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Kahuna Burger

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perform: gladitorial. This use of the perform skill differs from the standard sub skills in a few ways.

class skill
In addition to those classes normally having perform as a class skill, perform: gladitorial is available as a class skill to fighters and barbarians.

number of performers
Attempting to use perform: gladitorial as a single performer (such as through weapon drills or sword dances) incures a -5 penalty to the check.
Two performers working together can either use the aid another manuver (if they are playing out a mock battle with a predetermined winner) or make competeing checks (or a series of competeing checks) to determine the outcome of a stylish and non lethal competition.
A performer attempting to simultaneously make a gladitorial performance and engage in a lethal battle (whether it is agaisnt another gladiator or a non performing opponent) takes a -1 penalty to all attack rolls and to AC as she must balance effectiveness with entertainment.

a character with 5 ranks in perform: gladitorial gains a +2 bonus to intimidate checks to demoralize an opponent.

bardic music
As a non auditory performance, perform: gladitorial cannot be used to activate a bardic music ability.

circumstance bonuses
factors which give static bonuses to attack rolls (such as masterwork or magical weapons, feapon focus feats etc) add the same bonus to perform: gladitorial rolls. Temporary or variable factors to attack rolls (such as spells, power attack or two weapon fighting) have no effect on the perform roll.

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The Tenth Hell
The Wars Under Mt. Yurgind from a Dwarven Point of View

Deep in the bowels of Mt. Yurgind, far from the sunlit lands, goblins and dwarves do what they have done since the beginning: they go to war.

For a dozen generations, the dwarves fought what they called "The Tenth Hell," a bloody conflict fought primarily over, within, and through two score great halls (butressed and worked caverns ranging in size from a small town to a underground valley complete with river and lake) and the surrounding tunnels and chambers. Dwarven tradition tells that those halls were some of the most beautiful ever to be carved from the bones of the earth, though at the end they were but shadows of their former glory - broken and despoiled by centuries of endless warfare.

For eleven of those generations, neither dwarf nor goblin line moved more than a little, and never for long. The great halls, damaged by dwarven war machines and goblin traps, became unsafe for travel, and the fighting moved into smaller side passages. The Company of Pick and Axe was born, and as that mercenary company proved the superiority of skilled and hardy tunnel fighters in this new type of warfare, young dwarves joined similar groups in droves. While the conflict was punctuated with pitched battles ever few hundred years, for the most part the dwarves lived in relative safety, protected from their adversaries by terrain and professional warriors. For a hundred years, the Companies pushed the borders, updating old maps, rediscovering old veins, and reclaiming old and forgotten treasures. Dwarven boots once again tread the old ways - the Tenth Hell had finally ended.

But in the twelfth generation, not less than one hundred years ago, when dwarven hands worked steel for beauty rather than for a sharp edge, the goblins struck. With steel and flame and tricks thought long forgotten they overwhelmed the dwarves. Almost overnight, goblinoids ruled the great halls. Within a months, they had pushed into caverns that had never heard a goblin's cry. And the bugbears, the core of this new goblin army, were viscious in their victory, burning whole clans when they could. Then, as suddenly as the goblin's march began, it ended, seemingly without reason. Yet even granted this small mercy, the dwarves of Yurgind had been broken, perhaps never to arise again.

Yet some of the old clans live still - the Stonehelm, the Rockfall, the Ironbender - and they have not given up hope. For them, the days of the Company of Pick and Axe are gone. No more can professional soldiers carry the burden; instead every dwarf, no matter station or skill, plays a role in the great war.

-Created by Enkhidu

Through focused training and practice, you are able to get more benefit out of light armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), BAB +1
Benefit: When wearing light armor, increase its Max Dex bonus by 1 and decrease its Armor Check penalty by 1. Increase the Armor bonus of the armor by 1 instead of reducing the Armor Check penalty if this reduction would reduce the penalty below 0.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Medium armor made of mithril counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.

