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Battletech/Mechwarrior: "Days of the Jackal"

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First Post
McKenzie Steiner

Athletic (18-BLD-REF)
Physical (18-REF-INT)
Mental (18-INT-LRN)
Social (18-INT-CHA)

(BLD) - 3
(REF) - 6
(INT) - 6
(LRN) - 4
(CHA) - 5

Athletic (+9)
Physical (6+)
Mental (8+)
Social (7+)

Bureaucracy 2 (5+)
Career/Soldier 1 (7+)
Gunnery 3 (3+)
First Aid 1 (7+)
Leadership 2 (5+)
Perception 1 (7+)
Piloting 3 (3+)
Protocol/ Lyran Commonwealth 2 (5+)
SI/Lyran Battlemechs 1 (7+)
SI/Lyran Commonwealth history 3 (5+)
S/I: Steiner Politics 2 (6+) [They pretty much consumed her childhood]
S/I: Kurita BattleMechs 1 (7+) [Know thy Foe, knowledge picked up on Tamar]
Small Arms 1 (5+)
Stealth 1 (5+)
Technician Specialized (Wolfhound) 2 (6+)
Tactics 1 (7+)

Combat Sense
3pt - Contact, The Character's aunt, Nondi Steiner
1pt - Contact, Hauptmann Michelle Cameron, Mckenzie's roommate on Tamar
Well Connected: Tamar Protectorate

German, Native
S/I 2 EnglishEquipment:

Needler Pistol
Laser Sight
Needler Ammo x2

Camo military Fatigues
Jumpsuit x2
Combat Boots

Military Communicator
Basic Field kit


First Post
Kevin Mayne (call sign, 'Vault')

Kevin has grey-blue eyes, short dark brown hair, and seems fitter than most. He sports a small moustache and goatee, but they're red, which makes an interesting comparison with his hair. He is always wearing fairly heavy clothes (trenchcoat, boots, etc.) unless the situation makes it impossible. He possesses a couple of tatoos, one an ancient celtic pattern going around his upper right arm. The other is a celtic cross on his left forearm. He bears a few knicks and scratches from his time in a military academy, but no significant scars.

Kevin doesn't see himself as a leader. In fact he's quite happy taking a supporting role. He will obey orders without problem, but will offer ideas and advice if he thinks he has a better solution. He can be fiercely loyal towards those whom he considers comrades, and will always follow whomever he feels is acting in the best interests of the company and their objectives. While he feels no real urge to lead, he does feel that he must prove himself as a mech pilot, which leads him to volunteering for more difficult roles in combat.

Born in 3000, Kevin Mayne was put up for adoption by parents who couldn't afford a child at the time. Finding no immediate takers he spent his childhood years in an orphanage, and though unable to attend any of the costly nearby schools, managed to give himself a basic education with what little resources were available.

Not long after the civil war, a very wealthy elderly couple came by the orphange in search of a child to adopt. They had lost just about all the family they had during the civil war, children and grandchildren, and didn't want to have noone left. Kevin made a very good impression on them and after a couple of weeks going from orphange to orphange they returned and decided to adopt him. He eagerly took on their last name, as he lacked one up to that point.

The Maynes were a well-known family before the civil war, but during the war the family was split in two as different members joined either side. In the end everyone except the eldest two family members died. Their last surviving family member after the war, their first-born son, was executed as a traitor. He was one of Anton Murik's highest ranking officers. Though three of their children died heroically on the side of Janos Murik, it was the eldest son's death which was heard about the most. Their reputation was ruined but they still had considerable finances with which to live out the remainder of their lives. They decided to adopt a child, in the hope they'd grow up to restore the family name.

The Maynes spared no expense on Kevin's education, paying for him to attend the Allison Mechwarrior Institute, where he excelled amoungst his colleagues. While he was at the institute though the Mayne's were claimed by old age, the husband went first, and the wife not long after, leaving Kevin with a sizable inheritance. After graduating, he purchased a brand new CN9-A Centurion for himself, and an assortment of other high quality equipment.

