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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 2a)


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Everything is still in freeze-frame.

I just came online, and must carefully look at your e-mails and posts, and consider what happens as a result.
Give me some more time here.
I am sorry, Creamsteak, that you were unable to go to sleep. That isn't funny, and I am sorry the IR caused you this (painful and debiliating) insomnia.

I have a request from Black Omega to post the following:

Deep in Vesve Forest, Siobhan Silirevnur passes her hand over a glassy pool of water, growling to herself "Is he crazy going after all those heavy
hitters?? Morre! What goes with a blood bath?"

>From the side, Morre efficiently replies "I'd say red, it's flashy and it helps hide when you get hurt."

Siobhan baps Morre behind the head lightly "I don't plan to even break a fingernail, let along get hurt! I mean their blood!
Hmm..Wraiths..vampires...Basic black?"

Morre grumbles and ndos "Basic black is always good."

Siobhan nods "Basic black then, get to it. I'd hate to miss the battle while primping. Alert the Circle of Eight and bodyguards, we're going to
crash this party also!"

Siobhan and the Circle of Eight will be joining this battle to try and back up Hezen and our other allies. Usual rules, if getting butts kicked or
close to dying, leave. Bodyguards to get bodies out if someone dies. Etc etc.:)

- - -

Now, this occurred before the onslaught of Iuz, but it shows the Coalition of Light and Shadow was there for it's allies, there for the Kevellond League, there for Hazen, from the start.
The strength of the Coalition of Light and Shadow is matched only by their loyalty to their friends and allies.
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When the battle comes out of freeze mode the Red Goo Army along with Iuz and Malachai and those troops who have the evil in their hearts.... all of
them... will meld with the Red Goo and travel quickly to the Blood Wastes leaving our enemies standing... I believe we can still travel and I believe I had researched the Red Goo traveling ways... so that will be my action... our goal is the Blood Waste we must release our brethren...

- - -

This was e-mailed to me by Tokiwong, and is not known to anyone IC.
I have posted it because it is of historical importance to the IR, and should be here where it can be read by future readers.

Whether this tactic will succeed or fail, I will rule on.
I would like to comment that this desperate tactic will incur a high price, if it succeeds.
It could lead to a very extremely strange situation, as well.

Do not post a response to Tokiwong's tactic posted above.
You do not know he is doing this.


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Iuz rubs his palms...

Iuz patiently waits for the massive battle to finally kick into high gear... he turns to Malachai, "This will be our greatest hour... Oerth will shudder... but in the end it shall be for the better..."


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This was meant to be posted anonymously, and although I am overlate I am posting it now.
I am sure this article will cause considerable confusion, but I must post what the players request I post.
I cannot at this moment make a ruling on this post, except to say that Toril cannot be invaded - the Torilian Border Guard and the Angels, at this moment, are still strong enough to repel any attack.

- - -

A reverberating thunderclap is heard throughout the cosmos. Suddenly
overhead of Toril darkness moves, the same one that was noticed before. As
it searches the Universe there is a cold desire emanating from this horrid
creature, a feeling of a purpose so dread that even Paladins shiver in fear.

Once again it seeks its destination, but this one is well hidden, harder to
find. In time some come to see what has caused this disturbance in their
realm, they thought they were safe here. They were wrong. Suddenly one of
the mages tries to halt this being, to send it back from where it had come
from. Magic powerful enough to devastate worlds is launched to repel this
invader from their space. Magic that just seems to pass right through it.
Suddenly they know that the beast has noticed them, where before they were
beneath its notice, now one of them has drawn its attention.

I had no quarrel with you, did not plan you any harm, and this is your
only response? Well then you shall know the price of your arrogance, of
your mistake, of your life.

At this the shadow moved into the throng of wizards of every type that had
arrayed themselves before it. Each of them casting the most powerful
banishing and damaging spells they knew, but the creature is able to dodge
all of them, and come through without injury. Passing amoung the assembled
wizards hundreds are left dead in its wake, those that survive the initial
onslaught try to flee but find their teleportation spells do not work. They
then try to call for aid, but know that no one can hear them.

