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Characters from The Cask of Winter story hour


This is a thread for fans of The Cask of Winter story hour to see the stat blocks of the player characters and relevant NPCs. I use the stat block format first detailed in the DMG II, which I enjoy immensely and find quite easy on the eyes during play. As the PCs are introduced, I will detail them below. As they level I will update the original posts with new stats and equipment. When interesting bad guys are vanquished, I will list their stats here post-mortum for all to see.

A couple of notes regarding the PCs' stats. First, I do not use the ranger in the PHB; instead, I use a variant created by Einar's player, Hjorimir, which I quite like. Without getting into nuts and bolts, the class is a wilderness warrior with no access to magic, and bears some resemblance to Tolkien's Strider. Around here we call it the "Aragorn Ranger." Second, I do not use standard turn undead rules. Instead, I've adopted the turn undead variant from Complete Divine, wherein a turn attempt is a point-blank area effect burst of positive energy that deals damage to undead. It's cooler, more synergistic, and easier to keep track of than the standard turn undead. Third, while four of the PCs are human, two of them, Louis and Rurik, are homebrew nonhuman races, the aelfborn and the half-ogre, respectively. I will detail the races at some point if there is interest. Fourth, many of the magic items in my campaign world are nonstandard and difficult to price; don't bother trying, I don't either. I consider the ramifications of introducing an item before doing so, just to make sure that it's not exorbitantly powerful, but I don't worry about where it puts a character's wealth by the rules as written. I couldn't really care less about that. My criteria for items insist that they must be cool and interesting--beyond that, I'm pretty flexible. Finally, I don't use alignments. Instead, creatures that are mystically aligned to a force, such as clerics, fiends, celestials, or undead, have an Axis. The four Axes are Grace, Taint, Chaos, and Order. If a character isn't aligned to an Axis, he's essentially neutral. That's not an alignment, however; it is simply an indicator that the character is not aligned to a higher power. The vast majority of mortal creatures are neutral and act according to their nature, not to an alignment construct.

One more thing--the PCs as posted will be a level ahead of where they are when the story hour begins. That's a spoiler, I guess; they all lived to make 7th-level. :)

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Vangal Barbarian 4/Ranger 3 | Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Senses Listen +6, Spot +0
Action Points 8
Languages Sturmmen, Vangal
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16; Dodge, Mobility, uncanny dodge
hp 65 (7HD)
Resist trap sense +1
Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +2
Spd 40 ft. (8 squares)
MELEE Angreiðr +11/+6 (1d12+5/x3) or
Melee Saxgrimmr +11/+6 (1d6+3/19-20) or
Melee longspear +10/+5 (1d8+4/x3) or
Ranged throwing ax +9 (1d6+3)
Base Atk +7; Grp +10
Atk Options Cleave, favored enemy +1 (mountain creatures), Power Attack
Special Actions rage 1/day (7 rounds)
Combat Gear Bracers of the Moon God (+1 deflection bonus to AC; dimension door at will as a supernatural ability provided there is an unrestricted view of the moon; fatigued, then exhausted, then unconscious upon completion of effect), Ormbrynja (+1 chain shirt; casts mirror image 1/day)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9
SQ hunter’s stealth +2, terrain mastery (mountain)
Feats Cleave, Dodge, EnduranceB, Improved InitiativeBX, Mobility, Power Attack, TrackB
BBonus ranger feat; XLight armor only
Skills Climb +11, Intimidate +5, Jump +15, Knowledge (geography) +5, Listen +6, Sneak +10 (+12 in mountainous terrain), Survival +9, Swim +7
Possessions combat gear plus Angreiðr (+1 giant-bane greataxe), Saxgrimmr (mwk troll bone shortsword), 2 throwing axes, backpack, bedroll, fishhook and line, flint and steel, drinking horn, cold weather outfit, waterskin, 5 days trail rations, 120gp, 9sp, 17cp

AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 14
hp 79
Fort +11; Will +4
MELEE Angreiðr +13/+8 (1d12+8/x3) or
Melee Saxgrimmr +13/+8 (1d6+6/19-20) or
Melee longspear +12/+7 (1d8+7/x3) or
Ranged throwing ax +9 (1d6+6)
Grp +12
Abilities Str 21, Con 18
Skills Climb +13, Jump +17, Swim +9


Angreiðr ("Oath of Torment") +1 giant-bane greataxe
History: According to legend, Hrómundr the Rude, a seggr Oski, slew over twenty trolls with this axe, which was recovered from a battlefield. Hrómundr's body was never found and is believed to have been consumed by the very trolls he hunted. The axe gets its name from an oath that Hrómundr to kill the trolls to the last. After Hrómundr's apparent fall, the axe was taken by Odd the Wise who placed the secret runes of power upon its blade.

