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S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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Aeranduil moves to join Vortan. The elf would not back down from any fight with giants, and he cared little for coin or glory.

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After the shadowed half-orc's insults to their new employer Voadam's gaze turns to observe him more closely, looking for any markings that would indicate what Lord he served. Best to know which political factions were involved that he was dealing with. Though new to these lands Voadam was quick to pick up little details and puzzle out broader pictures, and his time in Sharn had been well spent learning many details of this world.

ooc knowledge nobility +10


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Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"The money, the time ya want us t' search?" Morika insists, pressing for answers to her previous questions.

"I must agree," Sanne added. "It will be a while before Stormrider gets out of the yards, but if my friends in Stormhome are telling me the truth, I'm rather high on the list of potential captains for her."


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"The money, the time ya want us t' search?" Morika insists, pressing for answers to her previous questions.

"The time commitment may be as short as 3 weeks, or as long as 2 months, depending on your skills in tracking down the giants and locating the bodies of the slaughtered.

As far as coin, upon successful completion of your task, House Tharashk is willing to recompense each of you with 5000 gold coins, or equivalent amount in Siberys Dragonshards."


Voadam has heard stories about the Lord Gorodan from Droaam. The exiled Fire Giant arrived 24 years ago and established a small fiefdom, seizing control of a clan of ogres and their goblin slaves. The giant is relatively uninterested in the political schemings of Khorvaire. He answers to the Hags who are the Daughters of Sora Kell.

Know(Nobility) check (1d20+10=21)


Sanne said:
"Well, I'd take seven Lyrandar Windwright Captains over eight Tharashk journeymen, and I have to think the rest of you are at least as good as me. Tharashk and Medani weren't taking just anyone for this job."
Jaxel said:
"And o'course they showed a razor keen sense of judgement by findin' the best Tracker and Killer of Giants known to Gnomekind and wavin' some prize under his Gnose. Best to my recollection the only act o' stupidity I have seen is some windbag flappin his jaw while pretendin ta be a centerpiece at The King's feast-table.
Last time I saw a face like that sittin' on a table it had an apple in its mouth!"
If either of the slights made against the halfork had any impact on him, there was no register of it on his face. However, the fact that he does make a retort tells you that their responses mattered to him in at least some way.

"Apparently you both failed to grasp my statements beyond the obvious... which of course tells me you both are a little too high on your own merits, and that you do not understand larger tactical consequences."

Again, he does not direct his statements to the people with whom he is speaking, but rather again just says them straight out... as though making his point to the specific individual isn't as important to him as just making his voice heard. To the more observant, perhaps he is vocalizing his thoughts in order to commune with the world at large? The gods? Those that might be listening in? It is hard to tell.

"If a group of eight is slaughtered in a matter of seconds... it says that there is a numbers superiority involved, in addition to skill. Which means regardless of how skilled a group of seven might be... whether it be seven Windwrights or seven so-called Gnomish giant-killers... those skills are meaningless if the giants outnumber them four, five, six to one. To believe otherwise is foolishness.

You must 'spend money to make money' is the old proverb... and in this case... only by spending money on a numerically superior force will you hope to eventually make that money back by succeding in your endeavor. To use another old proverb, there is no use in 'throwing good money after bad'... which is exactly what sending groups of seven or eight people at a time obviously is."

As he continues, he this time does something somewhat out of the ordinary of what you've seen thus far, by raising his left hand and actually pointing his finger at Bendis at the front of the room... even though he still keeps his eyes staring out straight into space.

"However, if this man has received visions from those that commune with the spirits that they have seen a group of seven go out and try to accomplish this... then I am satisfied. Even if on the face of it the strategy is weak... I will in no way look askance at those who follow their god's will. And if we are the strategy their seers have foreseen... then I will follow knowingly and willingly."

Yoggrith then lowers his arm, pushes his chair away from the table, and stands up to leave with the group.


