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10th-level Monster Conversions!

the Jester

This thread is a continuation of the Monster Project. Here we go- I'm almost 1/3 of the way through this intimidating, massive project! :p;):cool:

10th Level Monsters to Convert

Crawling Apocalypse
Elemental, invisible stalker
Spawn of Juiblex
Spider, Phase
Sundew, Giant

Higher Level Monsters On the List

Aurumvorax [12th level]
Crimson Death [16th level or thereabouts?]
Giant, Cloud [21st level]
Giant, Frost [15th level]
Lurker Above [15th level?]
Neogi - 12th level
Trapper [18th level?]
Vampiric mist [11th level or thereabouts?]
Wheep [11th level]

Hazards to be Converted

Tri-Flower Frond
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the Jester

EDIT: As there is an official version of the xorn, I won't bother updating these guys to MM3 standards.


A xorn is a strange creature of elemental earth. It is shaped somewhat like a barrel, with three stubby legs at the base, three powerful arms (each ending in three opposable digits) around the midsection, and three large eyes between the arms. The huge, powerful mouth of the xorn is at the top of its head. Xorn eat gems and precious metals, and if they smell such delicacies on a band of adventurers, they will demand them. If not appeased, the xorn will attempt to take their snack by force.

XORN GRABBER--- Level 10 Skirmisher
Medium elemental magical beast (earth)--- XP 500
Initiative +9; Senses Perception +9; tremorsense 10
HP 108; Bloodied 54
AC 24; Fortitude 24; Reflex 20; Will 22
Speed 5, burrow 5; earth walk (see also Earth Glide)
[Melee basic] Grab (standard; at will): +13 vs. Reflex; Hit: 1d4+2 damage, and target is grabbed (escape ends).

[Melee] Triple Grab (standard; at will): The xorn grabber makes up to three grab attacks. For each creature that it has grabbed, it must either forfeit one of these attacks or release the grabbed creature.

[Melee] Bite (standard; only against a grabbed target; at will): +15 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage.

Combat Advantage:
If the xorn grabber has combat advantage, it deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on its attacks.

Earth Glide (move; at will): The xorn can move or shift into or through solid earth or stone without leaving a tunnel or disturbing the ground at all. While in the ground, it cannot attack or be attacked.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Common, Primordial
Str 22; Dex 15; Wis 18
Con 20; Int 9; Cha 14

XORN STONEMASTER--- Level 11 Artillery
Medium elemental magical beast (earth)--- XP 600
Initiative +7; Senses Perception +9; tremorsense 10
HP 94; Bloodied 47
AC 23; Fortitude 25; Reflex 21; Will 23
Speed 5, burrow 5; earth walk (see also Earth Glide)
[Melee basic] Slam (standard; at will): +18 vs. AC; 1d4+5 damage.

[Melee] Bite (standard; at will): +18 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage.

[Ranged] Stone Bolt (standard; at will): Range 10; +18 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage and target is dazed until the end of its next turn.

[Area] Shower of Stones (standard; encounter): Burst 3 within 10; +14 vs. Reflex; 4d8+5 damage and target is knocked prone. This also creates a zone of difficult terrain that lasts until cleared.

Earth Glide (move; at will): The xorn can move or shift into or through solid earth or stone without leaving a tunnel or disturbing the ground at all. While in the ground, it cannot attack or be attacked.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Common, Primordial
Str 18; Dex 15; Wis 18
Con 22; Int 10; Cha 14

XORN BITER--- Level 13 Brute
Medium elemental magical beast (earth)--- XP 800
Initiative +8; Senses Perception +10; tremorsense 10
HP 159; Bloodied 79
AC 25; Fortitude 27; Reflex 23; Will 25
Speed 5, burrow 5; earth walk (see also Earth Glide)
[Melee basic] Grab (standard; at will): +14 vs. Reflex; Hit: 1d4+2 damage, and target is grabbed (escape ends).

[Melee basic] Slam (standard; at will): +16 vs. AC; Hit: 1d6+2 damage.

[Melee] Triple Slam (standard; at will): The xorn biter makes up to three slam attacks. For each creature that it has grabbed, it must either forfeit one of these attacks or release the grabbed creature.

