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Leif's Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy, Reprise [Pfdr] [RG]


THIS is the Rogues Gallery for Whirtlestaff's Revisited. The first RG that I tried to start for it was in the wrong forum. Sorry 'bout that!!


Ok, let's try this again. And let's change a few more things around, too. This time, the only requirement is that characters' CURRENT class be wizard. Starting level is Fourth, now, so that gives you a few levels to play around with. You will be free to progress in another class later, but to make the story work right, everybody needs to be a wizard at the moment. By the time you gain enough experience to level up to 5th level, you may have changed your mind, and that's cool. But the LAST level that you gained before play starts needs to have been Wizard.

And Abilities are going to be not so generous this time around. We'll use the standard 32 point buy. Standard starting gold for 4th level, but no magic item costing over 2,500 gp. Alignment: Any non-evil. Chaotic types will have their own reasons, I'm sure, for wanting to attend the Academy. Setting: to be announced by the re-start date, which has been revised to Saturday, May 10, 2008. I have recently obtained a couple of commercial settings, but need to look them over and pick one first, as well as choosing the specific locale. Deities, will, most likely be Forgotten Realms deities, but you are free to select one fron the PH, too. All players who created characters for Whirtlestaffs I are invited back, but a couple of them have already declined, so anyone is invited to apply. Admission to the Academy is pretty limited, however, so don't be surprised if your application is rejected. No hard feelings, I hope.

HIT POINTS: MAX for all dice, all the time.

BONUS FEAT: Everyone has the COLLEGIATE WIZARD feat, from a sidebar in Complete Arcane, p. 181.

Oh, yeah! Almost forgot spells: Standard starting spells for 4th level, and with the Collegiate Wizard feat, this is going to be a long list. If you want to buy any scrolls and learn spells that way, it needs to be done in the game. You can buy the scrolls to start, with starting money, but the actual learning will be done (or not done, I guess) IC.

Sources Permitted: PH, PH2, Spell Compendium, Complete Arcane, Complete Mage, Complete Champion, Complete Adventurer, Complete Divine, Comlpete Warrior, and DMG.

I'm sure I forgot to cover something, so feel free to post any questions to the OOC thread, here: Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy, Revisited, OOC - Page 10 - EN World D&D / RPG News

And here's a link to the new, improved IC thread: Whirtlestaff's Wizards' Academy Revisited, IC # 1 - EN World D&D / RPG News

The Group/Cabal/Coven:
Scott DeWar -- Capizzio Del Collines, Rogue 2 / Wizard 3
Mowgli -- Mánunuksó 'Manny' Maliit, Sorcerer 1 / Wizard 2 / Brownie LA2
Scotley -- Delunamanth ‘Tylara’ Tylarapelotheenia, Druid 1 / Conjurer 4
Lou -- Francheska Walova, Evoker 3 / Master Specialist 2
Kerlan Rayne -- Kerlan Rayne Beguiler 1 / Focused Conj. Specialist Wizard 4
HolyMan -- Simeon Longknife son of the Chief of the WhiteFist Orcs -- HM now withdrawn, but Simeon still guiding party through UnderDark

rossrebailey -- Max , Monk 3 / Diviner 1 <-withdrawn or just vanished, or something
renau1g -- Xavier Zalev, Enchanter 3 / Master Specialist 1 <-he quit us AGAIN!

XP TOTAL (using Pathfinder FAST progression, 23,000 needed for L7): 19,880 [ALL after bonus of 275XP while exploring the Hall of Eyes in LK's tomb]
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
special note: master work dagger has continual flame cast on it by manny
ghost touch armor: cost = 3000 gp
Ghost touch rapier: cost = 6000 gp

Capizzio Del Collines, Esquire

level up info:
Wizard 4*
+4 spells
Resist Energy: Ignores first 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Ray of Ice: Ray deals 1d6 cold damage/2 levels.
Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door.
+1d4+1 hp

+2+1+3=6 skill points*
Know Arcana
Know arch/engn
Know Dungeoneering
Know Geography
Profession: Archeologist
+1 bab*; +1 will*

+1 feat
possible choices:

Acidic Splatter (complete Mage) Create orb of acid ld6 damage/spell level, +1 CL on acid spells
Craft Wondrous Item

+1 first and second level spells that can cast per day*

Personal Information
[B]Name:[/B]    Cappizzio Del Collines, Archeologist, 
                       Collegiate wizard
[B]Class:[/B]   Rogue 2 / Wizard (Generalist) 4
[B]Race:[/B]    Human
[B]Size:[/B]    Medium
[B]Gender:[/B]  Male
[B]Algn:[/B]    Neutral Good

[B][COLOR=green]lightly encumbered, 30 mvmt[/COLOR][/B]

[B]Str:[/B]  12 +1  [B]Level:[/B]  6 [B]XP:[/B] 15500/15000
[B]Dex:[/B]  16 +3  [B]BAB:[/B]   +3 [B]HP: 40/40 [/B]
[B]Con:[/B]  12 +1  [B]Grap:[/B]  +4 [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -
[B]Int:[/B]  16 +3  [B]Speed:[/B] 30'    
[B]Wis:[/B]  12 +1  [B]Init:[/B]  +7 (dex: +3, feat +4)     
[B]Cha:[/B]  10 +0

lv 4 abil adj: +1 to dex

[B]Armor:[/B]+1 mithral chain shirt  adj +4 ACP +0 
spell fail 10% max dex  +6; magic: +1
[B]Armor class:[/B] 18
[B]Touch:[/B]   14  
[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 15 


          [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]     +1     +1    +0     [B]+2[/B] wizard +1
[B]Ref:[/B]      +4     +3    +0     [B]+7[/B] Wizard +1; Rogue +3
[B]Will:[/B]     +4     +1    +0     [B]+5[/B] Wizard +4

[B]Weapons:      Att   Dmg     Crit      Rng   Type  [/B]
Crossbow, lite  +5    1d8    19-20/X2     80'    P
Club            +5    1d6+1    X2         10’    B
Dagger          +5    1d4+1  19-20/X2     --     S/P
Dagger, Thrown  +5    1d4    19-20/X2     10'    S/P
Rapier, +1      +6    1d6+2  18-20/x2     --     p

bab: rogue +1; wizard +1

Feats and Skills
[B]Languages:[/B] Common,

[U][I]Trap finding[/I][/U] (rogue lv 1 class feature)
[U][I]sneak attack +1d6[/I][/U] (rogue lv 1 class feature)
[U][I]evasion[/I][/U] (rogue lv 2 class feature)
[U][I]Scribe scroll[/I]l[/U] (wizard lv 1 class feature)
[U][I]Collegiate wizard[/I][/U] (dm's generosity) gain 4 spells/ lv
above first
[U][I]Sudden Silent spell[/I][/U] (dm's generosity) 1/day cast
spell without useing verbal comp.