"Hold a moment, agent of Lord Gorodan. Let us all be clear before we go into this together, this is a mission to gather information in a hostile land, not an invasion force to slaughter giants. Conflicts and combat may arise which require us to perform giantslaying, but stealth and investigation are called for as our primary strategies."


First Post
Vortran escorts you to a launch portico off of the main Medani enclave. A small skiff-like transport, powered by a bound air elemental awaits, tethered to a couple of mooring posts.

Vortan nods to the pilot, who then expertly pilots you to the Lyrander airdock.

As you climb out of the skiff and up onto the tarmac, the first thing you notice are various passengers hurrying back and forth, luggage and tickets in hand.

You are somewhat dazzled by the activity – several large airships are in the process of loading and unloading – passengers and cargo are everywhere. Vortan directs you across the landing pad, towards a smaller airship. As you approach, you can make out the name Precarious Retreat etched prominently on several gold inlaid tiles along the lines of the ship.

At the bottom of the gangway, another half-elf appears to be waiting for you.

“G’day mates, mi’ name is Dalwir of House Lyrander. I will be your captain on this trip. Hope you don’t mind the cramped quarters, but the Precarious Retreat is built for speed, and not for comfort – I’ll get you there quickly and safely, dontcha worry.”

"Ah, I knew I was to be carryin' a fellow Lyrander, but I didta expect to see you, Sanne. Nice to have ye aboard. If'n you don't mind, I may call upon yer services and skills on the trip.

“Now, be good lads and head up the gangway and the good quartermaster will see you to your rooms, so that you can stow yer gear. We be leavin’ shortly.”

“This will be the last time ye feet touch the ground, so if ye be scared o’ flyin’, say goodbye to yer good friend. I promise that once you’ve flown with me, you’ll never want to walk again.”

“Once we’re underway, I’ll be glad to talk to ye, but fer now, please allow the crew and I to do our jobs.”

He then heads off, inspecting the hull for any damages after the last trip, shouting orders to his crew.



The ship leaves port without any issues. Once airborn, the ship hums along, and you get acquainted with the ship's layout.

[D]aa [/D]




First Post
s@squ@tch said:
"Ah, I knew I was to be carryin' a fellow Lyrander, but I didta expect to see you, Sanne. Nice to have ye aboard. If'n you don't mind, I may call upon yer services and skills on the trip.

"Feel free; I don't want to get too out of practice. Lyrandar's Pride was badly overdue for a refit when we finally put in for one, and while I think I'm getting Stormrider once the yards are done with her, I'm between jobs right now. Besides, I don't think I'm wired to pass up a chance for adventure." Sanne said.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika sniffs audiably at the notion that she wouldn't want to walk again, but still looks very fascinated by the ship in general. Mercenaries, even powerful ones, generally didn't get treatment like this, or transport of this type. Smiling fiercely, she turned to the others.

"Get yer stuff stowed and then get back here. I want to get the scent of all of you afore we touch down," she says bluntly. It's not quite certain whether she means this literally or figuratively.


Jaxel snorted a bit at the idea he could not take on four giants by himself...Much less a team of himself (ah it would be glorious!) against four-to-one odds. He grumbled as much all the way to the ship.

Despite being an old hand at travelling back and forth to Xen'Drik, Jaxel hated flying. The whole thing seemed unnatural and he preferred being low to the ground.
Sighing in resignstion he boarded and complied with the Captain's requests. Though the man's statements, joking or not, did little to ease his trepidation.

"Get yer stuff stowed and then get back here. I want to get the scent of all of you afore we touch down," she says bluntly. It's not quite certain whether she means this literally or figuratively.

Jaxel cocked a bushy blonde eyebrow. "Just what exactly you plan on smellin' there Lady?"

OOC: Switched to a more readable color. Isida is your character Ram-like? Bull-like? Goat-like? Does she only have horns when she shifts?

Voidrunner's Codex

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