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Geisha, the (missing) Asian Bard


First Post
Attached is a new class for Asian themed campaigns. The file is a little big as a RTF.
See also wikipedia for Geisha: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisha
The Korean version of Geisha is called Kisaeng, for those who want to use the class in a non-Japanese oriented campaign, although the term has more connotations to prostitution than the Japanese professionals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kisaeng
It is up to individual campaign to focus on the high-end prostitution connotation, or to the professional 'art-person' as the term Geisha means. I leave that up to you.

First off, I must be clear that this is not a re-creation of a historically accurate Geisha, as I am somewhat ignorant, having only a rudimentary knowledge of the profession. I have a lot of interest in the Asian cultures, but I do not expect my Geisha class concept to be any more accurate than the Samurai, Ninja, or any other Asian inspired D&D class designed by a bunch of westerners here in the United States. I only wanted to capture a Geisha inspired class that would be useful for NPC’s or possibly as a class choice for Players. So, accept my apologies if my design offends your sensibilities on the subject, or for any cultural bias for or against the class idea or its abilities.

With that first caveat out of the way, I wanted to create a class that would function in a world with WuJens, Sorcerers, Dragons, Undead, and the like. Going pure historical would have been absurd. The class needed to function well in their environment (court intrigues, tea house conspiracies, Geisha guild wars, Samurai political maneuvering), so I thought that the best base for such a class would be Bard (most suited for social interaction abilities). To make the class viable in a D&D world, I decided to keep the spell progression intact, and used the Bard spell list without modification.

Seeing the class as even less combat oriented than a traditional Bard, I dropped the HD & Combat abilities down to the level of Wizards & Sorcerers. To offset this, Skill points & number of Class skill choices will likely be upped to Rogue level (8+), and adding some extra abilities.

As to Skill Choices, most suggested skills seem in-line and self explanatory (the communication skills). I can see Craft (alchemy) for mixing compounds for makeup, Disguise (makeup masters), Performance (dance, singing, poetics, and several instruments), Balance, Tumbling (for use in performances), Sleight of Hand, Rope Use (tying knots & costume considerations), etc. All-in-all, a very well rounded set of skills for use in the preferred settings will be available, comparable to Rogues but going in slightly different directions.

All of the descriptions are written with a female bias (She, Her, Herself…) as the class is essentially for females. Apparently some male Geisha existed historically in the earliest details of the profession, but later this was extremely rare and probably catered to clients with alternate sexual preferences. I am sure the class can be utilized by those wanting male Geisha… after all D&D has altered the historical norms to allow for sexual equality in most areas (and rightly so, even it is not my exact taste).

As to the setting or campaign; I do not use Rokugan, or even generic Oriental Adventures, but I referenced that material at times. I will defer to individual players and DM’s who might want to further refine my ideas to fit their campaigns. The objective was to create a class usable by most folks in any appropriate campaign, much like the class versions located in the Complete Series books. However, there is a lot of wonderful material in the OA & Rokugan Books. Individual DM’s/Players may feel free to adapt as they might desire.

Feel free to comment on the class or my interpretation. Please try to keep it constructive, but otherwise I would love to hear what you think.

-----edit 01/11/2007 ---
uploaded a revised version with corrections, some mechanical changes, and further thoughts. -enjoy
-----edit 02/06/2007 ---
More tweaks entered -enjoy
-----edit 02/10/2007 ---
More tweaks entered -enjoy
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First Post
This is not current. The above rtf file has up-to-date version. Few differences, and this post does still convey the basic concept.

Feel free to comment.

Geisha 芸者

Alignment: Any non-chaotic
The life of a Geisha is a very structured and etiquette driven lifestyle that requires a measure of personal organization and attention to certain rules of behavior. Aside from this requirement, there are Geisha compatible with most client temperaments (alignments). Geisha tend to keep their opinions, moral judgments, or other personal ethics to themselves, regardless of the client that they serve.