[B]Human feat[/B][U][I]Nimble fingers[/I][/U] +2 on
disable device/open locks skill checks
[B]Char lv 1 feat [/B][U][I]Improved Inititive[/I][/U]
[B]Char lv 3 feat [/B][U][I]Practiced spell caster[/I][/U]
[B]char lv 6 feat [/B]
[B]wizard level 5 feat [/B]

[B]Skill Points:[/B] [U]{48, 12, 6, 6, 6,6 }[/U]  [B]Max Ranks:[/B] [U]lv+3 (6)[/U]
Gained 8 specil ranks from reading 150 books about
underdark in undercommen and drow langs

[B]Skills:               Ranks  Mod  Misc Total[/B]
[U]Appraise [/U]               +1    +3    --    +4
[U]Balence[/U]                 +2    +3    --    +5
[U]Climb[/U]                   +4    +1    --    +5
[U]Craft: leatherwork[/U]      +4    +3    --    +7
[U]Concentration[/U]           +6    +1    --    +7
[U]Decipher script[/U]         +1    +3    --    +4
[U]Disable divice[/U]          +6    +3    +4   +13
[U]Escape artist[/U]           +2    +3    --    +5
[U]Gather Information[/U]      +4    +3    --    +7
[U]Hide[/U]                    +3    +3    --    +6
[U]Jump[/U]                    +3    +1    --    +4
[U]Know Arcana[/U]             +5    +3    +2    +10  
[U]Know arch/engn[/U]          +3    +3    --    +6  
[U]Know Dungeoneering[/U]      +3    +3    --    +6
[U]Know Geography[/U]          +1    +3    --    +4
[U]Know History[/U]            +1    +3    --    +4  
[U]Know Local[/U]              +4    +3    --    +7
[U]Know Nobility/Royalty[/U]   +1    +3    --    +4
[U]Know Religeon[/U]           +1    +3    --    +4
[U]Know The Planes[/U]         +1    +3    --    +4
Underdark[/U]               +6    +3    --    +9
[U]language: Drow[/U]          +1    +3    --    +4
Undercommen[/U]              +1    +3    --    +4
[U]Listen[/U]                  +4    +1    --    +5
[U]Move Silent[/U]             +4    +3    --    +7
[U]Open Locks[/U]              +4    +3    +4   +11
Archeologist[/U]            +2    +1          +3
[U]Search[/U]                  +3    +3    --    +6
[U]Spot[/U]                    +3    +1    --    +4
[U]Spell Craft [/U]            +6    +3    --    +9
[U]Swim[/U]                    +1    +1    --    +3
[U]Tumble[/U]                  +2    +3    --    +5

Skill modifiers:
Knowledge, Arcana: +2 (Collegiate wizard)
disable device: +2 (nimble fingars), +2 (mwk picks)
open locks: +2 (nimble fingars) +2 (mwk picks)

[B]Equipment:                   Cost          Weight    [/B]
Mitheral chain shirt +1    2,100.00          10.0 (W)
Dagger                         2.00           1.0 (left boot)
Daggers, silvered X 2         44.00           2.0(H2) (belt sheath)
Dagger, mwk                  302.00           1.0( right boot)
Xbow bolts, lite X 12          1.70           1.70(quiver)
Xbow bolts, lite, mw x 19    140.00           2.0 (H3)
Rapier, +1                  2320.00           2.0(waist)
Heward's Haversack          2000.00           5.0 (back)
Rogue's tools, mwk           100.00           1.0(secreted about his person)
Backpack                       2.00           2.0 (H2)   
Bedroll                        0.10           5.0 (H2)
Case, map/scroll               1.00           0.5(H3)
parchment X6
Pen X 3
Waterskin                      1.00           4.0 (H2)
Flint/steel                    1.00           --- (H3)
Ink X2                         8.00           --- (H3)
Quill X2                       0.20           --- (H3)
Oil X2                         0.20           2.0 (H2)
Paper X40                     16.00           --- (H3)  
Belt Pouch X2                  2.00           1.0 (belt)
Rations, Trail X10             5.00           10.0  (H2)  -1
Rope, Silk, 100 feet          20.00           10.0 (H2)  
Sunrods X10                   10.00          10.0 (belt pouch x 1) (H3x9)
Spell Comp Pouch               5.00           2.0 (belt)
Spellbook                      ---            3.0 (H3)
Explorer's Outfit              ---            ---  (wearing)
Tinder twig, 20               20.00           --- (belt pouch)
nice chest with [s]270[/s] 200gp                     7.0 (H2)
one owlbear egg                                             (H1)
[B]Total Weight:[/B]    61.45 lb

potions/scrolls:   1587.5 gp
[B]Money:[/B] 57 gp 
[s]pearl, 100 gpv X3[/s] 
used to make ident scrolls

             Lgt  Med  Hvy Lift Push
[B]Max Weight:[/B]  33   66  100  200  500

Scrolls and Potions
[B]Scroll: Persistent Blade        (25 gp) [/B]
[B]Scroll: Light                   (12.5 gp) [/B]
[B]Scroll: Mage Armor              (25 gp) [/B]
[B]Scroll: Grease                  (25 gp) [/B]
[B]Scroll: Instant Locksmith cl 1    (25 gp)[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Instant Locksmith cl 1    (25 gp)[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Instant Locksmith cl 1    (25 gp)[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Instant Locksmith cl 1    (25 gp)[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Instant Locksmith cl 1    (25 gp)[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Detect Secret doors cl 5 (125 gp) [/B] !
[B]Scroll: bulls' strength cl 3,   (150 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: bulls' strength cl 3,   (150 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: cat's grace cl 3 ,     (150 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: spontanious search cl 1,   (25 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: spontanious search cl 1,   (25 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: spontanious search cl 1,   (25 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: spontanious search cl 1,   (25 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: comp lang cl 5,        (125 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: comp lang cl 5,        (125 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Identify cl 1,            (1 pearl + 25 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Identify cl 1,            (1 pearl + 25 gp[/B] !
[B]Scroll: Identify cl 1,            (1 pearl + 25 gp[/B] !

• Wand: Lesser Globe of Invulnerability (CL7, 7 Charges, 2,940 gp)
*potion:cure modereate wounds (cl3)
*potion: cure moderate wounds (cl5 2 doses
[s]*cure light wounds (cl3  [/s]
!: denotes a scroll of his own scribing

Physical Description
[B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Height:[/B] 5'9"  [B]Weight:[/B] 181 lb     
[B]Eyes:[/B] Black [B]Hair:[/B] curly black, medium length     
[B]Skin:[/B] olive (Mediterranean)

[B]Appearance [/B]

[B]Personality: [/B]
Despite being the son of two of the faculty members, Capizzio tends to be a 
bit of a trickster…perhaps because of who his parents are, that is why he is 
that way…never the less, he can be all business when the need arises. His 
father’s adventuresome tendencies are seen as a definite restlessness

Hello. my name is Capizzio Del Collines, adopted son of the professor Del 
Collines, historian, purveyors and seeker of antiquities and rarities for the 
wizard’s academy. My adoptive mother has a teaching  position in the arcane 
studies of the academy as well. They know I am a bit of a wild sort at heart, 
but they still keep tabs on me ... somehow.

I started as a street urchin, stealing just to stay alive. One day I saw this 
couple walking arm in arm and I wished for a mom and dad. Every day I 
would see them walking the market and I would follow them to the undercity 
tunnels where they were doing work. I would  see there was food about so I 
would hang out and swipe the occasional bit of food. One day a new tunnel 
was found but the opening was very small. Someone saw me  and asked if I 
wanted to make some quick coin.
What a question!

I was able to slip inside and what I found was a dust filled chamber. I also 
found a lever on my side so I pulled it and the opening that was only big 
enough for me opened the rest of the way. The good professors  watched 
as the door opened to see a brightly smiling [B]ME[/B] and a big nasty 
something else running up to catch me and make me the main course for 
lunch. The woman snatched me up,the man pointed and shouted some words 
and the woman did too. From their hands bursts of  light shot out and I found 
that to be cool. I copied what they said but all I got was a spurt of light 
at my finger tip and a scorched finger.

The creature was stopped by their missiles of magic and the woman just 
stared at me in amazement. They invited me to stay with them in gratitude, 
where they would teach me how to do the spell they did. The natural talent 
that I showed led them to adopting me and then  enrolling me in the academy. 
WOW! Life is good!

Since then I have been on the occasional trip to ruins, but I have made many 
friends here at the academy!

