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Sister of Stone, The Pillar, The Mason

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: A simple stone pillar
Home Plane: ?
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Lasting accomplishments, stone buildings, unity
Worshippers: Architects, lawful leaders and heads of state, members tight-knit orginizations
Cleric Alignments: Any lawful.
Domains: Earth, Law, Strength, Community*
Favored Weapon: None (unarmed strike)

Sela, one of the seven sisters, is a deity of that reveres lasting achievements from mortals above all else. She is a deity of walls, and friendship, and traditions, and lasting bonds. Her name is often invoked at the beginning of partnerships or signing of treaties, at the start of new construction, and similar occasions. Ironically, she herself rarely stays at one location, not so much wandering the land as moving purposefully from location to location, shepherding along her various worshippers and projects. Her aid is rarely overt, however- despite her position as one who encourages community, she also encourages self-sufficiency, and thus often takes the role of a teacher and encourages her servants to do likewise. Her lessons are hard as stone: she expects her followers to be able to weather whatever may comes their way, and while some question whether she and her followers are too harsh, they are known to ask whether they are harsh enough.

Although she is invoked by many races (dwarves and gnomes, notably) she is often said to favor humans. She admires their tenacity- despite their short lifespan, frail bodies, and fractious natures, they have an admirable tendency to achieve things that last. Sela's adherents are found most widely through human lands, as she attempts to teach and shepherd the human race into greater and greater things. Worship of Sela, however, has not always been met with open arms. Her tendency to support community, despite its seemingly benign nature, has caused her worship to be frowned upon in many cities- even street gangs are a form of unity she wholeheartedly supports, and she has, throughout the years, proudly counted members of thieves guilds and bandit gangs among her followers.

Sela has an appearance that commands respect, with long straight blond hair and hard grey eyes set in a strong face. Her tendency to eschew clothing- to be "as naked as stone"- whenever she can get away with it has occasionally gotten her, or her worshippers, in some amount of trouble around the issue of religious iconography. She sometimes appears in a stony form- literally statuesque. She will never start a fight, but will always finish it, and encourages her followers to do the same. She also eschews most ranged weapons in combat as 'cowardly', allowing only for muscle-powered armaments such as thrown weapons and slings. Some followers have liberally interpreted this to extend to bows, particularly of the mighty sort, although Sela probably regards this as dubious.

Community Domain
Granted power: +2 bonus on diplomacy checks and +1 leadership score for the purpose of accumulating followers.
4-Imbue with Spell Ability
5-Telepathic Bond
6-Hero's Feast
8-Mass Cure Critical Wounds

-Created by Pbartender

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The Keeper of the Labyrinth, The Grim Dealer

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Worshipers: Assassins, mages; those who play games of skill, occasionally gamblers
Domains: Evil, Law, Death, Knowledge
Favored Weapon: Playing Cards [treat as shurikens]
Home Plane/Domain: The Nine Hells of Baator/The Labyrinth
Pantheon: Enworldian
Divine Rank: 9 (Lesser)
Classes: Assassin, rogue, sorcerer, wizard
Portfolio: Games of skill
Special Possessions: The Labyrinth, a small board with platinum pieces that can trap its players within the game
Alternate Domains: None
Symbol: A black king chess piece over a white maze on a silver background

Jareth is the god of games. The games he favors are those that are one-on-one that require a great deal of skill; however, he looks upon all games as his domain. He takes each game seriously, be it a childish game of marbles or the 'game' of an assassin hunting down his prey. He has a great dislike for those who mock games, or those who flaunt them.

When he appears on the prime material plane, Jareth appears as a well-groomed gentleman with sleek black hair. He often carries implements of gaming: a travel-sized chessboard with exquisite pieces, a deck of ivory playing cards, a set of mithril-tipped darts, and the like.

Play well and to win. Never give quarter your enemies. Watch the movements of those who oppose you and learn from their ways; in this way can you gain advantage over them. Never underestimate the power of a game. Be cunning in all things, and never let your guard down. When a game is won, honor the winner, regardless of whether he is friend or foe. When judging a game, be impartial in all things – do not let personal bias interfere with a game. Obey all the rules of a game, but always remember to look for the loophole.