His contract though was somewhat different than most others, and as part of a kind of good-will agreement he wasn't assigned to the Murik Militia but to the 21st Centuari Lancers. Kevin estimates that by providing the Lancers with well trained mech pilots the Free Worlds League had hoped to be on the Lancers' good side next time they offered them a contract.

During his time with the Lancers he earned himself a reputation amoungst them a trustworthy guy with a mean trigger finger, but more importantly, as a very good medic. As a medic he was privy to many things, and with his respectable ability to keep these things secret when they needed to be, he earned the call sign 'Vault' in reference to most company members referring to him as a sealed vault of information.

After his contract with the Lancers expired, he moved on to find another company, and found this one just as it was forming.

Mech: CN9-A Centurion
Named Tsunami, its painted a dull dark blue with randomnly scattered lighter blue stripes (it's a colour scheme in Mechwarrior 4, forgot what it's called).

Stats: A1

-Attributes (30)
Build (BLD) 4
Reflexes (REF) 6
Intuition (INT) 6
Learning (LRN) 4
Charisma (CHA) 4

Athletic 8+
Physical 6+
Mental 8+
Social 8+

-Skills (20+4):

Athletic Skills:
Unarmed Combat 1 (7+)

Mental Skills:
Technician/Mech 1 (7+)
Technician/Weapons 1 (7+)
Perception 2 (6+)
SI/Free Worlds League History 2 (6+)
Demolitions 2 (6+)
Medtech 4 (4+)

Physical Skills:
Quickdraw 2 (4+)
Stealth 1 (5+)
Gunnery/Mech 2 (4+)
Pilot/Mech 2 (4+)
Small Arms 3 (+3)

Social Skills:
Protocol/FWL 3 (5+)
Protocol/LC 1 (7+)
Negotiation 2 (6+)
Interrogation 1 (7+)
Seduction 1 (7+)

English (native)
Spanish 2
German 2

-Advantages (1):
Wealth 1
Well-Equipped 2
Contact (friend in the Cantauri Lancers) 1
Edge 1

Equipment: 5000 cb
3x Casual Outfit
1x Trenchcoat (modified)
2x Jumpsuit
1x Camouflage Fatigues (urban)
1x Dress Uniform
Combat Boots
Vest, Ablative/Flak (worn under other clothing)
Microcommunicator (hidden in watch)
Military Communicator
Demolition Kit
3x C8 Blasting Block
2x Pentaglycerine
Medkit, Advanced
Rangefinding Binoculars
Personal Computer
Nightvision Goggles
Slug-Thrower Maintenance Kit
Holsters, spare magazines, etc.
Gyroslug Carbine 20/20 (resembles a bolter from Warhammer 40K) (laser sight, telescopic scope)
4x Spare Magazine
Submachinegun (resembles MP7) 50/50 (suppressor, laser sight)
4x Spare Magazine
Auto Pistol, Magnum (resembles .440 CorBon Desert Eagle) 8/8 (suppressor, laser sight)
5x Spare Magazine
Tranq Gun (10/10) (laser sight)
4x Spare Magazine
3x Standard Grenade
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First Post
Yuriko Urushihara

The Urushihara family had served the Dragon for almost two centuries and Yuriko was raised to one day follow in the footsteps of her father and pilot the family's Phoenix Hawk LAM.
Despite this proud tradition of service, the Urushiharas had encountered the ingrained prejudices of Combine society, mainly because they had earned their place in the buke class with their martial deeds for House Kurita and not by the virtue of their lineage. Because of this the family had often faced the contempt of those who called themselves �Samurai� only for their noble blood.
Their answer had always been the same: Honour comes from within and not from a single badge, name or title. The heart of the true warrior finds its own fulfilment in service to the Dragon.

With the birth of their daughter, the family had relocated to Vipaava in the Rasalhague District. While they had multiple reasons for this, most important to them was the future fate of their daughter, as Huang Urushihara hoped to ensure a place (and a proper education) for her at the Rasalhague Military Academy with some help from friends he made in his own academy days. Her parents had also hoped that the less rigid structures of society here would provide their daughter a chance to grow up and find her destiny on her own, free from any outside influence. They were overjoyed at Yuriko�s decision to follow the family�s warrior tradition.