Ormrbrynja ("Scales for the Serpent") +1 chain shirt; casts mirror image 1/day
History: Einar took this coat from a fallen vitling warrior he killed while sleeping. He has no knowledge of its history and calls it Ormbrynja due to the serpent designs on each shoulder.

Saxgrimmr ("Cruel Short Sword") masterwork troll bone shortsword
History: This masterwork short sword is made from the sharpened femur of a particularly cunning troll that had hunted the Oski for some time. Though it has no enhancement bonus to speak of, the blade itself will regenerate any damage done to it unless from fire or acid. Einar refers to Saxgrimmr as his "dagger" despite it large size.

Bracers of the Moon God
Covered in mother-of-pearl, delicate carvings on these exquisite bracers depict the Vangal god Mani driving the moon chariot and filling the night sky with light.

The bracers of the moon god grant the wearer a +1 deflection bonus to Armor Class, as well as a special power. If the wearer has an unobstructed view of the moon, regardless of phase or time of day, he may utter the command word “skeja” and activate dimension door as a supernatural ability. The wearer is not limited in the number of times per day he may do this; however, the moon god exacts a price for this blessing. When the wearer activates this power, he is fatigued upon arriving at his destination. If he uses the bracers while fatigued, he becomes exhausted. If he is exhausted when he invokes this power, he collapses into unconsciousness upon arriving at his destination, and nothing short of a full night’s rest can wake him. While in this slumber, he dreams of a bright, full moon upon a placid shore.


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Aelfborn Bard 7 | Medium Humanoid (Fey, Human)
Init +1; Senses crossroads sensitivity, low-light vision; Listen +5, Spot +0
Action Points 8
Languages Arbonnesse, Draconic, Dwer, Faerie, Genovan, Giant, Gobbledygook, Sturmmen, Vangal
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15
hp 41 (7HD)
Immune sleep
Resist evasion, +2 against enchantments and illusions
Weakness cold iron weapons deal 1 extra point of damage
Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +6
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
MELEE The Coils of Dauntan +7 (1d2+2 subdual) or
Melee greataxe +6 (1d12+1/x3) or
Melee mwk dagger +7 (1d4+1/19-20) or
Ranged mwk dagger +7 (1d4+1/19-20) or
Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6/x3)
Base Atk +5; Grp +6
Atk Options spells
Special Actions bardic music 11/day (countersong, fascinate, inspire competence +2, inspire courage +1, suggestion)
Combat Gear Ummanus, Lyre of Souls (DC 15 Perform check reduces undead turn resistance by 5 within 60 feet), mwk flute (+2 to Perform checks when using countersong), mwk horn (+1 morale bonus to weapon damage and saves against fear while blown and for 1 round afterward), mwk pan pipes (+1 Perform when using fascinate and +1 save DC when using suggestion), potion of cure light wounds, scroll of grease
Spells Known (CL 7th):
3rd-level (1/day)—charm monster (DC 16), speak with animals
2nd-level (3/day)—alter self, cure moderate wounds, glitterdust (DC 15), tongues
1st-level (4/day)—grease (DC 14), inspirational boost, magic mouth, master’s touch
0-level (3/day)—dancing lights, lullaby (DC 13), mage hand, message, prestidigitation, summon instrument
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 17
SQ aelfborn grace, bardic knowledge +11, faerie friend
Feats Extra Bardic Music, Lyric Spell, Skill Focus (perform)
Skills Balance +9, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12 (+14 when dealing with fey), Disguise +5 (+7 act in character), Gather Information +10, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nobility and courtesy) +7, Listen +5, Perform (oratory, string instruments, wind instruments) +16, Sense Motive +5, Sneak +7, Tumble +7
Possessions combat gear plus The Coils of Dauntan (+1 whip), mwk dagger, greataxe, shortbow plus 20 arrows, Nathaniel’s wineskin, backpack, 9 days trail rations, 10 sheets of parchment, ink and pen, 4 sacks, 2 waterskins, snow shoes, 1pp, 10gp, 28sp, 36cp