Spell book: (names in Italics are in spell compendium)

pages used: 47

Level 0 :

Acid splash-
Dancing lights-
Deep Breath -
Detect magic-
Detect poison
Disrupt undead-
Electric jolt-
Guiding shot-
Launch bolt-
Launch Item-
Mage Hand-
Silent portal-
True strike
Wings of the sea

level 1 :


Accelerated Movement -
Animate Rope-
Burning Hands-
Comprehend Lang-
Corrosive Grasp-
Critical strike-
Deep Breath-
Det. Secret Doors-
Disguise Self-
Ecto plasmic armor-
Endure Elements-
Feather Fall-
Fist of Stone-
Ice Dagger-
Instant Locksmith-
Instant search-
low light vision-
Mage Armor-
Magic Missile-
Magic Weapon-
Night Shield-
persistent Blade
Schlor's touch (races of destiny pg 167)
Shocking Grasp-
Sniper’s Shot-
Unseen Servant-
Spontaneous Search


level two


Melf’s Acid Arrow-
bull's str
cat's grace-
Rope Trick


level three
Shadow binding

Casts spells at level 6 (practiced spell caster)

Spell Summery:
[B][U]level :     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9[/U][/B]
[B]base:       4   3   2  [/B]
[B][U]int mod:    0   1   1   1[/U][/B]
[B]total:      4   4   3   x[/B]

0 level:

Deep Breath (spell compendium)
dancing lights
detect magic
Disrupt undead

Level one:

low light vision
Magic missle
Comprehend Lang

Level two:
Melf's acid arrow

Scott DeWar, drinker of Dewar’s scotch.

[sblock=collegiate wizard]
Collegiate Wizard

You have undergone extensive training in a formal school for wizards.

Prerequisites: Int 13, wizard level 1

Benefit: You begin play with knowledge of six 1st-level spells, plus 1
per point of Intelligence bonus. Each time you gain a wizard level, you
may add four spells to your spellbook. You gain a +2 bonus on all
Knowledge (arcana) checks.

Normal: 1st-level wizards begin play with knowledge of three 1st-level
spells, and add two spells per level to their spellbook.

Special: You can take this feat only as a 1st-level character

[sblock=verbal comp of spells]

launch bolt:

"ordino questo missile per lanciare avanti "
i command this missle to launch forth

Persistant blade:

"può questa lamierina persistere nella sconfitta dei miei nemici"
may this blade persist in defeating my enemies

lowlight vision

chiaro i miei occhi con la luce per esporre ciò che è buio
clear my eyes with light to expose what is dark
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Mánunuksó Maliit (Brownie 01/Summoner 05)


Manny's Character Sheet

[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 64/64       AC: 20¹     AC(T): 16  AC(FF): 16¹  Init: +07
  BAB: 03     CMB/CMD: 04/13     ACP: 00     ASF: 00   Perc: +15

                       ¹+2 when w/in Eidolon's reach

Saving Throw   Total  Base   Mod  Misc   Special
Fort:            05     1     +3  +1¹    +2 vs. Illusion 
Ref:             06     3     +3         +2 w/in Eidolon's reach
Will:            09     6     +3          

                                  ¹Trait (Resilient)

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Longspear (+3)          +6        1d4+1          20/x3     Bonded Item     
Cestus                  +8        1d2-2       19-20/x2     
Crossbow (Hvy)          +4        1d6         19-20/x2     

Spells Available:
    * Cantrips (At-Will    )
    *  1st Lvl (6/6 per Day)
    *  2nd Lvl (4/4 per Day)

Shortly after the founding of Whirtlestaff's Wizard's Academy, a family of
Brownies moved in and took responsibility for keeping the place up.  Since
that time, they've been quietly	going about their assumed duties and making
life easier for the students and instructors - and newcomers to the Academy
are carefully instructed to ignore the Brownies comings and goings in order
to keep the fey around.  Manny is the youngest child in the (now large)
family.  He never really fit with the others' notions of proper behavior,
being far too outgoing and, well, noticeable.  His relatives look on his
ability to mix with the big folk with a mixture of pride and embarrassment.

Eventually, Manny decided to move on out and try to make a place for himself
in the larger world of the Academy.  He petitioned the Deans for admittance
to the Academy, and became the famed school's first Brownie pupil.  Deter-
mined to live up to the great honor done him, the relatively young sprite
threw himself into his studies, and excelled in his academics.  However, he
also has quite a wide mischievous streak, and while his constant stream of
practical jokes keeps his fellow students entertained it also backfires
frequently and lands him in hot water.

Manny is small even for a Brownie.  He dresses simply but well and carries
himself with confidence.  His blue eyes sparkle with humor, and he tends to
see humor and opportunities for merriment in most any situation.
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Tylara Grey Elf Druid/Conjurer

Tylara Grey Elf Druid/Conjurer
Delunamanth ‘Tylara’ Tylarapelotheenia
'First glint of moonlight on the ice of a midwinter's lake'. Just Tylara or 'ice' to her friends

Female Grey Elven Druid1st level/Wizard (Conjurer) 5th level

Exp. 11,094/15000 (official total from the DM 1/11/09) +175 for G. Cube (3-10-09) +575 white fist orcs 6/22/10 12,869 (official total from the DM 6/25/10) 15,883 (per DM 6/7/2011)

Str 14 (14)
Dex 16 (14+2 race)
Con 12 (14-2 race)
Int 18 (15+2 race) (+1 at 4th level)
Wis 12
Cha 12

Hit Points 44

AC 13, Touch 13, Flat 10 (+1 deflection from tattoo when cast +2 from buckler when worn Arcane spell failure chance 5% when buckler is worn. +4 with mage armor)

Init +3
BAB +3, Grap +5
Speed 30 (base 30, no armor)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7 +2 saves vs. enchantments

+6 Melee, MW Longsword, 1d8+2 s, 19-20/x2
+5 Melee, Dagger, 1d4+2 p or s, 19-20/x2
+5 Melee, Sickle, 1d6+2 s, 20/x2
+3 Melee, Quarterstaff 1d6+3 b 20/x2
+8 Ranged, +2 Mighty Composite Elvencraft Longbow, 1d8+4 p, 20/x3, 110'r (+1 hit and damage within 30')
+6 Ranged, Dagger, 1d4+2 p or s, 20/x2, 10'r (+1 hit and damage within 30')

Medium, 6'1" tall (often wears heels), 115 wt, 145 yrs old
Silver hair, Amber eyes, very pale skin

Speaks Elven, Common, Slyvanoptera, Draconic, Sylvan, and Gnome Newly added Undercommon and Drow from studies.