The followers of Jareth are almost always dressed in robes of black, white, and silver. They are easily identified by the black metal chess piece they wear around their neck, which is indicative of their rank in the church hierarchy: those who wear pawns are unimportant, but those who wear bishops or knights are more powerful. Only the high priest of Jareth is allowed to wear a queen; none are permitted to wear a king, as that is Jareth's personal symbol.

Jareth's priests are allowed to build temples in most places, so long as they obey the laws of the land – which they always do. His temples are often stocked with a variety of gaming implements, similar to the ones Jareth himself carries when he vists the prime material. His priests are also relatively common in places where gaming is a major trade, as they are highly useful in their ability to impartially judge all games they observe; they are usually carrying an assortment of gaming implements, though not usually of the same quality or quantity that Jareth carries.

Jarethian rites always involve a game of some sort, usually involving two people. Most of their rites are used to celebrate the opening of a gaming house, though some are used to test those who would become priests of Jareth; winning means induction into the order, and losing means death, for the would-be priest.

Jareth has little to do with most other deities – he keeps to himself. Deities who would get along with him are usually put off by his seriousness with games and his strict adherence to rules. He is known to occasionally work with Taka, whose double-crossing he considers an entertaining game; however, her chaotic nature irks him greatly, and any alliance between the two does not last long.

The church of Jareth is an old order, and has changed little since it's inception. Some say that it was Jareth himself who created the first games of chance, and his churches the first to house such things; if this is true, however, it cannot be proven.

The church of Jareth is a great and sprawling organization, something that is everpresent but rarely takes overt action. Their operatives are everywhere; their priests present in almost every gambling house across the face of the world.

Church hierarchy is a very important aspect of the church, and all of its followers respect it. The lowest members are known as Pawns of Jareth; from there, each priest chooses a path in the church: Rook, Knight, or Bishop. Rooks of Jareth ensure the protection of each church, dealing with local authorities and ensuring that the church can continue its operations unhindered. Knights of Jareth hunt down those who break their laws and codes; they also act as bouncers and judges at gambling houses. Bishops of Jareth are more concerned with the church itself, dealing with the internal affairs. Most often, a priest will first become a Pawn, then a Rook, then a Knight, then a Bishop; however, some specifically seek a position, and remain there, gathering power in that regard (see Jarethian Prestige Classes, below).

Above all of these is the Queen of Jareth. More often than not, the Queen of Jareth is a woman; however, there have been males that have held the position. The Queen of Jareth is the highest-ranking priest in the entire church hierarchy, and only one exists in the entire church.

Generally, an individual church has roughly eight Pawns, two Rooks, two Knights, and two Bishops. If there would be more than this in an individual church, those who would increase these numbers leave to make their own church in another region. In this manner, the church maintains a low profile, and therefore doesn't attract much attention. Traveling priests of Jareth are of any rank, and are usually in search of a new church to call home, or seek to found their own.

To enter the Church of Jareth, a person must be willing to subject themselves to those above them in the order – subordination is never tolerated. In addition, the would-be priest must pass a test.

To first enter the Church of Jareth, the would-be priest must succeed at a game of chess against one of the church's two Bishops. Failure results in death; success results in becoming a Pawn of Jareth.

In order to gain access to the higher ranks of the various suborders (Rook, Knight, Bishop), the priest must pass another test (these are described under Prestige Classes, below).

The goals of the church are often obscure; there are known only to the higher-ranked members of the church, typically Bishops and the Queen.

Jareth's goals are long-reaching and are always subtle – he and his disciples almost never take direct action, unless the opportune moment presents itself and there is no chance of failure. Jareth may be the god of gaming, but that only makes him more cautious in ensuring his odds.