Remove aelfborn grace, faerie friend, immunity to sleep, +2 against enchantments and illusions, weakness to cold iron
Senses Listen +7, Spot +2
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19
Spd 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee head butt +6 (1d6+1)
Feats AlertnessB
BRacial bonus feat
Skills Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +8

Remove aelfborn grace, faerie friend, immunity to sleep, +2 against enchantments and illusions, weakness to cold iron
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16; DodgeB
BRacial bonus feat
Spd 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
MELEE The Coils of Dauntan +8 (1+2 subdual) or
Melee greataxe +7 (1d10+1/x3) or
Melee mwk dagger +8 (1d3+1/19-20) or
Ranged mwk dagger +8 (1d3+1/19-20) or
Ranged shortbow +7 (1d4/x3)
Grp +2
Skills Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +8, Listen +7, Search +4, Sneak +11, Spot +2


The Coils of Dauntan +1 whip of unknown origin, made of bumpy dark red leather, Bind Foe 1/day [command-word activated:"Bind him!"; grapple as a free action, +8 grapple bonus, if successful constricts for 2d6 damage for 1d4 rounds, whip goes inert if it leaves wielder's hand])

The Cloak of Calhoun (grants +1 resistance bonus to saving throws and a +1 luck bonus to all bardic music effects that require a save)

Ummanus, Lyre of Souls
This stringed instrument of the harp family has two curved arms connected at the upper end by a crossbar, and was traditionally used to accompany a singer or reciter of poetry, especially in ancient Thrycia. Ummanus appears to be made of exquisite mahogany, with ivory carvings that resemble a pair of writhing skeletons, one on each arm of the instrument.

When played, vengeful spirits of those slain by the undead explode from the lyre and swirl around lyrist, bemoaning their fates. When the lyrist makes a successful DC 15 Perform (string instruments) check, all undead within 60 feet lose 5 points of turn resistance for 10 rounds as the souls swarm around them, lamenting their loss and wailing their anger and their grief.


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Half-Ogre Fighter 6 | Medium Giant
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot +1
Action Points 8
Languages Vangal
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19
hp 70 (6HD)
Fort +9; Ref +2; Will +5
Spd 20 ft. (4 squares)
MELEE mwk greatsword +13/+8 (2d6+9/19-20) or
Melee large shortspear +11/+6 (1d8+5) or
Ranged large throwing ax +11 (1d8+5)
Base Atk +6; Grp +15
Atk Options Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack
Combat Gear 4 potions of cure light wounds, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, potion of bull’s strength
Abilities Str 20, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 7
SQ powerful build
Feats CleaveB, Improved SunderB, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Power AttackB, Weapon Focus (heavy blades)B, Weapon Specialization (heavy blades)
BBonus fighter feat
Skills Climb +2, Jump -4, Ride +1, Swim -3
Possessions combat gear plus mwk greatsword, mwk full plate armor, lg shortspear, lg throwing ax, hvy spiked steel shield, belt pouch, backpack, winter blanket, bedroll, crowbar, flask, whetstone, 2 traveler’s outfits, cold weather outfit, 2 waterskins, 5 days trail rations, 10 torches, 1pp, 83gp, 42sp, 22cp


