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Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel [OOC]


First Post
If necessary, I can shift from the pally to a cleric. The only reason I was contemplating a pally is because I'm a cleric in my face to face game. Honestly it doesn't matter to me, so if anybody who is considering a cleric absolutely does not want to play one, I'll take it. Otherwise, I'll stick with the pally.

I'm fine switching to a cleric of Kord. In my background I had mentioned I was starting as a barbarian but might multiclass into cleric at some point. Based on what we're seeing (and CM's comment) I will start as a cleric and multiclass into a barbarian to keep the same basic character, just in reverse.

I've been traveling all day so won't get this done tonight. I'll get revised stats posted tomorrow.

Stick with the pally maddmic, this way will be just as fun for my half-orc. ;)


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now, if i could just get this spoiler thing down......

PC Name : Darik           Gender : Male        HD : 1
Player  : maddmic        Height : 6'1"
Race    : Human (Narsven)   Weight : 205lb.       HP : 12 / 12
Class   : Paladin          Age    : 18            Current/Normal
Level   : 1                 Hair   : Black
Align   : Lawful Good      Eyes   : Green         XP : 0
Deity   : Heironeous              Speed  : 20'           Needed for
Size    : Medium                                   Next Level : 1000
SHEET UPDATED : 1/14/2009
     Base  Racial  Magic  Misc  Ability / Modifier
            Bonus   Item          Score
STR : 14     --     --     --      14 / +2
DEX : 10     --     --     --      10 / +0
CON : 14     --     --     --      14 / +2
INT : 10     --     --     --      10 / +0
WIS : 14     --     --     --      14 / +2
CHA : 16     --     --     --      16 / +3
+1 ability increase every 4th level is added to base number.
ARMOR CLASS                         BASE ATTACK BONUS
  AC Total        : 16                MELEE         RANGED
  AC Flat-Footed  : 16                  Total : +3    Total : +1
  AC Touch Attack : 10                  Base  : +1    Base  : +1
  Base            : 10                  STR   : +2    DEX   : +0
  Armor           : +4                  Misc. : --    Misc. : --
  Shield          : +2
  Dexterity       : +0                INITIATIVE
  Size            : --                  Total : +0
  Magic           : --                  DEX   : +0
  Misc.           : --                  Misc. : +0
           Total   Base  Ability  Misc  Magic
Fortitude : +4  =   2      +2      +0    +0
Reflex    : +0  =   0      +0      +0    +0
Will      : +2  =   0      +2      +0    +0
+1 skill point per level
bonus feat
FEATS                                      Indicate for level, class, race, etc.
Power Attack (hu)
Weapon Focus: Long Sword (1st)


CLASS ABILITIES                                  Indicate current abilities only
Aura of Good (1st)
Detect Evil (1st)
Smite Evil 1/day (1st)  +3 to hit/+1 to dmg
SKILLS                        Fill in skills you have ranks in AND skills that
                              can be used untrained. Mod is the final score, Rnk
Skill Point Total     : 12    is the number of ranks attained in the skill, Abl
Max Class ranks       : 4     is the related ability modifier, and Msc is for any
Max Cross-Class ranks : 2     miscellaneous bonus from feats, race, synergy, etc.
Skill                                                        Related
    Mod    =  Rnk  Abl  Msc  |  Skills:                      Ability
    +2     =   0   +2   +0   |  Concentration                (CON)
    +0     =   0   +0   +0   |  Craft:                      (INT)
    +6     =   3   +3   +0   |  Diplomacy                    (CHA)
    +0 t   =   0   +3   +0   |  Handle Animal                (CHA)
    +5     =   3   +2   +0   |  Heal                         (WIS)
    +1 t   =   1   +0   +0   |  Knowledge: nobility & royalty           (INT)
    +2 t   =   2   +0   +0   |  Knowledge: religion           (INT)
    +0 t   =   0   +2   +0   |  Profession:                 (WIS)
    +0     =   0   +0   +0   |  Ride                         (DEX)
    +5     =   3   +2   +0   |  Sense Motive                 (WIS) 

! = Armor Check Penalty (-0) applies
t = trained only

                Base       Ability
LVL    DC     Spell/Day     Bonus      Spell Per Day      Known
 0     00         0      +    0     =        0              0
 1     00         0      +    0     =        0              0
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Spell Lvl 0¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Spell Lvl 1¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