One of Jareth's goals is to make the whole world indebted to him. Priests of Jareth, on occasion, loan money to gamblers to allow them to gamble; these debts are to be repaid in full. If the debtor has no money at the time the debt is to be collected, however, the priests of Jareth demand reparations in the form of a service. If the debtor refuses to perform these services, the Knights of Jareth hunt him down and execute him. More often than not, however, the debtor performs the service asked of him, as the actions of the church against those who cross it are well-known to those who frequent places they guard and watch over.

The nature of these services depends upon that particular church's needs. If they require rare items to construct a powerful magic item, they will send the debtor on a quest to collect them. The church rarely gives debtors a task they cannot handle, however, as such would be counter to their ends: they want more to be in debt to them, rather than fewer. In addition, they hope that such gratitude will bring the debtor back to them, asking for another loan, and therefore being able to provide another service for the church.

The church of Jareth follows his dogma unquestionably. To this end, a number of the priests in the church study the laws of the world in order to find the loopholes the teachings of Jareth speak of; they are known as the Secretseeker Sect.

These particular priests, who come from all ranks of the church, are often found throughout the world, unlike their normal church-bound brethren. They observe and record anything that could be of import, from great events to unusual weather patterns to other culture's superstitions; they also tend to have a great interest in arcane magic, which may be the loopholes of which Jareth speaks, and some priests go so far as to take arcane tutelage to learn more of the arcane. They often refer to themselves as Secretseekers of Jareth, and they rarely make distinctions between the ranks of the normal church hierarchy. Unlike other Jarethians, they do not usually form churches, and few settle in any one place for long. They also tend to be more chaotic than other Jarethians, but only in the sense that they move about the world; they are still unerringly lawful to his ways, and oftentimes watch over games they encounter in their travels.

All of the church of Jareth knows of this sect, and encourages those who show an aptitude for this line of research to pursue it. Churches of Jareth treat Secretseekers as brethren, and do not attempt to control their actions or give them direction in their studies, though they do expect them to occasionally fulfill their church-related duties while present, dependent upon their rank in the church.

-Created by GnomeWorks



Hit Die: d6

To qualify to become a trader, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Feats: Negotiator
Skills: Appraise 4, Diplomacy 6, Gather Information 4, Listen 4, Profession(Merchant) 8, Sense Motive 6, Spot 4

Class Skills
The trader’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All) (Int), Listen (Wis), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language(-), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Table: Trader

Level   BAB  Fort  Refl  Will  Special

 1st    +0    +0    +0    +2   Extra Language, Haggle (75%/110%)
 2nd    +1    +0    +0    +3   Bargain (95%), Extra Language, Vigilant +2
 3rd    +2    +1    +1    +3   Haggle (90%/120%), Extra Language, Haggle
 4th    +3    +1    +1    +4   Bargain (90%), Extra Language, Vigilant +4
 5th    +3    +1    +1    +4   Connected, Extra Language, Slippery Mind
Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the trader prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Trader gain no new proficiency.

Extra Language: Traders must constantly adapt to new markets, and so they must learn new languages with every new market. The Trader gains one new language at every level. This language can be chosen from any language that the character can gain access to.

Haggle: Bartering for the best prices when selling an item is the primary skill of a merchant. At 1st level the Trader becomes more skilled at finding prices within a Market. When selling items to a friendly buyer, the Trader can often gain an edge on the standard price, earning 110% of the item's market price instead of 100%. When trading with an indifferent buyer, the Trader sells items for 75% of the item's market price. These benefits increase to 120% and 90% at 4th level.

Special: Normally when trading with an indifferent market, items are sold for half their market price. When selling to a friendly market (such as when selling specific items on request) items are sold for 100% of their market price.

Bargain: Wise merchant's buy items at the lowest possible cost. At 2nd level the trader can buy any item from an indifferent merchant for 95% of the item's market price. At level 5, this ability improves to 90%.

Special: Normally items are purchased for 100% of their market price.

Vigilant: A Trader that understands his foes is more likely to succeed. Whether these foes are selling faulty goods, stealing and pilfering items, or keeping secrets, a vigilant Trader is more likely to win at his profession. At 2nd level, the trader receive +2 synergy bonus to Listen, Spot and Sense Motive. This bonus raise to +4 at level 4.

