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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Lands of Hutaalar, The Hidden Valley of Hutaaka
Ruler: Ralox Byara-Haluxa [LN male hutaakan Clr10 (Vaflar)]
Government: Theocracy
Capital: Hutaalar
Major Towns: Byxata (pop. – 4,205), Cuernavaca (pop. – 2,250), Hutaalar pop. – 6,150), Ocotlan (pop. – 2,180), Ronkan (pop. – 3,500), Tollocan (pop. – 2,000), Tuxpan (pop. – 2,945), Zacualco (pop. – 4,050)
Provinces: One ecclesiocracy, seven ecclesiastical townships, and several transient tent-towns.
Resources: Alchemical items & substances, arts & crafts, lake fish (minor), magic, and wine.
Coinage: Hutaalar doesn't mint its own coins, but they have been known to use coins from Ahamudia and Morhan.
Population: 454,670 – Hutaakan 96%, Human (Javeldian) 2%, Halfling (Nihil) 1%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Hutaakan, Javeldian, Orc (Maran), Vananean.
Alignments: LG, LN *, LE, N
Patron God: Vaflar.
Major Religions: Helek, Maldar, Ptah, Sanh, and Satiria.
Minor Religions: Hades, Jalivier, Wee Jas, and Zyrcek.
Cults: Aphulæn, Dike, Hel, Loviatar, and Mayela.
Alliances: Domain of Bitran (non-aggression); Kingdom of Ahamudia (non-aggression); Mines of Morhan (trade alliance, tentative).

Hutaakan life centers on their ancient cultural mysticism dedicated to the worship of an amoral Maran deity of crafts and magic, called Vaflar. The many hutaakan clerics are needed to carry out the numerous daily rites and rituals associated with the religion. The priests prefer to rigidly control hutaakan communities and the destinies of their inhabitants.

Hutaakans as a race have never adapted well to the arts of war, and have few warriors. Most hutaakans are craftsmen and artisans with little or no martial skills, and fight only in self-defense. Hutaakan society is egalitarian, and temperament and talent rather than gender determines one’s role.

Hutaakan society, in the Rilous Mountains of Harqual, is centered in the City-state of Hutaalar in a hidden valley, which the hutaakans refer to as Hutaaka. Many of the remaining hutaakan communities surrounding the city-state either weren’t brought to Kulan or suffer in poverty. As a result, many transient hutaakans have been forced to relocate within the valley or migrate into the city-state itself.

The priests of Vaflar have, so far, limited the number of hutaakan refugees allowed into the city, in order to prevent chaos. If there is one thing that hutaakans won’t stand for, it’s chaos. As a result, many hutaakans have moved further east in the mountains, coming into contact with the Bitran. So far, relations are cordial, but the hutaakans cultural biases too look down on other races is bound to cause conflict sooner than later.



The Hidden Valley of Hutaaka (Hutaalar)
Map designed by Alan Jones in CC2.
I have significantly modified this map for my use.


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World of Kulan DM
A closer view. . .