Hit Die: d4

Class Skills: The Geisha’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (all appropriate craft skills, taken individually) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (all, taken individually) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Int modifier) ×4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 8 + Int modifier

At each new level, a Geisha must take a rank in an appropriate Craft, Knowledge (local), and at least one rank in a Perform skill. Additionally, on every level divisible by two (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc) a Geisha must learn at least one new national or cultural language of the sort that might be used by her prospective clients. Depending on the campaign, this is most likely a regional human language or other appropriate racial languages, but may even be fantastic languages if the setting is appropriate.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Geisha.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Geisha is proficient with all simple weapons and in the use of a War Fan(OA). A Naginata(OA) may be used in the defense of their Okiya or home, but no Geisha would carry a weapon openly – any weapon should be concealed. A Geisha’s hair spikes are often used as improvised piercing weapons and they may use the spikes without the normal penalty.
Geishas are not proficient with any armor (except the special Kimonos, see below) but may use a Buckler or a Tessen(OA) when appropriate. The bucklers are often disguised or creatively incorporated into their elaborate formal costumes.
A Geisha incurs all the normal arcane spell failure chances while using armor of any sort (including the buckler if so used), just like any other standard arcane spell caster. One exception is the special Kimonos which a Geisha can ignore the first 5% of arcane failure, due to extensive training with the garb.

A Geisha casts arcane spells in exactly the same manner as a standard bard, using the standard bard’s spell list and spell progression.

Alluring (Su) Because of the Geisha’s great beauty and grace, others have an inexplicable urge to believe your every word. At 8th level, the Geisha’s ability to influence others reached extends to the supernatural. The Geisha gets a +2 bonus to the save DC’s of all her mind-affecting, language-dependent spells. This was modified from a 3.0 feat originally located in the Song and Silence book (WotC).

Courtly Grace (Ex) The traditional training in conversation, customs, and social manners bestows an impressive presence as well as a quick wit. At 4th level, a Geisha receives a +4 competence bonus on all Charisma related skill checks that relate to social interaction (i.e. not feinting in combat). This is identical to the Courtier ability ‘Style and Grace’ from the Rokugan Campaign book, renamed.

Discreet Magic (Ex) If the Geisha chooses to, as a free action, she may actively conceal her spell casting within her performance or ritual movements. Any spellcaster may use this Sleight of Hand maneuver but a Geisha is exceptionally adept at the process, gaining a bonus of +1 to the attempt at second level when she attains her normal spellcasting progression. This bonus increases again at sixth level to +2, and continues to increase every 4 levels thereafter (2nd, 6h, 10th, 14th…) to +5 at 18th Level. If Epic rules are used the progression would continue.
In addition, the penalty for Trying Again is halved for a Geisha (-5 on the check) when attempting to cast additional spells while being observed by someone who has already noticed (successful Spot check) the Geisha casting discretely.
If a Geisha has spellcasting available from other classes through multiclassing or prestige classes, she still may use this ability with those spells. Refer to the Sleight of Hand description taken from Races of Stone book (WotC).

Geisha Defense (Ex) The Geisha’s natural talent for performance, ornate manner of dressing, distinctive ritualistic movements, and her stunning beauty throws her opponents off guard in combat. Even a Geisha armed with a deadly weapon is very distracting figure in combat, whether the opponent is male or female, although the opponent must have some appreciation of the Geisha’s allure (see below).
At 1st level, a Geisha gains a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level. However, this bonus can never be greater than the Geisha's current Charisma bonus. If epic rules are used the progression continues. In a situation where the Geisha is denied her Dexterity bonus (as in flat footed), she also loses her Geisha Defense bonus as well.
This bonus only applies to creatures that do have human sensibilities of charm, grace, beauty, or related human-like expressions (Humans, Humanoids, Giants, or Fey). True animals, dragons, outsiders, aberrations, non-intelligent/unaware undead or other non-human creatures will not be affected by a Geisha’s Defensive tactics, although most creatures with a general humanlike form (biped, intelligent, with defined social customs) will usually be affected. Because of the vast myriad of races, the DM may need to decide whether the race in question is affected. Feats may extend the Geisha Defense to other creatures such as Dragons, types of Outsiders, or Magical Beasts (enhanced intelligence animals).
This ability is similar (mechanically) to the Jester Defense ability taken from the Dragon Compendium I, Jester Class (Paizo).

Geisha Lore This is identical to the Bardic Knowledge ability of standard bards.

Geisha Performance (Su/Sp)
Once per day per Geisha level, a Geisha can use her song, poetics, or other performance (such as dance) to produce magical effects on those around her (possibly including herself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of Geisha (bard) Performance and the descriptions discuss singing or playing instruments, they may also all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies, whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some spoken performance. Each of these abilities requires both a minimum Geisha level and a minimum number of ranks in the appropriate Perform skill to qualify; if a Geisha does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, she does not gain the Geisha Performance ability until she acquires the needed ranks.
Starting a Geisha performance effect is a standard action. Some Geisha performance abilities require concentration, which means the Geisha must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using Geisha Performance that doesn’t require concentration, a Geisha cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), spell trigger (such as wands), or command word. Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf Geisha has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use Geisha performance. If she fails, the attempt still counts against her daily limit.