Normally children of the family only inherited the priceless machine when the previous pilot died in combat or retired. Yuriko was thus expecting at least five more years of training after graduating from the Rasalhague Academy before she would claim her inheritance.

Despite the bias against women that to some extent existed even here, she finally reached her most important goal and finished the Academy in early 3026 at the age of 21. Since it would be a long time till she might have to apply what she had learned in actual combat situations beyond mock battles and routine drills, Yuriko felt no worry about serving in the DCMS without the family�s Phoenix, despite her not looking forward to the bias in the military. But she knew her duty was to the Dragon.

She returned home for a short visit to her family before she would have to leave for her first assignment.

All that she expected of her future changed in her second night at home. She was woken by a servant and was only told that soldiers of the Combine had come for her family. She was then led to her father. He told her they'd been accused of treason against the Combine and the Coordinator and that the soldiers had come to arrest them. He would face them as his honour and his duty demanded but he would send his most loyal servants to get her away. The last thing she ever saw of her father was when he walked out in his dress uniform with his two swords, earned at the Sun Tzu School of Combat, at his side to face the soldiers.

Yuriko herself was brought to the spaceport there Ikazuchi, the families ancient Phoenix Hawk LAM, was currently stationed and got away with the help of family friends who worked the guard shifts that night.

With her own Aerospace flyer, leaving the surface behind was not a problem and she managed to get away by travelling faster than the news of her family's disgrace; later she crossed the borders of the Combine into the Periphery to obscure her tracks even more thoroughly. Hiding like that felt like a terribe shame for her but disobeying her father�s orders was absolutely out of question and the thought of the Phoenix Hawk LAM leaving her family's possession unthinkable. Since she determined that her own pride is nothing compared to the importance of her families heritage Yuriko decided to do the unthinkable and crossed into Steiner territory, hoping that any possible pursuers left would drop the chase there. After all she was no one important.

She has no idea of what really happened that night and no proof that her
family was really innocent but in her mind the only possibility is that others have set it all up to disgrace them. Since the day she left Vipaava Yuriko never wasted even one thought on the chance that her father might indeed have committed a crime.
Currently she just struggles to survive and tries to think of a way to get
everything back in order again. Since she has run out of money she is now
searching for work and since the Phoenix tends to consume ridiculous sums of upkeep - even when she just wanted to store him safely - and lacking any other skills she has finally decided to live with the disgrace of working as a mercenary. Then her family calls for her (and she has not doubt that will happen) she does not intend to be without resources.
Currently she has no idea what to do; the society around her confuses her and she has no idea what to do with all that strange free time.
To her own surprise she quite liked her travels through space and the way her work was appreciated there. The only thing she was used to is constant criticism.
Now she is trying to decide for herself what to think of the people out here.

Personality: Yuriko is perfectly confident in her abilitys, anything less would be an insult to her teachers. Normaly she would not be arrogant but years of living under combine propaganda have left their marks and she thinks of herself as superior to anyone from the other regions.
She is quiet and stays for herself most of the time which is not because she does not like the people around her but because she was taught that is the way to behave.

-Attributes (30)
Build (BLD) -4
Reflexes (REF) -6
Intuition (INT) - 5
Learning (LRN) -5
Charisma (CHA) -5

Athletic 8
Physical 7
Mental 8
Social 8

-Skills (20+4):

(LAM Academy Package 18 Points)
Gunnery/Mech 2 (5+)
Gunnery/Aero 2 (5+)
Pilot/Mech 3 (4+)
Pilot/Aero 3 (4+)
Small Arms 1 (+6)
Medtech 1 (7+)
Technician/Aero 1 (7+)

Blade 4 (4+) [Natural Aptitude]

