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BIG DAMN HEROES - a d20 Firefly Campaign [RG]


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RG thread for the BIG DAMN HEROES campaign.

Character sheets posted here will be the official copy of record, so please keep them up to date.

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First Post
Name: Melara Richter
Class/Level: Fast Hero 3/Ace Pilot 3- Criminal
Gender: Female
Exp: 21,000/28,000
Action Points: 9/9
Reputation: +2

Desc: With short dark hair that's usually a bit messy, defiant blue eyes and a wry half-grin, Mel has a definite tomboyish charm. The fact that she's actually quite pretty is easy to forget though with her tendency towards loose, comfortable, figure-concealing clothes and general eschewing of makeup and other items that bring out feminine appeal. This is not out of denial on her part, but just an uncomfortable lack of experience and interest. Despite a tempramental streak, Mel is a generally affable when among those she trusts.

Strength (STR) 10 (2)
Dexterity (DEX) 17 (10)
Constitution (CON) 14 (6)
Intelligence (INT) 14 (6)
Wisdom (WIS) 10 (2)
Charisma (CHA) 14 (6)

Defense: 20 (10 + 3 dex + 6 class + 1 equipment)
Hit Points: 41/41 (8+(5d8=21)+12)
Movement: 30'

Init: +3
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Melee Attack: +4
Ranged Attack: +7
Fort: +4
Reflex: +8
Will: +2

Unarmed: +7 to hit, 1d4 subdual or lethal
.44 Magnum Revolver, +7 to hit, 2d8 damage, 6 shots, 30' RI

Class Abilities:
Talent: Evasion
Talent: Uncanny Dodge 1
Bonus Feats
Defender of the Universe (add Reputation (+2) whenever she spends an action point to modify an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw made aboard an atmospheric aircraft or starship)

Skills: 28+7+7, +7+7+7
Drive (Dex) +15 (9 ranks +3 Dex +1 comp +2 feat)
Escape Artist (Dex) +8 (5 ranks + 3 Dex)
Knowledge (streetwise) (Int) +7 (5 ranks + 2 Int)
Perform: Guitar (Cha) +5 (3 CC ranks + 2 Cha)
Pilot (Dex) +16 (9 ranks +3 Dex +4 feat)
Profession: Belter (Wis) +2 (2 ranks + 0 Wis)
Read/Write Language (none) 1 rank
Speak Language (none) 1 rank
Disable Device +8 (6 ranks + 2 Int)
Bluff (Cha) +7 (5 ranks + 2 Cha)
Computer Use (Int) +5 (3 ranks + 2 Int)
Knowledge (technology) (Int) +7 (5 ranks +2 Int)
Navigate (Int) +7 (5 ranks + 2 Int)
Repair (Int) +4 (1 rank +1 comp + 2 Int)

OC Personal Firearms Proficiency
HW Surface Vehicle Ops: Hovercraft
1 Starship Operation
1 Spacer
B Weapon Finesse: Unarmed
3 Combat Martial Arts
B Starship Dodge
6 Vehicle Expert
B Starship Mobility

Languages - Common, Mandarin

Wealth +5 (down from +7)

Weapons -
.44 Magnum Revolver, +7 to hit, 2d8 damage, 6 shots, 30' RI
-- 2 speed loaders w/ammo
Unarmed, +7 to hit, 1d4 lethal or nonlethal damage

Armour -
Leather Coat, +1 AC, +8 max Dex, 4lbs, 0 penalty
Explorer Outfit, -

Gear -
Pair standard binoculars
Tinted goggles


Melara Richter was born on a deep space ore-refining and mining space station orbiting the gas giant Gehenna. Her father was an asteroid miner, a so-called 'belter,' and her mother a service technician on the station. Though she got along well with both parents, she was her father's darling, and he often took her (over her mother's objections) out on prospecting expeditions. She learned to love the freedom of space; the elegant dance of forces and actions that rule starships in the void. Even so, she knew early on that belting wasn't the life she wanted. What was the point in being out in the great black, only to limit yourself to one world, and a lonely ring of rock and ice around it?

While Gehenna Station is located in the "mid-worlds" area of the galaxy, it's privately owned and operated, sellling processed and refined metals to both the Alliance and the Rim. During the War, it tried to maintain a public front of neutrality, but violated that when it sold several of the station's agile Prospector-class spacecraft to the Independents, in full knowledge that the ships were easily retrofitted to make credible fighter craft. As a result, the Alliance blockaded the station late in the war, and installed a "liason" who actually served more as an overseer. Having lost the ability tosell to the Independents, the station was forced to accept a growing black market presence to make up for lost revenue. Even when the war was over, the criminal presence of the station could not easily be gotten rid of.