[Melee] Bite (standard; at will): +16 vs. AC; 3d6+6 damage. If the target is grabbed, the xorn biter gets +2 to hit and inflicts an additional 1d6 damage on a successful bite attack.

[Melee] Rending Bite (standard; recharge 5 6): The xorn biter attempts to bite an enemy’s metal armor, weapon or shield. +14 vs. Reflex; Hit: the targeted object in question immediately gains two wear points. A normal object with two wear points suffers a -1 penalty to its attack and damage or AC and Reflex bonus; an object with three wear points is destroyed. A magical object can sustain one additional wear point per tier without harm.

Earth Glide (move; at will): The xorn can move or shift into or through solid earth or stone without leaving a tunnel or disturbing the ground at all. While in the ground, it cannot attack or be attacked.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Common, Primordial
Str 24; Dex 15; Wis 19
Con 19; Int 9; Cha 14

XORN KING--- Level 23 Soldier (Leader)
Medium elemental magical beast (earth)--- XP 800
Initiative +18; Senses Perception +18; tremorsense 10
Earth’s Obeisance aura 5; the earth and stone around the xorn king ripples and constantly churns to show its obeisance to him. The area is treated as difficult terrain, and all creatures without the earth walk ability suffer a -2 to all defenses while within the aura.
HP 215; Bloodied 107
AC 39; Fortitude 37; Reflex 33; Will 36
Speed 5, burrow 5; earth walk (see also Earth Glide)
[Melee basic] Grab (standard; at will): +28 vs. Reflex; 1d6+3 damage, and target is grabbed (escape ends).

[Melee basic] Slam (standard; at will): +30 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage.

[Melee] Triple Attack
(standard; at will): The xorn biter makes up to three basic attacks. For each creature that it has grabbed, it must either forfeit one of these attacks or release the grabbed creature.

[Melee] Bite (standard; at will): +30 vs. AC; 3d6+8 damage.

[Close] Avalanche Onslaught (standard; only when confronted with targets armed with metal weapons or armor; encounter): Burst 4; all allies slide 2 and may make a basic attack if possible.

Earth Glide (move; at will): The xorn can move or shift into or through solid earth or stone without leaving a tunnel or disturbing the ground at all. While in the ground, it cannot attack or be attacked.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Common, Primordial
Skills Bluff +24, Diplomacy +24, Insight +23
Str 28; Dex 20; Wis 24
Con 23; Int 16; Cha 26
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the Jester

GIANT SUNDEW--- Level 10 Lurker

A giant sundew is a large sticky plant with a surprising degree of motility. It can ensnare victims with its sticky tendrils, then dissolve them into nutrient goo.

Large natural animate (plant)--- XP 500
Initiative +8; Senses Perception +9; blindsight 10
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 24; Fortitude 24; Reflex 21; Will 22
Speed 4
[Melee basic] Sticky Tendril (standard; at will): Reach 3; +13 vs. Reflex; 1d6+5 damage plus 1d6 acid damage and target is grabbed (until escape). The giant sundew can use literally dozens of sticky tendrils.

[Melee] Relentless Ensnarement (minor; only against a grabbed target; 1/round): +13 vs. Fortitude; the target is pulled 1 square.

[Melee] Final Resting Place (standard; only against an adjacent grabbed or restrained target; at will) Acid: +13 vs. Reflex; Hit: 2d8+5 acid damage, and the target is restrained (escape ends) and suffers ongoing 10 acid damage (save ends).

Camouflage: A Nature or Perception check, DC 26, is required to recognize the danger of a giant sundew before it attacks.
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Str 22; Dex 17; Wis 18
Con 14; Int 4; Cha 11

the Jester

EDIT: Revised to MV/MM3 standards here.


Avolakia are hideous creatures that combine the worst features of an octopus, a worm and an insect. In its natural form, it stands ten feet tall, with a pallid, grey-yellow wormlike body that shimmers with yellow slime. The creature supports itself and moves about on a set of six suckered tentacles, each of which is tipped by a staring yellow eye. Where the creature’s head should be, an avolakia has a sheath that contains a set of three cruelly hooked mandibles. Eight long, spidery arms tipped with insectoid claws protrude from ridges halfway up its body. Avolakia reek of mold and decay.

Avolakia can eat living or dead flesh, but they find it disgusting. Instead, they prefer undead flesh, preferably fresh off the flank of a zombie.