Through focused training and practice, you are able to get more benefit out of light armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Light Armor Optimization, BAB +3
Benefit: When wearing light armor, increase its Max Dex bonus by 1 and decrease its Armor Check penalty by 1. Increase the Armor bonus of the armor by 1 instead of reducing the Armor Check penalty if this reduction would reduce the penalty below 0. These reductions and bonuses are cumulative with (stack with) those granted by Light Armor Optimization.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Medium armor made of mithril counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.

Through focused training and practice, you are able to move more easily in medium armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), BAB +1
Benefit: When wearing medium armor, reduce its Armor Check penalty by 1 and increase the Speed in the speed column by 5ft, to a limit of their unarmored base speed. For example, a human fighter with this feat and wearing chainmail would have an adjusted speed of 25ft, but a dwarf fighter with this feat would still have a speed of 20ft. A dwarven barbarian with fast movement would have a speed of 25ft.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Heavy armor made of mithril counts as medium armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat. Medium armor made of mithril counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.

Through focused training and practice, you are able to move more easily in medium armor.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Medium Armor Optimization, BAB +3
Benefit: When wearing medium armor, reduce its Armor Check penalty by 1 and increase the Speed in the speed column by 5ft. For example, a human fighter with this feat and wearing chainmail would have an adjusted speed of 30ft, but a dwarf fighter with this feat would still have a speed of 20ft. A dwarven barbarian with fast movement would have a speed of 30ft. These bonuses are cumulative (stack with) those granted by Medium Armor Optimization.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his bonus feats. Heavy armor made of mithril counts as medium armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat. Medium armor made of mithril counts as light armor for the purpose of interacting with this feat.

-Created by IcyCool

The Gladiatorial Pits of Earling

Two hundred years ago, the gladiatorial pits of Earling were a place of carnage and brutality, where slaves fought to the death against each other or against pain crazed beasts for the sport of those both highborn and common. It was a place of hopelessness, where being alive at the end of the day bought a slave only another night of filth and squalor and another chance to face death the next morning. The slaves who fought there were despised prisoners of war, condemned criminals and slaves who had proven themselves too fractious for any other use – the dregs of the slave market, lives bought cheaply and spent just as casually.

In some ways, the Pits are very much the same today – fights still occur every day, sometimes between gladiators and sometimes against beasts. The betting offices and informal pools still do a brisk business and both highborn and common still watch the matches from their stratified viewing areas. But at the same time, everything has changed. When the ruling family was torn apart in a bloody internal feud and the former king’s elven advisor quietly put the pieces back together, one of the things that changed in Earling was the very nature of slavery. Now more properly defined as indentured servants, slaves have rights, including the right to earn or buy their way out of slavery, and cannot be killed purely for sport.

Unable to buy or sell the lives of gladiators cheaply, the owners of the Pits changed the entertainment they sold from slaughter to art, paying top gold for skilled and charismatic fighters, and making sure that in most cases the loser survived to fight again. While the gladiators are still slaves, many have deliberately sold themselves into the life for the chance at glory and in some cases even riches. A skilled fighter can ‘sell’ himself for quite a bit of money to support his family then work it off over the years, only to sell himself again. Those with both martial talent and a flair for performance find themselves living well off of the gifts of fans, and while many gladiators are still owned by the Pit owners themselves, others are sponsored by minor nobility and wealthy merchants who show off their “champions” as they would a fine racehorse.