Western View


Eastern View


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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Ara-Ragik City Alliance
Ruler: The Supreme Prince, Theron Xylander, The Hellion of Massalia [LE male human (half-fiend) Ftr8/Sor8]
Government: Alliance of city-states (loose confederacy)
Capital: Massalia
Major Towns: Águastadt (pop. – 9,349), Antóni Aldea (pop. – 4,090), Aushaltan (pop. – 3,088), Baum Val (pop. – 3,486), Bredorf (pop. – 1,078), Calordia (pop. – 15,343), Düsterdorf (pop. – 985), Gelb Val (pop. – 3,735), Helddorf (pop. – 4,010), Irritar Alcan (pop. – 2,982), Mädchen (pop. – 2,018), Massalia (pop. – 24,500), Ódioida (pop. – 8,568), Theay Val (pop. – 885), Toga Aldea (pop. – 995), Trovãodia (pop. – 19,750), Truen Val (pop. – 2,802), Volastadt (pop. – 11,545)
Provinces: One supreme principality, five principalities, ten baronies, and two-dozen lordships.
Resources: Fish (lake), metals (copper/electrum), narcotics, slaves, timber. Ara-Ragik is also known for its magical knowledge but, the Ara Guild tightly controls the purchasing and selling of magic.
Coinage: Coro (pp), Thaler (gp), Lago (ep), Cune (sp), Viru (cp).
Population: 1,833,985 – Human 64%, Orc 12%, Gnoll 8%, Goblinoid 5%, Giant 4%, Monstrous 3%, Half-Orc 2%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Infernal, Meai, Orc, Quaggoth, Undercommon.
Alignments: LN, LE *, N, NE, CN, CE
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Battus, Belinik, Druaga, Hel, Karaan, Loviatar, Math Mathonwy, Mussin, Nether, Wee Jas.
Minor Religions: Afflux, Angrboda, Boccob, Dike, Gruumsh, Malotoch, Narvi, Queen of Air and Darkness, Sanh, Vaprak, Vespin, Xuar.
Cults: Amand, Asmodeus, Belial, Ces, Dionysus, Emcey, Enduma, Erythnul, Graz’zt, Halmyr, Hansa, Hiisi, Konkresh, Maglubiyet, Malcanthet, Olidammara, Teve, Thera, Uller.
Alliances: None. Note that while the Princes of Ara-Ragik don't ally themselves with other Harqualians, as a general rule, they do ally themselves with evil outsiders such as demons, devils, and yuggoloths.

The lands surrounding Lake Ragik were once very fertile but now magic is required to help any type of crops grow. This had led to a large number of wizards living in the region, and most of them are evil and twisted by nature.

Not all of the cities of Ara-Ragik (AIR-ah RAG-ick) are ruled by magic; however, magic is often used to help keep those in power from losing it to their rivals. One guild of arcanists controls all arcane concerns for the entire alliance, The Ara Guild.

In truth, the arcanists of the Ara Guild are a decadent, evil group, prone to extreme debauchery and vile masochism. However, they aren't as powerful as they were before The Transformation, as the princes of Ara-Ragik blamed them for not being able to protect "valuable interests" to the alliance.

Yet, the alliance is called the "Ara-Ragik" City Alliance for a reason. The wizards still have considerable influence; they just have to work harder for it now than before.

Another vice of the citizens of the region are the need for slaves. Yes, the entire Old Sword Imperium uses slaves, but the citizens of Ara-Ragik take it to a different level of disgust.

Also, the region is infested with evil humanoids of all sorts, and Ara-Ragik is one of the few places where such creatures live openly with humans. Most demihumans living in the region are either hunted or enslaved.

It is not a nice place to live, unless you're dispictably evil.
Updated from my maps thread (post #85)​
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World of Kulan DM
On the eastern side of the Rilous Mountains is the area known as the Morhan Region. While most of the rest of the Ragik Peninsula is home to realms of evil and decadence, the lands of this region are more reasonable.

The Hallowed Lands are a place of power for dragon, fey and druidic power. The mighty Empire of Swords never did conquer the Hallowed Lands. They could never break the power of the druids and their powerful dragon allies. The druids tend to keep to themselves; although they have strong ties to the elves of the Great Forest, especially the elves of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves.

The Goldensoul Monarchy is a is a diverse, young kingdom of humans, elves, halflings, dwarves, and kitts. Halfbreeds are commonplace here; the kingdom's current queen is a houri, a elf/nymph. The King and Queen of this land are pushing for closer ties with the Kingdom of Ahamudia, but they have resisted any idea of being annexed into that kingdom. Goldensoul is strongly aligned with the druids of the Hallowed Lands, the elves of the Wild Treelands, and the lands known as the Mines of Morhan.