Avolakia are known to have a preference for the worm-god Kyuss. They make living sacrifices during terrible rituals, seeking to grant power to (or receive power from) their restless deity. Avolakia are known to work with other intelligent creatures at times; they are infamous for their alliances with mind flayers. When the two species work together to capture prey, the illithids extract the brains and devour them while the avolakia animate the dead to serve as undead shock troops and food.

Large aberrant magical beast--- XP 500
Initiative +6; Senses Perception +11; darkvision
HP 82; Bloodied 41
AC 24; Fortitude 21; Reflex 23; Will 24
Speed 5
[Melee basic] Claw
(standard; at will): +15 vs. AC; 1d4+5 damage.

[Melee] Bite (standard; recharge 4 5 6) Poison: +15 vs. AC; 2d8+5 damage, and target is weakened (save ends).

[Melee] Mess of Claws (standard; at will): The avolakia attacks with a mess of its insect-like claws. +15 vs. AC; 3d4+5 damage.

[Ranged] Suggestive Words (minor; recharge 6) Psychic: Range 8; +13 vs. Will; Hit: the avolakia infiltrator is invisible to the target until the end of its next turn, plus the target is dazed (save ends); Miss: the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.

[Close] Frightful Presence (standard; encounter) Fear: Burst 3; attacks each creature in burst; +11 vs. Will; Hit: target slides 4 squares and the avolakia infiltrator gains combat advantage against it until the end of its next turn; Miss: target slides 1 square and the avolakia infiltrator does not gain combat advantage.

Combat Advantage: The avolakia infiltrator does an extra 1d6 damage when it has combat advantage.

Change Shape (minor; dismiss minor; at will) Polymorph: The avolakia infiltrator can assume the shape of any small, medium or large humanoid. It can assume a specific shape or the shape of a ‘generic’ human, dwarf, etc. While in humanoid form, the avolakia loses its Bite and Mess of Claws abilities.
Alignment evil; Languages Avolakia, Deep Speech
Skills Bluff +19, Insight +18, Religion +18
Str 14; Dex 13; Wis 21
Con 16; Int 21; Cha 22

AVOLAKIA ADEPT--- Level 12 Artillery
Large aberrant magical beast--- XP 700
Initiative +12; Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 95; Bloodied 47
AC 24; Fortitude x; Reflex x; Will x
Speed 5
[Melee basic] Claw (standard; at will): +19 vs. AC; 1d4+5 damage.

[Melee] Bite (standard; recharge 4 5 6) Poison: +19 vs. AC; 2d8+5 damage, and target is weakened (save ends).

[Ranged] Acid Bead (standard; at will) Acid: Range 12; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d6+5 acid damage.

[Ranged] Soul Rend (standard; recharge 6) Necrotic: Range 6; +17 vs. Fortitude; 4d8+5 necrotic damage, and target is dazed (save ends).

Change Shape (minor; dismiss minor; at will) Polymorph: The avolakia can assume the shape of any small, medium or large humanoid. It can assume a specific shape or the shape of a ‘generic’ human, dwarf, etc. While in humanoid form, the avolakia loses its Bite ability.
Alignment evil; Languages Avolakia, Deep Speech
Skills Religion +18
Str 16; Dex 23; Wis 18
Con 17; Int 20; Cha 22

AVOLAKIA GHOSTMASTER--- Level 13 Controller (Leader)
Large aberrant magical beast--- XP 800
Initiative +8; Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 129; Bloodied 64
AC 27; Fortitude 24; Reflex 25; Will 27
Speed 5
[Melee basic] Claw (standard; at will): +18 vs. AC; 1d4+6 damage.

[Melee] Bite (standard; recharge 4 5 6) Poison: +18 vs. AC; 2d8+6 damage, and target is weakened (save ends).

[Ranged] Direct the Dead (minor; at will): Range 16; targets an undead creature of equal or lower level than the avolakia ghostmaster; that creature takes a standard action of the avolakia ghostmaster’s choice.

[Close] Blast of Fear (standard; recharges when an undead ally hits) Fear, Psychic: Blast 4; +15 vs. Will; 1d12+6 psychic damage, and target slides 4 squares.

