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Middle Earth D20 Conversion


I miss those long weekends of gaming, too. It's been many years since I've been able to do that.

By the way, the longest I gamed was about 24 hours exactly. I've never been one to be able to stay up long....

Sorry I haven't worked on my conversion much lately. Been busy at school, of course. I do plan on finishing the whole darn document up soon. Keep your fingers crossed....

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Long gaming sessions

...dontcha need to, well, you know, sleep...eat maybe? LOL how do you DO a 26-40 hour gaming session? U must have blown through like 9 quests! Thats what i call fun!!!


Demon Queen of Templates
Gothmog said:
Hello all,

Just wanted to bring something to your attention. We had a 26 hour long gaing session this last weekend in the ME game I was running, and we used some critical effect tables DNDChick cooked up. I must say they work very well, are balanced, and will allow for those one shot kills on even big creatures (although thats exceptionally rare). Take a look at this thread, and see if it looks like something you'd want in your game.


I would be honored to have my crit effects table appear in the Middle Earth project. :)

Red Baron

First Post
Re: Long gaming sessions

Strider The Ranger said:
...dontcha need to, well, you know, sleep...eat maybe? LOL how do you DO a 26-40 hour gaming session? U must have blown through like 9 quests! Thats what i call fun!!!
Oh yeah! Eating took little time away -- big pots o' pasta and away we all went... There was the occasional odd splatter on the character sheets, but no biggy. As for sleep, well, yeah, that would come in 4- to 6-hour blocks when needed over the course of 2-1/2 days... ;)

The rest of the time was spent gaming. We used to set up extravagant mini stuff on my buddy's pool table for large-scale or important battles and everything. It was great fun, for sure! And, believe it or not, nery a Mountain Dew was seen at a session ever (LOTS of coca-cola, though...).

Ah, to be 17 again...


What? Me Worry?
OK, folks, I'd like to ask all the contributors to double-check their stuff for editing errors and such, and then to submit revisions to Palcadon. It would be nice to have everything ready by the beginning of next week, so I can ask Morrus to give Palcadon the info to post the site "live." If you can't get to it by then, we'll post the stuff and revise later.


First Post
Site opening

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I have been suffering from the flu for the last few days. Nasty virus. I haven't been able to get out of bed let alone do any work on the site.

Needless to say, I have a bit of catching up to do. We should be able to bring a nice beggining to the EN World server though. I will give the index pages a bit of attention and continue with the document conversion.

As Col. Hardisson has said, If you have editting or additions to your works, please don't hesitate to send them.

Morrus is quite busy with working out board problems and keeping up with the news updates (among many other issues), so we should be patient in getting an upload spot on the server.

When he gets things worked out and hits me with a spot to upload, I will need a bit of time to switch links around and test the pages and we should be able to open up.

Morrus: If you see this and need someone to take up some monotonous chores to help free up some of your time, let me know.

Keep the awesome and excellent works coming and here is to a Grand Opening to the Middle Earth for D&D 3E site!

Last edited:


What? Me Worry?
Palcadon is right; the end of next week is just a time-frame to shoot for. If circumstances prevent it, then it'll happen as soon as it can be done. But, it would be nice to have it up by then.


Ok, I have a question: what's the "official" website going to be for this Middle Earth conversion? I saw like 9 sites through this thread, and I'm a tad confused as to which is the one you'll be updating and so forth. If you could put the link in a reply, that would be great. Also, has anyone done some serious play-testing yet? I know one person said they did, but what I mean by "serious play testing" is this: has anyone run a lengthy campaign/quest with PCs? If so, did the majority of the rules work out?


What? Me Worry?
The main website has not gone up yet, which is what has been discussed in the last few posts to this thread. It should be going up soon, though.

Regarding playtesting, I'd also like to know if anyone has done any extensive playtesting. Much of the stuff that has been posted by me was not very intrusive or exclusive when it came to altering the system, but it would be nice to know how it plays, in general.

Also - we need more content, everyone! We already have quite a bit, but more character, item, monster, and place write-ups are needed.

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