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ThirdWizard's Magic Item Bazaar


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Warhammer of the Infernal Legion
Price (Item Level): 65,000 gp
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong Evocation Aura (Evil)
Activation: Use Activated
Weight: 5 lb

This warhammer is adorned with images of demons carved into the haft and is made of green steel with a large black pearl set in the bottom of the pommel.

This +4 flaming warhammer has the added ability of giving any creature who has it on his or her person a +5 competence bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks with Evil Outsiders. Once per day as a free action the warhammer’s flames can burn black, loosing infernal flames which deal an additional +3d8 infernal damage. This effect lasts for one round. Any non-Evil creature struck by the infernal flames must make a Will save DC equal to damage dealt or take a penalty of -2 to attack, damage, saves, and checks for 1 hour.

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Cloak of Elusion
Price (Item Level): 187,000 gp (20th)
Body Slot: Shoulders
Caster Level: 20th
Aura: Strong Transmutation
Activation: Standard
Weight: 1 lb

This cloak of black has a silver clasp that looks like two bat wings crossing each other. The inside has some kind of leathery lining, the origin of which you can’t be sure.

This cloak gives a +4 resistance bonus to saves as well as giving the wearer evasion. Once per day the wearer can become invisible as the spell lasting 20 minutes. The wearer of this cloak becomes light sensitive, being dazzled in bright light.

Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, jump, invisibility
Cost to Create: 93,500 gp, 7,480 XP, 94 days


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Heart of Celestia
Aura: Overwhelming Abjuration Aura
Activation: Swift Action & Immediate Action
Weight: 2 lb

This ivory amulet has a large stone set in it that looks like various gems all at the same time, diamond, emerald, ruby, and more. It sits on a platinum chain that goes around the wearer’s neck and seems almost to move as you look at it.

The Heart of Celestia was, long ago, given as a gift to a great mortal who fought an unknown war against an obyrith uprising. A dying solar ripped out his own heart and gave it to this mortal for the great sacrifices he had made. Eventually the unknown mortal is said to have ascended to godhood, but instead of taking the holy artifact with him, he bestowed it upon another. Over the eons, it has worked its way through many hands, growing weaker as time went on. It is said that when it loses its power, the ascended god shall make his presence known to fight in a second war against the obyriths, sending forth a new champion.

Anyone wearing this amulet gains a myriad of protections. The amulet bestows a +6 deflection and natural armor bonus to AC as well as a +3 divine bonus to AC. In addition any armor or shield worn is acts as if it had a +5 enhancement bonus to the AC it provides. It grants a +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws. The amulet also grants a 20% miss chance on attacks made against the wearer. Once per day this miss chance can be increased to 50% for 2 minutes. This activation is a swift action.

Once per day the user can release the full power of the amulet, brilliant light pouring forth from it as the daylight spell, as an immediate action. The wearer gains DR 15/epic and a +8 resistance bonus to all saving throws. His touch AC becomes equal to his total AC, cannot be flanked, is not subject to critical hits or sneak attacks, and gains improved evasion. However, the amulet burns the wearer with its holy light constantly while in this state, dealing 15d6 damage per round and slowing the wearer until the effect is ended by the user with a swift action. Thus, this ability is only used when wearers are in extreme duress.

Wearing the amulet is not without drawbacks, however. Anyone possessing it has the enmity of obyriths everywhere. Though there are not many left the ones that exist can exert great influence, those with the ability will attempt to destroy the heart, for it is said that if it destroyed before its power is gone naturally, then the obyriths will rise once again.

It also takes a great will to command the Heart of Celestia, and there is the possibility that anyone donning it will grow obsessed with it above all other things. Anyone who merely touches the amulet must make a Will save (DC 20) or be overwhelmed by images of obyriths from the memories of the solar it was once a part of. Those who fail become catatonic until a wish or miracle is used to wake them. Anyone wearing it must make a Will save (DC 25) or be unable to do anything but focus solely on the amulet while it is on their person. Anyone attempting to remove it is then deemed a great enemy. These saves only need be made once.

Anyone wearing the amulet for long periods of time (DM’s discretion) must also make a Will save (DC 25) or begin to be swayed toward the goals of the Heart. While it is not an intelligent item in the normal sense, it does have a certain will about it and a purpose, and anyone who wears it is in danger of being influenced to whatever ends the will of the amulet might lead toward.


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Scepter of Imix’s Right Hand
Aura: Overwhelming Evocation
Activation: Free Action (activate flaming) and Use Activated
Weight: -

The rod glows a bright white like a piece of metal in a smith’s fire. The haft is about a foot long and smooth, the scepter after that branching out like a flame, the protrusions waving very slowly in movement. As your hand approaches it you can feel intense heat coming from it, but upon grasping it, the haft feels merely warm to the touch.

Long ago Imix created this scepter in the fight against the Wind Dukes and their allies for use by one of his greatest lieutenants, an efreeti turned traitor who fought his own kind. Only having power over fire, which would not harm the efreet enemies, Imix traveled to the heart of the Plane of Fire, a mythical place of fire hot enough that Imix himself was in danger from the flames. There he wrought the flames themselves into a solid rod and imbued his own power into the weapon as he created it. The fruit of this labor is this scepter.

The scepter is a light weapon, dealing 1d8 damage with a 19-20/x2 critical hit range. It is a +5 scepter. It changes size to be wielded by any size creature, always remaining a light weapon for any wielder. The head burns brightly on command, dealing an extra 4d6 fire damage and then an extra 4d10 fire damage on a critical hit. This fire is so hot that it can damage a creature that has resistance or even immunity to fire. Against an enemy with resistance to fire, it completely bypasses the resistance, and if that resistance is magical in nature it automatically dispels the effect. Against creatures immune to fire it deals half of its normal fire damage to that creature. Against any creature with the (fire) subtype, the scepter gains an additional +2 enhancement bonus and 2d6 damage as the bane enhancement.
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First Post
I enjoyed the flavor and idea of the scepter.