Melara was aware of the war, as far as that went...barely a teenager at the time, she entertained romantic notions of incredible space battles and brave fighter pilots, with no understanding of the horror of it all. Those days, the station seemed more like a prison than a home, especially when the Alliance lockdown meant that even prospecting flights were curtailed. Her father, left without a job, turned to gambling and drink, and while she still talked to her mother, Mel found little common ground between them.

Finally, with the war over and little left to stay for, Mel signed onto the crew of one of the few ships that still called Gehenna a port of call; a smuggling ship. Their last pilot had, perhaps uninspiringly, gotten shot by a buyer who tried to renege. He was still alive, but in no shape to fly...and they needed to move fast to get to their destination in time to move their cargo. Miss the meeting, and they'd be out a whole lot of money. Without a lot of choice, the captain hired Mel on...and was surprised to find she was pretty good.

Over the next couple of years, she moved pretty fast; always trying to keep ahead of the odds that one of these days she, or her ship, would get caught. There were some close calls, but she always managed to keep her nose clean. That is, until a run involving illegal, untested medicines for a quarantined planet went bad. They were ambushed, and when the cargo's containment was ruptured, Melara was forced to space the load before it got into the air supply. While they escaped capture and arrest; the loss of the cargo suggested to Mel that she might be better off spending some vacation time out on the Rim. FAR out on the Rim. Until things settled down, at least. While out there, she decided this might be a chance to go straight too...or at least, hook up with some folks that you didn't have to watch your back around all the damn time.

Crime's one thing...a body can make an honest living as a criminal. It's ORGANIZED crime that sucks the soul out of it. Not to mention, the organs out of those that cross them...which is what she hopes to avoid.
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First Post
Patrick “Win” Winslow

Patrick Winslow, or simply “Win” as he is called by companions, hails from Dyton Colony, a son of a fairly prominent landowner. Although his family had more money than most, Patrick never cared much for a life of finery. Adventure and excitement, that was the thing. Patrick learned to fight and shoot, getting in more than his fair share of trouble as a youngster. When the Unification War started, he volunteered immediately, and fought for the Independents until the war's end. Since the end of the war, Win has wondered the ‘Verse, keeping mostly to the Rim and Border worlds, making a living at what jobs he can get. Between his travels and service with the Browncoats, he has picked up a hodgepodge of skills that have given him some success in finding work.

Win is a broad-shouldered, muscular man standing just over six feet in height. He wears his brown hair cropped close in the military style, and often sports a very fine goatee. While he might otherwise be a handsome man, Win bears a fierce looking scar that runs from his forehead, across the right eye and down his cheek. If asked about it, he states simply that it was a souvenir from the war. He dresses in simple, practical garb, and is seemingly never without a gun.

Win is a good man, and tries to do the right thing, though life in the Black sometimes makes that difficult. He's no low-down, dirty deceiver, and in fact, has a hard time with telling lies. Because of the work he does and the type of folk he deals with, he usually chooses to say nothing at all. Give him a few drinks, though, and it is hard to shut him up.

Fast 2 / Strong 4 - Adventurer

STR 14 (6 points)
DEX 17 (10 points, +1 level increase)
CON 14 (6 points)
INT 14 (6 points)
WIS 10 (2 points)
CHA 10 (2 points)

Init +7 (+3 dex +4 feat)
HD: 8 + 29 (5d8) +12 = 49
DEF 25 (+7 class, +3 dex, +5 armor)
Speed: 35’
BAB +5
Melee +7
Ranged +8
REP +1 (+0 class +1 trait)
Action Points: 9

FORT +4 (2 base + 2 con)
REF +6 (3 base + 3 dex)
WIL +1 (1 base + 0 wis)

Hvy Auto Loader +9, +10 within 30’ (2d8; 40 ft; S; 9 box)
Unarmed +9 (1d8+4 non-lethal)
Whip +7 (1d2+2; 15 ft)

Personal Firearms Proficiency – Rim Homeworld
Brawl - Occupation
Armor Proficiency (Light) – Lvl 1
Improved Initiative – Lvl 1
Simple Weapons Proficiency – Lvl 1 Fast
Point Blank Shot - Lvl 2 Fast Bonus
Weapon Focus (Hvy Auto Loader) – Lvl 2 Strong Bonus
Armor Proficiency (Medium) – Lvl 3
Double Tap - Lvl 5
Improved Brawl - Lvl 4 Strong Bonus