Connected: The Trader who makes the right connections can always find a solution to his problems. Choose 4+(Trader's Charisma modifier) skills from the Trader's class skills list. Once per week the Trader can take 20 on one of these skills, by using a network of contacts. After seven days, the check is resolved by the Trader's associates.

Example A: For instance, a knowledge (arcana) check could be replaced with a Connected (Knowledge: Arcana) check taking one week in place of a normal skill check.

Example B: A trader that wanted to thoroughly intimidate someone, but didn't want to be associated to the matter, could make a Connected (Intimidate) check and one week in order to resolve the problem.

Slippery Mind: As Rogue ability.

-Created by Velmont



Hit Die: d6.

To qualify to become a little sneak, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: Any Small or smaller race.
Feats: Alertness, Stealthy.
Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Listen 4 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, Search 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks.

Class Skills
The little sneak’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

[b]Table: Little Sneak[/b]

[b]Level   BAB  Fort  Refl  Will  Special[/b]

 1st    +0    +0    +2    +0   Stealth Mastery, Blind Sense 10 ft.
 2nd    +1    +0    +3    +0   Fast Movement +10 ft. 
 3rd    +2    +1    +3    +1   Sneak Attack +1d6, Blind Sight 5 ft. 
 4th    +3    +1    +4    +1   Traceless
 5th    +3    +1    +4    +1   Blind Sense 20 ft. 
 6th    +4    +2    +5    +2   Sneak Attack +2d6
 7th    +5    +2    +5    +2   Hide in Plain Sight, Blind Sight 10 ft.
 8th    +6    +2    +6    +2   Fast Movement +20 ft.
 9th    +6    +3    +6    +3   Sneak Attack +3d6, Blind Sense 30 ft. 
10th    +7    +3    +7    +3   Obscure Presence

Class Features
All of the following are Class Features of the little sneak prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Little sneaks gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Stealth Mastery: The arts of stealth are so ingrained in his way of life, that a little sneak constantly and consistantly moves stealthily without having to think about it. A little sneak may take 10 on hide and Move Silently checks even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so.

Blindsense (Su): In order to avoid detection, a little sneak must often get along without light sources. He develops keen senses to find his way even in the dark. At 1st level little sneaks gain blindsense with a range of 10 feet. At 5th level the range increases to 20 feet and at 9th level to 30 feet.

Fast Movement (Ex): When things go wrong, a little sneak must be able to escape as quickly and silently as possible. At 2nd level a sneak’s base land speed increases by +10 feet. At 8th level this bonus increases to +20 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the little sneak’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.

Blindsight (Su): A little sneak's heightened senses become so sharp as to develop almost into a sixth sense, allowing him to pinpoint nearby objects and creatures, even if he cannot see them. At 3rd level little sneaks gain blindsight with a range of 5 feet. At 7th level the range increases to 10 feet.

Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 at 3rd level and every third level thereafter (3rd, 6th, and 9th). If a little sneak gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.

Traceless (Ex): Little sneaks that can be easily tracked down rarely survive for long. Starting at 4th level a little sneak leaves no trail when moving at his base movement rate or less and cannot be tracked. He may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): For an expert little sneak, a blink of an eye is the only opportunity he needs to find a hiding place. A little sneak of 8th level or higher can use the Hide skill even while being observed, as long as he is within 10' of any cover or concealment.

Obscure Presence (Su): Masterful little sneaks are so inconspicuous, that they have a knack of blending into any setting. A 10th level little sneak can use the Hide skill, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment, as long as he is not being directly observed.