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Genovan Abjurer 3/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 1 | Medium Humanoid (Grace, Human)
Init +5; Senses Listen +2 (+4 when familiar is within 5 ft.), Spot +4 (+6 when familiar is within 5 ft.)
Action Points 11
Aura good
Languages Ancient Thrycian, Arbonnesse, empathic link, Genovan, Sturmmen, Vangal
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
hp 44 (7HD)
Resist +2 bonus to saving throws made to resist charms and compulsions
Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +10
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
RANGED touch +4 or
Melee touch +3 or
Melee quarterstaff +3 (1d6)
Base Atk +3; Grp +3
Atk Options spells, turn undead 4/day (3d6 damage, DC 14 Will save for half; +1 DC 1/day)
Special Actions Spurn Death’s Touch
Combat Gear feather fall token, scroll of augury, scroll of comprehend languages, scroll of invisibility, scroll of lesser restoration, scroll of remove fear, scroll of haste, wand of cure light wounds (29 charges)
Abjurer Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
2nd-level—invisibility, protection from arrows, scorching ray (+4 ranged touch), see invisibility
1st-level—endure elements (3), enlarge person, magic missile
0-level—detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read magic
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th):
2nd-level—bear’s endurance, detect thoughts D (DC 14), lesser restoration
1st-level—blessD, comprehend languages, endure elements, protection from evil, remove fear
0-level—detect magic (2), light, open/close (2)
D: Domain spell. Faith: Celestine. Domains: Community, Knowledge
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 13
Feats Heroic Spirit, Improved Initiative, Practiced Spellcaster (abjurer), Scribe ScrollB, Spurn Death’s Touch
BWizard bonus spell
Weapon Groups basic weapons, maces and clubs, slings and thrown weapons
Skills Appraise +7, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (cosmology) +10, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nobility and courtesy) +6, Knowledge (religion) +13, Listen +2 (+4 when familiar is within 5 ft.), Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +16, Spot +4 (+6 when familiar is within 5 ft.)
Possessions combat gear plus The Rosary of Saint Peter, backpack, Libram Protezione (wizard's spellbook), bedroll, flint & steel, light horse, cold weather outfit, silver holy symbol, wooden holy symbol, cleric’s vestments, 4 vials of ink, quarterstaff, notebooks, traveler’s outfit, 2 quill pens, spell component pouch, 4 large sacks, furs, 25gp worth incense, 25gp worth finger bone of saint, 104gp, 32sp, 12cp

Avido, raven familiar: CR —; LA —; Tiny magical beast; HD 7d8; hp 22; Init +2; Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); AC 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +2; Grp –13: Attack Claws +7 melee (1d2–5); Full Atk (same); Space/Reach 2–1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA —; SQ deliver touch spells, empathic link, improved evasion, low–light vision, share spells, speak language (Vangal); AL Grace; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +8; Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6. Skills and Feats: Appraise -2, Concentration +9, Kn (arcana) +4, Kn (cosmology) +4, Kn (geography) -1, Kn (history) +4, Kn (local) -1, Kn (nobility & courtesy) +0, Kn (religion) +5, Spellcraft +9, Listen +3, Spot +5; Weapon Finesse.


The Rosary of Saint Peter , or Il Rosario del Pietro Santi, is a minor relic of a priest who hunted vampires in the 7th century. As long as the wearer is a person of true faith in the Celestine gods, he gains +2 Wisdom, +2 to all Knowledge (religion) skill checks, and a +2 bonus to saving throws made to resist charms and compulsions.


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Mord Cleric 7 | Medium Humanoid (Grace, Human)
Init +0; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Action Points 8
Aura good
Languages Sturmmen, Vangal
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20
hp 45 (7HD)
Resist +4 bonus to saving throws made to resist fear effects
Fort +7; Ref +3; Will +9
Spd 20 ft. (4 squares)
MELEE St. Carlo’s Mace +8 (1d8+3) or
Melee touch +7 or
Ranged touch +5
Base Atk +5; Grp +7
Atk Options Empower Turning, holy radiance of St. Carlo’s Mace, Quicken Turning, spells, turn undead 9/day (7d6 damage, DC 19 Will save for half; +1 DC 1/day)
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds (16 charges), scroll of lesser restoration
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
4th-level—divine power, spell immunityD
3rd-level—create food and water, dispel magic, magic vestment, protection from energyD
2nd-level—bull’s strength, bear’s endurance, hold person, shield otherD, silence (DC 15)
1st-level—divine favor, endure elements (2), protection from Taint, sanctuaryD (DC 14), shield of faith
0-level—detect magic (2), light, read magic, resistance (2)
D: Domain spell. Faith: Celestine. Domains: Celestial, Protection
Abilities Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 14
Feats Combat Casting, Extra Turning, Empower Turning, Quicken Turning
Skills Concentration +11 (+15 casting defensively), Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (religion) +6, Ride +3, Spellcraft +1
Possessions combat gear plus The Mace of Saint Carlo, Orsino’s Tabard of Tranquility, full plate armor, heavy steel shield, dagger, backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, heavy warhorse, cold weather outfit, silver holy symbol, wooden holy symbol, cleric’s vestments, furs, waterskin, 3 flasks of holy water, pair of platinum rings, 9pp, 94gp, 32sp, 21cp


Saint Carlo's Mace is a plain, unadorned weapon that appears old and worn nearly past usefulness. Upon its flanged head, dark stains can still be seen--the blood of Saint Carlo of Berdon, who was slain with this, his own weapon, while defending the temple at Villandry against maurading pagans that dealt in black magic. Saint Carlo's Mace is a +1 heavy mace imbued with a continual white glow while drawn, equal in brightness to a torch. Furthermore, the mace is blessed--any creature of Taint within 10 feet of this weapon while it is drawn suffers 1d4 points of damage per round they remain within the area of effect. Finally, the mace can be used as a divine focus by any cleric or paladin of the Celestine faith.