Increased Speed
Melee Smash
Improved Melee Smash


SKILLS 35 + 20
Balance +4 (5 ranks, +3 dex, -4 armor)
Climb +1 (3 ranks, +2 str, -4 armor)
Drive +5 (2 ranks, +3 dex)
Handle Animals -1 (0 ranks, +0 cha, -1 trait)
Hide +3 (4 ranks, +3 dex, -4 armor)
Jump +1 (3 ranks, +2 str, -4 armor)
Knowledge - Tactics +5 (3 ranks, +2 int)
Move Silently* +5 (5 ranks, +3 dex, +1 competence, -4 armor)
Pilot +7 (4 ranks, +3 dex)
Profession +1 (1 rank, +0 wis)
Repair* +8 (7 ranks, +1 int)
Ride +8 (4 ranks, +3 dex, +1 trait)
Spot* +7 (7 ranks, +0 wis)
Survival* +5 (5 ranks, +0 wis)
Swim +4 (2 ranks, +2 str)

Range pack, standard
Bolt Cutter
Duct Tape, 2 rolls
Flashlight, standard
Binoculars, standard
Walkie-talkie, basic
4 ammo magazines
Holster, hip
Ammo, heavy auto loader (150 rounds)
Light Duty Vest (DC17, reduced wealth to 5)
Heavy Autoloader - PK12 Peacekeeper (DC19, reduced wealth to 2)

Current Wealth: 2 (Starting 7)
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Helsinki, female Gun-Griffon.

[sblock=Mechanics]Fast Hero 3 Gunslinger 3
Starting Occupation: Blue Collar

Str 10 (02)
Dex 18 (16)
Con 12 (04)
Int 12 (04)
Wis 13 (04, L4 increase)
Cha 10 (02)

BAB: +4 [fast +2, gunslinger +2]
* Hvy Autoloader +9, 2d8, 20, Ballistic, 40 ft., S, 9 box, Med, 4 lb.
* * Double Tap +7, 3d8.
* * Point Blank Shot +1 @ less than 30 ft.
DEF: +10 [fast +4, gunslinger +2, +4 dex]
HD: 3d8 + 3d10 +6 (hp 39/39)
* HP (2d8=9, 3d10=16)

FORT: +3 [base +2, +1 con]
REFL: +8 [base +4, +4 dex]
WILL: +4 [base +3, +1 wis]

Feats, Talents and Abilities
Class Feat - Simple Weapon Prof
Homeworld Feat - Surface Vehicle Operation (Light Wheeled)
1. Bonus Feat - Armour Prof (Light)
1. Bonus Feat - Personal Firearms Prof
1. Fast Talent - Evasion 1
2. Fast Bonus Feat - Point Blank Shot
3. Fast Talent - Uncanny Dodge 1
3. Bonus Feat - Double Tap
4. Gunslinger Ability - Close Combat
5. Gunslinger Ability - Weapon Focus (Pistol)
6. Gunslinger Bonus Feat - Precise Shot
6. Bonus Feat - Dodge

Skills points (5+1)*9 = 54
** Craft Mechanical +11 [8 ranks, +1 int, +2 comp]
** Drive +10 [5 ranks, +4 dex, +1 comp]
** Repair +11 [9 ranks, +1 int]
* Hide +9 [7 ranks, +4 dex, -2 ACP]
* Move Silently +9 [7 ranks, +4 dex, -2 ACP]
* Sleight of Hand +11 [9 ranks, +4 dex, -2 ACP]
* Tumble +11 [9 ranks, +4 dex, -2 ACP]

Action Points 9
Reputation: +2 [+1 fast, +1 gunslinger]
Wealth 3 [5 starting, +2 occupation, -4 equipment*]
* -3 pistol, -1 light armour.

* Hvy Autoloader, shoulder holster.
* * Two box magazines.
* Light Armour +3 Def, -2 ACP, +5 MaxDex, 30 ft., 14 lbs.

Helsinki stands around 5'8. She tends to favour cowboy boots and clothes that emphasis her slender build, although when slouching around on the ship, she is inevitably dressed in a set of old brown coveralls.

She is fairly quiet, and has a tendency to directness when speaking her mind. When in one place long enough, Helsinki keeps herself busy tinkering with bits and pieces, few of which ever seem to get to completion.

Helsinki is a gun for hire. That's what she will tell you if you ask. And not much more. If you push, she might add that she spent some time in the military. And has done a little work here and there since then.

[sblock=Background]What Helsinki is not telling is not that mysterious. She grew up on Truimph in a blue collar family. Her family ran a small repair shop fixing anything from toasters to vehicles. Helsinki loved the workshop, and spent much of her time there. Her father still insists that she could be a great mechanic if she put her mind to it.

After graduation Helsinki enlisted. She spent a term in the armed forces before being drawn into the world of the gun for hire. She never really intended it as a career move. But a couple of lucrative jobs early on saw her being drawn further and further away from the path she had originally intended to take.