+2 Acrobatics (0+3Dex)
+1 Diplomacy (0+1Cha)
+5 Climb (1+2Str+3)
+12 Craft, Alchemy (5+4Int+3)
+8 Craft, Caligraphy (1+4Int+3)
+12 Craft, Bowmaking (1+4Int+3+2MW Tools)
+5 Handle Animal (1+1Cha+3)
+5/+7 Heal (1+1Wis+3) (+2 Healers Kit)
+15 Knowledge, Arcana (6+4Int+2Feat—Collegiate Wizard+3)
+8 Knowledge, Engineering (1+4Int+3)
+8 Knowledge, Dungeoneering (1+4Int+3)
+8 Knowledge, History (1+4Int+3)
+8 Knowledge, Nature (1+4Int+2Nature Sense)
+8 Knowledge, Nobility (1+4Int+3)
+8 Knowledge, Religion (1+4Int+3)
+8 Knowledge, The Planes (1+4Int+3)
+13 Knowledge, Underdark (6+4Int+3) From study.
+0 Profession (+1Wis)
+6 Ride (1+3Dex+3)
+13/+15 Spellcraft (6+4Int+3) (+2 when learning conjurations+2 when ID magic item)
+16/18 Perception (5+1Wis+3+3familiar bonus+2 alertness+2race)
+2 Stealth (0+3Dex)
+5 Survival (1+1Wis+3+2Nature Sense)
+5 Swim (1+2Str+3)

-Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage within 30’)
-Scribe Scroll (Wizard Bonus)
-Collegiate Wizard (Campaign Bonus)
-Precise shot (can fire into melee without danger of hitting allies at no penalty)
-Alertness (bonus when within 5' of familiar)
-Spell Focus Conjuration (5th level bonus arcane feat from DM)
-Rapid Shot
-Augment Summoning (Wizard Bonus at 5th)

Grey Elven Traits
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail.
• Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision).
• Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
• Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
• Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
• Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
• Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
Favored Class: Wizard

Druid Abilities
-Proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear.
-Proficient with light and medium armor, but must not use metal armor
-Proficient with shields (except tower), but must use wooden)
-Divine Spellcasting including Orisons from the Druid Spell List (Wis. based)
-Spontaneous Casting of Summon Nature's Ally
-Automatic Language Druidic, Bonus Language Sylvan
-Nature’s Bond--Animal Companion
-Nature Sense +2 to Knowledge Nature and Survival checks
-Wild Empathy (1d20+druid level +1cha) to improve animal attitude

Wizard (Conjurer) Abilities
-Proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff
-Arcane Spellcasting/Cantrips
-Prepare one extra Conjuration per level from 1st up.
-Prohibited schools Illusion and Necromancy
-Bonus feat Collegiate Wizard (Campaign starting bonus)
-Arcane Bond Summon Familiar
-Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1).
-As a standard action you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. This attack ignores spell resistance.
-At 8th level, you can use this ability to teleport up to 30 feet per wizard level per day as a standard action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each additional creature brought with you.
-Bonus Arcane Feat (given by the DM at 5th character level)
-Bonus Feat (5th level wizard)

Druid Spells (3, 2)

0th-Light, Guidance, Mending
1st-Cure Light Wounds*, Aspect of the Falcon (Spontaneously Cast Summon Natures Ally*)

Wizard Spells (4+1, 4+1, 3+1, 2+1)

Spells Prepared Adventuring (4+1 conjuration, 4+1, 3+1, 2+1)
0th- Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash* (S)
1st- Magic Missile x2, Gravity Bow, Protection from Evil, Mage Armor* (S)
2nd-Web*, Cat’s Grace, Stone Call*, Glitter Dust*(S)
3rd- Lightning Bolt, Twilight Knife, Summon Monster 3*(S)

0th: Resistance, Acid Splash*, Drench*, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light Penumbra, Ray of Frost, Scoop, Spark, Jolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Root, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation,

1st: Magic Missile, Gravity Bow, Protection from Evil, Mage Armor*, Grease*, Benign Transposition*, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Mount*, Orb of Cold-Lesser (sc)*, Protection from Evil, Shield, Sleep, Summon Component (cm), Summon Monster 1*, Unseen Servant*

2nd: Arcane Lock, Cat’s Grace, Create Magic Tattoo (sc)*, Ice Knife, Knock, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray, Summon Monster II*, Summon Swarm*, Fiery Shuriken*, Stone Call*

3rd: Lightning Bolt, Twilight Knife, Summon Monster 3*, Sepia Snake Sigil*

4th: Pending

*Conjuration School spell

5400 gp starting gold 2500 gp limit on items.

Explorers Outfit (see description)
Scholar’s Outfit 5 gp (Wizardly robes)
+1 Darkwood Buckler 1215 gp
+2 Mighty Composite Longbow
+1 Mighty Composite Elvencraft Longbow 2500 gp
-Quiver of 20 arrows 2 are alchemical silver and 2 are cold iron 6 gp
MW Longsword 315gp
4 Daggers, one is cold Iron one is alchemical silver 30 gp
Sickle 6 gp
Straight Razor of fine Elvish steel, kept finely honed 2 gp
-razor strap

Spell component pouch—in the form of a belt 5 gp
3 sets of spell books 75 gp
-one on better paper kept locked up and protected by a slip cover
-one on a shelf in her room
-one she carries to classes and makes notes in.
Black backpack stitched with arcane symbols 2 gp
Waterskin- water 1gp
2 belt pouches 1 gp
Scroll Case 1 gp
Flint & Steel 1gp
Trail Rations- 12 days 3 gp
Bedroll with winter blanket 6 sp
Pens and Inks 25 gp
MW Bowmakers’ Tools 55 gp
Wooden Holy Symbol of Labelas Enoreth (gold painted setting sun) on a leather thong
3x Candle 3 cp
Torch 1 cp
Falconers Glove 2 gp

Scrolls of
-cure light wounds 25 gp
-charm person 25 gp
-comprehend languages 25 gp
-cat's grace 50 gp
-scorching ray 50 gp
-summon swarm 50 gp

Wand of Cure Light Wounds 22(-1) Charges 380 gp
Wand of Ice Dagger 22 Charges 380 gp

Coins- 73 gp, 13 sp, 6 cp
Pearl - 100gp

Appearance/Personality: Tylara is a statuesque grey-elf maiden with long legs and a painfully thin figure. Her medium length straight hair is silver and her amber eyes seem to smolder, an effect enhanced by dark eye-makeup touched with copper. Her skin is almost translucently pale with just a hint an icy blue tint. Her cheek bones are high and her features chiseled with thin cruel lips of a dusky rose color and a pointed cleft chin. Her ears are long, sharply pointed and rake back on a line with her chin. Her fingers are long and thin and she wears her slightly pointed medium length nails lacquered a deep red. She wears knee high black boots with heels that add to her height making her well over 6' tall. Daggers are poised for easy drawing in both boot tops, and another is hidden at the small of her back. Silver hose the color of her hair topped by a short black suede leather skirt and a matching silver shirt with a red paisley over amber vest laced in front. When the weather requires it, she wears a long warm hooded cape of charcoal grey tweed. Starting with a circle around her middle fingers as otherwise fingerless gloves moving on over her hands, her wrist holds a darkwood buckler. When leaving the school she carries a walnut quarterstaff carved in a swirl pattern with knobs on both ends. It is lightly stained to accent the wood grain pattern. A quiver holding arrows and a bow almost as long as she is tall hangs rising over one shoulder while the hilt of a long thin longsword rises over the other. A wide belt lined with pockets for spell components and clasped with a coppery buckle in a dragon motif circles her waist. She carries a black leather backpack over one shoulder adorned copper colored arcane symbols to classes. It holds her arcanabula as well as pens, inks, other supplies and snacks. Despite her thinness, Tylara is always munching on something, usually granola, dried fruit, nuts, berries, biscotti or carrot sticks. She frequently drinks tea from a delicate looking Elf-made china cup cunningly wrought to look like a flower blossom with a leaf motif saucer to match. She rarely eats meat. Tylara can be aloof in the manner of Elves, but she eventually warms up to people. She has formed a bond with some of her classmates and can be quite friendly with them when the mood strikes her. She is inclined toward moodiness and in a quite un-Elflike fashion tends at times to appear distracted by weighty thoughts. She is very strong willed and used to getting her way. A trait that doesn't always go over well with her professors. Tylara is not terribly religious, but she does venerate the Elf gods and wears the holy symbol of her mother’s patron.

