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Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man

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Kruk gulps his ale, wipes the foam from his beard with his forearm and mumbles, "something local and red huh...hmmf...goblin's blood..." A smile appears on his face as if he was deep in thought, remebering something from the past. With a shutter he comes back to the present and then continues to drink his ale.

Dawn Raven

First Post
And what good would one such as yourself be to anyone doing real work lass?

Rasps Vashik as he turns towards the new comer.

Les takes a moment to look the man up and down. A thin, withered man, definitely not a warrior. He was most likely a magician, or perhaps a cleric of some sort. He must be ancient too with skin like that, Les thought. He was quite rude to presume upon her own skill, but that was not necessarily a disadvantage. If only her enemies would be as forthcoming with their ignorance.

The Gith stares into the man's eyes and puts on a chary smile. "That, you see, is for a potential client to discover and pay for. Now why would a seemingly withered and innocuous man like yourself be wanting to know?"

The barkeep arrives with a scratched and marred chalice filled with a dark red liquid. Les reaches over and sips the opaque wine; a grim smile spreading over her features as she savors the bucolic flavors.


First Post
Wasn't really askin lass. And if your as slow with your blade as your wit, then perhaps these potential employers should lok elsewhere.

With a sardonic smile, Vashik absentmindedly salutes with one hand before turning once more to his ale.


First Post
Rabbit jumps and looks around as Kruk crashes into the tavern. Noticing people staring at his gold, he hurriedly sweeps it back into his pouch and watches as the bartender ignores him and serves the other Dwarf. "Amo tlahtoa zan tzatzi," he mutters to himself.

Then he suddenly bangs on the bar and bellows, "BARTENDER! A DRINK!"

As he happily sucks back his ale he turns to Kruk and says, "So that is the way to get service here. Thank you for showing me, friend - I did not know the custom. Are you from this island, or from beyond the portals? I did not know there were Dwarves in these parts."

Dawn Raven

First Post
Wasn't really askin lass. And if your as slow with your blade as your wit, then perhaps these potential employers should lok elsewhere.

With a sardonic smile, Vashik absentmindedly salutes with one hand before turning once more to his ale.

Les shrugs and hides a furtive grin. Definitely a magician. So arrogant and confident in their magic and yet so impudent as to ignore someone they deem no threat. I surely hope I don't get stuck working with someone like him in the future. Such a lack of perception is truly a great disadvantage upon a battlefield.

And what makes you think, sir, that my skill lies in the swiftness of my blade or the strength of my arm? Surely a magician such as yourself must be able to comprehend the capacity for other skills. I hope that if we must work together in the future you will re-consider your short-sightedness. Indeed, if you do not it would lead to quite the difficult scenario, you see. I am a tactician and I have bested much stronger and even smarter opponents purely with knowing my way around a battlefield.

Rabbit jumps and looks around as Kruk crashes into the tavern. Noticing people staring at his gold, he hurriedly sweeps it back into his pouch and watches as the bartender ignores him and serves the other Dwarf. "Amo tlahtoa zan tzatzi," he mutters to himself.

Then he suddenly bangs on the bar and bellows, "BARTENDER! A DRINK!"

As he happily sucks back his ale he turns to Kruk and says, "So that is the way to get service here. Thank you for showing me, friend - I did not know the custom. Are you from this island, or from beyond the portals? I did not know there were Dwarves in these parts."

Les quirks an eyebrow at the dwarf's strange speech and mannerisms. He was surely not from the city. She taps the dwarf on the shoulder to get his attention. "You are not from around here, are you? What far off place to do you come from, sir?"



First Post
"I am from the Kingdom of Glad Weeping in the Valley of Bone. I do not know how far that is from here - I arrived through the portals on the Island of Opposition." He looks around at his audience. "Has anyone seen someone else from my homeland here? I am looking for my brother, 6 Eagle. He came to this land two years ago, and I do not know where to start looking for him. There are so many places he could have gone."


Dawn Raven

First Post
The Valley of Bone? That's where undead are not seen as anathema. I've never met anyone from there. And such strange names, Six Eagle? It sounds tribal in a way. And yet, his dress is not at all like that of a tribal society. More like he is trying to make a point in all those bright colors. And what's with that head-dress? ...of course I am thinking from my own cultural perspective...

Les stares at the dwarf and doesn't respond immediately. She has a short monologue inside her head before remembering a response is likely in due order. "Ah, the Valley of Bone. I know little of the far lands, but it must be an...interesting place. You may want to consider finding new garb or altering your attitude if you plan on blending in. You say you are looking for your brother, Six Eagle? I can not say I have ever heard of anyone by that name. That is rather peculiar name, is your family tribal by any chance? I wonder if he'd be willing to pay for a guide or help in searching for his brother? He appears to be rich and it wouldn't hurt to help someone out. Les takes a closer look at the dwarf while sipping her drink, trying her best to camouflage her interest. He wore armor over a slightly flabby looking body and seemed to be carrying some sort of foreign weapon. It must be something he took with him from the Valley of Bone. He seemed to be somewhat tall for a dwarf and looked a little clumsy. There had to be more to him than this, otherwise he was surely not a warrior of any type magical or otherwise..

Les tries to recall his name from earlier, but fails.
I am Les Ghentel, pleased to meet you sir....?
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First Post
Kruk, jolted by Rabbit's loud request for an ale now looks at Rabbit with new found respect and says: "Aye....a good hearty yell gets ya what ya need! At least it has worked for me anyways." Sorry to hear about your brother. If you need any help looking for him...you can count on my axe." Kruk is silent for a moment thinking that he has heard that phrase "you can count on my axe" before, but he can't think of where off the top of his head. He grumbles again and takes a lengthy drink from his ale, pounds his empty mug onto the table, and yells for another ale. "Aye barkeep...how about another!"


First Post
"Pleased to meet you, Les Ghentel. And if you think my brother's name is 'peculiar', you will enjoy mine. I am 7 Rabbit. I am curious why you think it is a tribal name. There are many savage tribes in my homeland, but they do not have such rich names. In fact, I do not think they can count." Rabbit grins and looks around at his two new friends to see if his joking in a strange language has gone over well, and deflates a little when he sees that it hasn't. He waves to a nearby table. "Would you like to sit down while we talk of it?"

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