Counter-Performance (Su) (Geisha Performance)
This is identical to the Bardic Performance ability of the same name.

Distracting Performance (Su) (Geisha Performance)
A Geisha with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use her music, poetics, or dance to distract those around her, inhibiting their ability to cast spells or maintain concentration on their spells. Any creature within 30 feet (friend and foe alike) attempting to cast or maintain a spell must make a Concentration check with a DC equal to the Geisha’s Perform check to avoid losing the spell. A Geisha can only keep the distracting performance up for a number of rounds equal to her current Geisha level, but she can end the effect at any time as free action. A distracting performance is a mind-affecting ability. This ability is similar but modified from the Virtuoso ability “Jarring Song”, from the Complete Adventurer book (WotC).

Fascinate (Sp) (Geisha Performance)
This is identical to the Bardic Performance ability of the same name.

Inspire Courage (Su)
This is identical to the Bardic Performance ability of the same name.

Inspire Diplomacy (Su) (Geisha Performance)
A Geisha of 3rd level or higher with 6 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use her performances to help an ally succeed at diplomatic endeavors. The Geisha skillfully times aspects of her performance to enhance her ally’s communication, while detracting from the diplomatic opponent’s position. The ally and his diplomatic counterpart(s) must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the Geisha. The Geisha must also be able to see the pair.
The ally gets a +4 competence bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, or Diplomacy skill checks as long as he or she continues to see and/or hear the Geisha’s performance. When the ally is exposed to counter-diplomatic techniques, the ally gets +4 on any opposed rolls (dealing with these social interactions) while the performance continues. Certain uses of this ability may be infeasible. The effect lasts as long as the Geisha concentrates on her performance or until the negotiations are broken off (even for a short break). A Geisha cannot inspire diplomacy in herself. Inspire Diplomacy is a mind-affecting ability.

Suggestion (Sp) (Geisha Performance)
This is identical to the Bardic Performance ability of the same name.

Sanctuary (Su)
This ability causes an effect similar to the Sanctuary Spell.

Song of Freedom (Sp) (Geisha Performance)
This is identical to the Bardic Performance ability of the same name.

Inspire Infatuation (Sp)
A Geisha of 15th level or higher with 18 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use her performance ability to inspire loving feelings towards the Geisha in a creature that she has already fascinated. Using this ability does not break the Geisha’s concentration on the fascinate effect, but it does count against her daily limit on Geisha Performances. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ Geisha’s level + Geisha’s Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature per usage. Inspire Infatuation is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. It is not necessarily language-dependent, but lacking communication obviously limits the effectiveness.
The effect of this ability causes the target to fall in love with the Geisha. The subject takes any opportunity to be near the Geisha, and makes every effort to win the Geisha’s attention. The subject will do his utmost to prevent any harm to the Geisha, even to the point of self sacrifice. The Geisha must tend to this relationship, as any treatment which spurns this ‘love’ will cause another save with a +2 cumulative bonus for each occurrence. Having multiple disciples in this manner tends to cause trouble as each works against the other to earn her favor. The Geisha can dismiss the direct effect, although some feelings may persist (lingering longing, hurt feelings, or sometimes bitter scorn). The cumulative bonus a target acquires from poor treatment never abates, even with repeated or renewed applications of this ability by the Geisha.

Mass Suggestion (Sp) (Geisha Performance)
This is identical to the Bardic Performance ability of the same name.​

Ex-Geishas A Geisha who becomes Chaotic in alignment cannot progress in levels as a Geisha. More importantly is the loss of reputation that may accompany such a change. A chaotic Geisha often disregards certain rules of etiquette or other traditions, and she may be subject to ridicule (or worse) for transgressions. Regardless of the social impact, a chaotic Geisha still retains all her abilities; she just loses the ability to progress further until a non-chaotic alignment can be achieved.