History/Background: Tylara was born in to a family of very successful Grey Elf wizards. Her father, an ancient grey elf Wizard named Peloradanna Tylarapelotheenia while her mother is the much younger Annabell, a priestess of Labelas Enoreth, Elf deity of lore and philosophy. Both her parents were very busy and Tylara was never very close them or to her older siblings from her father’s first wife. Her father was active in the Courts of the Elf King. Young Tylara spent much of her youth roaming palaces and grounds with other children of Elf nobility. She had good tutors and her mother was particularly sure to make the tutors attend to Tylara’s education. She learned a little about many topics, but she did inherit some of her father’s talent for magic.

A few years ago as Tylara was nearing maturity, her father led a delegation to meet with a party from a rival nation to discuss peace and trade. The meet proved to be an ambush. Pelordanna was forced to call upon his most powerful and destructive spells to save himself and the other delegates. In the process he destroyed much of a small Elf border town and hundreds of acres of forest burned in a raging forest fire touched off by the spells. In the aftermath of this disaster Tylara’s family lost much of their prestige and is currently unpopular at Court. It was decided that Tylara would go far away to study magic. This was in part motivated by the fact that no Elf school of wizardry would offer her a place. The friends of her youth hold her in some distain for not attending a proper Elf school and for the stain on her family’s reputation. She gets infrequent letters from her family and one or two friends who haven’t completely abandoned her, but by and large her world is the Wizardly Academy where she currently studies. She has made few plans beyond school and it in danger of becoming a perpetual student if some opportunity doesn’t come along.

Muinthel 'Thel' meaning sister in Elvish
Familiar/Animal Companion

Size/Type: Small Animal (3' long /w 7' wingspan)
Hit Dice: 4 (10 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 80 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-2
Attack: Talons +5 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: Talons +5 melee (1d4) and bite 0 melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +16
Feats: Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
Familiar/Animal Companion Abilities: Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, link, empathic link, deliver touch spells


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First Post
[B]Name:[/B] Xavier Zalev
[B]Class:[/B] Enchanter 3 / Master Specialist 2 (CM70)[b]Starting Level[/b]: 4
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] Whirtlestaff's Academy
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male

[B]Str:[/B] 09 -1 	[B]Level:[/B] 4	[B]XP[/B]: 11,094
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 	[B]BAB:[/B] +2		[B]HP:[/B] 29/29
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 	[B]Grapple:[/B] +1	
[B]Int:[/B] 18 +4 	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b]1 (INT)
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 	[B]Init:[/B] +2		[B]Spell Save:[/B] +4
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 	[B]ACP:[/B] -0		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+0	+2	+2	+0	+0	+0	12
[B]Touch:[/B]	12	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 10

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+3	+1	+2	+0
[B]Ref:[/B]	+3	+1	+2	+0
[B]Will:[/B]	+7	+6	+1	+0 (+3 against Enchantments)

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Dagger			+0	1d4-1	19-20/x2	
Light Crossbow          +3      1d8    19-20/x2           80ft.


[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Elven


[B]Feats: [/B] 
Spell Focus (Enchantment)  (1st) 
Fey Heritage (Human Bonus) (CM 43) (You gain a +3 bonus on Will saving throws against enchantment effects.)
Scribe Scroll [free to wizard] 
Collegiate Wizard (Campaign Bonus)
Unsettling Enchantment  (3rd) (CM 48) (Benefit: Any foe required to save against an enchantment
spell you cast takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and to AC for 1 round, regardless of the result of the save. This is a mindaffecting effect.)
Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (Bonus - MS 1)
Expanded Spellbook (Class Feature MS2 - gain 1 enchantment spell to add to spellbook)

Collegiate Wizard 
Complete Arcane, pg. 181
Prereq: Wizard 1st, Int 13, 1st level only
* +2 bonus on Know (arcana) checks
* As a 1st level Wizard, you gain 6 1st level spells (instead of 3)
* At each level after 1st, you gain 4 new spells (instead of 2)

                           Skill     Ability             Misc. 
Skill Name 	          Modifier   Modifier   Ranks    Modifier
Appraise		     +8	       +4        1       3 [Raven Familiar]    
Concentration                +10        +2        8 
Decipher Script              +5        +4        1    
Knowledge (Arcana)           +14	+4	 8       2 [Collegiate Wizard]
Knowledge (Architecture)     +6 	+4	  2
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)    +7 	+4	  3
Knowledge (Geography)        +7 	+4	  3
Knowledge (History)          +6 	+4	  3
Knowledge (Local)            +6 	+4	  2
Knowledge (Nature)           +9 	+4	  5
Knowledge (Nobility)         +6 	+4	  2
Knowledge (Religion)         +7 	+4	  4
Knowledge (Planes)           +7 	+4	  3
Spellcraft		     +17	+4	  8       2 [Knowledge, arcane] +3 (Skill Focus)


[B]Equipment:				Cost	Weight[/B]
Spellbook				15gp	1lb	
Spell Component Pouch			 5gp    1lb
Ring of Protection (+1)               2,000gp   -
Pearl of Power (1st)                  1,000gp
+1 Mithril Buckler                    2,015gp   2.5lbs
Dagger                                   2gp    1lb
Crossbow, light                         35gp    4lb
Bolts(30)                                3gp    3lb
Potion of CLW (x3)                     150gp    -
Scroll of Featherfall                   25gp    -
Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement           25gp    -
Scroll of Hold Portal                   25gp    -
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat           25gp    -
Scroll of Hail of Stone                 25gp    -
Scroll of Mage Armor
Scroll of False Life
Scroll of Shield

[B]Total Weight:[/B]12.5lbs	[B]Money:[/B] 45gp Xsp Xcp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	30	60	90	180	450

0 - 4 + 1 (Ench)
1st - 3 + 1 (Ench) + 1(High Int)
2nd - 2 + 1 (Ench) + 1(High Int)
3rd - 1 + 1 (Ench) + 1(High Int)

Spells Known:

0 - All, except Evocation & Illusion
1st - Mage Armour, Charm Person*, Whelm* (PHB2 128), Backbiter (SpC 23), Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Clumsiness (SpC 166), Shield, Magic Missile, Grease, Hail of Stone (SpC 108), Hold Portal, Lesser Orb of Electricity (SpC 151)
2nd - False Life, Ray of Stupidity* (SpC 168), Protection from Arrows, Tasha's Hideous Laughter*, Melf's Acid Arrow, Ice Knife (SpC 119), Glitterdust, Web
3rd - Ray of Dizziness*, Blink, Bands of Steel (SpC), Acid Breath (SpC), Deep Slumber*

* are Enchantment spells

Typical Spells Memorized:

0 - Arcane Mark, Daze*, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armour, Grease, Ray of Clumsiness, Charm Person*, Lesser Orb of Electricity
2nd - False Life, Ice Knife, Ray of Stupidity*, Tasha's Hideous Laughter*
3rd - Bands of Steel, Acid Breath, Deep Slumber*

Save DC's*:

0 - 14
1 - 15
2 - 16
3 - 17

*If Enchantment +1 to DC of saving throw (Spell Focus)
Mike - Raven
Size/Type: Tiny Animal
Hp: 5
Initiative: +2
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-13
Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d2-5)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Qualities: low-light vision, Speak Common (Su)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse

Abilities: Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link, deliver touch spells


Appearance / Personality:
Standing a paltry 5'6" Xavier has always had self confidence issues, which is why his parents sent him to Whirtlestaff's. He focused in the school of Enchantment because if others were going to laugh at his height he could control their minds. Slightly bitter at his physical shortcoming, Xavier is nonetheless a very avid reader and devours old texts with enthusiasm. He has sharp angular features, making him appear almost hawkish and his attempts to grow a small beard haven't done anything to soften his face. Xavier favours the colour purple, as he feels it's the colour of royalty and prestige, and he'll most often be found in his purple robe.