But one day Helsinki intends to return home, probably to the family business. Which is why she keeps her background to herself. When all *this* is over, she doesn't want any of it following her home. Helsinki intends to keep this life, and her family well separated.[/sblock]
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First Post
Cascius “Cash” Posey

Small-world doctor-in-training
Dedicated 6 - Rural

Str 10 +0
Dex 17 +3 [lvl4 +1]
Con 10 +0
Int 14 +2
Wis 16 +3
Cha 10 +0

Init +3 (+3 Dex)
HD 6 + 5d6= 23
Def 17 (+3 Dex, +3 dedicated +1 Armor); Flat-footed 14; Touch 16
Spd 30

BAB +4 (+4 Dedicated)
Melee +4
Ranged +7

Light Rifle +7 ranged (2d10, 120 ft., 6 Int)
-- +8 (2d10+1) w/i 30 ft. (Point-Blank Shot)
-- +9 (2d10+1) (Dead Aim)
-- +10 (2d10+1) w/i 30 ft. (Point-Blank plus Dead Aim)

Rifle Butt +3 melee (1d6+1)

Brawl +4 melee (1d6+1 nonlethal)

Fort +4 (+0 Con, +3 Dedicated, +1 Hardy)
Refl +4 (+3 Dex, +2 Dedicated, -1 Hardy)
Will +6 (+3 Wis, +3 Dedicated)

Occupation - Rural (ride, survival, personal firearms proficiency)
Home World – Three Hills (ride, survival, brawl)
Allegiance ?????
Reputation +2
Action Points 9

Hardy (+1 Fort, -1 Ref)
Honest (+1 diplomacy, -1 bluff, sense motive)
Reckless (+1 melee damage, -1 melee attack)

Skills 63 (63 Dedicated)
Bluff -1 (0 ranks, +0 Cha, -1 Trait)
Craft (Pharmaceutical) 9 (9 ranks, +2 Int, +2 Feat, -4 tools)
Diplomacy 1 (0 ranks, +0 Cha, +1 Trait)
Listen 12 (9 ranks, +3 Wis)
Profession (Medic) 12 (9 ranks, +3 Wis)
Ride 13 (9 ranks, +3 Dex, +1 Region)
Spot 12 (9 ranks, +3 Wis)
Sense Motive 2 (+3 Wis, -1 Trait)
Survival 14 (9 ranks, +3 Wis, +1 Occupation, +1 Region)
Treat Injury 19 (9 ranks, +3 Wis, +5 Talent, +2 Feat)
-- Surgery 15 (-4 Feat)
-- Restore Hit Points +2 (Talent)

Dead Aim
Far Shot
Medical Expert
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Quick Reload
Simple Weapons Proficiency

Skill Emphasis (Treat Injury)
Healing Knack
Healing Touch I

Wealth - 2

Light Undercover Shirt
Medical Kit
Surgery Kit
Ammo (.444)
Casual Clothing
Binoculars (standard)

Cash is about 5’10” and 200 lbs. Though 29, his face makes him look a good 5 years younger than he is. His brown hair is frequently kept hidden by a brown stocking cap, and he is almost always in plaid flannel shirts and courderoy pants. In colder parts of the ‘Verse, he tends to wear a long black overcoat.

Cash grew up on Three Hills, dealing with the rough-and-tumble ranchers on this out of the way rim world. As he got older, he looked around and saw all the pain and misery that life represented and decided to do something about it, so he sent off to the core for a doctorin' corresponence course.

Over the years he learned a thing or two about doctorin' and takin' care of folk, all the while helpin' his neighbors with the ranchin' responsibilities.

Last year, the mayor's son got very well drunk and decided that he didn't like the way Cash was lookin' at him. Dumb boy decided to take a knife to Cash, and Cash, fightin' back, ended up sticking him on his own knife. Not so dumb as to realise this meant a world of trouble, Cash hid out in the hills until a transport came along, and he's snuck off world.