-Created by KahunaBurger

Riem, City of Prosperity

Large City
Population: 15,000
GP Limit: 35,000

Power centers:
Conventional Nobility (10, non-monstrous) (8xLN & 2xLE)
Conventional Guild Coalition (10, assorted) (LN & N)
Conventional Administrative Roles (5, non-monstrous) (LN & NG)
Magical Religious Coalition (5, non-monstrous) (LG, NG, LN, LE, N[Actually CE])

Community Authorities:
Captain of the Guard: Rildin Flintbeard (War 4)
Standing army: 200
Militia: 1000

Highest level locals:
Adept: 4, 4, 5
Aristocrat: 4, 6, 6
Barbarian: 4, 5, 6
Bard: 5, 5, 6
Cleric: 6, 7, 7
Commoner: 5, 6, 6
Druid: 4, 5, 5
Expert: 5, 5, 6
Fighter: 4, 4, 5
Monk: 3, 4, 4
Paladin: 4, 4, 4
Ranger: 3, 3, 4
Rouge: 4, 4, 5
Sorcerer: 3, 4, 4
Warrior: 4, 4, 5
Wizard: 3, 3, 4

Racial Demographics:
79% Human
9% Halfling
5% Elf
3% Dwarf
2% Gnome
2% Other races

Important Notes:
There is 10% fee on all ‘adventuresome’ gains. The government does not mind if a local group of bandits is ‘removed’ as long as it some of the ill-begotten wealth is returned to the system again.


The city of Riem lies on the south bank of the Rieus river. The city’s stern grey walls are at fifty feet tall and very thick. Riem has been called the “Jewel of the South” and its official motto is “The city of prosperity”. Riem is a republic that swears fealty to no power. Their balanced, democratic governing system stymies corruption and encourages growth. By maintaining excellent diplomatic relations with all countries Riem always has a steady stream of imports and exports.

Riem is a relativly new city. It was founded by the hero Terrav the Shining (Terrav was a paladin of Sela) almost 400 years ago. Terrav's urn can be found in the Hero's mausolem.

A council of thirty members governs the city. One is drawn from each of the ten noble houses. Ten are drawn from the guilds, including special interest representatives. Five are drawn from the clergy and the remaining five are the important administrative heads (Ministries of Agriculture, Peace, Manufacturing, People and the citizen voted head of the state).

Riem abolished slavery roughly 100 years ago and instituted laws that provide standardized wages, improved working conditions and created an effective bureaucracy and policing system. With such modern laws in place the new working caste became much more productive and Riem’s economy boomed.

The merchant and landowner caste is one step above the workers. They are somewhat wealthy and live relatively comfortable lives. Above them is the military caste. These trained fighters live hard lives, but those who survive end up with a good amount of gold in their name, enough to last until the end of their lives. The nobility forms the highest tier. They live pampered lives, where money is no object and with their every whim fulfilled. The nobility make up a very small percentage of the population, and the only way to elevate oneself to this status is into marry into one the ten noble houses.

-Created by lonesoldier

The Freefolk

The Freefolk gypsy caravan wanders Enworld free and easy. In spirit, the Freefolk are perhaps the closest followers of Mongrel, though few worship him directly. They roam from village to village with their caravan, stopping to trade their wares, and earn coin with their festivals. The Freefolk have a reputation among some of the common folk as thieves and grifters, but many villages still tolerate them when they visit rather than cause commotion about them.

The Freefolk are generally a fairly up beat society. Each member of the caravan is considered "Family" regardless of race or origin. This "Family" structure is built around each member looking out for each other's interest, and the survival of the caravan as a whole. Elder caravan members tend to be regarded for their experiences, but a caravan leader is generally the one appointed by the general consensus, and not necessarily among the eldest.

The Freefolk follow Rules of Salvage and the Rules of Hospitality quite seriously. Many in the caravan are not above lightening an outsider's pockets both through trade as well as less honest means, but they will not rob someone blind, and never try to part someone with something they may truly need to survive. Generally however, they are more likely to salvage things that do not appear to be wanted. Generally, caravan members will try to repair their clothes till they are nearly beyond repair before completely scrapping them, and even then they might use bits to help patch or make other items. In rare cases when the caravan does come across an excess of something, some will leave a care package for a few of the less fortunate in the city, making sure they have what they need to survive as well.