So where are you aggressive actions now? Why do you seek to run? Is
this how you will stand at the last, when you know that you are doomed, will
you run in fear, or do what you can, what you must?

As soon as this is uttered the form seems to become enraged, tearing into
the few remaining survivors with a savagery that they have never seen
before. The skin is ripped of the living, as they are left to howl in
torment, others feel every bone in their body shatter into a thousand
pieces, as they scream their agony to the universe, but it does not answer,
it does not care. Others still have their bodies untouched, it is their
minds that are affected, pictures of torture and depravity so grim that they
tear out their own eyes, but even that is not enough. They can still see it
in the back of their minds. They then grab their daggers and ram them into
their empty eye sockets, trying to dig those visions out of their minds,
killing themselves in the process.

After the last of the defenders are dead, and their souls captures, the
creature moves on. Trailing a wake of darkness behind it. Soon it will
find the one it seeks, soon it will have the answers it needs….


First Post
And I'm still crippled! Darn.

Anabstercorian watches the battle in an enormous scrying pool, still injured, while dozens of his lieutenants and generals watch with him. They stare in horror and awe, unable to believe the sheer power of the forces clashing down there.

<< We were all that the myriad worlds had to offer, >> murmurs one of the Illithid, << And yet they are still greater than our army... >>

<< Do not doubt it, >> snaps Anabstercorian. << There are worlds that are crossroads for power. Wherever the flow of lifeforce ebbs and flows, they take a taste. Oerth is one of those worlds, at this moment. Its circadian rythms are peaking - It is in a transition state. >>

<< When a chemical reaction occurs, >> Anabstercorian begins to muse, << there is a temporary absorbtion of energy whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. Power fills Oerth in this fragile state - It is up to us to decide if this power remains there or is released to us. >>

"I hunger to destroy them," murmurs a Drow. "They blaspheme immeasurable."

<< You will have your chance, my friend. We all will. >>

They watch the carnage with a deep respect.

'o Skoteinos

First Post
"Now tell me", Ho Skoteinos ask the newly appointed Diviner, "is it true that they can cause all the Red Steel weapons and armors to become Red Creatures?"

"Yes Milord, they have done so already in the Empire of Iuz."

"This is most troubling news. We must take immediate action. O Thanate, see to it that the generals recieve this news and that they re-equip their troops with the normal weapons. Store all the Red Steel equipment in the vaults and terminate the Red Goo research project. Now."

"It will be done." says Ho Thanatos as he Teleports out.

"O Deine", he then continues, "you will select a force to aid our allies in the battle against Iuz." And with a cruel smile he adds: "We will make his army fishfoodfood..."

Red Goo rating is dropping to 0 ASAP.

I will send a 75 PL force (including 10 PL NPCs) to stop Iuz from reaching the Blood Waste. They travel as worms.
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I need to make a notation now concerning the Union of Oerth.

This letter is meant for anyone planning to attack the Union of Oerth, in any fashion.

They have vanished.

Their cities, towns, villages, and countryside are abandoned.
From the Bone March in the north to Hempmonaland in the south, from the County of Urnst in the west to the Sea Barons in the east, there is nobody.

Everything of value is gone also.

Now, it should be obvious that they all went into their Secret Retreat (or, if the Secret Retreat involved changing form, they did that.)

The point being - there are only empty structures and deserted fields to attack now.


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Iuz glances to Melkor and shakes his head... "More come to see the slaughter..." he smiles growing into his war form towering over his retinue, "then come... and we shall see who will decide the fate of this world..."


First Post

Do not e-mail me yet.
I am sorting through all my e-mails, and making rulings.

Some of you are already over your allotted 3 e-mails per Turn as it is.

Give me a chance to look at the e-mails, and your posts, then I can continue the story.

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