Lost Eberron 4E Style: Combat over, Level up!


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Stonegod said:
Keeping to his word, Hesh tries to find a local high spot to get a better look at the beach and the wreckage.

Hesh is able to easily climb aboard one of the beached ships. From atop the deck he is able to get a good vantage of his surroundings. Even in the dying light of the sun, he is able to make out rocky cliffs down the beach in one direction. In the other direction, he sees the shimmer of water flowing down the beach into the waves of the ocean. More surprising yet, he sees another figure, atop a ships beached deck, like he and the person spots him as well.

[sblock=ooc]Thormir begins to fade a little into the background, while we wait for the Ata to show up.[/sblock]

Stellan climbs down from the crow's nest. The rigging was still mostly intact, and it's an easy climb for the agile shifter. In the distance, another figure on a ship's deck, probably the same ones he saw before, seems to have spotted him now.
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Sand. A lot of it. And water, even more of it. And it's warm. No, not warm, it's damn hot, for Kol Korrath's beard! And... WHERE IS MY GOLD??!!
Thromir found himself in an alien, at least to a dwarf of the Mror Holds, environment, and more importantly, deprived of his much desired prize. His feet kept sinking in that uncomfortably soft terrain... where was his beloved stone? And the thick walls among which he was standing only a moment before?
Then, in the middle of that nowhere, he heard a nearby voice addressing him. Still stunned by the shock, he hadn't noticed he armed hobgoblin approaching him.
Almost jumping from the surprise, the dwarf nervously addresses the warrior: Who are you, hoboblin? Where are we??
He listens the goblinoid's arrogant reply with dismay, his mouth open in disbelief while his eyes follow the hobgoblin climbing on a wrecked ship, unable to answer for a few seconds. Thormir ponders on what answer give... was this an illusion of sorts? The hobgoblin was talking about elves... had he been tricked as well? The situation was dire and unbelievable at best, and hundreds of questions to pose should have come to the dwarf's mind...
Except, he could only think of one thing, and his feelings translated into words.
He took his heavy warhammer from his belt and dropped it in the sand at his feet with all his strenght in a gesture of frustation, screaming with a half-mad voice:

[sblock=ooc]Hi guys I'm sorry for my absence, I haven't been able to access the site for two days with Mozilla, I thought Enworld was down, but then I jus tried to open it with Explorer and it worked fine... Anyone has an idea what the reason might be? It still isn't working...[/sblock]


First Post
The warforged, wizard, and shifter clearly hear the cry of anguish coming from down the beach. A flock of birds cry out in alarm and take to the air from their jungle perches. Just as quickly, other forms, looking like overgrown mosquitos follow behind, grabbing the birds. Several of the pairs plummet to the beach. After severals moments, the bugs fly off once more, leaving the dead birds. An eerie calm settles the beach after the outburst.

[sblock=ooc]Good to have you here Ata, I was getting worried I'd have to start recruitment again! As for your problems, I don't know.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]no,no, I won't disappear if I'm not forced :) Strange problem though, but if another browser solves it, it's ok...
Sorry again for the inconvenience[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Hesh hisses at the dwarf's outburst, looking intently at the jungle as the... things... pounced on the startled birds. Foolish dwarf! Be quiet, lest you kill us all with your racket. There is no gold, you fool!

Thinking the dwarf's sanity lost, the hobgoblin turned his interest to the other down the beach. It had not attacked, which was promising, but he did not yet know its intent. Only one way to find out. You there, on the other wreck! His voice was loud enough to be heard, but hopefully not loud enough to draw undue attention. Are you dar, other, or wretched elf?[sblock=Goblin]Dar means "people", specifically, goblinoids.[/sblock]


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Thormir seems to have calmed down a bit. He takes a deeb breath, then addresses Hesh in a lower voice: Yeah, you might be right, hob... so... are you one of those Darguun fanatics or what? asks the dwarf, trying to discern the far figure.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Yeah, you might be right, hob... so... are you one of those Darguun fanatics or what? asks the dwarf, trying to discern the far figure.
The hobgoblin looks atthe dwarf oddly. One of the 'Land of the People'? That is an odd turn of phrase, little one. I am one of the People, of course, of the great Dhakaan Empire. You must come little to our land for your knowledge to be so rusty.


First Post
The dwarf looks at Hesh stroking his beard. Dhakaan empire? Of course, I see...Long live Hesh Haruuc, may the Sovereign Host preserve him, and all that... mumbles Thormir, thinking he had met his score of fanatics even back in the Mror holds, dwarves who wished for the clans to found a powerful empire... but this one really seemed lost in his own reality!
Judging from his flail, though, Thormir deemed better not to contradict him. Just in case, he picked his hammer from the sand casually.


First Post
At the sound of the unexpected outcry and cacophonous avian reply Lorn forgot all about the shifter who had so suddenly appeared and started to run
to a better vantage point.

There's someone else here!

He'd not gone more than a handful of steps when he faltered and then stopped, frozen in his tracks. Mouth slightly agap, he watched in a mixture of horror and fascination as those terrible insect like creatures began plucking the birds from the air. And then it was over as quickly as it began. What other nasty surprises were waiting for them here?

What were those...

For a long moment Lorn stood there, transfixed. Shaking the cobwebs from his head he turned back to the others. He gestured with his staff up toward Stellan.

You. Can you see anything?


How much distance between the water's edge and the forest's edge where the bug critters were?


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