Speaking of the Mines of Morhan, that land of hills, mines, and deep delves is the strongest combined dwarven and human-dominated land in the northern half of the continent. In Morhan, hill dwarves both live and work alongside humans; however, almost all the humans live aboveground while the dwarves live both on the surface and underground. Morhan also has a significant population of halflings; although, they don't have as much influence as the lands dwarven and human citizens. Note that half-breeds aren't as common here but there are many.
Updated from my maps thread (post #87)​

Hallowed Lands
Proper Name: The Hallowed Lands
Rulers: The Hallowed Circle
Government: Druidic Enclave
Capital: NA
Major Towns: Aelaramil (pop. – 1,495), Ansrathel (pop. – 1,833), Evarethal (pop. – 4,245), Kethathlas (pop. – 992), Maravan (pop. – 1,020), Religa (pop. – 3,718), Ridarath (pop. – 1,727)
Provinces: Seven aligned druidic enclaves with equal power within the Hallowed Circle.
Resources: Crafts (elven), druidic magic, knowledge, musical instruments, and elven fire wine.
Coinage: NA
Population: 157,477 – Elf (silver) 62%, Elf (forest) 12%, Human 10%, Dwarf (hill) 7%, Halfling (hairfoot) 4%, Fey 3%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Celestial, Common, Druidic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Halfling, Sidhe, Sylvan.
Alignments: LN, NG, N *, CG, CN
Patron God: Daghdha.
Major Religions: Damh, Ehlonna, Hansa, Immotion, Larea, Mielikki, Ramara, and Sanh.
Minor Religions: Brenna, Casiia, Cronn, Draven, Dionysus, Hendomar, Heward, Mahridaar, Vali, Wee Jas, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Anacoro, Euphoria, Nessus, Santè, Seraph, Sialic, Thorn, Tulle, and Zell.
Alliances: Goldensoul Monarchy; Kingdom of the Silver Leaves; Wild Treelands of the Western Forest.
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Goldensoul Monarchy
Rulers: King Leofric Kerrich [LN male human Ari4/Rgr7]; Queen Zavia Kerrich [NG female houri 1 Drd9]
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Capital: Hallowridge
Major Towns: Hallowridge (pop. – 4,562), Iron Bluff (pop. – 982), Minehall (pop. – 1,430), Westhill (pop. – 1,948)
Provinces: One monarchy, three duchies, and six minor lordships (knight-holds).
Resources: Crafts (dwarven/elven/halfling), gems (bloodstones/jaspers), potatoes, precious metals (copper/gold/silver), timber (restricted).
Coinage: Soul (gp), Knoll (sp), Terra (cp).
Population: 178,440 – Human 36%, Dwarf (hill) 20%, Halfling (hairfoot) 20%, Elf (silver) 12%, Kitt 6%, Half-Elf 4%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Kitt, Meai, Sylvan.
Alignments: LG, LN *, NG, N, (NE), CG
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Abbathor, Berronar, the Daghdha, Damh, Dugmaren, Ehlonna, Heward, Issek, Jalivier, Kuil, Larea, Melira, Moradin, Sanh, Sheela, Yondalla.
Minor Religions: Aerdrie, Angrboda, Arvoreen, Brenna, Casiia, Corellon, Cronn, Cyrrollalee, Dike, Draven, Kord, Mielikki, Muamman, Ramara, Rillifane, Satiria, Zyrcek.
Cults: Aphulæn, Euphoria, Hendomar, Mahridaar, Mussin, Nessus, Santè, Sialic, Thorn, Tok, Tulle, Urogalan, Vergadain, Xan Yae, Zell.
Alliances: Hallowed Lands; Mines of Morhan (trade alliance); Wild Treelands of the Western Forest.