Cash hasn't quite got the hang of surgery, though, with a well stocked medlab, he can keep people well enough together. He spends lots of his free time reading medical journals and anatomy books, and he has picked up quite a few tricks in his experience. Whenever he can get his mail, he gets his correspondance lessons, and is still improving his craft as a doctor. His years keeping watch over flocks, protecting them from wolves (both animal and human), his skills with a rifle have become pretty good, so any crew would do well to pick him up, both as a hired gun, and as a medic.
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First Post
Character Sheet
[sblock]Bastian (aka Sebastian Masters or Bast)
Charismatic 5 / Personality 1 - Dilettante

Str 10 +0
Dex 14 +2
Con 12 +1
Int 16 +3
Wis 10 +0
Cha 17 +3 [lvl4 +1]

Init +2 (+2 Dex)
HD 6 + 5d6 + 6 = 34
Def 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Charaismatic, +0 Personality); Flat-footed 12; Touch 14
Spd 30

BAB +2 (+2 Charismatic +0 Personality)
Melee +2
Ranged +4

Med Autoloader +4 ranged (2d6, 30 ft., 9 box)

Fort +5 (+1 Con, +3 Charismatic, +1 Personality)
Refl +6 (+2 Dex, +3 Charismatic, +1 Personality)
Will +2 (+0 Wis, +1 Charismatic, +0 Personality)

Occupation - Dilettante (Intimidate(+1), +1 Rep, +6 Wealth)
Home World - Ariel (Diplomacy(+1), Perform(+1), Windfall)
Allegiance -
Reputation +9 (+3 Charismatic, +2 Personality, +1 Homeworld, +3 Renown)
Action Points 9


Skills 88
Bluff 12 (9 ranks, +3 Cha)
Craft (Visual Art) 13 (9 ranks, +2 Int, +2 Creative)
Diplomacy 15 (9 ranks, +3 Cha, +1 Home World, + 2 Trustworthy)
Gather Information 13 (8 ranks, +3 Cha, + 2 Trustworthy)
Handle Animal 9 (6 ranks, +3 Cha)
Intimidate 13 (9 ranks, +3 Cha, +1 Occupation)
Perform(Sing) 15 (9 ranks, +3 Cha, +2 Creative, +1 Perform)
Pilot 6 (4 ranks, +2 Dex)*
Profession 11 (9 ranks, +0 Wis +2 Windfall)
Read/Write (2)
Speak Languages (2)
Use Psi 11 (8 ranks +3 Cha)
* Cross-class skill

1 Personal Firearms, Natural Reader, Simple Weap Prof, Windfall(Homeworld)
2 Trustworthy (+2 to Diplomacy and Gather Info checks)
3 Creative (+2 to Craft[Visual Arts] & Perform[Sing])
4 Renown
6 Windfall

Psychic Power: Access to 'Use Psi' skill
Psychic Emphasis: +3 Comp bonus when using Psychometry & Telepathy skills
Unlimted Access: +1 to Dip & Bluff to smooth-talk way into private parties

Wealth - 20 (5 + 6 Occupation + 6 Windfall +3 Profession Checks)

Medium Autoloader (.50 cal, 4 lbs) w/ Hip Holster -Voice Activated, Alternate Weapon [Taser])
Long Leather Coat
(5)Casual Clothing
(2)Formal Clothing
Multi-function watch
Large Dog (Rover knows the following tricks; attack, defend, down, guard, track and quiet[Rover won't bark or make other noises until the command is spoken again])
Licences (Licensed & Restricted)
Digital Camera/Recorder
Art Supplies & Equipment

Bastion is six feet tall, slimly built with curly dark brown hair and light green eyes. Bastion is 28 and has the tanned complexion of a man who spends alot of time outdoors.

Bastian comes from a wealthy family from Ariel, following in his fathers footsteps the patriotic Bastian volunteered to join the Alliance Miltary, during basic testing it was discovered that Sebastian was a natural 'Reader', and was thus transferred to the Alliances Military Intelligence division to train and hone his valuable psychic skills. Bastian quickly began to doubt his patriotic beliefs after being forced to question and detain many 'suspected' independent spies, who's only real crime was to disagree with the Alliances heavy handed tyrannical tactics.

Following the death of his father near the end of the war, and haunted by the atrocities he and his fellow Alliance Soldiers committed, Sebastian sought and attained an honourable discharge. Throughly disgusted with the invasive Alliance, Bastian headed towards the outer rim worlds, where people were still 'relatively' free to live how they pleased.

Bastian has become a popular well known 'performance artist who many consider an eccentric, Bastian's performance artisty takes a multitude of forms and includes; painting, photos, holos, and visual recordings. Bastian usually intermixes these with music and songs that he's written for each piece.

Bastian is also an accomplished singer whos songs about tend to appeal to those who feel oppressed or marginalised, and those who yearn for a more open and free way of life.

While he doesn't write anti-alliance songs per se, this theme runs thru many of his songs, and is one way that Bastian can vent his and others feelings about the Alliance's tyrannical regime, without bringing the heat down upon him directly.

One of his most well known songs is entitled 'The Battle for Serenity' which appeals to both Purple Bellies and Browncoats alike, as it deals with the waste and loss of human life, rather than the rightness of either cause.

