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Without Angels


First Post
Life, or something like it.

She came by in the early hours, weathered fingers touching on the simple leaves of paper and then half smiling at one endearing note. She traces a few celestial runes into his parchment, of Acceptance and 'Just how it is', as a close translation appears to be impossible.

Then she goes, and left hanging is another paper to hang listless in the empty air.

Go then into the rest
I have kept you from each day
And sleep forever and an hour
Flitter past the way
The path, the beaten road
You walked upon in days past.
The tumbled undergrowth
Hides it all at last.
Where are all the clarion
Trumpets of decadent delight,
Have they too faded into
All but darkest night?
Where are the warriors
In a warhost across the sky,
Have they too set down swords
To give up now and die?
Where are all the sugar smiles
On lips as red as rose,
Have they too melted slowly?
Is this how life must go?

There was life once, treasured
Loved and adored.
It was a house of pleasure and of pain
My special, tragic horde.
But came the thieves in guise
Of friends never so true, had
And with their quicker hand and eye
Dispersed what made me sad.
In simple ways they created
A fallacy all for me;
Of a woman that I hardly knew
Of someone who was once me.
She was gentle, she was kind
In the face of trouble, brave.
She was loved and she was bright
To all her greater good, she gave.
Was this me, was this my self?
A naked front of shattered smile
Treachery in the winsome breath
Deceit, that I stay a while.

This was not the person, me;
This was a creature I despised.
Formulated from endless love
But cursed with sorrow and the lies.
The lies of love, the lies of life
The lies that crowd around me still
That tomorrow has a brighter ending
That yesterday never will.
I am a sword, I am the death
I am the wailing in the dark;
I am the frightened dreams of demons
I am the bane of my own heart.
I am the nothing, I am the something
I am ending even as I began
And when the ending plays in silence
The pensive breath betrays a span.
Forget the whispers of betrayal
And come with me, towards the day!
...for this was life, or something like it
But just for now, I lost my way.

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First Post
Again the silent celestial passes, brief moments snatched between a hefty workload. There she spies a new note, attached to her words. With fingers clad, the runes scribe themselves into the parchment with ease.

"I am yet."

Then another note is tucked over it. And with it, she passes by once more.

Crossed the span that hung deluded
In familiar steps traced back to start;
And in the yawning silence, concluded
That little can heal the tempered heart.
Done away with words and soft recluse
Of room, of book, of game or life,
To remember once, that I had use
As friend, as lover, as future wife.
A jaunty step may cause the walkway
To sway at once from side to side!
Alas! I cannot fall on this day
To sweet surrender, eternal bide.
So stepping on in fractured patience
I find the woe besets my smile
And shadows in the wide eyes hence
Can drain the love just for a while.
In feet I measured, careful, gently;
Toward a far flung goal, alone.
In miles I measured backwards, plenty
Since my common sense was gone.
And there upon the brink of sadness
Is all my life tumbled round with madness.


First Post
There is no wind to mark the note appearing between one breath and the next, but the familiar tang of steel and blood marks the letter and upon the air a withering scent of ripened oranges and sandalwood. The scent lingers despite other winds that might blow through the area, sparkling with vitality and oppressive with memory.

The note left is on pale cream parchment, thick and crackled with age and touched on one side as if cut neatly from a gilded diary. The writing is in dark ink, not dark as to be black but a deep brown. In umber cursive and the straight points of a particular handwriting more suited to foreign, flowing runes is writ:

There was a dream in a distant land
A tale of swords, a tale of woe;
A hero stood tall and shining
With a thousand journeys yet to go.
The hero didn't know the path yet
Nor knew the portents in the air.
But down one road footsteps took him
Without worry, without care.

What lands, saw he, in his journey?
Fair maidens with their blushing grace
Or sights to set the heart pounding
With sunlight touching on his face?
Did he find the dream ascending
Or was it just hope descending?

There was a girl upon a mountain
Who sat and watched the world go by;
And admired the effortless clouds
That sang with freedom in the sky.
One day she took up a heavy title
And with the sword there came the war;
The heroine waded in bloodshed
To fight for her Lord God's cause.

But in the moments of steel clashing
Was doubt and silence to cut her soul;
A fragment of bitter failure
To splice the beauty of her whole.
To press on when her heart is broken
To Gods; her life a meaningless token.

In the shivering silent sigh
That marked the night as it came down,
He made a living where none would look
And earned only a darker frown.
With fretful hands he steals and gathers
What cannot be bargained or yet bought;
With shining coins, laugh of Tymora
He weighs his life in fragile thought.

Where comes the knife to end his scourging?
Will tomorrow be his final rest?
A lonely sleep with nightmares howling
To break at day, is the best.
Murder might be their intention
But survival is his best discretion.

She is the mother and the daughter
Locked in a grove of flowers and light;
Where angels come to heal their sorrow
And others come to ward the night.
Flora springs in her every step
A dance of toes and flittering twirls;
Earth-mother, druid and friend of nature
Cares for every boy or girl.

But when the forest fire is calling
With vicious strike from heaven sent;
The animals will weep with anger
To focus her righteous, fury bent.
Sweep aside those, who for war, hunger
Even if that means they breathe no longer.

Every tale is recorded down
From graceful pen to crackling sheet;
A turning sweep of letters determine
When and how your lifelline beats.
Are you the mage, so lucky and carefree?
Or maybe the Heroine with a bloody heart?
Perhaps the thief who cowers in shadows-
Or the caring soul who rises to her part?

Whatever the sweep of the pen decides
It is recorded as the tale of your Life.

*is is signed, simply* B.

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