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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 2a)

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William Ronald

(OOC: Tokiwong, you still have a chance to fix this.)

Hazen calls out to the Empire of Aquaria.

"I have spoken with you before. Can you lend your assistance to this battle, or are you beset yourselves. Now is the time for all peoples of Oerth to fight for their beloved world."

Hazen sends a message to the World Congress of Toril, even as he is blasting at the Elder Ones. Mortal clerics are healing angels and supporting them. (OOC: Yes, Edena, I see the irony. Mortals aiding the Angels.)

"Leaders of Toril, your aid is needed. If we do not end the threat of the Elder Ones here on Oerth, your world may be in peril. In aiding us, you aid yourselves. I ask that you commit yourselves to the battle."

"May Toril and its people be blessed."

(OOC: Edena, when Hazen referred to the One earlier ... it was to a much higher being than Mina's One God. While divine intervention is unlikely, players can ask for blessings.)

Hazen contacts Kalanyr and Alzem: "Try to use 10th level magic to direct ALL the energy of Kessel Gnomework's missles into the Elder Ones and any assisting them. I think it is possible to focus this energy at them and not just the environment."

"Research what impact a massive release of energy from the Positive Material Plane would have on the Elder Ones. Negative energy helped release them."

Edena: If there are beings who are meant to guard against the coming of the Elder Ones or fight them, Hazen will try to locate them. Assuming they are willing to help and will not destroy Oerth or its peoples, he will invite them. (To every great evil, there are opposite forces.)


First Post
The brave men and women of the Alliance of the Crescent teleport up into near-space, where the Groundpounders can be safely broken.

They cannot be broken in Oerth's atmosphere - the steel pellets flying at those speeds would ignite the atmosphere.

They teleport the dangerous objects away from themselves, and with spells break them, sending the pellets flying ... towards each other.

For the pellets, were they to hit a single Elder One, would simply obliterate that being and continue on, expending very little of the kinetic energy in them.

It is necessary for the pellets to hit each other, for all the energy in them to be released.
For that energy to act on the Elder Ones.

- - -

The pellets streak outward into the oncoming masses of the Elder Ones, in their countless quadrillions.
The pellets strike each other.
Several thousand pellets strike each other, in positions all around Oerth.

Several thousand small Novas appear, the sky over Oerth becoming a hundred times brighter than the sun at high noon.

In a single instant, about 500 quadrillion beings - beings from the depths of the deepest Lovecraftian nightmare - vanish, turned into subatomic particles, filling the skies of Oerth with molten glory.

About two percent of the Elder Ones escape from the destruction visited upon their brethren.
These ones were the ones in the lead, already descending towards the atmosphere of Oerth.
They catch some of the mages and magistresses of the Alliance of the Crescent, but most of these have already teleported to safety.

Then, the Elder Ones meet Welcoming Party Number 2, Oerth-style.

6,000 thermonuclear warheads are Teleported Without Error right into the midst of the largest clumps of surviving Elder Ones.
They may be tough monsters, but hydrogen bombs prove that being ugly and fearsome and strong doesn't mean much in the face of atomic fusion.

Then (see the post below) many thousands more of high powered thermonuclear bombs detonate among them, courtesy of the United Commonwealth of Toril.

Undeterred, the remaining Elder Ones scream for the planet of Oerth.
Even with with under one tenth of one percent of them left, they still represent an awesome force.

But then they meet Welcoming Party Number 3.

The Red Army does not go insane at the sight of Elder Ones - they are already insane, and seeing the Elder Ones just makes them madder.
The Dead that Mina summoned do not go insane at the sight of Elder Ones. Being Dead changes one's mindset and outlook considerably, and the Dead do not fear the living (or semi-living), no matter how gruesome they look.
And the Angels, do not fear the Elder Ones.

The general attitude among all three groups is: This is our war! How dare you crash our party, and try to get involved in our fun? (Well, the Angels don't have that attitude, but they might as well have.)

All three vast armies descend on the hapless Elder Ones, wherever they are, worldwide.
The Angels make sure not a single Elder One is overlooked, and not a single one escapes.

The horror turns into humor, the end-of-the-world scenario ends in farce.

The Elder Ones, expecting an easy victory over the puny, medieval humans, find themselves chopped apart by Angels, Red Gooed by the Red Army (which turns them into Red Goo Monsters, and forces the Elder Ones to serve humans!!! That has got to be a first!), and as for the Dead ... they put their hands right THROUGH the flesh of the Elder Ones, and proceed to pull assorted internal organs right out of their bodies - internal organs even the Elder Ones require, such as their brains, hearts, and the like.