Bastian has a love for the rough simple life, which is why he enjoys traveling the Rim with his well trained dog Rover, Bastian particularly enjoys travelling on rough cargo ships, which affords him the opportunaty to visit some of the more out of the way colonies which in turn inspires his artist temperament. Life on the Rim World has been the source of many of his popular exhibitions.

Bastian has spent the last few years running from his past, roaming the stars and is currently renting out two rooms (One to sleep in and one for his artistic equipment) on an 'Kwai Su Nyao' transport class ship, the former Captain lost the ship while gambling, Bastian hopes to continue his current arrangement with the new Captain Kai Nielsen.

Realising most peoples reactions towards 'readers' and Alliance Intelligence operatives Bastian is very secretive about his past and is trying to make both amends and forget his actions while he was with the Alliance.[/sblock]


First Post
The Ship

Manufactured by Lu Se Jiang (Green River) shipping, Kwai Su Nyao literally means “Swift Ox.” The ship was designed as a tramp freighter with enough brute force and ignorance to get her across the ‘Verse in short order carrying large bulk cargoes. Pre-dating the Firefly series to which she bears some similarities, the Kwai Su Nyao series enjoyed nearly two decades of commercial success until dwindling sales prompted a rethink at the production level. Although she operated as a freighter pure and simple, the success of the Firefly series led to the retro-fitting of passenger berths and a grandly titled “Observatory”. These additions were intended to give the craft a “Jack Of All Trades” air which was reflected in the marketing for a grand re-release of the series.
In reality, the passenger berths were poorly located and the “Observatory” proved to be little more than some additional chairs and a basic display nav-chart table which utilised space originally intended for air scrubbers.
None can doubt her grunt though. Two oversized reaction drives and a hefty pulse engine means that on full burn a Kwai Su Nyao leaves similar ships in her class standing. These engines also provide a lot of heavy lifting and thrust, sacrificing manoeuvrability for power.
Despite overheating issues and a reputation for being very fuel hungry, the ship’s reliability and sturdiness have won her a lot of supporters and over 15,000 registered ships are still flying.



Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Mid-bulk Cargo Hauler
Defense: 6 + Dex + Class Bonus
Autopilot Defense: 5
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 20d20 (400 hp)
Initiative Modifier: +2
Pilot’s Class Bonus: +3
Pilot’s Dex Modifier: +2
Gunner’s Attack Bonus: +2
Restriction: Restricted (+2)
Size: Colossal (–8 size)
Tactical Speed: 3,500 ft.
Pulse Speed: 6 (Full Burn 10)
Length: 163 feet
Weight: 2350 tons
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Crew: 4 (trained +4)
Passenger Capacity: 4
Cargo Capacity: 618 tons
Grapple Modifier: +16
Base Purchase DC: 44 (93,600 Credits)

Armor: Polymeric
Defense Systems: Autopilot system, damage control system (1d10), radiation shielding
Sensors: Class II sensor array, targeting system
Communications: Laser transceiver, radio transceiver
Weapons: none.
Grappling Systems: none.

Speed Class: 6 (Full Burn 10)
Fuel Capacity: 80 tons (600 hours)
Fuel Factor: 23.5
Base Operation: 31.25kg/hr
Thrusters: 187.5 kg/hr
Pulse: 18.7 t/pulse
Hard Burn Thrusters : 547.0 kg/hr
Hard Burn Pulse: 54.7 t/pulse

Complexity: Low 0.6
Gear: 20 ton shuttle, Hover Mule

Type: Ultralight
Subtype: Launch
Tactical Speed: 3,500 ft. (7 sq.)
Defense: 8 + Dex + class bonus
Targeting System Bonus: —
Hardness: 20
Hit Dice: 4d20 (80 hp)
Base Purchase DC: 40
Fuel Capacity: 1ton (1000 hours)
Maintenance Costs: 1 (DC 4)
Starship Size: Huge (–2)
Actual Size: Huge (–2)
Length: 24 feet
Weight: 20 tons
Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 8
Cargo Capacity: 2,400 lb.
Restriction: Licensed (+1)

Hover Mule:
Type: Civilian Ground Vehicle
Subtype: Hover
Speed: 250 (25)
Initiative: -2
Maneuver: -1
Defense: 8
Hardness: 5
HP: 34
Size: Huge
Length: 12 feet
Cargo: 1,000 lb.
Crew: 1
Passengers: 5
Purchase DC: 27
Restriction: Licensed (+1)