Acrobatics 3 (5+)
Archery 1 (7+)
Gunnery/Space 1(6+)
Navigation 1 (7+)
Piloting/Space 1 (6+)
Quickdraw 1 (6+)
Unarmed Combat 3 (5+)
Stealth 1
Protocol 1
Career/Ship Crew 1 (7+)
SI/Draconis Combine History 2 (6+)
SI/Oral Traditions (Myths & Legends) 2 (6+)
SI/Origami (6+) [Yuriko can fold quite beautiful figure out of simple paper.]
SI/Tea ceremony 1 (7+)
SI/Singing (traditional) 1 (7+)

Japanese (native)
English 2
Svedenese 1

-Advantages (1):
Extra Edge
Natural Aptitude (Blade)
Unique Item: "Steel Claw" (Katana)

Quirk: Honorable

Basic Necessities
(some clothes and she even has her own toothbrush.) 50 Cb
Holdout Pistol 20 Cb / 1 Cb
Silencer 25 Cb
Medkit 10 Cb
2x Jumpsuit
1x Camouflage Fatigue
Katana (the steel claw)

-Mech: Ikazuchi (Phoenix-Hawk LAM)

-Lifepath rolls:
"9" (of 12)
Spacers only rarely accept outsiders into their small circle but once it turned out that you are a natural, the ice was broken.


Lacking money, you often had to work for your passages.

Career/Ship Crew 1, Gunnery/Space 1, Navigation 1, Piloting/Space 1

But the humour of being called "Ship's Monkey" or "Space Monkey" completely eluded you.

Acrobatics 3, 'Zero-G Mastery'

"12" (of 12)

In 2396 the famous swordsmith Ieyoshi Hidetsu celebrated the begin of the reign of Robert Kurita, 4th Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, by forging a sword to symbolize the Might of the Dragon. Over the 600 years later the Kurita line and the Combine still stand strong and so does the "Steel Claw".

It's last owner had willed the blade to the one 'most skilled in the ancient ways of the warrior' and you surprised everyone.

Unarmed 3; Increase Blade to level 4; Natural Aptitude (Blade), Unique Item
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Alexander Karner


Athletic 9+
Physical 6+
Mental 6+
Social 9+

Unarmed 1

Gunnery/Mech 3
Pilot/Mech 2
Small Arms 2

Technician/Mech 3
Medtech 1
Computer 2
Cryptography 1
Security Systems 1
Communications 1
Tatics 1
Perception 1
Engineering 1
SI/ Federated Suns History 1
SI/Star League History 2
SI/German 2
SI/Mech Manufacturers 1

Protocol/Federated Suns 1

Edge 1

Advantages: Reputation, Contact 2, Wealth 1, Well Equipped 2

Equipment: Magnum Autopistol, 3 Reloads, Advanced Field Kit, Medkit, Knife, 2 jump suits, 1 camo fatigues, combat boots, 2 locked black field cases.

20 CBills left

Mech: Wolverine WVR-6K "Dragonslayer"

Apperance: Alex is tall with platinum blond hair and blue eyes. He wears his hair short and shaved on the sides to provide better contacts for his neurohelmet. He is of average build for someone who has spent their life in military service. When working on electronics or reviewing the latest technical readouts he often wears round framed reading glasses.

Background: Alex grew up in a wealthy family on New Avalon in the Federated Suns. When word was announced that the New Avalon Institute of Science was opening, Alex applied and was accepted. While there he accelled at both the martial and mental aspect of soldiery. Upon graduation Alex was gifted with his families Wolverine 6K, a traditionally Draconis Mech that they had salvaged in combat, named Dragonslayer. He went on to defend the Federated Suns from many Draconis Combine raids, even seeing combat against the legendary Swords of Light Regiments.

