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The Wayfinders - Expedition to Tempest Isle


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The continuation of Who Wants to Be a Wayfinder

You spend the next several days enjoying yourself in town. Despite your rocky first impression the last time you were here, your second visit is much more pleasant. With some coin in your pocket for the first time since entering the University, you finally have the opportunity to enjoy some old hobbies. There are dozens of restaurants offering local cuisines and exotic foods from Qbarra, the Talenta Plains, and the Mror Holds. Being a large port city, Cliffscrape also hosts a large bazaar that occupies two entire tiers. You see countless baubles, jewels, art sculptures, magical creations, and even a bustling exotic animal market. For the more culturally minded, there are four playhouses, open air concerts, and art studios in the city. Despite the civilized trappings, you are often reminded that the city is still a dangerous place. Fights abound in the streets and there are few guards around. The ones that you do see seem more concerned with protecting certain businesses or houses belonging to the local sea prince than helping citizens. The attitude of the people clearly reflects this lifestyle. Survival of the fittest is their credo, hardship and danger makes them stronger than the "soft skinned" folk that spend their lives on the mainland.

Five days after putting ashore, a message from Creidan finds its way to you informing you that the preparations are nearly completed for your return voyage. The next day is spent in meetings with Creidan as you go over details of the expedition. He has prepared one of House Tharask's caravels, a three masted sailing ship, to carry a scouting crew to the island. Along with the 10 man sailing crew, he has hired on an additional 10 men to setup a camp and assist in scouting. He has arranged the purchase of a scroll of Sending to allow for communication once you have something of significance to report. His mission for you is to scout out the mining operation, disrupt their work, and where possible eliminate the enemy. He reminds you that these people might have prior claim to the site, but their attacks on passing ships brands them as pirates. This removes any legal protection, limited as it is in Lhazaar Principalities.

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Mista Collins

First Post
The five days off were nice. With the new set of Mithril armor from their last excursion for House Tharask, Seria was able to sell off her old set of leather and use some of that money to enjoy the city. Definitely spending as much of the day as possible taking in the city in its safer areas, she was learning a lot about the Lhazaar culture. The people here are a rough and ready sort. Though this gives the city an exciting feel, it also makes for a possibly dangerous place to be.

Hearing word from Creidan on the plans was comforting. Seria was happy that House Tharask wasn't gonna leave them out completely. Ready for what lies ahead, Seria almost has a look of excitement on her face that is similar to the one she had when they left Aundiar.


First Post
All hands are summoned to the docks the night before you set out. The mercenaries hired by Creidan look like hard men, most of them hailing from this region. They look like veterans of many battles with white scars crisscrossing their leathery skin. All of them carry aboard weapons and armor along with their sea chests. The captain, a dark skinned man with a thick beard, barks orders to the new crew. When you board he studies you with a cold calculating gaze before speaking in a harsh tone. "I am Captain Irestone, and this is my ship 'The Hound of the Deep'. This is no pleasure yacht, and you are not honored guests. I expect you to pull your weight while aboard my ship or you'll learn breath water, dragged beneath the keel. Stow your gear in the lower deck, stern section. Creidan paid extra for a room so you'll not bunk with the rest of the crew. We sail at dawn." He dismisses you as he returns to overseeing the final preparations. His crew rushes about, dragging aboard casks of water, rum, and food stores. Moving towards the stairs down, you get a good look at the ship itself. Unlike Captain Fairwright's ship, this one seems rigged for a battle. Much of the space on the upper deck is taken up by a heavy catapult on a rotating disk. The forcastle sports a heavy ballista and a dozen steel tipped bolts.
The stairs to the lower deck lie near the catapult in the center of the deck. Through the heavy door you see a well lit commons area. There are tables and benches bolted to the floor and walls. Near the bow is a large room where the mercenaries have setup their hammocks. The room next to them houses the kitchen. The sailors carry their few possessions down to the bottom deck and setup their own beds amidst the stores of supplies for the journey. The supply sheet Creidan showed you listed climbing supplies, rope, tents, medical supplies, and a dozen other useful tools for surviving in the wild. Your own room on the lower deck is small and feels a bit cramped once you are all inside.
It isn't until midnight that the noises from the upper deck die down as the crew finishes loading the last of the supplies. At first light the ship sails out of the harbor with the morning tide.


First Post
The seas are rougher now that the season is growing late. The changing temperature gives rise to storms that blow up quickly. The ship rides smoother than the pinnace you traveled in before, but even this larger vessel rolls heavily in the stronger storms. More than once you find your self struggling to hold down a recent meal.
When the seas are calmer, the passengers spend their time up on deck. The mercenaries keep out of the sailors way after barked threats from the captain on the first day at sea. Few lift a hand to help them and they seem to spend a majority of their time gambling or harassing your party. Seria and Whisper are often the recipients of catcalls and leering stares. After a demonstration of their skills in blade work and arcane arts the mercenaries thankfully keep their hands to themselves, though it doesn't stop them from admiring from a safe distance. Johan and Midian are challenged several times to feats of strength and skill. Arm wrestling is popular along with weight lifting. Gambling and Fishing are also popular, with the winner being the one with the largest catch at the end of the day. While Johan finds himself often in the winners circle for the feats of strength, it is Midian who consistently comes through with the largest catch of the day. Knowing his profession, you secretly assume he simply talks his fish into his nets.

It is the sixth night out at sea. Half of the sailors are on deck, one in the crows nest, two near the forecastle, one at the stern, and another at the wheel. The four of you just finished your meal up on deck and are preparing to head below for some rest. Midian first spots something amiss; a trail of water from the railing to the main mast.

OOC - Post actions, and initiative


First Post
Whisper, standing at the bow of the ship...that and the stern her favorite place to be...glances back and notes her companions discomfort. Nothing on the ship seems out of place, but she starts walking towards them anyway to see what the matter is.

(Normal move only)


First Post
You follow the trail of water up the center mast towards the crows nest. Peering upwards at the dark night sky, you don't see any sign of the sailor on lookout in the nest. The stars twinkle in the sky overhead, but you feel like something is out of place. You abruptly realize that the stars appear distorted, as if the light is being bent in an odd fashion. The distortion moves from the crows nest down to the yard arm as you watch.

Johan, Midian, and Whisper gather near the center mast while Seria stares upwards towards the sails. Midian crouches down and examines the water trail, trying to determine what caused it. He puts his fingers into the water and pulls them back trailing a bit of slimy fluid.

Johan, Midian, Seria
You hear a series of soft splashes and thumps from the water, as if something had bumped against the side of the hull. A curious sea creature or debris perhaps?

Init Order

Spot checks (1d20 1=17, 1d20 2=12, 1d20 7=12, 1d20 9=25)
Johan Init (1d20 1=8)
Whisper Init (1d20 2=3)

Mista Collins

First Post
As the others gather around the center mast, Seria relays the news to them. "It appears whatever caused that trail is now up on the yard arm. I noticed faint distortion move from the crow's nest. I think it is disguised or near invisible. we should alert the Captain and crew."

She draws her rapier and moves to the nearest crewman to alert him of the threat of possible danger.

Voidrunner's Codex

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