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First Post
Jon Baxter

Smart 3 / Techie 3 - Military

Str 14 +1
Dex 10 +0 
Con 14 +2
Int 15 +2 [Lvl 4 +1]
Wis 12 +1
Cha 18 +4

Init +0 (+0 Dex)
HD 6 + 2d6 + 3d6 + 12 = 38
Def 13 (+0 Dex, +1 Smart, +2 Techie); Flat-footed 13; Touch 13
Spd 30

BAB +2 (+1 Smart, +1 Techie)
Melee +4
Ranged +2

  Attack +5, Damage 1d6+2 (nonlethal)
Heavy Autoloader
  Attack +3, Damage 2d8, Rng 40, ROF S

Fort +4 (+2 Con, +1 Smart, +1 Techie)
Refl +2 (+0 Dex, +1 Smart, +1 Techie)
Will +6 (+1 Wis, +2 Smart, +3 Techie)

Occupation - Military (knowledge: tactics, navigation, personal firearms proficiency)
Home World - Osiris (computer use, diplomacy, educated)
Allegiance - 
Reputation +2
Action Points 9
Wealth 6


Skills 93 (66 Smart + 27 Techie)

Computer Use 14 (9 ranks, 1 homeworld, 2 gearhead, 2 ability)
Craft: Electronics 13 (9 ranks, 2 builder feat, 2 ability)
Craft: Mechanical 13 (9 ranks, 2 builder feat, 2 ability)
Decipher Script 4 (2 ranks, 2 ability)
Demolitions 8 (6 ranks, 2 ability)
Disable Device 14 (9 ranks, 3 savant, 2 ability)
Diplomacy 9 (5 ranks, 4 ability)
Investigate 6 (4 ranks, 2 ability)
Knowledge: Physical sciences 10 (6 ranks, 2 educated feat, 2 ability)
Knowledge: Tactics 6 (4 ranks, 2 ability)
Knowledge: Technology 13 (9 ranks, 2 educated feat, 2 ability)
Navigate 6 (4 ranks, 2 ability)
Repair 16 (9 ranks, 2 gearhead, 3 savant, 2 ability)
Research 7 (5 ranks, 2 ability)
Speak: English, Mandarin (1 rank)
Spot 3 (2 ranks, 1 ability)

Personal Firearms Proficiency (occupation)
Educated (home world)
Builder (1st)
Brawl (1st)
Gearhead (Bonus Smart 2nd)
Advanced Firearms Proficiency (3rd)
Point-blank shot (Bonus Techie 3rd)
Weapon Focus: Heavy Autoloader (6th)

Savant: Disable Device (Smart 1)
Savant: Repair (Smart 3)
Jury Rig +2 (Techie 1)
Extreme Machine (Techie 3)


Electrical tool kit, basic (Wealth 6 + Take 10)
Mechanical tool kit, large (wealth 5 + Take 10)
Failed wealth roll for heavy autofeeder
Casual clothes, coveralls and boots (wealth 4 + Take 10)

Appearance: Jon Baxter is a tall, trim man in his early 30s. He has short black hair, green eyes, and a pale complexion. Jon is very handsome in a traditional sense, with chiseled features and a charming smile. He usually wears dark coveralls and a packed equipment belt. He somehow keeps his clothes unusually neat and clean. Jon has a low, deep voice and he speaks with an educated, Central accent.

Background: Jon comes from an upper-middle class family on Osiris. His father was a technician for the truly wealthy, helping to install the gadgets and toys that only the very rich could afford. Doing so made Jon's father a good living and provided an excellent practical science background. When Jon became an adult, he was tempted to go to school and become a true scientist. With the civil war breaking out, however, Jon decided to enlist. He saw this as a way to show off his technical skills and get some social elevation he could never achieve as a workman.

In the war, Jon planned to be behind the scenes making repairs, scanning for the enemy, or crunching data. Due to the guerilla tactics of the enemy, however, Jon and his brethren were often targets of violence. Despite not a much skill for combat, Jon realized he had a good stomach for danger. After the war, however, Jon hoped to return to Osiris and start his own security company for the rich and famous.

The plan was going well until Jon fell into a criminal ploy. He was tricked into helping some thieves break into a well-protected home, thinking he was aiding the legitimate owner get into his own home. After the real criminals fled and framed Jon. As the law was closing in, Jon used the last of his money and skill to erase his own identity from the Alliance system. Now a ghost, Jon grudgingly headed out into the Black, seeing it as the only place a man with no name could survive. Now, short on experience in this lifestyle but full of talent and charm, Jon has joined the ship and tried to make a life for himself.