Change Shape (minor; dismiss minor; at will) Polymorph: The avolakia can assume the shape of any small, medium or large humanoid. It can assume a specific shape or the shape of a ‘generic’ human, dwarf, etc. While in humanoid form, the avolakia loses its Bite ability.
Alignment evil; Languages Avolakia, Deep Speech
Skills Arcana +19, Religion +18
Str 16; Dex 15; Wis 18
Con 17; Int 20; Cha 24

AVOLAKIA VERMIST--- Level 13 Soldier
Large aberrant magical beast--- XP 800
Initiative +12; Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 129; Bloodied 64
AC 29; Fortitude 26; Reflex 26; Will 26
Speed 5
[Melee basic] Claw (standard; at will): +20 vs. AC; 1d6+6 damage.

[Melee] Bite (standard; recharge 4 5 6) Poison: +20 vs. AC; 2d8+6 damage, and target is weakened (save ends).

[Melee] Mess of Claws (standard; at will): The avolakia attacks with a mess of its insect-like claws. +20 vs. AC; 3d4+6 damage.

[Ranged] Gift of Worms (standard; recharge 6): Range 6; +18 vs. Reflex; 3d6+6 damage, plus target is dazed and ongoing 10 damage (save ends both).

Worms in the Blood (immediate reaction; whenever bloodied): The avolakia vermist’s blood contains disgusting, deadly worms that threaten those around it. Close burst 1; attacks each creature in burst; +16 vs. Reflex; 2d10+6 damage plus ongoing 5 damage.

Change Shape (minor; dismiss minor; at will) Polymorph: The avolakia can assume the shape of any small, medium or large humanoid. It can assume a specific shape or the shape of a ‘generic’ human, dwarf, etc. While in humanoid form, the avolakia loses its Bite and Mess of Claws abilities.
Alignment evil; Languages Avolakia, Deep Speech
Skills Religion +18
Str 21; Dex 15; Wis 18
Con 17; Int 20; Cha 20

AVOLAKIA MASTER--- Level 21 Controller (Leader)
Large aberrant magical beast--- XP 3,200
Initiative +12; Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 199; Bloodied 99
AC 35; Fortitude 33; Reflex 34; Will 35
Speed 5
[Melee basic] Claw (standard; at will): +26 vs. AC; 2d4+7 damage.

[Melee] Bite (standard; recharge 4 5 6) Poison: +26 vs. AC; 3d6+8 damage, and target is weakened (save ends).

[Ranged] Suggestion (standard; at will) Charm: Range 16; +25 vs. Will; Hit: the target immediately takes a standard action of the avolakia master’s choice; Miss: target slides 1 square.

[Area] Seize the Moment (standard; encounter): Burst 4 within 12; each ally in burst may take an immediate standard action.

[Area] Psychic Tempest (standard; encounter) Psychic: Burst 4 within 12; targets each enemy in burst: +23 vs. Will; Hit: 4d8+7 damage, and target slides 2 squares.

Deflection Aura (immediate interrupt; when a melee attack would hit the avolakia master; recharges when the avolakia master first becomes bloodied) Force: The avolakia master manifests a defensive aura, gaining +4 to its AC against that attack.

Change Shape
(minor; dismiss minor; at will) Polymorph: The avolakia can assume the shape of any small, medium or large humanoid. It can assume a specific shape or the shape of a ‘generic’ human, dwarf, etc. While in humanoid form, the avolakia loses its Bite ability.
Alignment evil; Languages Avolakia, Deep Speech
Skills Bluff +23, Diplomacy +26, Insight +21, Religion +21
Str 19; Dex 15; Wis 23
Con 23; Int 25; Cha 27
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the Jester

EDIT: Updated to MM3 standards here.


A greenvise is an ambulatory plant horror that stalks jungles and the fringes of some humanoid settlements. They are larger versions of the common Venus flytrap, large and dangerous enough to catch humanoid prey.

GREENVISE FOGGER--- Level 10 Controller
Large natural animate (blind, plant)--- XP 500
Initiative +9; Senses Perception +6; tremorsense 10
HP 104; Bloodied 52
AC 24; Fortitude 24; Reflex 22; Will 19
Resist acid 10
Speed 3
[Melee basic] Tendril Strike (standard; at will): Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage and the target is grabbed (until escape).