Father Orsino's Tabard of Tranquility is a simple woolen cloth, bleached white, with the triple interlocking circles of the Celestine gods displayed prominently upon it. The wearer of the tabard gains a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws, or a +4 resistance bonus verses fear saves.


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Vangal Rogue 4/Wizard 3 | Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses trapfinding; Listen -2 (+0 when familiar is within 5 ft.), Spot -2 (+0 when familiar is within 5 ft.)
Action Points 8
Languages empathic link, Sturmmen, Vangal
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 13; uncanny dodge
hp 48 (7HD)
Resist evasion, trap sense +1
Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
RANGED touch +7 or
Ranged mwk shortbow rapid shot +6/+6 (1d6/x3) or
Ranged dagger +7 (1d4/19-20x2) or
Ranged javelin +3 (1d6/x3) or
Ranged spear +3 (1d8/x3) or
Melee dagger +4 (1d4/19-20x2) or
Melee spear +0 (1d8/x3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, sneak attack +2d6, spells
Combat Gear wand of grease (32 charges), wand of ray of frost (26 charges), wand of scorching ray (36 charges)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
2nd-level—earthen grasp (+13 grapple bonus), resist energy
1st-level—endure elements, mage armor, shield
0-level—detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read magic
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 6, Cha 8
Feats Point Blank Shot, Practiced Spellcaster (wizard), Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Scribe ScrollB
Skills Balance +15, Concentration +9, Decipher Script +8, Disable Device +11 (+13 mwk thieves’ tools), Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +6, Jump +7, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (local) +10, Open Locks +13 (+15 mwk thieves’ tools), Search +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Sneak +10, Spellcraft +11, Tumble +15
Possessions combat gear plus Relfnogart's Extraordinary Quiver , Alidri's Arcane Key, wizard's spellbook, mwk thieves’ tools, mwk shortbow and 60 arrows, dagger, bedroll, flint & steel, light warhorse, cold weather outfit, furs, belt pouch, spell component pouch, 18 javelins, 5 spears, string and bell, whetstone, large pouch, 2 small pouches, 25 feet silk rope, empty sack, 10 days’ trail rations

Kit, weasel familiar: CR —; LA —; Tiny magical beast; HD 7d8; hp 24; Init +2; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 16 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +4; Grp –8: Attack Bite +8 melee (1d3–4); Full Atk (same); Space/Reach 2–1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA Attach; SQ deliver touch spells, empathic link, improved evasion, low–light vision, share spells; AL Neutral; SV Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 5. Skills and Feats: Balance +18, Climb +10, Concentration +6, Decipher Script +3, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +7, Gather Information +4, Jump -3, Kn (arcana) +4, Kn (local) +5, Open Locks +8, Search +3, Sleight of Hand +7, Sneak +15, Spellcraft +6, Spot +3, Tumble +14; Weapon Finesse.


Relfnogart's Extraordinary Quiver — This ordinary looking quiver is actually a quiver of Ehlonna that also has three extra compartments that can hold additional items. First is an extra dimensional space that can hold 4 cubic feet or 40 pounds of material, and the smaller second two compartments can each hold 1 cubic feet or 10 pounds of material. Additionally, Relfnogart's Quiver can create a Javelin +1 imbued with Lightning energy once per week. This attack does an additional 5d8 electricity damage to the target. This lightning javelin creates a trail of light across its path that dims (becomes shadowy) the next round, and extinguishes the round after that.

Alidri's Arcane Key — This device allows a rogue to use the Open Lock skill against arcane lock or hold portal spells; he can also use Disable Device against the alarm function of an arcane seal (DC 10 + caster level, success suppresses for 10 mins). Magically sealed locks increase the DC by 10. Magically sealed doors (no lock) DC = 20. Hold portal is dispelled, while arcane lock and arcane seal are suppressed for 10 minutes.