-Created by Jack Haggerty


The Falcon

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Worshipers: Thieves, deceivers, frauds; self-justifiers
Domains: Evil, Trickery, Luck
Favored Weapon: Spiked Chain
Home Plane/Domain: Gray Waste of Hades/The Truth of Lies
Pantheon: Enworldian
Divine Rank: Lesser
Classes: Bard, Rogue, Mercurial Initiate
Portfolio: Thievery, dishonesty with self
Special Possessions: Falcon’s Claw, a dire spiked chain that is capable of stealing memory.
Alternate Domains: Chaos
Symbol: A green falcon’s head on dark grey

Taka is the goddess of thievery – be it the theft of physical objects, or something more metaphysical, such as dreams or ideals – as well as the goddess of deceivers, those who deceive others and who deceive themselves. Taka is also known for being the source of a small religion that teaches that belief in the self will lead one to the truth, rather than following a deity.
Physically, Taka appears as a robed human woman, dressed in the garb an assassin would wear while on a job. She is also usually accompanied by a peregrine falcon, which sits upon her left shoulder.

Take only what you can steal without getting caught. Destroy the illusions of those who believe in them fully. The truth is a weapon – use it wisely. Falsehood is also a weapon, but be cautious in its use. True knowledge is something to be kept to the self; but knowledge of what is false is just as important. People believe what they can see; use this fact to your advantage.

The followers of Taka vary wildly, since they always disguise themselves in places where her worship is not openly acceptable – which is almost everywhere. A given temple and its clergy will generally disguise itself as a temple to another deity, though many choose to act as Mortalist temples. They often teach that mortals need not answer to any god, but only to themselves; they should act as they see fit. This teaching attempts to lead followers into a web of self-justification that they themselves created, hopefully leading them away from the worship of deities other than Taka (though the self-justifier is never aware that they are actually following Taka – once they do, they usually turn away from the teachings in question).

In regions where they exist, clergy in the temples will often work closely with mercurial initiates, allowing them to use the temple as a base of operations; this relationship is mutual, as the clergy gains knowledge and information from the initiates, while the initiates gain access to a place where they will be protected.

Takan rites are often incredibly subtle, filled with innuendo and double-meaning. Their purposes are often very obscure; though they may seem good-intentioned at first, their uses are often more sinister.

The legend of how Taka became the goddess of untruth is a relatively well-known one. It is said that, at first, Taka wished to create a race of beings to call her own; however, she lacked the creative energy to do so, and thus mimicked the efforts of the other deities. The other gods disapproved of such mockery, however, who viewed her efforts as an intrusion upon their domains. They punished Taka, and transformed her children into a naturally hideous race, capable of only changing their shape to mimic others: thus were the first doppelgangers born. Angered by this, Taka took the change in her offspring to heart, becoming like them in goal and form, and began her teaching of cognizance of truth and falsehood, reality and illusion; she also began disguising her followers and her clergy, giving them ways to lead the followers of other deities astray, in retribution for what they did to her efforts. Since then, Taka has been at odds with almost all other deities, working with them only so long as it served her needs.

-Created by GnomeWorks


The Stray Dog

Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: A trotting dog, usually of uncertain breed.
Home Plane: The roads on Enworld.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Portfolio: People without home or ancestry, possessions lacking ownership. Anything or anyone that's been lost.
Worshippers: Gypsies, bastards, orphans and other homeless wanderers who have been left to their own fate. Occasionally rogues and thieves.
Cleric Alignments: Any non-evil, non-lawful.
Domains: Luck, Travel, Trickery.
Favored Weapon: "Hound's Tooth" (bastard sword).

Mongrel is a carefree god. Released from the constraints of relations and responsibilities, he urges his followers, the estranged and disinherited, to make a family of each other and an estate of lost salvage. By their very nature his worshippers live day-to-day on the virtue of their own wits and skills. He can occasionally be found in his earthly aspect, wandering the byways of Enworld as a friendly stray dog.

History/Relationships: Mongrel is the bastard son of Taka and Grendath. Much as she wished to have her race of followers, she desired to have a child all her own. Yet even so, the only god willing to take a chance on her proposal was the risk-taking Grendath. After one hundred and one nights with the God of Fools, the seed within Taka quickened and she bore a child godling. At once, however, the child, born with all the fortunes of Grendath, all the wile of Taka, and an independence all his own, left his mother to wander the mortal realms. Thus he became Mongrel, the Itinerant Bastard, Owner of the Unclaimed, Host of the Homeless, Creator of His Own Fortunes.