[Melee] Bite (standard; against a grabbed target only; at will): +15 vs. AC; 2d6+5 damage.

[Melee] Swallow Whole (standard; against a grabbed bloodied target only; at will): The greenvise attempts to swallow its victim whole: +13 vs. Fortitude; Hit: the target is restrained and suffers ongoing 10 acid damage; Miss: 2d6+5 damage. If the victim escapes being restrained, he is still grabbed but is no longer swallowed.

[Close] Death Fog (minor; sustain minor; recharges when it swallows a victim whole) Acid: Burst 3; creates a cloud of acidic fog that lasts until the end of the greenvise fogger’s next turn. Each square within the area counts as difficult terrain and is heavily obscured (all adjacent targets have concealment; nothing further away can be seen). Any creature that begins its turn in the death fog is subject to an attack: +12 vs. Fortitude; 1d8+5 acid damage.
Alignment unaligned; Languages -
Str 22; Dex 18; Wis 12
Con 16; Int 3; Cha 8

VERDANT GREENVISE--- Level 21 Controller
Large fey animate (blind, plant)--- XP 500
Initiative +16; Senses Perception +16; tremorsense 10
HP 192; Bloodied 96
AC 35; Fortitude 35; Reflex 33; Will 33
Resist acid 10
Speed 3
[Melee basic] Tendril Strike (standard; at will): Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 2d6+7 damage and the target is grabbed (until escape).

[Melee] Bite (standard; against a grabbed target only; at will): +25 vs. AC; 3d6+8 damage.

[Melee] Swallow Whole (standard; against a grabbed bloodied target only; at will): The greenvise attempts to swallow its victim whole: +23 vs. Fortitude; Hit: the target is restrained and suffers ongoing 10 acid damage; Miss: 3d6+8 damage. If the victim escapes being restrained, he is still grabbed but is no longer swallowed.

[Ranged] Fey Lure (minor; encounter): Range 10; +25 vs. Will; Hit: target is pulled six squares.

[Close] Death Fog (minor; sustain minor; recharges when it swallows a victim whole) Acid: Burst 3; creates a cloud of acidic fog that lasts until the end of the greenvise fogger’s next turn. Each square within the area counts as difficult terrain and is heavily obscured (all adjacent targets have concealment; nothing further away can be seen). Any creature that begins its turn in the death fog is subject to an attack: +22 vs. Fortitude; 3d6+8 acid damage.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Elven
Str 27; Dex 23; Wis 12
Con 16; Int 11; Cha 23
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the Jester

Updated to MM3/MV standards here. Also, added a Baphomet-aligned morkoth.


Morkoths are strange undersea monsters. They are rarely seen, for their victims rarely survive to report their tales. A morkoth reportedly resembles a deep-sea fish with bulging eyes, protruding teeth and a sail-like fin along its back. Its lower body trails away in a series of eight octopus-like tentacles, but a morkoth also reportedly has crustacean-like legs on its underbelly.

A morkoth lives at the center of a series of spiraling, interconnecting tunnels. A morkoth’s lair is often one of its strongest defenses, for the very act of traversing it subjects creatures to a hypnotic lull; treat this as an aura effect, as described in each morkoth’s entry.

Morkoths are often accompanied by other unsavory aquatic life forms, but these are usually opportunists; a morkoth knows no loyalty to any creature save itself.

MORKOTH SCHEMER--- Level 10 Lurker
Medium aberrant magical beast--- XP 500
Initiative +11; Senses Perception +8; darkvision
Hypnotic Lair (Charm) aura affects all creatures with line of sight to the morkoth within its lair; attacks each affected creature at the start of its turn: +11 vs. Will; Hit: the morkoth is invisible to the target until the start of its next turn (after the aura attacks again), even if it attacks.
HP 84; Bloodied 42
AC 24; Fortitude 22; Reflex 22; Will 24
Resist arcane 5
Speed 4, swim 8
[Melee basic] Bite (standard; at will): +15 vs. AC; 1d8+5. If the morkoth schemer is invisible to the target, it does not know that it took damage, or how much, until the start of its next turn. (The target’s effects that trigger on bloodied, if any, trigger upon the victim’s becoming aware that he is bloodied.)