Their hospitality is nearly unmatched, as travelers that happen into their caravan are often invited to stay the night and tell tales of their journeys. Their reputation for "stealing children" comes from their hospitality and acceptance of people who wish to join their caravan. Many youths are enthralled with the gypsy life, and they have no qualms about drawing in a youth who tagged along after a stop. They do not however, encourage this behavior in any way.

Freefolk craftsmen are some of the most skilled around. Often having to work with inferior materials and in inferior conditions, they still make quality goods that many villages covet. Freefolk work is often very ornamental as well as functional, having a distinct flair and style. Generally there are more Freefolk tailors and carpenters than there are metal workers, but almost every craft has its place in the caravan. Freefolk Alchemists are often sought after for their large selection of different and often rare herbal and alchemical components.

Entertainment and celebration are big parts of the Freefolk culture. As much as their goods are coveted, so is their music and dance. Freefolk music is generally fast and rhythmic, making it easy to dance to. They lean towards smaller stringed instruments such as the fiddle, violin, or mandolin, as well as smaller wind instruments such as the flute, recorder, or piccolo. Smaller drums are also a staple, and many times tambourines and hand drums are incorporated into the dance.

Much like their music, dance is also a big part of the Freefolk life. Many dances are stylish and well coordinated with the accompanying music, and some involve 10 or more people weaving and dancing in patterns. There are also less structured dances that smaller groups, or even one dancer can perform, but all dances accentuate graceful movement and rhythm. One particularly famous dance is known as the "Dance of Shadows", where 10 dancers dance and weave, usually around a camp fire or central focus of some kind. This particular dance is quite hypnotic and engrossing. Some swear that several of the dancers simply disappear during the dance, and reappear later, and others say that they have counted as many as 20 different dancers during the dance, but never see more than 10 when it ends.

Generally, stealing amongst the Freefolk is frowned upon. Given the communal nature of the caravan, there are very few personal positions among the Freefolk, and most things are considered owned by the "Family", so the taking of these few possessions that are considered personal is seen as a personal attack more than simply theft of property. Stealing from outsiders is tolerated, but not particularly encouraged, and definitely limited to fit within their view of the Rules of Salvage.

Given the free nature of the Freefolk, it is not too uncommon for members of the caravan to decide to part ways and find their own path on occasion. Those that leave on good terms are always considered family, and are welcomed if and when they return. For those few who are asked to leave, they are generally treated with contempt if they ever happen upon the caravan again. However, even the caravan will not deny one they have cast out hospitality if it is a matter of survival.

Freefolk legends tell of how Mongrel founded the first freefolk caravan. Disgusted with how some were left to fend for themselves and denied things they needed to survive, he gathered the less fortunate, the downtrodden, and the outcasts, and led them out of the city, taking whatever they could with them in wagons. This caravan wandered with Mongrel for years, drawing in more people as it went. Eventualy the caravan became too large, and had to split. Mongrel spoke to the caravan, speaking of the great unity of this new family, and that parting was simply a new begining to the great experience of life. Durring the confusion of the split, Mongrel left the caravan to continue his wandering alone. Some still believe that Mongrel occasionaly walks among the Freefolk, to admire the proud family that is has become.

Racial Makeup:
Due to the nature of the caravans, there are many different races among the Freefolk. These numbers are not ment to be exact, but more like guidelines.

Human - 30-50%
Half-Elf - 10-25%
Elf - 10-20%
Gnome - 10-20%
Halfling - 10-20%
Half-Orc - 5-15%
Other - Remaining %

Created by Bront

Two-Weapon Trip[General]

You are a master of the quarterstaff, double-axe or urgosh, able to use the weapon more effectively than others in combat.

Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (chosen weapon), Weapon Focus (chosen weapon), Two-Weapon Fighting, Dex 15, Bab +1

Benefit: You can make trip attacks with a quarterstaff, double axe, or urgosh provided you meet the prerequisites for the weapon in question. When you make trip attacks, make a melee touch attack against your target. You don’t provoke an attack of opportunity. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop your weapon to avoid being tripped.