Background: Born to a military family, Xavier was the third son of a retired general. He was also the runt of the litter, being much smaller and physically strong than his brothers. Growing up Xavier was bullyed and despite his small size could take a punch with the best of them. His father was always cold to Xavier, in stark contrast to his brothers, whom the father always smiled upon. Xavier was sent to Whirtlestaff's on his 12th birthday, his parents had told him it was for his own development, as even then, Xavier always had his nose in a book, but the look in his father's eyes told Xavier the truth. His father was glad to be rid of him and Xavier decided then that he would prove his father wrond, that physical strength was no match for a strong mind. Now at 22, a decade later, Xavier has found himself advancing well in his studies and has no desire ever to return home.

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[SBLOCK=Kerlan Rayne]
Kerlan Rayne
Gender: Male, Race: Human
Size category: Medium, 5'10" tall, 140 lbs, 19 yrs old
Brown hair; Brown eyes; deeply tanned skin
Alignment: Neutral Good
Class: Beguiler 1 / Focused Conjuration Specialist Wizard 4 / Ultimate Magus 1
XP: 17,208 / 21,000

Speaks Common, Sylvanoptera, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Orc, Terran, Ignan, [Drow], and [Undercommon]

Str 10 (+0 Mod) = 10 ( 0 pts) ()
Dex 16 (+3 Mod) = 16 (10 pts) ()
Con 14 (+2 Mod) = 14 ( 5 pts) ()
Int 22 (+6 Mod) = 18 (17 pts) (+2 Race, +1 Lvl, +1 Enhancement)
Wis 10 (+0 Mod) = 11 ( 0 pts) ()
Cha 10 (+0 Mod) = 10 ( 0 pts) ()

Hit Points: 46 = (6*5 Level) + (4*1 Level) + (6*2 CON)
AC 18 (10 Base, +4 Armor, +3 DEX, +1 Shield)
• Touch 13 (10 Base, +3 DEX)
• Flat 15 (10 Base, +4 Armor, +1 Shield)
• Both 10 (10 Base)
CMD: 15 (10 Base, +2 BAB, +0 STR, +3 DEX)
Init +5 (+3 DEX, +2 Trait)
BAB +2; CMB +2 (+0 STR, +2 BAB)
Speed: 30' (base 30')
Carrying Capacity: 26/53/80
Weight Carried: xxx lbs

AC Modifiers:
+3 when Fighting Defensively (-4 to all attacks)
+6 with Full Defence (No Attacks)
+2 vs Ranged when Kneeling (-2 vs Melee)
+4 vs Ranged when Prone (-4 vs Melee)

Fort +3 (+1 base, +2 CON)
Refl +4 (+1 base, +3 DEX)
Will +8 (+8 base, +0 WIS)

+2 Melee, Dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2
• To Hit: (+2 BAB, +0 STR)
+2 Melee Touch, Flame Dagger, 1d4+6, 19-20/x2
• To Hit: (+2 BAB, +0 STR)
+12 / +12 Melee [Steeldance], Daggers, 1d4+6 / 1d4+6, 19-20/x2
• To Hit: (+6 CL, +6 INT)
+6 Ranged, Mwk Light Crosbow, 1d8, 20/x2, 80'r
• To Hit: (+2 BAB, +3 DEX, +1 Enhancement)
+5 Ranged, Sling, 1d6, 20/x2, 30'r
• To Hit: (+2 BAB, +3 DEX)

Combat Modifiers: Attack & Damage
+? to Melee/Ranged (Condition)

Skills: (11 pts Beg, 28 pts Wiz, 7 pts UM, 6 pts Human, 6 pts Headband, 4 pts Favored Class)
+13 Concentration = (+6 INT, +1 Shield, +6 CL) [vs 15 + 2*SL]
+15 Spellcraft = (6 Ranks) (+6 INT, +3 Class) [+2 Scrolls]
+17 Knowledge (Arcana) = (6 Ranks) (+6 INT, +2 Feat, +3 Class)
+16 Knowledge (Underdark) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +6 Books, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (The Planes) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (Religion) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (Nature) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (Dungeoneering) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (Engineering) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (Geography) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (History) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Knowledge (Local) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+10 Craft (Alchemy) = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+14 Linguistics = (5 Ranks) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+0 Survival = (0 Ranks) (+0 WIS)
+9 Use Magic Device = (# 6 Ranks) (+0 CHA, +3 Class) [+4 Scrolls] (#Ranks from Headband)
+10 Appraise = (1 Rank) (+6 INT, +3 Class)
+9 Disable Device = (1 Rank) (+3 DEX, +2 Tools, +3 Class) [+3 Trapfinding]
+12 Sleight of Hand = (6 Rank) (+3 DEX, +3 Class)
+4 Bluff = (1 Ranks) (+0 CHA, +3 Class)
+7 Escape Artist = (1 Ranks) (+3 DEX, +3 Class)
+12 Acrobatics = (6 Ranks) (+3 DEX, +3 Class)
+9 Perception = (6 Ranks, +3 Class) (+0 WIS) [+3 Trapfinding]
+7 Stealth = (1 Ranks) (+3 DEX, +3 Class)
+4 Climb = (1 Ranks) (+0 STR, +3 Class)
+4 Swim = (1 Ranks) (+0 STR, +3 Class)
Collector of Stories skill trick (2 Skill Points) +5 Knowledge to ID Monsters
Conceal Spellcasting skill trick (2 Skill Points) Sleight of Hand vs Perception to detect spellcasting

Human - Extend Spell
Level 1 - Practiced Spellcaster (Beguiler)
Wizard 1 - [Scribe Scroll, Collegiate Wizard]
Level 3 - Craft Wondrous Item
Level 5 - [Sculpt Spell], Magical Artisan (CWI)

Human Racial Traits:
• Bonus Feat
• Extra Skill Points
• Reactionary trait [+2 Initiative]
• Stealthy Escape trait [Sleight of Hand vs Escape Artist]
• Favored Class: Wizard

Beguiler Class Abilities:
• Proficient with all simple weapons plus the hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow, and short sword.
• Trapfinding.
• Spellcasting: 5 0th, 3+2 1st.
• Spell List: 0th: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Open/close, Read Magic. 1st: Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Rouse, Silent Image, Sleep, Undetectable Alignment, Whelm.

Wizard Class Abilities:
• Proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff.
• Bonus Feats: Scribe Scroll, Collegiate Wizard.
• Focused Specialist variant (CM): -1 spell/level, +3 Conjuration spells/level.
• Opposition Schools: Illusion, Enchantment, Necromancy.
• Abrupt Jaunt Alternative Class Feature (PHB2): Lose Arcane Bond, Teleport 10' as Immediate INT/Day.
• Summoner's Charm (Su): Summoning spells last 2 rounds longer.
• Acid Dart (Sp): 1d6+ 1/2 lvls, 3+INT times/day (1d6+2 dmg, 9/day, 30'r)

School Memorized Spells [3+3 0th, 2+2+3 1st, 1+2+3 2nd, 0+1+3 3rd]
0th (DC 16): Prestidigitation, Amanuensis, Mage Hand, (Caltrops), (Acid Splash)
1st (DC 17): Reduce Person, Scholar's Touch, Feather Fall, Benign Transposition, (Grease), (Wall of Smoke), (Mount)
2nd (DC 18): Arcane Turmoil, Flame Dagger, x, (Cloud of Bewilderment), (Glitterdust), (Web)
3rd (DC 19): x, (x), (x), (x)