Alex has since left the AFFS for reasons he will not discuss. He is currently looking to join a mercernary company.
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Wei Hasic

Wei Hasic

A2 - 30 points attributes, 20 points skills, 2 advantages,


Build (BLD) - 3 (3 points)
Reflexes (REF) - 6 (6 points)
Intuition (INT) - 6 (12 points)
Learning (LRN) - 4 (4 points)
Charisma (CHA) - 5 (5 points)

Athletic (18-BLD-REF) - 9+
Physical (18-REF-INT) - 6+
Mental (18-INT-LRN) - 8+
Social (18-INT-CHA) - 7+


Contact 1 (LP#1)
Reputation 1
Night Vision (LP#2)
Sensor Mastery (LP#2)
Title 1 (Heir to Baronet)
Well Connected 1 (LP#1)


"Mechwarrior Package" (13 points)

Athletic 9+
Blade 1/8+ (+1 point)
Running 1/8+ (LP #1)
Unarmed Combat 2/7+
Physical 6+
Gunnery/mech 2/4+
Piloting/mech 3/3+ (+3 points)
Small Arms 2/4+
Mental 8+
Appraisal 1/7+ (LP#1)
Career/mercenary 2/6+ (bonus soft)
Preception 4/4+ (LP#2)
SI/Capellan Sphere 2/6+ (LP#1)
Survival 1/7+
Tactics 1/7+ (+1 point)
Technician/Mech 1/7+
Social 7+
Bureaucracy 1/6+ (LP#1)
Leadership 1/6+
Negotiate 2/5+ (+1 point)(LP#1)
Protocol/Underworld 1/6+ (LP#1)
Protocol/Military 1/6+ (LP#1)
Protocol/House 1/6+ (bonus soft)
Scrounge 2/5+ (LP#1)
Streetwise 2/5+ (+1 point)(LP#1)


Shoulder holster with 2 mag holders, 2 mags and 30 rounds of ammo.
Flac Vest
Military Communicator
Jumpsuit x2
Combat Fatigues (Urban Grey)
Micro Grenade x2


Hasic's grandfather couldn't pick the winning team in a football match if he was given two chances. Hasic's father inherited the mans 'gift'. The House survived just long enough for Hasic to grow old enough to understand what was happening when it crashed onto the traditionally rocky shoals of Capellan politics.

The disaster caught the family scattered around the Confederation. Hasic was staying with his Uncle Hsien. Uncle Hsien fled the disaster with the intention of finding fortune, glory and restoration as a mercenary. He took Hasic with him. Hasic's uncle always intended to take the boy back, but events seem to conspire at every turn to keep moving them further afield.

The next half a dozen years had their ups and downs, but by the time Hasic reached his majority, his uncle had built up a tri of light mechs. Hasic had a year in the hot seat under his belt before he was legally able to drink. By the time Uncle Hsien died, Hasic was an already an experienced campaigner. And he hadn't seen his family for 6 years.

The encounter that killed Uncle Hsien also pretty much wiped out the tri. Hasic, having managed to save his Locust, went freelance. Over the next two years he established something of a reputation as a pilot. There were offers to join units, but none of them felt right. He misses his Uncle at times, but doesn't mourn him. The man wasn't an idiot. Actually, he was a good pilot and a damn fine gunner. And he knew what the deal was when he climbed into the cockpit. As does Hasic.

How a man who can stuff his entire life into a single duffle bag can also own a mech, even a light one, is probably beyond some people's comprehension. For Hasic, its the only life he knows. He calls that mech 'god gave a turtle'. Its a merc joke. Today, its a patchwork of different coloured parts and panels, many still bearing the marking and insignias of their previous owner.
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Jacob Lowry, a Drifting Mercenary

Jake's Story
Jake doesn't really come from anyplace in particular, and so it fits that he doesn't really know where he's going. His parents had some nondescript life in some nondescript part of the Sphere. He was recognized for his natural aptitude and eventually joined a mechwarrior academy, graduating with decent marks. Always something of a wanderer, he didn't much care for the regimented military lifestyle, so he served his time and then left, taking a job as fire support in a mercenary unit. At the moment, he doesn't really have any strong aspirations in life; in some ways even though he's almost thirty-five he's still trying to figure out what he really wants. Since the beginning of his mercenary 'career' he's developed a reputation for almost supernaturally detecting ambushes, which lead him to adopt his tongue-in-cheek callsign, 'Canary' (think coal mining).