Table 1: The Geisha
Level	BAB	Fort	Ref	Will	Special
		Save	Save	Save	
1st	+0	+0	+2	+2	Court Gossip, Geisha Defense +1, Geisha Performance,
                                         Geisha Lore, Counter-Performance, Distracting Performance,
                                         Fascinate, Inspire Courage
2nd	+1	+0	+3	+3	Discrete Magic +1
3rd	+1	+1	+3	+3	Inspire competence
4th	+2	+1	+4	+4	Courtly Grace
5th	+2	+1	+4	+4	Geisha Defense +2
6th	+3	+2	+5	+5	Discrete Magic +2, Suggestion
7th	+3	+2	+5	+5	
8th	+4	+2	+6	+6	Alluring
9th	+4	+3	+6	+6	Inspire Greatness
10th	+5	+3	+7	+7	Discrete Magic +3, Geisha Defense +3
11th	+5	+3	+7	+7	
12th	+6/+1	+4	+8	+8	Song of Freedom
13th	+6/+1	+4	+8	+8	
14th	+7/+2	+4	+9	+9	Discrete Magic +4
15th	+7/+2	+5	+9	+9	Geisha Defense +4, Inspire Heroics
16th	+8/+3	+5	+10	+10	
17th	+8/+3	+5	+10	+10	
18th	+9/+4	+6	+11	+11	Discrete Magic +5, Mass Suggestion
19th	+9/+4	+6	+11	+11	
20th	+10/+5	+6	+12	+12	Geisha Defense +5

Optional Rules: Much of a Geisha’s mystique comes from the costuming, makeup, and overall mannerisms. The skills and abilities of a Geisha are assumed to include the use of the appropriate attire. A DM may want to limit the effectiveness or use of the Geisha’s abilities (specifically performance abilities) if proper attire cannot be used.

The Kimono
All Geisha Kimonos are masterwork quality tailor items. Much like a suit of armor, it takes time and the assistance of others to properly don the traditional garb. It is suggested that the Geisha’s many-layered silk and cloth outfit be similar to padded armor in protective value, and capable of enchantment. The Geisha’s special training allows her to ignore the arcane failure chance (ignoring the first 5% failure chance for this type of garb only).
Special Protective Kimonos can be conceived incorporating discretely hidden plates, heavier rope-like weaves, or other hardening methods. These would increase the armor value but also cause movement problems (Max Dex, Armor Check, and Spell failure issues), as well as additional weight; however the Geisha should be considered proficient with this type of kimono (armored). The protective value of an armored kimono is equivalent to studded leather. Suggested stats are listed in the following table.
Item	                Cost	AC	M.Dex	A.Check	ArcFail	Speed30	Speed20	Wt
Kimono(mw)	        200+gp	1	8	 0	 5%	30	20	10+
Armored Kimono(mw)	400+gp	3	5	-1	15%	30	20	30+
Armor Type	             Don	Don Hastily	Remove
Kimono (mw) or
Armored Kimono (mw)	10 minutes	5 minutes	1d6+1 minutes
Okiya (Geisha House)
Optional Rules: A Geisha must be part of an okiya (Geisha house) which operates much like the concept of western thieves’ guilds. The Geisha receives housing, training, job assignment, and similar resources from their okiya. The okiya membership is similar to the servitude of an indentured servant – the Geisha must earn their independence and relative freedom. Virtually all maiko (apprentice Geisha) begin their career essentially enslaved to their okiya.
A very good way of managing this is to use the Affiliation rules as presented in the Player’s Handbook II, but DM’s are free to use whatever method they choose to deal with this relationship.
A Geisha who is kicked out or otherwise loses her okiya affiliation is treated like an Ex-Geisha (see above for Chaotic Geisha) until they can join another okiya or establish their own.
Establishing an okiya requires the acquisition of a base of operations, usually within a large city. The retired head-geisha (often called the ‘Mother’ of the Okiya) must use the Leadership feat to attract the lower level geisha and the additional all-female staff required to maintain the household. There can be only one Geisha for every 5 attracted followers. Commoners are the most appropriate follower to fill the ranks, but the occasional professional helper can serve as well, especially as the Geisha achieves higher status. Higher level Geisha generally require additional staff to help maintain their role. Very young female commoners are generally the newest recruits, and when one is found with the proper aptitude and appearance, they are trained into proper maiko (apprentice geisha), which entails a grueling schedule of training and service.
The DM can enact additional flavorful rules to manage the Geisha, Okiya, follower geisha and staff, rival Okiya, or other aspects of the Geisha’s interactions.
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First Post
It's an interesting concept. It's definitely more powerful than a bard, although a bard is a bit more combat-handy than the geisha. I can see its uses and its potential.

- I'd rather see less spells (or a more specific spell list, like the beguiler).
- I would add the Heal skill and remove Use Magic Device.
- I would add poison use as a class feature.
- I would remove the alignment requirement.
- I would rename Geisha Lore to Gossip and remove the Court Gossip ability.


First Post
GwydapLlew said:
It's an interesting concept. It's definitely more powerful than a bard, although a bard is a bit more combat-handy than the geisha. I can see its uses and its potential.

