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The Pie... Err... Keep on the Shadowfell.


"Aha see lass even our hired help has more of an idea than you and she's just here to do the dishes"
says Korz between a lot of pipe stabbing and tankard waving.

Korz nods in ascent to Sir Voluminous' speech and even mumbles a few words to the toast

"So Bake's Seven it is, but you got it right before lad" he points to Thorid "the oldest and the wisest should be the leader" Korz nods satisfied

"Well a brawl is one way Sir Voluminous but there is another way to make sure your all up to the task, You there lass pretend to be a goblin with a pie" points over at Ellis

"What would each of you do? You first" He points at a random member.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Waving his tankard around Sir Voluminous "accidentally" hits a passing North-Lander with it, spilling at least half the content on his chest. The bearded blond, matching the size of Sir Voluminous himself, doesn't take this lightly and with a fist the size of a ham he slaps the tankard back, spilling the rest of the content on the Dragonborn Paladin. An expecting silence falls to the tavern as all patrons turn to see the Dragonborn's reaction.

(Hey, ofcourse it had to be 7 foot North-Lander, with at least 300% excess of musclemass. It's no point in hitting a halfling with a tankard afterall. Not that there wasn't a target. Right next to the giant of a man stands a halfling with the sort of a smile you'd expect from a kobold about to build the most elaborate trap ever designed to maim and create suffering...)
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First Post
(OOC - I was just about to respond to the Goblin with a pie post when I saw this! Lucky)

Sir Voluminous slowly turns around, and in the deathly silence you can hear his armour creaking as he flexes his muscles. You can also hear him breathing deeply.

"I say, old boy," he states, calmly. "You appear to have spilled my pint." He spreads his arms wide, shouting. "And at such a handy point in the evening! HAVE AT THEE!"

He charges forwards and attempts to knock the Northlander into a nearby table - preferably one that's full of other drinkers!

(OOC - this is a Bull Rush, if that's OK, looking to cause as much collateral damage as possible!)
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"Oh no, not again."

Ellis whimpers quietly as Sir Voluminous throws his drink in the face of the biggest, meanest NPC in the bar. He tries to make himself look small and unimposing, but when the Paladin launches himself at his foe, the bench they were sharing gets knocked away, thrusting Ellis to his feet.

The commotion knocks over his carefully balanced staff, which had been leaning against the table. Flailing wildly for it, he manages to catch it before it clatters to the ground.

Grinning broadly at his own success, Ellis spins around to determine the fate of his erstwhile employer. . . but in his hurry, he doesn't pay too much attention to where he's holding his staff.

[sblock=ooc]Attack +0 against the ugly guy sitting behind him.[/sblock]


*whirr click whirr click* *Thud* a falling bench is idly kicked out of the way by Korz's artificial leg

"Well what ye waiting for lad? up and at 'em!" He exclaims in Thorid's direction as he takes another swig of his beer from his comfortable armchair

[sblock=OCC LT may want to look]
OOC that was Wolf Pack tactics enabling thorid to shift as a free action if he wants to, regarding the power I can't see any reason why he can't use it for just the shift effect as its not dependent on a sucessful hit?

also +2 initiative to all allies within 10 squares which I assume is you lot :p in case it matters[/sblock]
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Relique du Madde

Jasper stood up, drunk from his mug and then pulled out his sword using his right hand while holding his mug in his left. "Do not worry fine maiden, I will not let those brigands defile your beauteous form, especially that short lecherous lout!!"

Minor: Hunter's Quarry ----> Marking the Halfling.
Move: Moving between nearest/prettiest woman and Halfling.

Delaying "Standard" action until I see what the Halfling does.

Jasper is wielding his mug of ale as an improvised off hand weapon.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Midnight jumps up on the table and sreams, "ENOUGH! Feel the power that seethes beneath my skin, Northlander.".

[sblock=OOC]Not sure about the porcess of combat in 4E.

Northlander marked. Midnight uses Eldritch Blast abainst the Northlander at her earliest convenience.

GM to determine if she hits and total damage.[/sblock]


Hearing Korz, Thorid jumps towards the northlander, holding his ale bottle in his fist.

With a smirk, Thorid exclaims: "I'm at it! Let's see how much fixing this tavern needs afterwards!"

[sblock=OOC]Using the free action shift towards the northlander (as soon as possible). Using the ale bottle as improvised melee weapon. Delaying my round until the northlander has acted.[/sblock]

Dog Moon

Brigitte frowns at the disturbance to her drinking. "This is why men shouldn't drink alcohol," she mutters to herself. "They drink and feel like fighting. Stupid masculinity. Do wenches still serve drinks in the midst of barfights?" she wonders idly to herself as she turns her empty mug upside down and watches the single remaining drop of ale slide down the inside to finally drop to the tip of her tongue.

She grabs a throwing hammer and hefts it upon her shoulder as she stand back. Despite her words, she will ready an action to throw her hammer at any opponent who moves to threaten her or if one of her allies becomes bloodied.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
The Dragonborn jumps at the northlander smashing him on the table of his friends, knocking down all the ale. This results in all the northlanders getting up and picking fight with whoever is closest.

Ellis turns around and accidentally bumps the ugly guy behind him who knocks down a candle with his beer as a result. The candle tips on his dwarven friend and sets his beard on fire. The dwarf, in panic tries to put the fire out with any liquid. Unfortunatily the closest thing catching his eye is a bottle of "the good stuff", which makes a nice "Whoom" sound as he pours it on his beard. The living torch flails around and crashes through the window, setting fire to some furniture on his way. The last you see of him is him running down the street towards the river.

Jasper puts himself between Midnight and the "dangerous" halfling, and for that he gets a little knuckle to his groin. The halfling slaps his trouser suspenders with his thumbs and moves slightly, jumping on his feet, fist up and waving. "Ye want a piece of this, huh, huh. Yeah, ye want some dancing?" Jasper tries to smash his tankard on the halfling but he swiftly ducks the blow.

Some smoke seems to rise from the pile of Dragonborn/Northlander as midnight hurls a ball of sizling energy down there.

Thorid, rumbling down towards the table of the northlanders raises one's attention and gets a fist to his face. It's like being hit by a falling anvil.

Brigitte, moving down the bar to get some more ale, accidentally (there seems to be a lot of accidents today) knocks down one human as she flung the hammer on her shoulder. But once she gets to the bar, she manages to convince the girl to pour her another ale.

[sblock=OOC]Ellis' attack was a natural 1, which as you see, yielded some unexpected results. I don't bother counting HP's right now, since this isn't a real fight.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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