Physical Description
About 6'2" and powerfully built, Jake usually wears a simple quasimilitary pilot suit (the kind with lots of zippered or velcroed pockets, and quite broken-in), boots, and a beat-up old yellow ballcap reading "VOX". His dark hair he keeps relatively short, but it tends to be somewhat messy. He's never sported a beard or mustache. His hazel eyes aren't very exciting, but he does seem to have a piercing gaze. His ordinary face usually doesn't give much of his feelings away, and some have called him quiet or thoughtful. Most people are surprised by his uncanny reflexes, though he rarely needs or uses them (outside his mech, that is).

He's from the Free Worlds League, one of the smaller, less-inhabited worlds, Simpson's Desert. His mother was a botanist, and his father worked as a manager in a smallish manufacturing facility.

Jake wasn't really a farmboy, but definitely a suburbanite growing up. He took a test at school, and they said that instead of college he should become a mechwarrior, so he did. His parents were happy about that, because it brought some prestige to an otherwise ordinary family, but they had a falling-out once Jake decided to leave the military. Truth is, Jake's parents raised him too well: Jake knew he wasn't really happy with the military lifestyle, and some of the things they'd ordered him to do didn't sit right with his conscience, so he left, and screw the stability of a regular paycheck.

But his impulse, though well-founded, didn't point him towards anything, only away from what he knew would be a soldier's grave. He's now a mercenary, since that's what happens to good mech pilots who don't really have a good direction in life. He's been relatively successful, in that he's not dead, owns a Battlemech, and makes enough money to send some home now and again, but his relationship with his family has been cool ever since.

He learned to play the harmonica from his uncle, who played in the family band (not a professional money-making kind, his is the kind of family that was sort of musical in general). He especially loves the blues cross-harp style of playing. As he puts it, it's "music with a little meat on it, you know?"

Jake's Figures:
Attributes: 27 points
    BLD 4
    REF 6
    INT 5
    LRN 4
    CHA 3

    Athletic 8+
    Physical 7+
    Mental 9+
    Social 10+

    16 points (Academy Package + 1 point
    Extra Stuff (2 Language, 4 SI, Life Path)
        Unarmed Combat 1 (7+)
        Climbing 2 (6+)
        Running 2 (6+)
        Swimming 1 (7+)
        Gunnery/mech 3 (4+)
        Piloting/mech 3 (4+)
        Small Arms 2 (5+)
        Drive 1 (6+)
        Communications 1 (8+)
        Computer 1 (8+)
        Technician (Battlemechs) 2 (7+)
        MedTech 2 (7+)
        Survival 2 (7+)
        Tracking 2 (7+)
        Perception 2 (7+)
        Language English (native)
        Language Urdu 2 (7+)
        Cooking 1 (8+) (especially Simpson's Delight)
        Harmonica 2 (7+) (blues cross-harp)
        Negotiation 1 (9+)

    Extra Edge
    Extra Edge
    Sixth Sense

Gear (200 Cb worth):
    2 Jumpsuits 
        (both worn out and patched in a few places, probably used to be green.
        Or maybe brown. It's hard to tell.)
    Camouflage Fatigues 
        (relatively wrinkled due to unuse, he still keeps 'em as a memento 
        of his basic training)
    Automatic Pistol (Magnum)
    three clips of ammunition
    Micro Grenades (2)
    Harmonica (Hohner Diatonic Major)
    Basic Field Kit
    Basic Med Kit
    Life Junk
        VOX baseball cap
        underpants (several pairs)
        a book or two
        a dog-eared battlemech field identification manual
        some audio recordings
        a deck of playing cards
        various other miscellany

Jake's Battlemech:

Jake owns outright a well-used but rugged Warhammer, through several long years of hard, dangerous mercenary work. He's been through a lot with it, and has named it 'Mjollnir'. Mjollnir (literally "that smashes" in old Norse) is the name of Thor's magical golden hammer. It is said that lightning flashed when the god hurled it at his enemies. Since Mjollnir is (currently) painted in a sandy desert camo color scheme, and because it's primary weapons are a pair of PPCs, the name fits. The left-hand PPC he's named 'Modi' and the right 'Magni' after Thor's sons.
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First Post
Ryan Dale

A3 (30 stats, 16 skills, 1 advantage)