Proper Name: The Mines of Morhan
Rulers: The High Chieftain, Aldekard Blackgem, Dwarf Lord of Morhan [LN male dwarf (hill) Ftr6/Trd6]; Clanwarden Thraja “Slyboots” Winterwall [N female watcher 1 Rgr10]
Government: Plutocracy
Capital: Morhan
Major Towns: Delvehill (pop. – 2,290), Halan (pop. – 3,855), Highhill (pop. – 2,133), Lowhill (pop. – 3,072), Morhan (pop. – 7,505), Tagirr (pop. – 4,468), Woodhill (pop. – 1,930)
Provinces: One ruling dwarven clanhold, six other dwarven clanholds, four human lordships, two halfling clanholds, and a half-a-dozen minor knight-holds.
Resources: Ale, crafts (dwarven), gems (any precious and semiprecious stones, metals (mainly iron, silver, and platinum), timber.
Coinage: Platin (pp), Gilden (gp), Silber (sp), Kupfer (cp).
Population: 388,508 – Dwarf (hill) 44%, Dwarf (high) 35%, Human 12%, Halfling (hairfoot) 6%, Other Races 3%.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Onan, Orc, Terran, Undercommon
Alignments: LG, LN *, LE, N
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Berronar, Clangeddin, Cyrrollalee, Dumathoin, Hades, Inanna, Mayela, Moradin, Ptah, Vergadain, Wee Jas, Yondalla.
Minor Religions: Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cull, Dike, Issek, Jalivier, Loviatar, Sanh, Sheela, Urogalan.
Cults: Amand, Anon, Boccob, Halmyr, Hel, Jaeger, Laduguer, Maldar, Nessus, Teve, Thorn, Truce, Zell, Zyrcek.
Alliances: Domain of Bitran (trade alliance); Goldensoul Monarchy (trade alliance); Lands of Hutaalar (trade alliance, tentative).

1 A half-breed race from Green Ronin's Bastards & Bloodlines: A Guidebook to Half-Breeds.
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World of Kulan DM
Races of Harqual

FYI . . .

Hi all,

I'm just posting a note to let you all know that I'm currently updating my Races of Harqual document. Once I've finished it then I'll be posting a zipped PDF here for everyone's reference (hopefully it won't be too big to post.)

but first I need to lay down for a while. I had to go to the hospital yesterday and have a cortisone injection for my right SI Joint. It was more painful than I remembered it to be. (Ow!)




World of Kulan DM
Avian Races!

Okay, there is no way that i'm going to be able to post the full PDF file here. It is way too big, even compressed. Therefore, I'm including a sample PDF of my Avian Races of Harqual to give you all an idea of what it should like. However, for some reason it won't export my double-column view unless I export the whole thing. So, if you want to imagine the attached PDF but double-columned with a separator line. ;)


  • Avian Races.pdf
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World of Kulan DM
Located just north of the Kingdom of Ahamudia are the reminents of the two Sword Imperium lands that once dominated the region where the Rilous Mountains now stand — Toraa Bagul and the Soreney Domain.

The citizens of these two sovereign lands are now both anti-Imperium and anti-Ahamudian. Having long been oppressed by the stronger Imperial lands of the north, they were just coming into their own when The Transformation destroyed the southern reaches of the two Imperial provinces. Of course, they blame the Ahamudians for this development. The aftermath of The Transformation has left the remaining citizens of these two lands bitter, and they feel cursed by the Sword Gods. As a result many of them have turned towards worshiping Interloper Gods, World Gods, and even the North Gods.

Toraa Bagul (TOR-ah BAG-ool)
Since the end of The Transformation, the citizens of Toraa Bagul have encroached more and more into the Rilous Mountains. That land has always been known for being downtrodden, and they see the new mountain range as the perfect opportunity to expand up and away from the strong militaries of the Iron Lands to the west and Ragik Interior to the northwest. The Toraanes care little for the communities that were lost during The Transformation, believing that Fate chose them to survive.

Toraa Bagul has had more bad luck in the last few hundred years than you would ever wish on your enemies. The Toraane capital city of Toraa was destroyed centures ago by a combination of war and magical plague. This has made the lands of Toraa Bagul harsh, which makes it hard for the Toraanes to survive. Still, they refuse to give up their homeland and will fight to the death to protect every damp fen and rocky badland. If it wasn't for their determination to expand into the Rilous Mountains, they'd likely discover that they have a lot in common with the Ahamudians.

The Soreney Domain
The citizenry of the Soreney Domain have not been as optimistic as those of Toraa Bagul. More than two-thirds of their homeland either vanished or was buried under the Rilous Mountains. Only their capital city was spared, and the city has faced a constant onslaught of refugees and attacking warlords after The Transformation. The citizens of this land have also begun to expand into the Rilous Mountains, and they have already come into conflict with The Bitran. For Soreney, the Ahamudian-Imperium War will never be over.