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Below are the homebrew races of the aelfborn and my variant half-ogre.

Aelfborn are humans with fey ancestry that manifests itself in a variety of startling ways. An aelfborn descended of a dryad might have bark-like skin or green hair, while another with a sidhe ancestor may have pointed ears and lavender eyes; a third born of a satyr’s lust could have a single cloven hoof, small horns, and a six-fingered hand. Whatever their heritage, the aelfborn tend to share the fey susceptibility to cold-forged iron and the fey predilection for magic and music. They are often striking in their deformities, with charisma unmatched by other mortals. Indeed, although they have fey ancestry, the aelfborn are as mortal as any other player character race.

Among the Old Faith practitioners of the Ulvmann and Vangal tribes of the north, the aelfborn are seen as blessed with gifts from the Faire Folk of old, which the humans of northern Eriador once had a close relationship with. But with the conquest by the Thrycians from the south and their Celestine religion over the Old Faith peoples of the north, new converts began to actively hunt and kill any creatures that were considered unholy – including aelfborn. Since the time of the Redeemer, however, those born with fey traits are tolerated, but are considered cursed or disadvantaged by the spiritual descendants of the old Celestine faith. Thus, many aelfborn, feeling marginalized in or distrustful of human society, seek a greater understanding of their Faerie heritage in an effort to find their place in the world. Often looked down upon as throwbacks at best and demon-possessed at worst, some aelfborn, individualistic as they tend to be, find kinship among those with similar heritage. Although their fey ancestry often complicates their lives, it is not without its benefits.

Fey: Aelfborn are humanoids with the fey subtype.
• +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: aelfborn are alluring but frail.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, aelfborn have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Aelfborn base land speed is 30 feet.
• Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment and illusion spells or effects.
Low-Light Vision: An aelfborn can see twice as far as a normal human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Grace: An aelfborn can always choose to take 10 on a Balance check, even if distracted or endangered. Aelfborn are possessed of unearthly poise, a legacy of their fey ancestry.
Crossroads Sensitivity: Being children of Faerie, the aelfborn are intuitively aware of the presence of the fey crossroads that dot the landscape of Eriador. When an aelfborn comes within 60 feet of a Faerie crossroad, she becomes instinctively aware of its location relative to herself. When viewing a crossroad, she recognizes it for what it is, and won’t be fooled by a false or illusory crossroad. This ability gives an aelfborn no information on where the backroad connected to the crossroad leads.
Faerie Friend: Aelfborn are recognized by fey for what they are, and as such gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks when interacting with them.
• +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks. Aelfborn are naturally persuasive, which helps them stay alive in a world that is sometimes harsh to those who are different.
Weakness to Cold Iron: Aelfborn take 1 extra point of damage per attack from cold iron weapons. Like all creatures of Faerie, the aelfborn are susceptible to weapons forged of this material.
• Automatic Language: Regional human language, usually Arbonnesse, Genovan, or Sturmmen. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwer, Faerie, Giant, Gobbledygook, Gurgumund, and regional human language (Arbonnesse, Eloi, Genovan, Sturmmen, Tiamni, Ulvmann, Vangal, and Vistani). Aelfborn sometimes learn the language of their fey forebears, as well as the language of dragons. They feel a certain kinship with the magically adept gnomes and the marginalized goblins, and so often learn their tongues as well.
• Favored Class: Bard. A multiclass aelfborn’s bard class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing (see XP for multiclass characters, page 60 of the Player’s Handbook). The magic of heart and song comes naturally to those born of Faerie.

Half-ogres are usually born out of violence and slavery. They are considered weak and soft by ogre standards, and bestial and ugly by human standards. Driven by the social needs of both races, half-ogres try hard to win acceptance to avoid becoming lonely and despondent.

Half-ogres most commonly hail from wildernesses on the fringes of human society, in mountainous foothills and deep forests wherever ogres threaten human communities. They are known as fomori to the Ulvmann peoples of western Mordengard, and as trollborn to the Vangals of Rothland. The Vangals, in particular, fear the trollborn, yet hold them in high esteem for their impressive physical prowess and kinship with the powerful juten (giants) nonetheless. Throughout Eriador, however, half-ogres are persecuted and driven out of most human communities, to live in lonely seclusion in the wild. For this reason, some half-ogres have been known to settle among their ogre kin, often leading them due to their relatively high intelligence. Such half-ogres hate the humans who spurned them with fierce passion.