Build 4
Reflexes 6
Intuition 6
Learning 6
Charisma 2

Athletic (8)
Physical (6)
Mental (6)
Social (10)

Gunnery/Mech 4 (2+)
Pilot/Mech/ 2 (4+)
Small Arms 2 (4+)
Career/Farmer 2 (4+)
Drive 2 (4+)
Gambling 2 (4+)
Technician/Mech 1 (5+)
Survival 1 (5+)
Perception 1 (5+)
Sneak 1 (5+)
SI/Agriculture 1 (5+)
Tactics 1 (5+)
Unarmed 1 (7+)
Scrounge 1 (9+)
Streetwise 1 (9+)

Extra Edge (2)
Wealth (2)

Revolver, Magnum (60)
10 Ammo (30)
Laser Sight (25)
Field Kit, Basic (10)
2 Jumpsuits (0)
2 Camo Fatigues (30)

Starting Wealth
50,045 CB

Mech: Marauder Mad-3D "Hunter"

Appearance, Attitude, and History:
Ryan looks like he's in his late teens or early twenties. He has a
mass of wild dark brown hair that looks like it has never seen a
comb. His body is in very good shape and it shows even through the
combat fatigues he is never seen without.

Outside his mech Ryan often acts like a little child. He is very
shy around large numbers of people and is completely lost in a big
city. Inside his mech or when hunting, however, it is a very
different story. Ryan becomes very calm and expressionless. He
performs his tasks with deadly seriousness and to the best of his

Ryan Dale grew up on a colony world. He was the son of a farmer but
spent most of his time hunting, whether his father wanted him to or
not. One day while out hunting he came across a Davion outpost. The
outpost had long since been abondoned but there were still a few
valuable things there. Most noticably a very beat up Marauder

Ryan started to try and fix the mech and discovered something very
useful. He was naturally good at fixing mechs. Despite his talent
it still took several years to scrounge up all the necessary
equipment and put it on the mech. In the end it was worth it
however. He had a fully functional 75 ton walking death machine to
call his own. Now if only he knew how to use it.
Ryan began to practice with his mech and discovered something even
more useful. He was exceptionally good at piloting mechs. After a
bit of fiddling with the controls he was using the mech like a
second skin.

He named the mech "Hunter" and spent all his spare time training
with it. There were no other mechs to fight on his home planet but
he got some decent training hunting his planet's desert runners, a
species of flightless birds (think Ostrich, only faster). The
runners didn't fight back but they were small and fast so they made
good target practice. Ryan also spent a lot of time playing mech
simulations on the outpost's equipment. He soon became a very good,
if unexperienced, mech pilot.

Ryan is now a young adult and is ready to do something with his
life. He won a free trip to Solaris (and a large wad of cash)
gambling with the captain of one of the infrequent jumpships that
came to the planet. Now he's in his first big city, and ready to
begin his true calling as a warrior.

Mike D F

First Post
Samuel "Ironside" Harrison

B1: 27 pts. attributes, 24 points skills, 2 pt. advantages, light BattleMech


Build: 4 (8+)
Reflexes: 5 (7+)
Intuition: 6 (6+)
Learning: 4 (8+)
Charisma: 2 (10+)


Athletic: 9+
Physical: 7+
Mental: 8+
Social: 10+


Natural Aptitude: Tactics


Transit Disorientation Syndrome
Lost Limbs: Samuel will suffer a +1 modifier to some skill check involving his left arm and leg, including gunnery for weapons on his 'mech's left side, and a -1 initiative penalty.