- I'd rather see less spells (or a more specific spell list, like the beguiler).
- I would add the Heal skill and remove Use Magic Device.
- I would add poison use as a class feature.
- I would remove the alignment requirement.
- I would rename Geisha Lore to Gossip and remove the Court Gossip ability.
Thanks for the feedback. I will address your points:

Powerlevel - not sure I agree that it is more powerful than standard bards. reduced hd, reduced combat skill; both to the level of wizards, yet spell power still only on the bard scale. Weapons and armor are limited as well (but debatable, as I treat those Kimonos essentially as armor). I'll wait for a few more opinions on this.

Spell List - I originally wanted to create an all new list with a decidedly Asian Bard feel, but after trying to work through the PHB & Spell Compendium - it ended up being essentially the same as normal bards with a couple of extra spells thrown in. So, for brevity, and for ease of maintaining spell lists for players & dms alike, I opted for straight bard spell list. For my own campaign I would probably prefer a unique list - much like you suggest.

Skills - I can see your suggested changes for Heal, but Use Device was specifically chosen so that the utility aspect of normal bards was maintained in this Asian counterpart. Craft (poison) is already available from the craft list (as is alchemy). If you mean Poison use like Assasins, remember that the class is not designed to be some sort of covert spy primarily (but many of their skills do support such). Now, a Geisha/Ninja or Geshia/Assassin multiclasses would quickly grant this aspect- and is a very potent combination, as I see it. Poison use (the class ability) is not IMO very aprapo for a professional entertainer.

Alignment - Generally I prefer classes without any alignment restrictions, but in this case the strict ettiquette, ritual performance, tea ceremonies, court behavior, etc. all scream 'strict organized behavior' to me. Originally I wrote that the class must be Lawful (like monks), but opted for a little more flexibility (non-chaotic instead). I tried to keep any penalties for a change mechanically minimal (just loss of advancement - not loss of ability). I'll see what some others think before making changes here.

Lore - I struggled with reconciling these aspects, trying to think of some mechanic that combined the two separate aspects. I see Bard Knowledge as integral from the study of History, Epics, Poetry, Song, etc., yet I also see some function of the Geisha being around and hearing nice tidbits of 'private' info here and there (gossip). I am flexible to changing this whole idea around if I can find some way of describing the effects of both.

Again thanks for the feedback. It helps to see how others view it.
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First Post
No new feedback?

Lack of Interest :( ,

or the class is so supremely good that folks are afraid to comment :uhoh: ???

Without some feedback, I will have to think that it must be the latter. ;)


First Post
I quite like the look of the class, it's interesting to say the least. One thing you may want to consider though is looking at ways of giving Geishas the freedom that is often required in an adventuring party. Admittedly the initial plot hook is quite simple, your Okiya's "mother" tells you to accompany the party on their mission but overall behaviour seems very restricted. Perhaps some flavour blurb should be added along the lines of:

"Though life within an Okiya is highly regimented and restricted, Geishas leaving the boundaries of the school on assignments are granted a high degree of freedom. Geishas who are trusted to go "adventuring" are often encouraged to spread their wings beyond the direct influence of their superiours in order to build up their client base and increase the reputation of the Okiya either through encouraging and aiding their companions in great deeds of combat or simple diplomacy."

Just a small thing but I think it could stop the class seeming too restrictive to players.


First Post
Dei said:
I quite like the look of the class, it's interesting to say the least. One thing you may want to consider though is looking at ways of giving Geishas the freedom that is often required in an adventuring party. Admittedly the initial plot hook is quite simple, your Okiya's "mother" tells you to accompany the party on their mission but overall behaviour seems very restricted. Perhaps some flavour blurb should be added along the lines of:

"Though life within an Okiya is highly regimented and restricted, Geishas leaving the boundaries of the school on assignments are granted a high degree of freedom. Geishas who are trusted to go "adventuring" are often encouraged to spread their wings beyond the direct influence of their superiours in order to build up their client base and increase the reputation of the Okiya either through encouraging and aiding their companions in great deeds of combat or simple diplomacy."

Just a small thing but I think it could stop the class seeming too restrictive to players.
I see your point, although I did place most of the affiliation considerations at the end of the class description in a section of optional rules. Maybe if I clarify that so that it says something to the effect of:
"unless the player and/or DM specifically want to roleplay the Okiya's role in the character's life, it can be assumed that the character is a 'free agent', having finished her initial Maiko training, who can travel, adventure, or otherwise choose her own path."​

Thanks for the feedback. :)


First Post
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you might want to make being female a requirement. Unless there's some form of male geisha I am unfamiliar with.

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