and that your PC personally submit himself for justice at the Lortmil Technomancy.
Otherwise, state they, you will suffer grim consequences.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Also, the Union representatives there will ask the natives about any local legends, mythology, minerals, native creatures, etc...

The representatives will continue training the natives with the technology they have, also, they will share any information with the natives that they request. If they wish it, emmisaries from the native countries are taken on tours of the Union territories.

[edit]- The natives will also be asked if there are any others (natives) living on that continent that they know of.
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Mr. Draco

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Lithedenor Ytnivv, Dalentyll Tempesatis, and Kas himself will travel to AnaKeri and investigate the area where Saermont is. With their highly magical nature, and extensive magical defenses, perhaps they can get through the confusion effect.

If they do, they first attempt to enter into peaceful negotiations with the Saermont.


First Post
Kaboom, as I said, they are friendly, but they do not ally.

Kas succeeds in getting through the defenses of Saermont, only to find himself face to face with a trio of angry giants in a forest glade.

The giants (they are fire giants) look at Kas, then speak:

You are trespassing.
The price of trespassing, is death.

They sweep out their swords, and attack.
One blows his horn first, it's echoes taken up quickly by other horns.
The alarm is spreading.

- - -

I am assuming, from the lack of posts above, that the scouts who have seen the Eternal Empire installation have not yet given themselves away.
As a result, that installation goes on about it's business, while the onlookers watch.

'o Skoteinos

First Post
(A Persistant Two Bodies (Book of Eldrich Might 2) will be sent to the Lortmills.)

Kessel, Leader of the Lortmill Technomancy. I have not come here to submit myself to your "justice", nor to take any offensive action. I have come here to explain. To explain the ... painful ... misunderstanding that has arisen between us...

I know that anything I say now can, and probably will, be taken out of context, by you or someone else, so let me first state that whatever I seem to imply, I don't. Don't take double meanings where there are none...

I have heard that you have captured some of my spies. Very unfortunate, indeed. I will not deny I have sent spies to you: technology makes me nervous. As a mage, I'm far more comfortable with magic than with technology, just as you would be more comfortable with your technology than with Kalanyr's 10th level magic. I sent my spies to report me of your destructive capabilites, and I see it was the right thing to do. With the destruction of an entire military base of the Union of Oerth, you seem to have achieved some new means of destruction.

Your policy, peace through threats, is not one I like. The power to destroy a nation bring great responsibilities. Because, how do you know which nation to destroy? Yes, you have captured my spies, but I most certainly did not order them to sabotage, take your nukes to me or any other sort of malicious act. And that is where things get complicated...can spies alone, spies who deny sabotage, be enough proof to destroy millions of people? I don't think so. And that's why we're in the situation we're in now. I hope you don't want to destroy all my people, all my cities, my whole civilization. And yet, if you don't, it is the first step towards failure of your policy...

I will not disarm my nation, I will not submit myself to your justice, for in this case, justice is flawed. I do not want war with your people, Kessel, and that's why I have come here, to prevent war. I will make you an offer you can't refuse. This offer will show you that it was not me, nor any of my people who sabotaged you nuke...

I invite you, Kessel, to come to the Pomarj, and bring with you Kalanyr and some of his best mages. You can do all the mind reading and divining you wish, and I shall not resist. That will prove my innocence, and, I hope it will prevent a war between us.

I have shown my willingness to make a sacrifice for peace, now, show me you're willing, either by releasing my spies, or by killing them, but do not keep than imprisoned any longer.

(When is is finished speaking, he will kill himself).


I am doing what I can to clean up the Nuclear Mess.
I took the Wanderer's people to my Pocket Dimension as was his wish.

Also the next time Melf turns up on my scrying I'll return him to his former alignment and disposition if he wishes to get rid of the Shade Template I'll do that too.

Iggwilv goes to investigate the new continent.

To Ahlissa the deluded
"Ahlissa you are truly insane you cannot summon the Elder Ones if you could you would get more fear but for now you are merely an evil,deluded harlot. Oh and threatening people with them when you don't have them is a bad idea since you'll just get yourself killed. "


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Moderator is intervening:

GnomeWorks, 'o Skoteinos - those were not spies of the Pomarj that squealed when caught.

All of the spies of the Pomarj are accounted for, and those spies that were caught, were not working for the Pomarj.

So, the question must be asked: who were they working for, and just how truthful were their statements?

- - -

Therefore, it is not necessary for anyone to commit suicide.

I wanted the Powers to get worked up, yes.
But not THAT worked up.
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