Normal: Only weapons marked as Trip weapons or unarmed strikes can be used to make trip attacks.

Special: A fighter may select Two-Weapon Trip as one of his fighter bonus feats. This feat applies to any of the listed weapons with which you meet the prerequisites.

-Created by Erekose13

Dark Elf (Drow) (+2 LA char)
  • +2 Int +2 Cha +2 Dex –2 Con
  • Medium size
  • 30’ movement,
  • Immunity to magic sleep,
  • +2 Racial bonus on Listen, Search, & Spot checks,
  • Automatic Search check if passes within 5’ of a secret or concealed door, Darkvision 120’,
  • +2 Racial bonus on Will save vs. spells & spell-like abilities,
  • Light Blindness: daylight blinds the Drow for 1 round, and -1 to Attack rolls, Spot checks , & Search checks, in bright light,
  • Spell Resistance (11 + Character level),
  • Automatic proficiency with Hand-Crossbows, Rapier, & Shortsword.
  • +2 Racial bonus to saves vs. Enchantments,
  • Cast the following spells 1/day at Character level: Dancing Lights, Darkness, Faerie Fire,
  • Favored class Wizard (males) Clerics (females)
  • Appearance: Dark grey skin, white hair, black iris with red or violet Incandecent pupils.
  • automatically speaks undercommon. Infernal, and abysal available as bonus languages

Half Drow
  • Medium Size,
  • 30’ movement,
  • Immunity to magic sleep,
  • +1 Racial bonus on Listen, Search, & Spot checks, Darkvision 60’,
  • If raised in Drow society automatic proficiency with Hand-Crossbows, Rapier, & Short sword.
  • +1 Racial bonus to saves vs. Enchantments,
  • Appearance: usualy a couple of shades darker then the human parent, white hair, iris are the color of the human parent with red or violet Incandecent pupils.
  • If raised by Drow parent, automatically speaks undercommon. Infernal, and abysal available as bonus languages. If raised by human parent undercommon available as a bonus language.
  • Half Drow are always the result of a human and drow mating. In the rare case of a Drow mating with an Elf the offspring would be the race of one or the other parent. For some reason Elf and Drow blood does not mix. Humans are the only other race that the Drow would mate with seeing all other races as too far beneath them to mix blood with. Mating with a Human though looked down upon is known to happen in places where the two cultures mix. The offsrping nearly always are rased in a hostile environment, out of a feeling of superiority in the Drow culture and out of fear in the Human culture.
  • Favored class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass Half Drow suffers an XP penalty, the highest level class does not count.

History of the Drow

The Descent

The Lilytiri, or "Dark Elves" known for the depths of their depravity dwelt at one time in the mountains of the dwarven lands. A warlike race, the Lilytiri made war with their neighbors, including other elven tribes. Their raids and depravity forced the other races, to ally against them.

Defeated in a series of awe inspiring battles, the Lilytiri fled deep underground into caverns that held dark secrets and dark creatures. This event, marked the end of the Drow as a surface-dwelling race.

The Dark Wars

The Drows warlike nature did not change when they escaped their surface foes. In fact, they immediately began waring to establish territories in their new home. They began by stealing dwarven magical items, and using them against their previous owners

The Drow then fought among themselves, noble against noble, priest against priestess, for rule in their new realm. This all-out war ended amid great magical explosions that brought down the roof of the largest dwarven cavern they had seized. The ceiling collapsed entirely, burying many Drow and the shattered dwarven cities. The surviving Drow nobles gathered what people, slaves, and equipment they could seize, and fled deeper into the Underdark in search of places to dwell. "The Scattering" brought about the many rival, self-interested cities where most Drow live today.

