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Lost Eberron 4E Style: Combat over, Level up!


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Xandren takes in the short one's words. "Elves rebel? Unthinkable! And what do you mean, 'thousands of winters ago'?"

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I mean we're in the 998 YK, 'forged! Giants are savages, pointy-ears got their own land and you weren't there to see that, that's fer sure! I understand maybe your magicks have gone crazy and you dunno when you are anymore! But what 'bout the hobbo here? Goblinoids dun'have an empire anymore. Been millennia since then! For Kol Korrath, 'fcourse I couldn' have gotten saner fellows in this situation!!


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"Outside of having no idea where I am," Xandren replies, "I am operating normally. Perhaps your squishy organic brain is muddled, for none of what you're saying makes any sense. Savage giants, rebelious elves, a year that doesn't mean anything. Bah."

"It's 4247 AG, just so you know."

[sblock=Year]I just totally made up that date. Plainly the giants had a calendar, and just as plainly it has no relation whatsoever to YK. : )[/sblock]


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Thormir opens his mouth to answer the warforged, but while he's looking at Xandren something comes to his mind. Thinking back, I've never seen a 'forged like that. And I've seen my share. Too much wood, too much stone. He might've been repaired, but... it's too big! 'Forged are all the same in structure, how is this possible? And it says he comes from Xen'drik...serving the giants!
Hrumpf! ...look, the others here will confirm what I'm tellin' ya. If ya wanna hear me out, I have a theory... and he turns to the others, Lorn in particular, seeing he seems the only one likely to be accustomed to warforged. Could it be that this one's sort of an ancient version of the 'forged we know, that gone broken and was just reactivated the Soverigns know how a couple ten thousands years later?


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Lorn looked at the dwarf, his face troubled. His reply came slowly at first, as though he was still formulating his answer as he was speaking.

I...I had a similar thought. It certainly matches no House Cannith design I've seen.

He glanced at the bulky warforged.

And such would explain much of what it has said.

Turning back to Thormir, Lorn looked him square in the eye.

However it fails to explain why you claim this to be 998, when I know it to be 994. Nor does it answer the larger question of where we are. Or why we all remember the same damned thing before we showed up here.

Lorn's voice had built up steam as he was talking, until he was nearly shouting, but now he began to speak softly once more.

Now I ask again. Do you, either of you, know where we are and if you don't how did you get here?


Nature DC15 (1d20+6=25)



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...and here I thought you were the saner one... answers Thormir, his hand covering his face in desperation. What, have you slept for four straight years too? It's 998, the Last War is over and all is well. And what is it that we all remember? I was just putting my hands on a chest fulla glittering gold when I simply found myself here... Dunno why, dunno how, dunno where we are. I just wanna my gold back. What do you remember? sumthin' that can help?


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[sblock=ooc]Sorry should have been up. Post are shown in the opposite order when you start a reply. See post 41[/sblock]

Adminst the pounding waves of the ocean, and the natural sound of wildlife of the jungle, another sound emerges from the dark greenery. A terrible roar echoes off the beached ships and into the ears of the newly lost. Judging from the volume of the feral cry, whatever creature made the terrible noise is not close enough to be a threat, but still, it sends chills down the spines of all those present. The animals of the jungle, and even the trees themselves seem to quiet after the echoes cease.


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What do I remember?

I was fighting for my life against a pack of Karrnathi horrors one moment, then there was a flash like lightning and the next thing I know I'm here coughing up sea water. I don't know what's going on here, but I can tell you with certainty that the last I remember it was 994 and the war was most assuredly not over. I've no intervening memory...

As he said the last, Lorn looked confused and unsettled. After a moment he collected himself and addressed Thormir again, his tone grimmer.

Gold ought to be the least of your worries now...

I don't know what's going on here, but something has brought us to this place and I intend to find out why.


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Aye, lad. That is wise talk. Dinna like that roar. Sumthing's hungry over there...I say we forget 'bout giants and those sneaky pointy-ears for now and see if we can save our skins for today... replies Thormir speaking slowly in a calmer, softer voice and turning to look at the others too.


First Post
"Agreed. None of you seem to be Quori, so I need not slay you now," Xandren says, "but there's no point sitting here waiting for some tentacled, fanged, hundred-eyed behemoth to charge out from the brush and attack us."

Voidrunner's Codex

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