Worse still, is that during the magical conjunction many of the lands citizens including their villages and crop fields were turned to stone! Also, many of these unfortunates were half-buried under the hills surrounding the new mountain range. Stone to flesh spells have worked on those that weren't buried, but those that were have been lost forever (melding with the ground). Patrols from the City of Soren have delved into the depths of the Rilous Mountains, and a few lucky survivors have been found frozen in time in caverns. Several "stoned" cities have now become strange dungeons with "stoned" victims.
Updated from my maps thread (post #37 & #84)​
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World of Kulan DM
Toraa Bagul
Proper Name: Toraa Bagul
Ruler: The Fatal Heart, Niels Haag, The Despairing Prince of the Toraanes [N male human Ari5/Rgr8 (Zell)]
Government: Feudalism
Capital: Arigär
Major Towns: Adeliji (pop. – 3,985), Arigär (pop. – 4,892), Falien (pop. – 4,134), Maeni (pop. – 992), Månnholm (pop. – 2,008), Raglien (pop. – 3,277), Tårrby (pop. – 1,098).
Provinces: One principality, four lordships, and six minor knight-holds.
Resources: Grain, metals (iron/silver), soldiers/mercenaries, stonework (masonry), textiles (velvet/wool).
Coinage: No minted coins; Toraanes use whatever coins that happen to pass through their possession. Trade by bartering in commonplace throughout Toraa Bagul.
Population: 313,630 – Human 93%, Half-Gnoll 2%, Half-Ogre 2%, Half-Orc 2%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Common, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Meai, Orc, Terran, Toraane.
Alignments: LE, N *, NE, CG, CE
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Apollo, Druaga, Hel, Kord, Loviatar, Math Mathonwy, Mussin, Nether, Sanh, Valkar.
Minor Religions: Angrboda, Bast, Battus, Belinik, the Daghdha, Gruumsh, Hiisi, Sulerain, Trithereon, Vaprak, Vespin.
Cults: Amand, Ces, Demogorgon, Draven, Emcey, Enduma, Euphoria, Faerinaal, Malotoch, Narvi, Shoku, Sigyn, Xan Yae, Yeenoghu, Zell.
Alliances: Märii Divide (mutual protection alliance against the Järir Autarchic), Soreney Domain (strained).
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Soreney Domain
Ruler: The Arch-Lady, Lysandra Thorell, The Patrician of Soren, The Earth Mistress [NE female human Elm9 (earth)]
Government: Feudalism
Capital: Soren
Major Towns: Hallian (pop. – 3,905), Laol’s Camp (pop. – 400), Saaon (pop. – 1,302), Soren (pop. – 6,890), Taite (pop. – 1,900), Valinar (pop. – 4,712), Vavor (pop. – 2,901), Wöl (pop. – 2,258).
Provinces: One noble lordship, four major fiefdoms, six minor feoffs, and one encampment of well-paid mercenaries (acts as a feoff).
Resources: Ale and beer, gems (mainly semiprecious stones), metals (copper, silver, and tin), timber.
Coinage: Sylver (sp), Mynt (cp), Tyne (tin coin).
Population: 485,360 – Human 96%, Half-Orc 2%, Goblinoid 1%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Common, Giant, Goblin, Meai, Orc, Terran, Undercommon.
Alignments: All; dominant alignment is NE.
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Battus, Belinik, Cull, Dike, Gruumsh, Hansa, Hel, Inanna, Konkresh, Kord, Loviatar, Olidammara, Sanh, Uller, Valkar.
Minor Religions: The Daghdha, Dark God, Draven, Dionysus, Ehlonna, Erythnul, Hades, Kuil, Lokun, Mussin, Nether, Telchur, Vespin.
Cults: Amand, Angrboda, Ces, Dispater, Enduma, Falazure, Jaeger, Maglubiyet, Raziel, Satiria, Shoku, Teve, Ulaa, Vali, Xan Yae.
Alliances: Toraa Bagul (strained).
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