Cosmology (Gods)

Enworldian Drow Deity
Symbol: A black widow spider
Home Plane: Wondering the underdark
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Portfolio: Manipulation through sex. Treachery and deceit
Worshippers: Matriarchal Drow Communities.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE.
Domains: Evil, Trickery, Magic
Favored Weapon: "Poison Ring"
Drow goddess of feminine power especially as it refers to manipulation and magic. Lilitu is the fabled "first drow" wife of the demon prince Mishtuli. Because of their forbidden love he was sent into the underworld to live in torment while Lilitu wondered the desert trying to find the entrance. Finding the entrance into the cavernous underdark she wanders still searching out her demon prince to try and free him or at least share in his torment forever. She is a beutifull and seductive looking Drow woman from the waist up. From the waist down she is a black widow spider.

Enworldian Drow Deity
Symbol: Black broken arrow
Home Plane: The underworld
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Portfolio: Killing for sport and amusement. Assassins.
Worshippers: Patriarchal Drow communities.
Cleric Alignments: LE, NE, CE.
Domains: War, Darkness, Evil
Favored Weapon: Long bow

Mishtuli is the prince of all demons in Drow cosmology. He represents the power of the masculine, especially as it pertains to war and destruction. He is a hunter with the head of a Dire wolf cloaked in darkness carrying a great dark longbow. According to tradition he is condemned to the underworld awaiting the end of the world when he will be permitted by the lawful gods to cover the earth in darkness. He is married to the fabled "first Drow" Lilitu.

The symbol of Mishtuli is a broken black arrow.

-Created by spycat
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Hurakan tribe of Sairundan

The Hurakan tribe of the Sairundani live in Helatia, the capital and largest city of the Sairundani. Centuries ago, Helatia housed the Typhoon tribe, but the ravages of their wars with the Orcs and Efreeti dwindled their numbers so that they were no longer as powerful as they once were. As is tradition, the remaining leaders of the Typhoon tribe asked the tribe that they had the best dealings with, the Hurakan, to take over living in Helatia.

Abdil ai Kalil, the patriarch of that tribe at the time, saw the opportunity to cement the tribes together permanently. Asking his friend and mentor Sarum ai Jamid, patriarch of the Typhoon clan, to wed his daughter with Abdil's son Jamai, started his plan was for the two tribes to become one. A week later, after agreeing to several independant offers and deals, inlcuding making sure that there was always a Typhoon in an Advisor's position, the two were wed and the Typhoon and Hurakan were one.

The tradition became that the first son or daughter of the patriarch/ matriarch was to marry their opposite from one of the Typhoon Advisors, in order to keep the bloodlines mixed. This tradition has continued for over a hundred years, and for the most part, there have been no challenges to it. No other Sairundani tribe has anything like it either.

However, there are some who value the Sairundani tradition of freedom more than the tradition of family and these people make their selves heard. While the advisors of the tribe listen to them, these Sairundani are quickly shown the wisdom of their elders and such things are put to nonsense. Their main argument for the tradition is simply that it cements the family that they now are, one tribe instead of two.

Unfortunately, there are some members of the original Typhoon tribe who weren't happy with this transpiration of events. Calling themselves the Ai Typhoon (Heroes/Sons of Typhoon), they cause major annoyances when they crash weddings, kidnap brides and grooms, and generally denounce their Hurakan ties. These clashes have yet to actually escalate to actual violence, but some Advisors fear that may be just around the corner.

Currently, the patriarch of the Hurakan is Sabil ai Habul. His only daughter was set to marry the son of the last Typhoon Advisor, Soren ai Sairundan, who was once a champion of the people. Soren gained his people's name by being a major player in the activities that would bring the Orc raids that occured after the Great Orc War to a near end. His actions both in combat and in the discussions brought peace to the tribes and the Orcs, causing sweeping changes in the overall path of the Sairundani, earning him his people's title.

Patriarch Sabil's daughter has disappeared however, and none know of her whereabouts or none are speaking of it if they do know. He and his advisors suspect the Ai Typhoon, but no leads have turned up. He continues to this day to search for her, as it could cost him more than just his daughter.