Kai Nielsen - Captain

Kai Nielsen
Charismatic 2/Tough 2/Field Officer 2

Str 16 +3
Dex 18 +4
Con 16 +3
Int 16 +3
Wis 18 +4
Cha 18 +4 [+1 @ level 4)

Init +4 (+4 Dex)
HD 6 + 1d6 + 2d10 + 2d8 + 18 =
Def 19 (+4 Dex, +1 Charismatic, +2 Tough, +1 Field, +1 Armor); Flat-footed 19; Touch 18
Spd 30

BAB +4 (+1 Charismatic, +1 Tough, +2 Field Officer)
Melee +7
Ranged +8

Heavy Service Revolver +9 ranged (2d8, 30 ft., 6 cyl.)
Imp. Brawl +9 melee (1d8+1d4+3 nonlethal)

Fort +7 (+3 Con, +2 Char, +2 Tough, +0 Field)
Refl +6 (+4 Dex, +2 Char, +0 Field)
Will +7 (+4 Wis, +0 Char, +3 Field)

Occupation – Military (Drive, Knowledge (tactics), Personal Firearms Proficiency)
Home World – Shadow (Survival, Ride, Brawl)
Reputation +3 (+2 Char, +1 Field Officer)
Action Points 9

Skills 63 (50 Charismatic + 12 Tough + 16 Field Officer)
Diplomacy +11 (7 ranks, +4 Cha)
Knowledge (tactics) +12 (9 ranks, +3 Int)
Survival +10 (6 ranks, +4 Wis)
Ride +8 (4 ranks, +4 Dex)
Drive +6 (2 ranks, +4 Dex)
Knowledge (art) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int)
Knowledge (civics) +4 (1 rank, +3 Int)
Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int)
Perform (song, dance) +5 (1 rank each, +4 Cha)
Profession (smuggler/scavenger) +13 (9 ranks, +4 Wis)
Spot +8 (4 ranks, +4 Wis)
Concentration +10 (4cc+3 ranks, +3 Con)
Knowledge (streetwise) +10 (7 ranks, +3 Int)
Intimidate +10 (6 ranks, +4 Cha)
Sense Motive +12 (3cc+5 ranks, +4 Wis)

Simple Weapons Proficiency
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Improved Damage Threshold
Heroic Surge
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Improved Brawl

Charismatic Bonus Feat
Remain Conscious
Tough Bonus Feat
Uncanny Survival

Wealth - 8 (started at 9, -1 for Revolver)

Heavy Service Revolver (.44)
Long Leather Coat
.44 cal revolver rounds (100)
Casual Clothes
Zip-tie Handcuffs
Speed Loader
Hip Holster

Kai is tall and broud-shouldered although has soft features making him appear less weathered of a man than his history shows. While he is brown haired and brown eyed, something about him carries a distinctiveness that few would forget or miss. He wears a long leather coat common to the browncoats during the war over a set of clothes that would just as likely put him on a ranch in a backwater sector over the deck of a ship. He carries a heavy service revolver on his left hip (as he is left handed), the only memory he carries of the War.

Kai grew up on Shadow for the first few years of his life, when a companion visited his town, he followed her around and she took a keen liking to the boy. Smart, observant, charismatic and graceful, already a good lucking boy at the age of eight, she paid his parents a handsome sum of money to take him with her. They didn't mind, sure he was a bit of a gift but the pile of credits she laid down for him would take care of any of their problems for years to come.

He lived on Sihnon till he was twelve when he was admitted into the Companions Guild for training. An apt student but with little interest in the arts the guild favored in its Companions he lasted on till the age of eighteen when the Unification War broke out. He split from Sihnon, taking with him only the training he had gained and went to the Border Planets.

He volunteered with the Independents. His natural charisma and exceptional tactical skills quickly took him higher and higher in rank, when the Battle of Serenity he was there. His troop transport was taken down by enemy fire and he managed to survive the crash along with a handful of others. Behind enemy lines and knowing that command had already given up on Serenity, he fought on for another week and a half before being captured. Of his original transport he was the only one that survived, his last mate eating his own rifle before being captured.

Growing up on Shadow before the war he had been part of a Christian family, then when he moved to Sihnon and the companions guild he learned a great deal of the Buddhist religion eventually taking it on as his own. When the war happened however, he had to make a decision, either follow the principle of non-violence he had come to believe on Sihnon and let his people suffer at the hands of the Alliance or take up the mantle of violence to do what good he could. He made his decision and what he saw in the war has left him with a great deal of self-doubt, scorn for the Alliance and a sense of pity for the Border and Rim worlds.

Come the end of the War and his eventual release along with a number of others captured at the Battle of Serenity, he took to the outer worlds. He quickly found work as a smuggler, his natural talent with people letting him work over officials to get past customs and so on. He has had the ambition to someday own and captain a ship of his own, but life on the rim and jobs are hard to come by, much less the coin to get himself a ship that runs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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