WEAPONS                 ATT is your final attack modifier when using the weapon.
                        Monks should also list bare-handed attacks here.
NAME : Long Sword         NAME : Bastard Sword      NAME : place holder
ATT  : +4                 ATT  : +3                 ATT  : +0
DMG  : 1D8+2              DMG  : 1D10+3             DMG  : ---
CRIT : 19-20x2            CRIT : 19-20x2            CRIT : ---
RNG  : N/A                RNG  : N/A                RNG  : ---
WGHT : 4                  WGHT : 6                  WGHT : ---
SIZE : 1H Melee           SIZE : 2H Melee           SIZE : ---
TYPE : Slashing           TYPE : Slashing           TYPE : ---
PROPERTIES :              PROPERTIES :              PROPERTIES :
COST : 15                 COST : 35                 COST : ---
ARMOR                                    SHIELD
  NAME          :  Scale Mail               NAME          :  Heavy Wooden
  TYPE          :  Medium                   TYPE          :  Shield
  AC BONUS      :  +4                       AC BONUS      :  +2
  MAX DEX       :  +3                       CHECK PENALTY :  -2
  CHECK PENALTY :  -4                       SPELL FAILURE :  15%
  SPELL FAILULE :  25%                      WGHT          :  10#
  SPEED         :  20'                      PROPERTIES    :
  WGHT          :  30#                      COST          :  7gp
  COST          :  50gp
EQUIPMENT          Indicate in notes which item(s) are bonus regional equipment.
                   Don't forget to add weapon, armor, magic items, and treasure
                   weights to total weight carried.
Cost   Wt    #   Item                                   Notes
  15   4.0       long sword
  35   6.0       bastard sword
  50   30.0      scale mail
   7   10.0      heavy wooden shield
   1   -.-       wooden holy symbol
   2   2.0       backpack
 0.1   5.0       --bedroll
   1   4.0       --waterskin
   3   6.0   6   --trail ration
   6   3.0   3   --sunrod
   1   -.-       --flint & steel
   1   0.5       --belt pouch
   1   1.0       --sealing wax
   5   -.-       --signet ring
   8   0.0       --ink (8 oz.)
 0.1   0.0       --inkpen
 0.6   0.0       --parchment
TOTAL WEIGHT W/ BACKPACK : 71.5 (medium)
MAGIC ITEMS      List items weights, costs, location, number of charges (if any)
[ ] Light  (0 - 58 lbs)     30 ft
[x] Medium (59 - 116 lbs)    20 ft, Max Dex +3, Chk Pen -2, Run x4
[ ] Heavy  (117 - 175 lbs)   20 ft, Max Dex +1, Chk Pen -6, Run x3
TREASURE                                                      List where carried
GP:  13
SP:   2

Darik hadn't signed up for this. Well, in actuality he had, but he didn't want to admit it. He had followed in his father's footsteps in service to Narsven, yet he had done so through the church of Heironeous at the behest of his mother. She had somehow felt that entering into the church's service would spare him the same fate as his father along the front lines.  Darik's father had died when he was 12.  He had perished at the hands of the Trandarians in one of the daily skirmishes along the border.  The boy was given his father's bastard sword, but Darik had no clue how to wield it effectively one-handed.  Darik's mother had allowed him to go off to the temple at a young age with the thought that he would become a priest and tend to the wounded or bless those going off to battle.  Darik however, had found his calling upon arriving at Heironeous' temple.  He had learned much about the god of valor and decided that he would serve better on the front lines, fending off the followers of Hextor.  He'd been prepared to go west to join the forces which patrolled the Trandar border, but his church had a different task in mind. 

No, he was not going west. He was heading south to the country Dydd and a small town by the name Oakhurst. It seemed that there was some disturbance in the area and a group had gone missing. Because his church was the closest to Narsven's southern border, he was sent to investigate. The Trandarians were always looking for an advantage and regardless of how remote the possibility was, Darik was sent to ensure that there was nothing happening with regards to the followers of Hextor.  He was sent to gather information, not battle insurgents or protect those whom Hextor might be opressing.  No, he was on an investigative mission and needed to report his findings, no matter how insignificant, to his superiors.
Last edited:

Walking Dad

First Post
If there is still a spot, I would like to play a savage bard + (also UA)
A rare bard might display a special link to nature and the mysterious world of the fey. Such characters tend to be more aloof and less inspiring than standard bards.
Animal companion (as druid), nature sense (as druid), resist nature's lure (as druid), wild empathy (as druid).
Bardic knowledge, inspire courage, inspire competence, inspire greatness, inspire heroics.
from the same background as Ringrill.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A quick question reguarding future planning for my pc:

are we doing the prestige classes from the dmg (such as eldrich knight) ?


First Post
Wiggimuck, there's another sylvan elf character floating around, along with a human raised by sylvan elves, so if you guys want to tie your backgrounds together a bit, that would be groovy.

evillyn666, fluff - yes, mechanics - no. For example, while your magic missile will be doing force damage, it might appear to be a ball or bolt of lightning.

maddmic, to make the "hide/show" type of spoiler, use (sblock)text(/sblock), replacing the () with [].

Walking Dad, sounds very intriguing. If by same background you mean another sylvan elf, try to coordinate background with the other Sylvan Court characters. And, welcome aboard! :D I've lurked/skimmed over some of your game threads here. :D

Scott DeWar, yes, the DMG prestige classes are available for future planning. Each has a background unique to the world which I will be posting as I get a chance. Red Wizards, for example, are a secret cabal of mages operating almost cult-like in most of the human nations, manipulating events behind the scenes. Eldritch Knights are the elite knighthood of Narsven. And so on.

All, I will be inspecting character sheets later today. I'm tempted to go over the 8 player limit given the response so far. :D I usually recruit a fairly large number of players on purpose, letting the normal player attrition that plagues PbP whittle the group down to a more "standard" number. My Tragedy at Silvergard game, for example, started with 8 players and ended with 5. Azgundi Tournaments started with 9 and is now down to 7. So, we'll see how this works out. ;)


First Post
If there is still a spot, I would like to play a savage bard + (also UA) from the same background as Ringrill.

Wiggimuck, there's another sylvan elf character floating around, along with a human raised by sylvan elves, so if you guys want to tie your backgrounds together a bit, that would be groovy.

Great! Walking Dad I added a little bit to the background and you can add more as you like. We travel eastward with a tribe elder for a meeting at the Sylvan Court. There we meet Anathil and then make our way south.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Scott DeWar, yes, the DMG prestige classes are available for future planning. Each has a background unique to the world which I will be posting as I get a chance. Red Wizards, for example, are a secret cabal of mages operating almost cult-like in most of the human nations, manipulating events behind the scenes. Eldritch Knights are the elite knighthood of Narsven. And so on.

Great! as i had already typed, i am thinking eldrich knight... now to look up Narsvan Knighthood ....

Voidrunner's Codex

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