Because it is an honor to be married to and carry on the Hurakan/ Typhoon name, almost everyone in the 'royal' arena have children, and it is the right of the patriarch or matriarch to take more than one consort to enable having that first child. If something happens to that child, it is said the winds do not favor that family any longer and a new heirarch is chosen and that person's first child becomes the royal line that another Advisor's child will marry. Of course, the new heirarch's child must be of age for that to happen. The current age of the next in line's oldest child is 14. Sabil has two more years to find his daughter.

The Hurakan have amiable ties with almost every clan of the Sairundani. Their next closest tribe, after the Typhoon, are the Etesians, who inhabit a small nomad village a few days from Helatia. They enjoy a profitable trade agreement that keeps the Etesian's supplied with things that can only be obtained in a city and the Hurakans get what they need from the wilderness.

The only tribe that the Hurakans have any major trouble with are the Haboob. Believing them to be roguish outcasts of the major society of Sairundani. According to the Hurakans and even some of the other tribes, the Haboobs take the Sairundani openness a bit too extremely. Most of the tribe disagree with the Haboob practice of inviting outsiders into their tribal structure and altering their traditions in order to dilute the tribes. According to the Hurakan, the Haboob have become so diluted, that it is difficult to tell that they were once Sairundani.

The Haboobs on the other hand feel that the Hurakans have overstayed their welcome in Helatia and should relinquish to another more deserving tribe, like themselves. The truth of the matter is that the Haboob have learned that having a city can be just as rewarding as the nomadic lifestyle and a majority of their advisors would like to learn that for themselves. The Hurakan are quite happy where they are and would prefer not to move at least not yet. This feud has gone on for years with no apparent resolution in sight. The Hurakan enjoy their position in the city and Sabil has more important things to worry about than the "fire-breathed Haboob".

-Created by shadowbloodmoon

Located 900 miles south by southwest of Orussus the city of Severus lies in the middle of the badlands in the Lands of Air. Over the centuries the winds have carved stone plateaus in a large canyon. Orginally the city was a Gnoll fortified encampment stationed atop a plateau. Easily defendable it remained for some 50 years.

Ten year ago large clans of Orcs and Goblinoids moved into the area. For reasons still unknown they did not kill each other off. Instead they began construction on what would become known as the City of Severus, aka the Wicked Pillars. The city now occupies ten plateaus. Each of them connected by rope bridges to each other and to the canyon lip. The walls and buildings are made from local stone. The architecture is advanced for supposed 'barbarian' races. The roofs are built with metal and stone spikes, some barbed, in order is discourage anything from flying over the walls and landing in the city. The streets are narrow, winding, and uneven. Large fortifications have been built at the entrances. It would seem that the inhabitants are expecting to withstand a hard siege.

The city has a population of around 5,000. 25% Gnoll, 25% Orc, 25% Goblinoids, and 25% slaves taken in raids. The city is ruled by a council of elders. Each clan has one representative that sits on the council.

Adventure Ideas:
Despite the fact that this is an Evil city the PCs won't be killed on sight. At least, unless they appear weak. The trick to not being murdered in an alley is to either look too tough or to be under the protection of someone more powerful. The powers of good are very concerned about this new city. They worry that the council must be up to no good. Anyone who so obviously prepared for war must be thinking of starting one. And, they ARE Evil after all. Getting into the city is easy enough. Getting back out with useful information, that will take some doing.

A vile Necromancer has fled the Earling authorities. They want him brought to justice. The problem is that he has requested asylum in Severus. Of course, Earling doesn't recognize Severus as a legitimate government. But Severus has made it clear in no uncertain terms that they will not give up what they consider a political refugee. Any attempts to retrieve him will be taken as a declaration of war. The PCs are charged with dealing with the problem however they see fit.

-Created by Goblin King

Voidrunner's Codex

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