I would suggest a change in order of the description. You will see it before you touch it (most of the time).

The rod glows a bright white like a piece of metal in a smith’s fire. The haft is about a foot long and smooth, the scepter after that branching out like a flame, the protrusions waving very slowly in movement.As your hand approaches it you can feel intense heat coming from it, but upon grasping it, the haft feels merely warm to the touch.

I would also make this a violently flaming weapon dealing 2d6 points of fire damage, if a creature is resitance or immune to fire this damage becomes sacred damage.

I would also recomend making this wording change to the flaming burst, if you can do something without breaking the rules you really should. yet that is a matter of personal taste.

nit picker

bane weapoon normally is listed as

Bane (elemental)

activated as a triggered (attack action).
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First Post
Qwillion said:
I would suggest a change in order of the description. You will see it before you touch it (most of the time).

I agree, yours sounds better.

I would also recomend making this wording change to the flaming burst, if you can do something without breaking the rules you really should. yet that is a matter of personal taste.

I think I'll get rid of the generic enhancement names. It's supposed to be unique, being an artifact and all, and since I actually changed what those effects did, it's wrong anyway! Needs to be fixed.

bane weapoon normally is listed as

Bane (elemental)

Aha, this needs to be reworded. What I meant was to make it bane against things with an elemental subtype, not elementals, which is why I didn't way Bane (elemental). So, it has the bane property against efreet who are (fire) subtype, etc. Perhaps I should change it to things that are only (fire) subtyped. I'll think on that.

activated as a triggered (attack action).

I think that was a copy/paste error. I'll fix it.

Thanks for the feedback! Very helpful. :)


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Your Quite Welcome, I have been spending a bit more time with magic items lately, designing them as unique treasure for my Arcana Evolved adventure path.

So I thought I would take a look, as I get time I will try to go back through some ofthe others working from the bottom up.


Awesome. I don't usually find much interest in new/unique magic items, but I really liked these. More so than most of the Magic Item Compendium. Great job. :)


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Getting back into the swing of things, I just made a slew of magic items for my new 5e game that just got to level 4 this weekend! So, I thought I'd resurrect this old thread of mine and start updating, even though its a new edition. Swapping magic between the two isn't all that difficult, and I really like all those old items, so I'm just going to keep adding onto this thread to keep everything together. I love making new magic items, and I'm certainly no stingy DM, so even at level 4 I've got some unique and potentially fun items.


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Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunement)

Worldswell is an intelligent warhammer, and one of five crafted by dwarves in their war with the elementals. This warhammer was made to fight creatures of earth, and its driving force is their destruction, although it also wishes to protect dwarves at any opportunity.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon as well as spell attack rolls made while holding this warhammer. While Worldswell is on your person, you can also read, speak, and understand the dwarven language and gain a +1 to Charisma checks when dealing with dwarves.

In the hands of a dwarf, Worldswell gives a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls as well as spell attack rolls.

This weapon was crafted by Prime dwarves to fight elementals invading their world. It deals an extra +2d6 damage to creatures of the elemental type, and they must make a DC 15 Constitution save when struck or lose all damage resistances (but not immunities) until the start of your next turn.

While wielding Worldswell, once per day you can expend a Channel Divinity daily usage, replacing any references to a creature type with the elemental (earth) type. If a creature would be automatically destroyed by the outcome of this ability, the elemental is instead controlled you. This control lasts until you release the elemental as a bonus action, the elemental is reduced to 0 hit points, or you and the elemental are on two different planes.

Sentience. Worldswell is a sentient lawful good warhammer with an Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13, and Charisma 14. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. The weapon communicates empathically through emotions transferred to the wielder.

Personality. Earth elementals are to be killed, no quarter given. If outright combat is suicide, then perhaps someone more worthy of wielding Worldswell will find it next. Dwarves are to be respected and helped at any given opportunity. If the wielder disagrees with any of these things, then Worldswell will force a Charisma check. If it wins, it will make demands to the wielder. If these demands are refused, then the weapon can withhold the powers it confers. Worldswell can, once per day, attempt to take control of its wielder for 1d12 hours. In this case, make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw to resist.


So, this is for a Planescape game, and the dwarves who crafted this item actually crated other powerful weapons to combat other elementals. A few details about my game are that there is a priest of Kossuth who likes fire and distrusts all other elements (he's a bit of a fanatic), and the game mostly takes place in Sigil where there are lots of creatures that Worldswell is not going to get along with and who the PCs are going to have complicated relationships with because of the general nature of Sigil and the dealings therein. Right now the plan is for the campaign to end up focusing quite a bit on Inner Planar politics, so this warhammer's personality is going to play a fairly interesting role in how dealing with creatures like Dao will play out as well. So yeah, I'm super excited to add this potentially overpowered weapon to my low level game! It's going to be fun to see how the PCs react when it starts to disprove of PC conduct or - potentially - dictate PC conduct!

It also has an interesting relationship with a sideplot of the campaign where the PCs want to find other dwarven survivors of a destroyed Prime Material world. So it serves as a McGuffin, plothook, and has the potential to be removed from the game (given back to its original owners) when that plot line is wrapped up.

And despite being several paragraphs and looking really impressive, 95% of the time it will just be a +1 warhammer that can potentially dominate whoever is holding it.

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