Gunnery/BattleMech: 4 (3+)
Piloting/BattleMech: 3 (4+)
Small Arms: 2 (5+)
Medtech: 1 (7+)
Survival: 2 (6+)
Unarmed Combat: 2 (7+)
Perception: 1 (7+)
Tactics: 2 (6+)
Training: 1 (9+)
Protocol/TC: 2 (8+)
Throwing Weapons: 1 (6+)
Career: Cabinatery: 1 (7+)
SI: Rock & Roll Music: 2 (6+)
SI/History of the TC: 2 (6+)
SI/Border Tales: 3 (5+)

Edge: 1


Pump Shotgun, with 10 reloads and barrel mounted flashlight. ($60)
Holdout Pistol, with 5 reloads, ($25)
2 MiniGrenades ($20)
3 MicroGrenades ($6)
Combat boot ;) ($24)
Dress Uniform ($45)
2 Jumpsuits ($0)
Camoflage Fatigues ($0)
Medkit ($10)
Basic Field Kit ($10)

BattleMech: JVN-10F Fire Javelin

Born in the Taurian Concordant, this Periphery native is in his early 40s. Stockily built, his most identifiable features are his wide array of bionics. His left arm, leg, and glowing red eye are all cybernetic replacements. In addition, much of his ribcage is a plastic and metal sheath, most of his teeth are replacements, and his skull sports several metal plates. His body, especially his left side is extensively scarred, with both burns and ragged shrapnel pits and furrows. His military cut short hair is greying to a salt and pepper, as is his bushy mustache. His remaining eye is green, set in what could have been a fairly ordinary face. He talks in a gravelly rasping growl, the result of damage to his throat.

His clothing tends to vary, sometimes using his old uniforms, sometimes civilian. Most often, he wears the camo fatigues and black beret he wore out in the field from his days in the Taurian Military, occasionally switching to the blue tunic with silver trim and black trousers that used to be his standard uniform. In all cases, unit and other insignia have all been remove, save for his Hyades Heart, a medal awarded to those who make great sacrifices on the Concordant's behalf. He usually wears a single army boot, figuring a second for his steel left foot unneccessary.

His personality tends toward the cynical and bitter. He is irritable and caustic. However, he tends knows what he's doing with two decades of service under his belt and is willing to share his hard earned knowledge. He does display a sense of humor, and occasionally he'll let out a glimpse of the much better man he used to be. He usually has some sort of candy in his mouth. He claims it's to get rid of the metallic aftertaste he usually has in the back of his mouth. This is likely psychosomatic.

Born on a world of middling importance in the Taurian Concordant, Samuel lived a fairly normal life as the son of a carpenter. In his late teens, however, he received word that he inherited a BattleMech from a very distant relative. Interested in serving his nation, and with the use of a rare and valuable Awesome assault 'Mech, he attended an Academy, training under a particularly demanding sarjeant and graduated into the TDF. With an inherent capacity for second guessing opponents' actions and sense of humor he was well liked. He married and Astech at a young age, renaming his machine the "Lucy in the Sky" in her honor. He had a daughter, and life continued as he built an illustrious career of service, fairly average save for a minor jump accident that left him stranded for a short time, and induced an enduring dislike for hyperspace travel.

That all came crashing to a halt a few years back. The Davions raided the world he was stationed on. His lance was hit by flanking force of a company's worth of fast light and mediums. He attained several kills, but his machine was eventually worn down. He ejected just before it was destroyed. He landed unharmed and thanked his luck. Then an LRM went off to his left. He was far enough away to survive, but was torn apart by the blast. The Davion force was driven off, and he recieved medical help soon enough to save his life but was horribly scarred and required an extensive array of bionics. Neither he nor his wife coped well to the changes, and amidst his rising bitterness and emerging drinking problem they messilly divorced.

His problems increased and affected his proffessional life. Also, with his Awesome destroyed, he was using only a light, so his superiors were less inclined to tolerance. What friends he had left were able to get him medically discharged rather than dishonourably so. He eventually made his way to Solaris VII and cleaned up his alcoholism. The Dark Knight offer looks just to be just what he needs.

His 'Mech, the "Lucy in the Sky II", is a Fire Javelin, the medium laser toting variant on the SRM boat in service with the Federated Suns. He seethes at the downgrade from his Awesome . He still hasn't entirely adjustd. His new 'Mech is nearly twice as fast, has jumpjets, and has no where near the armor or armament he's used to. It is painted brown with tan stripes, featuring "noseart" depicting a pretty young woman, his ex-wife as she looked when they first met.

Voidrunner's Codex

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