Those Elder Ones that somehow manage to break through the Angels, the Dead, and the Red Army, meet the armies of Oerth, led by Hazen, Iuz, Bigby, the God Emperor, Kalanyr, Vaeregoth, Kas, Shyntara, and all the rest of Oerth's great heroes and villains.
Complete with special magical protections against insanity.
And with high powered, magical weapons ... you know, like magical rockets, magical machine guns, magical artillery and mortars, magical tanks, and when all else fails, some really nasty magical swords.

The hapless Elder Ones are slaughtered.
Those that try to run from one force, run right into another force.
Those that try to run downward into the planet, run into the formians.
Those that try to run back upward, run into the Angels.
Those that try to go to other Planes, run into a very large, very angry githyanki army that was put there as Welcoming Party Number 4.

In the end, not a single one escapes.
The Elder Ones, are destroyed, down to the least, and down to the very last.

- - -

For Lord Melkor, it is back to the old drawing board.
By the way, he is only dead for one day In Character.
Suicide doesn't kill him for very long - to kill Lord Melkor for any important length of time is going to require that someone else kill him beside himself.
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First Post
Wow, you guys have been busy!

Okay, *fine*. I suppose a little nuke action is called for -- but only if I know that it's going to help.

And given that the Angels have been my buds, they'll know.

After confirming with them that sending a few thousand 500 megaton nukes at the Elder Ones will actually help (and they won't just bounce off), I'll do it.

We have a more pressing issue. It's highly doubtful that we'll defeat them. We need to figure out how to get them behind the damn wall again.

Edena, what to the Angels tell me about this? What kind of ritual would be necessary to trap the Elder Gods once again?

Going to sleep now . . . be back tomorrow afternoon.

William Ronald


Are there any weapons, artifacts, or relics that are known to be particularly effective against the Elder Ones. Hazen will ask people to try to find them.

Kalanyr and Spoof: Another benefit of focusing the energy that Gnomeworks missiles will release onto the Elder Ones (and if possible, the Red Army) is that it will spare Oerth environmental damage and possibly spare allied troops.

Hazen will continue fighting the Elder Ones. Is the Red Army fighting the Elder Ones.

Also, if all of Melkor's worshippers on Toril committed suicide, that should reduce his PL greatly. Or possibly, Melkor may have eliminated his faction.

(Hmm, Edena answered my questions. I guess it is back to eliminating the Red Army. Change target if the Red Army continues its attacks. Try to protect Mina. (That ought to shock her.):D )
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First Post
Welcome back, Forrester! Cheers! (and you came back in style too ... heh, Forrester-style!)

The Wall resealed itself in minutes. No more Elder Ones come through the breach.

Now, of course, Lord Melkor can off himself tomorrow, after he returns, and we can go through this all over again ... (considering he will come back the day after that, and he could thus off himself once per day, this could be messy ... :D )

Of course, Oerth is out of Groundpounders ... but the United Commonwealth of Toril would have them by the millions.
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"Well since Melkor is dealt with and the Elder Ones, I suggest we take this opportunuty to deal with the Red Goo and the Devils. Charge!"

We attack the Red Armada and the Devils primarily, the demons get third priority.

"For Oerth, For Freedom, For Eillisteraee, For Kalanyr! Peace to the Tormented Souls and Death to the Devils! Charge!"


First Post
The Devils, 20,000 PL strong, return the favor, counterattacking Kalanyr's much smaller force.

But the Angels and the demons, and the Army of Iuz, and the Formians, are also fighting the Devils.

The Devils are outnumbered and outmatched.

- - -

The Red Army blasts it's way through all the Angelic defenses, and begins it's murderous march across the Flanaess.
It is time, states the Red Army, to do some serious reconfiguring of the planet, and to seriously hurt some people.

Edena, why you ignore appearance of my forces? Also note that I allowed Red Army to free their brethren imprisoned in my Red Goo Suplies, I assume another 10 000 pl for them?
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Just out of interest why can 20PL of sacrifice release 200000PL a day when 1200 PL can't even stop the Blood Waste?


Wall>Elder Ones>Red Armada>1200PL

So how does 20PL breach this wall?

Also out of interest and OOC does a bush somewhere on Oerth get divine ascension? just asking about a theory of mine. I know it seems irrelevent I have my reasons thought. :)

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