Disorienting Withdrawal (move; only when bloodied; encounter): Only while underwater; the morkoth schemer shifts 4 squares.

Combat Advantage: The morkoth schemer does an extra 1d6 damage when it has combat advantage.
Alignment chaotic evil; Languages Deep Speech, Green Speech
Skills Arcana +14, Stealth +12
Str 13; Dex 15; Wis 17
Con 18; Int 18; Cha 22

ABYSSAL MORKOTH--- Level 24 Solo Controller
Medium aberrant magical beast--- XP 30,250
Initiative +16; Senses Perception +18; darkvision
Hypnotic Lair (Charm) aura affects all creatures with line of sight to the morkoth within its lair; attacks each affected creature at the start of its turn: +26 vs. Will; Hit: the morkoth is invisible to the target until the start of its next turn (after the aura attacks again), even if it attacks.
HP 1125; Bloodied 562
AC 40; Fortitude 38; Reflex 36; Will 41
Resist arcane 10
Saving Throws +5
Speed 4, swim 8
Action Points 2
[Melee basic] Bite (standard; at will): +29 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage. If the morkoth schemer is invisible to the target, it does not know that it took damage, or how much, until the start of its next turn. (The target’s effects that trigger on bloodied, if any, trigger upon the victim’s becoming aware that he is bloodied.)

[Melee] Stunning Bite
(standard; at will): +29 vs. AC; 2d6+8 damage and the target is stunned (save ends).

[Ranged] Hypnotic Glare (minor; at will): Range 12; +28 vs. Will; target takes an immediate standard action of the morkoth’s choice.

[Area] Hypnotic Confusion (standard; recharge 5 6) Charm: Burst 4 within 10; attacks each creature in burst; +26 vs. Will; Hit: target is dazed and immobilized (save ends both); Miss: target is slowed (save ends).

Evil Blood (immediate reaction; when hit by a melee attack; recharges when the morkoth hits with its stunning bite): The morkoth’s blood billows out in a close blast 2, attacking each creature in the blast: +26 vs. Fortitude; Hit: 3d6+8 damage and target suffers a -2 to attack (save ends).
Alignment chaotic evil; Languages Abyssal, Deep Speech, Green Speech
Skills Arcana +14, Stealth +12
Str 15; Dex 18; Wis 23
Con 25; Int 25; Cha 31
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the Jester

EDIT: There is an official version of this guy, so I'm not going to update it to MM3 standards.

PHASE SPIDER--- Level 10 Skirmisher
Large immortal beast (spider)--- XP 500
Initiative +11; Senses Perception +9; darkvision, tremorsense 8
HP 103; Bloodied 51
AC 22; Fortitude 24; Reflex 24; Will 22
Resist See Phase Out
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climbing)
[Melee basic] Bite (standard; at will) Poison: +13 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage, plus ongoing 10 poison damage and target is weakened (save ends both).

[Melee] Sudden Bite (standard; only when phased out; at will) Poison: The spider moves 3 squares, becomes substantial and makes an attack: +15 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage, plus ongoing 10 poison damage and target is weakened (save ends both).

Phase Out (move; at will): The phase spider becomes insubstantial until the beginning of its next turn and moves 6. It can move through objects freely while insubstantial, though it cannot end its move in a solid object’s space.
Alignment unaligned; Languages Supernal
Skills Stealth +14
Str 22; Dex 18; Wis 18
Con 15; Int 13; Cha 11
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Hypnotic Lair (Charm)
aura affects all creatures with line of sight to the morkoth within its lair; attacks each affected creature at the start of its turn: +11 vs. Will; Hit: the morkoth is invisible to the target until the start of its next turn (after the aura attacks again), even if it attacks.

I find this really difficult to interpret. So, when is the morkoth ever visible?

the Jester


I find this really difficult to interpret. So, when is the morkoth ever visible?

Note to self: need to work on the wording on this one some more.

My intention is to ape the 1e feel of the morkoth. Originally, you got in the thing's lair, got hypnotized, and didn't even realize that it was eating you alive. (That's where the "take your damage at the start of your turn" clause came from.) To that end, I set up the Hypnotic Lair ability intending that the morkoth would only be visible when:

1. It is out of its lair.
2. Its Hypnotic Lair ability misses, and the target's next turn hasn't come up yet.

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