Battle Memorized Spells [3+3 0th, 2+2+3 1st, 1+2+3 2nd, 0+1+3 3rd]
0th (DC 16): Launch Bolt, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, (Caltrops), (Acid Splash), (x)
1st (DC 17): Fist of Stone, Benign Transposition, Persistent Blade, Shield, (Wall of Smoke), (Kelgore's Fire Bolt), (Kelgore's Fire Bolt)
2nd (DC 18): Arcane Turmoil, Flame Dagger, Sculpted Burning Hands, (Web), (Cloud of Knives), (Glitterdust)
3rd (DC 19): Manyjaws, (Stinking Cloud), (Extended Rope Trick), (Sculpted Glitterdust)

Spellbook: [14 1st, 4 2nd] [* = Conjuration Spells]
  • 0th: Acid Splash*, Amanuensis (SC), Arcane Mark, Caltrops* (SC), Detect Magic, Flare, Launch Bolt (SC), Launch Item (SC), Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Repair Minor Damage (SC), Resistance
  • 1st: Benign Transposition*, Burning Hands, Feather Fall, Fist of Stone (SC), Grease*, Kelgore’s Fire Bolt* (PH2), Lesser Orb of Acid* (SC), Nerveskitter, Hail of Stone*, Protection from Evil, Reduce Person, Scholar's Touch, Shield, True Strike, Wall of Smoke*
  • 2nd: Arcane Turmoil (CM), Cloud of Bewilderment* (SC), Cloud of Knives* (PHB2), Flame Dagger (SC), Fox's Cunning, Glitterdust*, Knock, Rope Trick, Ray of Stupidity, Web*
  • 3rd: Stinking Cloud*, Sleet Storm*, Secret Page, Manyjaws

Equipment: [111 gp, 67 sp, 16 cp]
Explorer's Outfit (Worn, 0 lbs)
Component Pouch (Worn, 2 lbs) 5 gp
Wooden Holy Symbols (Boccob, Ehlonna) 2 gp
Haversack (5 lbs)
• Peasant's Outfit (2 lbs) 1 sp
• Scholar’s Outfit (6 lbs) 5 gp
• Bedroll (5 lbs.) 1 sp
• Blanket, winter (3 lbs.) 5 sp
• Canvas [2 sq. yds.] (2 lbs.) 2 sp
• Crowbar (5 lbs.) 2 gp
• Grappling Hook (4 lbs.) 1 gp
• Shovel (8 lbs.) 2 gp
• Block and Tackle (5 lbs) 5 gp
• Bucket [x2] (4 lbs) 10 sp
• Manacles (2 lbs) 15 gp
• Tent (20 lbs.) 10 gp
• Candles [10] 1 sp
• Oil (1-pint flask) [x5] (5 lb) 5 sp
• Fishhooks [x10] 1 gp
• Sewing Needles [x5] 25 sp
• Flask [empty, x2] (3 lbs) 6 cp
• Parchment [10 sheets] 2 gp
• Rations [2 days] ( 1 lb) 5 sp
• Rope, silk [50 ft.] (5 lbs) 10 gp
• Sack [empty, x2] (1 lb) 2 sp
• Torches [x10] (10 lbs) 10 cp
• Waterskin (4 lbs) 1 gp
• Spellbook (3 lbs) 15 gp
• Masterwork Thieves Tools (lbs) 100 gp
• Folding Chair (10 lbs) 2 gp
• Portable Ram (20 lbs) 10 gp
Belt Pouch [x2] (1 lb) 2 gp
• Scroll Case (½ lb) 1 gp
• Chalk [10 pieces] 1 sp
• Flint and steel, 1 gp
• Ink [1 oz. vial] 8 gp
• Inkpen, 1 sp
• Mirror, small steel (½ lb) 10 gp
• Signal whistle, 8 sp
• Continual Flame Torch (1 lb) 0 gp
• Vial, ink or potion (1/10 lb) 1 gp

Magic Items [6,555 gp, 300 xp] (* = Self Crafted)
Heward's Handy Haversack (Worn, 5 lbs) 2,000 gp
Githcraft Darkwood Quickdraw Light Shield w/Sheath & Wand Chamber (Worn, 3 lbs) 988 gp
Artificer's Monocle* (Worn, as goggles) 750 gp
Arcanist's Gloves* (Worn) 250 gp
Pearl of Power* [x2] 1,000 gp
Headband of Intellect +1* (Worn) 500 gp
Empowered Spellshard* [Kelgore's Fire Bolt] (Worn) 750 gp
Healing Belt* (Worn) 500 gp

Weapons: [65 gp]
Dagger (Shield, 1lb) 2 gp
Dagger [Silver] (Pouch, 1 lb) 22 gp
Dagger [Cold Iron] (Pouch, 1 lb) 4 gp
Masterwork Light Crossbow (4 lbs) 335 gp
20 bolts (Back, 2 lbs) 2 gp
Sling (Pouch, 0 lbs) 0 gp

Scrolls: [*=Self Crafted] [50 gp]
1st: Ice Dagger (CL1) [25 gp], Magic Weapon (CL1) [25 gp], Burning Hands (CL5) [125 gp], Magic Missile (CL5) [125 gp]

Potions: [50 gp]
1st: Cure Light Wounds (CL1) [50 gp]

Possessions at Home:
Peasant's Outfit (2 lbs) 1 sp
Scholar’s Outfit (6 lbs) 5 gp

[SBLOCK=Earnings]+750 gp(Crafted Pearl of Power x2, Arcanist's Gloves for Manny)[/SBLOCK]
Total Money Left: 5060 gp 7 sp 10 cp

[SBLOCK=Gifts]Sufficient ink to copy five three spells into your spellbooks or scribe five three scrolls, and also seven sheets of parchment each, and three pens each.[/SBLOCK]
Appearance / Personality:

Kerlan Rayne looks like a typical farmer's son. He wears plain, rugged clothes that are usually brown, like his deeply tanned skin. He is about average height and appears to be a naive young man, but he's not. He's friendly and helpful but generaly knows when to keep his mouth shut. He loves the exploration of magic, as long as it doesn't cross dangerous lines or puts people in harm's way. He's very optimistic and generally cheerful. He tends to seek out magic that can be practical and flexible.


Kerlan Rayne was born to a long line of farmers; the middle child of seven children. He grew up in a nice little village in a valley and his family generally did well enough to be comfortable there. When he was young, he became interested in magic. The little he was able to see in his life fascinated him. A Wizard named Savin taking an extended stay at their local inn noticed Kerlan and decided to let him browse through some of his old school books on the basics of magic. Kerlan took to it like a duck to water (as his mom used to say). He saw things he never imagined and quickly understood them. Savin saw the promise in him and became his mentor, returning every once in a while to encourage him on and eventually sponsor him at the closest College of Wizards. He knows that he is very lucky to be here and does not take it for granted.