Dogma: Mongrel epouses the ability to live by one's own wits, to make use of those things no one else wants and to take hold of opportunities that present themselves. In light of this, Mongrel has no compunctions of claim that which no one else obviously wants or owns. The outright theft of a necessity to survival or blantantly claimed object is practically a cardinal sin.

Hospitality is another prime doctrine of Mongrel. Though prized possessions are considered the sole property of the owner, "share and share alike" is just a common saying amongst the Mongrelites as "finder's keeper's". Especially when survival (or celebration) is at stake, sharing is codoned if not explicitly expected.

Mongrel, as a god of the homeless and wandering, has no shrines or temples. Devotions to him are most often undertaken around a friendly campfire storytelling, a raucous barroom sing-along or a simple mealtime prayer of thanks. Likewise, as a fiercely independent demigod, Mongrelites have no set doctrine. Only the Rules of Salvage and the Rules of Hospitality, which have never been written down, and are simply passed along by word of mouth.

-Created by Jack Haggerty


The Searcher

Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: A kite shield bearing a stylized silver falcon or winged flute.
Home Plane: Varies.
Alignment: Neutral.
Portfolio: Travel, exploration, music, storytelling and quests.
Worshippers: Messengers, Adventurers, Bards.
Cleric Alignments: Any neutral.
Domains: Air, Protection, Travel
Favored Weapon: "Swift" a flying shield +3.

Phyrah is one of the Seven Sisters. A daughter of Verdante, Phyrah is the wind, a seeking goddess, questing endlessly over all the lands. She aids and hinders those who are on journeys, long or short. In her wanderings she has seen and done and learned much and she loves to share the wonders of her travels. She is a tale at the campfire, the wind at your back. She is a great friend of Grendath and the two have shared many adventures together. She often finds herself at odds with Delanor because while many sailors fear the ocean, they love the wind. She treats Chennet' like a favorite uncle and she always brings him a skin of cold, pure water when she returns from her journeys.

Her clerics may be of any neutral alignment and embody the different forms of wind, steady trade winds, unpredictable gusts, spring breezes and storming gales. The goddess loves music, especially flutes, harps and chimes, her temples and shrines are often filled with such music.

The ephemeral, enchanting demi-goddess rarely shows herself to her followers, preferring to whisper on breezes or rage in storms, but when she does she appears as a red-cheeked woman of any race (most commonly halflings and humans) with windblown hair clad in traveler's gear. She is often accompanied by her great, celestial falcon, Kite.

-Created by Sparky


Old Pot, The Brewlord, The Glutton

Enworldian Lesser Deity
Symbol: Crossed knife and fork, less commonly a frothing mug.
Home Plane: Demiplane between Earth and Fire - The Feasthall.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Portfolio: Cooking, hospitality and celebration.
Worshippers: Foodtasters, bakers, chefs and tavern keepers. Anyone who has just appreciated a good meal.
Cleric Alignments: Any good.
Domains: Earth, Fire, Good, Protection.
Favored Weapon: A masterwork cast iron skillet (+1).

Reduce several quarts of rich dragon stock, a bottle of wild Thelisian red, a Medabarian mirepoix, corn starch from the Riverlands(for thickening), the zest of one divine spark and what do you have? Geoth the god of cooking, feasts and hospitality. Geoth started as a very minor demi-god of agriculture and the hearth. He grew in popularity, power and sophistication as his joyful worship spread. Geoth urges his followers to revel in the many, beautiful and nourishing bounties of the earth that they may take for sustenance and enjoyment. The preparation of such should undertaken with respect, zeal and passion. The provision of such to all who ask should be granted without question. Geoth has the gift of making all around him feel welcome and at ease, and truly, those who come under his roof are safe - the heart of a hearth guardian still beats in his broad chest. When the day is done and the kitchen is cleaned, Geoth always leaves a plate by his back door for any who might have missed the day's cooking, usually Mongrel.