• +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Half-ogres inherit the strength of their ogre parent, but are disadvantaged in intellectual and social circles.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, half-ogres have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Half-ogre base land speed is 30 feet.
Natural Armor: Half-ogres have tough hides, which provide them a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
Powerful Build: The physical stature of half-ogres lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a half-ogre is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the half-ogre is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A half-ogre is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A half-ogre can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
Low-Light Vision: A half-ogre can see twice as far as a normal human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• Automatic Languages: Regional human language (usually Arbonnesse, Genovan, Sturmmen, Ulvmann, or Vangal). Bonus Languages: Faerie, Giant, Gnoll, Gobbledygook, Gurgumund, Orc, and regional human language (Arbonnesse, Eloi, Genovan, Sturmmen, Tiamni, Ulvmann, Vangal, and Vistani).
• Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass half-ogre’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing (see XP for multiclass characters, page 60 of the Player’s Handbook).
• Level Adjustment: +1. Half-ogres are slightly more powerful and gain levels more slowly than most other races of Eriador. See the Monsters as Races discussion in Chapter 6 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more information.


I'm told that I'm overdue to update this thread, so here is my first offering of 2006--the winter men, the white-furred savages who shadow the PCs during their trek up Askjer Pass. The greybeards among the Oski claim that the winter men are canny hunters, and hunt large prey in packs. They have even been known to hunt solitary trolls. Ape-like, the typical winter man stands about 7 feet tall, just under the cusp of Large size, and weighs around 600 pounds. Omnivorous, their most common prey are mountain sheep, but a large part of their subsistence diet consists of various lichens that grows in caves in the mountains. Winter men typically live in bands of twenty or thirty, and rarely leave the highest elevations.

Medium Giant
Init +2; Senses darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision, scent; Listen +4, Spot +5
Languages can understand but not speak Giant
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
hp 32 (4HD)
Fort +7; Ref +3; Will +0
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares); climb 15 ft.
MELEE club +7 (1d6+4) and slam +2 (1d4+4) or
Melee 2 slams +7 (1d4+4) or
Ranged club +5 (1d6+4)
Base Atk +3; Grp +7
Atk Options demoralizing howl
Abilities Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6
Feats Alertness, Track
Skills Listen +4, Sneak +2 (+10 in snowy terrains), Spot +5
*Winter men gain a +8 racial bonus to Sneak checks in snowy terrain.
Possessions club

Demoralizing howl (Ex): A winter man can bellow forth a terrifying, undulating screech as a standard action. Opponents who can hear the howl and are within 30 feet must make a DC 12 Will save or become shaken for 1d6 rounds. An opponent who makes his saving throw verses a winter man’s howl is immune to the effects of that winter man’s howl for 24 hours.

This monster was inspired by the taer mini from the Aberrations set.

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Large Magical Beast (Cold, Taint)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +7
Aura cold
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 16; Dodge
hp 103 (13HD)
Resist DR 10/magic
Immune cold
Weakness vulnerability to fire
Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +9
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares); ice walk
MELEE 4 claws +16/+16/+16/+16 (1d8+4/19-20) and bite +14 (1d8+2)
Base Atk +13; Grp +21
Abilities Str 19, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skills Climb +12, Listen +7, Sneak +5, Spot +7
*Frost wyrms have a +8 racial bonus to Climb checks, and can always take 10.

Cold Subtype (Ex): A frost wyrm has immunity to cold. It has vulnerability to fire, which means it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from fire, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure.

Cold Aura (Ex): A frost wyrm emanates such intense cold that each creature within 20 feet takes 1d8 points of cold damage per round (no saving throw). Magical effects that shield against cold work against this aura, but normal measures (such as heavy furs or insulation) do not.

Ice Walk (Ex):
A frost wyrm can climb any ice-covered surface at its normal rate of movement—even a vertical wall.

The frost wyrm is a unique advanced frost salamander. It was inspired by the following image--the creature from the Monster Manual II looked fearsome and I wanted to use it, but I was disappointed by the fact that it was only Medium size. So I beefed it up.


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