All Rolls
Blank Link[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Max, Monk/Wizard

Name: Max
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Size: Medium, 5'11" tall, 145 lbs, 26 yrs. old
Gray hair; Blue eyes; pale skin
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Monk 3, Wizard 1 (Divination School)
Speak Common, Sylvan, Celestial, Draconic

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 8
Hit Points: 32
AC 14 (10 + 2 DEX + 2 Monk AC Bonus)
Touch AC 14, Flat AC 12
Initiative: +6 (Improved Initiative)
BAB: +3
Speed: 30' + '10 unarmored
Carrying Capacity: 58 lbs, 116 lbs, 175 lbs
Weight Carried: ~40 lbs
AC Modifiers: Fight Defensively + 3, Total Defense + 6, Selected Oponent + 1, Mobility + 4 for attack of opportunity due to movement
Saves: Fort + 4 (+3 base), Refl + 5 (0 dmg on save for Evasion), Will + 8 (+10 against enchantment)

Melee, +1 Kama, AB +6, 1d6+1, crit x2, Flurry of blows AB +3/+3
Melee, Unarmed, AB +5, 1d6, crit x2, Flurry of blows AB +2/+2
Ranged, Light Crossbow, AB +5, 1d8, crit 19-20/x2, 80'
Shuriken, AB +5, 1d2, crit x2, 10', Flurry of blows AB +2/+2

Skills (54 Ranks):
Knowledge (arcana): 8 (5 ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (religion): 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Knowledge (history): 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Knowledge (architecture/engineering); 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Knowledge (local): 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Knowledge (nature): 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Knowledge (the planes): 4 (1 rank, 3 Int)
Listen: 8 (6 ranks, 2 Wis)
Hide: 8 (6 ranks, 2 Dex)
Spot: 8 (6 ranks, 2 Wis)
Concentration: 7 (6 ranks, 1 Con)
Decipher Script: 5 (2 ranks, 3 Int)
Spellcraft: 7(+2 divination) (2 ranks, 3 Int, 2 arcane synergy, 2 for Divination spells)
Balance: 10 (6 ranks, 2 Dex, 2 Tumble synergy)
Tumble: 8 (6 ranks, 2 Dex)

Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll, Collegiat Wizard

1st level: Comprehend Languages, Identify, True Strike, Detect Undead, Detect Secret Doors, Shield, Ventriloquism, Sleep, Magic Weapon

Spells Usually Memorized during Adventure
0th level: Detect Magic, Light, Ghost Sound, Detect Poison
1st level: Magic Weapon, Shield, Detect Secret Doors

Wand of Shocking Grasp, 49 charges
Mage armor potion, 10 oz
Light Crossbow, 30 bolts
+1 Kama
10 Shuriken
1808 gp

Max's wiry frame reflects his physical discipline, but his prematurely gray hair betrays an inability to pull himself out of the books if a question takes hold of him. His hooked nose, thick eyebrows and slight hairlip bestow an unfortunate self-consciousness that keeps him to himself. His search for knowledge leads him into many quests, however, which is why he cooperates with others whose talents he recognizes.

Max was orphaned, his ancestry erased, and brought up in a monastery that he still calls home, after a fashion. In other words, the library and the arena are committed to memory. He may never return home.
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First Post
Shared Treasure - hands off all non-wizards!!

Here is a log of all the booty we have taken from the hands of vanquished foes or earned from the hands of grateful patrons. Now, let's all sing the Whirlestaff School Song!

Hail to Whirlestaff, hail to Whirlestaff
Hail, hail, hail, hail, hail!
...trailing off...

Hm...I don't think Wizards sing very well....

During an encounter with 4 ogres, May 29 2112 Y.M. late, late night, we took from the foul ogres: 6,000 cp, 100 sp, and 100 gp

Starting XP: 8000
XP won up until meeting Crus: 874 X.P.
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Simeon Longknife's stats will go here, when I find what I did with them.
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Xavier as npc <--- Pre-Lou!!

Name: Xavier Zalev
Class: Enchanter 3 / Master Specialist 1 (CM70)Starting Level: 4
Current Level = 4
XP= 6000
Race: Human
Region of Origin: Whirtlestaff's Academy
Size: Medium
Gender: Male

Str: 09 -1
Dex: 14 +2
Con: 14 +2
Int: 18 +4
Wis: 12 +1
Cha: 10 +0

HP = 24/24
BAB = +1
Grapple = +0
Init = +2
Speed = 30'
ACP = 0
Stat Increases = 1 (Int)
Spell Save = +4
Spell Failure = 0

T: 14
FF: 12

Spell Res: None
Dmg Red: None

Total Base Mod Misc
Fort: +3 +1 +2 +0
Ref: +3 +1 +2 +0
Will: +6 +5 +1 +0 (+3 against Enchantments)

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range
Dagger +0 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Light Crossbow +3 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft.


Languages: Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Elven


Spell Focus (Enchantment) (1st)
Fey Heritage (Human Bonus) (CM 43) (You gain a +3 bonus on Will saving throws against enchantment effects.)
Scribe Scroll [free to wizard]
Collegiate Wizard (Campaign Bonus)
Unsettling Enchantment (3rd) (CM 48) (Benefit: Any foe required to save against an enchantment
spell you cast takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and to AC for 1 round, regardless of the result of the save. This is a mindaffecting effect.)
Skill Focus (Spellcraft) (Bonus - MS 1)

Collegiate Wizard
Complete Arcane, pg. 181
Prereq: Wizard 1st, Int 13, 1st level only
* +2 bonus on Know (arcana) checks
* As a 1st level Wizard, you gain 6 1st level spells (instead of 3)
* At each level after 1st, you gain 4 new spells (instead of 2)

Skill Ability Misc.
Skill Name Modifier Modifier Ranks Modifier
Appraise +8 +4 1 3 [Raven Familiar]
Concentration +9 +2 7
Decipher Script +5 +4 1
Knowledge (Arcana) +13 +4 7 2 [Collegiate Wizard]
Knowledge (Architecture) +6 +4 2
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7 +4 3
Knowledge (Geography) +7 +4 3
Knowledge (History) +6 +4 3
Knowledge (Local) +6 +4 2
Knowledge (Nature) +9 +4 5
Knowledge (Nobility) +6 +4 2
Knowledge (Religion) +5 +4 1
Knowledge (Planes) +7 +4 3
Spellcraft +16 +4 7 2 [Knowledge, arcane] +3 (Skill Focus)


Equipment: Cost Weight
Spellbook 15gp 1lb
Spell Component Pouch 5gp 1lb
Ring of Protection (+1) 2,000gp -
Pearl of Power (1st) 1,000gp
+1 Mithril Buckler 2,015gp 2.5lbs
Dagger 2gp 1lb
Crossbow, light 35gp 4lb
Bolts(30) 3gp 3lb
Potion of CLW (x3) 150gp -
Scroll of Featherfall 25gp -
Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement 25gp -
Scroll of Hold Portal 25gp -
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat 25gp -
Scroll of Hail of Stone 25gp -
Scroll of Mage Armor
Scroll of False Life
Scroll of Shield

Total Weight:12.5lbs Money: 45gp Xsp Xcp

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 30 60 90 180 450

Description: Xavier is a little wisp of a fellow (only 5'6" tall) with an unruly shock of sandy blonde hair. His hair just barely covers the slightly pointed ends of his ears that hint that he has some degree of blood flowing in his veins that is not entirely human. His other features are, likewise, quite angular and sharp. His eyes are a vibrant green. His build may be somewhat light, but his presentation is still resolute and determined.


0 - 4 + 1 (Ench)
1st - (3+1[Int]) + 1 (Ench)
2nd -(2+1[Int]) + 1 (Ench)

Spells Known:

0 - All, except Evocation & Illusion
1st - Mage Armour, Charm Person*, Whelm* (PHB2 128), Backbiter (SpC 23), Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Clumsiness (SpC 166), Shield, Magic Missile, Grease, Hail of Stone (SpC 108), Hold Portal, Lesser Orb of Electricity (SpC 151), Sleep*
2nd - False Life, Ray of Stupidity* (SpC 168), Protection from Arrows, Tasha's Hideous Laughter*, Melf's Acid Arrow, Ice Knife (SpC 119), Glitterdust, Web

* are Enchantment spells

Typical Spells Memorized:

0 - Arcane Mark, Daze*, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armour, Grease, Ray of Clumsiness, Charm Person*, Lesser Orb of Electricity
2nd - False Life, Ice Knife, Ray of Stupidity*, Tasha's Hideous Laughter*

Save DC's*:

0 - 14
1 - 15
2 - 16

*If Enchantment +1 to DC of saving throw (Spell Focus)
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