His clerics are generous and merry, tending to rotundity. The temples of Geoth are feast halls that host events for rich and poor alike. Clerics take a vow of poverty and give large portions of any income they might have to holy temple feasthalls. But is is in kitchens and at tables the world over are where the real worship of Geoth occurs.

Geoth frequently leaves his celestial home to bring new recipies and entertaining tips to Enworld. He always appears as a portly humanoid of an appropriate race to the region. He wears a scarlet apron called "Spillbane"(+1 padded) and is covered in flour up to his elbows, regardless of what he may be cooking. He laughs, tells stories, and from time to time "forgets" one of his cooking implements.

-Created by Sparky


Lady of the Gauntlet, Fire Sister

Enworldian Demigod
Symbol: Crucible pouring.
Home Plane: Plane of Earth.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Portfolio: Trial, transformation, the discovery and pursuit of purpose, hidden beauty.
Worshippers: Those who live by and are tested by forged metal - smiths, soldiers, warriors, artisans; those who explore the limits of their strength.
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, TN, LE. Neutral aligned clerics of Ayratha always turn undead.
Domains: Law, Fire, Strength.
Favored Weapon: "Resolute" a warhammer, +2 flaming.

The daughter of Chennet', Ayratha is a demi-goddess of forged metal, the hidden beauty and strength of the earth and trial by fire. She is copper at dawn, gold at noon and iron at night. She is a goddess of potential and purpose - urging her followers to test themselves and others at all times - for only through suchs tests are purpose, truth and beauty revealed. She relishes and fears the transformative power of Fire - at each summer solstice Ayratha goes to the Tower of Fire to renew her form and purpose for the coming year. During this time she is reforged by the prayers of her faithful. For a week's time she is Chaotic Neutral, and the faithful enjoy a week of prayerful abandon, if the two words can be spoken in the same breath. Though it would seem so, she is not a forge goddess in a physical sense, but a goddess of trial and transformation. Gnomes often worship her as a goddess of patience, endurance and gemstones - beauty through pressure and time.

Ayratha requires that her clerics test themselves and those around them and as such clerics are not always popular. True adherents are rare, strong-willed individuals.

She is very connected to the lives of her mortal followers and is, as deities go, very involved in mortal life. She appears to issue challenges or inspire her faithful (and others) during their own times of trial. She does not directly answer prayers, but empowers those who follow her ways to accomplish their goals. She appears as a tall, straight-backed woman with dark hair and eyes. She alternately wears shimmering dresses of impossibly tiny, cloth-like mail or heavy and ornate full plate armor - her head always haloed in flame. In either guise she bears her blazing warhammer "Resolute", a gift from her father, Chennet'.

-Created by Sparky


At 4th level, the ranger can choose to either gain the Lesser Scent ability, or get an animal companion as per the normal progression.

Lesser Scent (Ex): This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.

Unlike normal Scent, however, lesser scent does not allow the creature to automatically detect scents; it must focus on the attempt, and its range is slightly smaller.

The creature can detect opponents within 20 feet by sense of smell by making a successful Search check against DC as per Table S-1. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 40 feet; if downwind, it drops to 10 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range.

Table S-1: Lesser Scent
  Search DC	Smell
  -10		Troglodyte stench, skunk musk
  0		Smoke, rotting garbage
  5		Aromatic scents (burning bread, strong incense)
  10		Normal scents
  15		Subtle or vague scents
  20		Barely noticeable scent
  Search DC Modifier	Condition
 	+5		Running water between creature with scent and source of scent
  	+1		Per 10 feet of distance
  	+5		Smeller distracted

When a creature detects a scent, the exact location of the source is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. The creature can take a move action to note the direction of the scent.

Whenever the creature comes within 5 feet of the source, the creature pinpoints the source’s location.

A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom (or Survival) check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

-Created by Gnomeworks

Voidrunner's Codex

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