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A Rose In The Wind: A Saga of the Halmae -- Updated June 19, 2014


**In addition to its regularly updated form on these Boards, this Story Hour is being collected into PDF form through the generous work of StevenAC. For those who wish to read the collected first 35 chapters in PDF form, they can be found here: http://stevenac.net/rosewind/StoryHour.htm. Otherwise -- and for the most recent updates and comments -- read on!**


Good things happen on Fajitas’ birthday. Six years ago, Spyscribe commemorated the day by introducing the Story Hour http://www.enworld.org/forum/story-hour/42423-welcome-halmae-updated-2-27-07-a.html#post730523 Her reasons for beginning the story hour were that she was (a) compulsive and (b) poor. Our reasons for beginning this one? Well, we are (a) obsessive and (b) not exactly rich. Bottom line: it is again Fajitas’ birthday, which makes it a perfect time to begin this chronicle of the new Halmae campaign, which began a couple of months ago. We could never try to be Spyscribe, but we hope we’ll tell an enjoyable story, with much gratitude to Fajitas for giving us the story to tell.

Much has changed since the end of the campaign chronicled in “Welcome to the Halmae.“ A couple of the players moved away (we miss them!) and Spyscribe, lured by the inexorable draw of a career, has taken a (short-term) position across the country. A few players (including Ilex and jonrog1) have joined the group. And in the Halmae, sixteen years have passed since the end of the last campaign. Ekht’s fire still burns; Kettenek’s halls still ring with justice, and Sedellus’ cold wind still blows over Alirria’s seas. The shape of the Halmae remains the same, but her political climate has changed.

. . . And – since we didn’t have our acts together well enough to have a full post ready by today, more time will pass before the story truly begins. But watch this space.

In the meantime, a taste, in the post below: the introductory text that Fajitas provided us when he handed us each a player packet.

Happy birthday, Fajitas.

Ellinor and Ilex
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And so it begins

Her name is Roseanna Giulietta di Raprezzi.

Her friends call her Rose.​

The Church of Sedellus calls her The Sacrifice.
Before she was conceived, her mother sought to save a city by offering up “her children yet unborn” as a Sacrifice of Death. The woman thought she was sacrificing her fertility. What the lurking Goddess, the Dark Mistress of Fate, of Autumn, of Trickery and Deceit thought she was offering, none can say for sure.​

Now Roseanna is sixteen years old, the age of majority in the Halmae.​

And she is tired of waiting to see what Fate has in store for her…​


First Post
This is a test: if you have been a truly loyal reader of Spyscribe's story hour, then you have heard me mentioned, though only the truest of the true believers will recall it. But think back. Once, a discussion arose about the implied Buffy reference in the title of the story hour, "Welcome to the Halmae." Spyscribe and Fajitas explained that neither one of them had intended to make the reference, despite being huge fans of the show. Spyscribe added that her roommate surprised both her and Fajitas by calling attention to the Buffiness of the title.

I was that roommate.

I spent several years hearing Spyscribe's stories of this game. I read the story hour, since so many of my friends were involved. I even sat in on a session once. The whole time, though, I was convinced that this was not for me. "I'm a geek, sure," I would think to myself, "and certainly when I created elaborate adventure games to play outdoors with my friends as a kid, I was doing something akin to this and loving it. And absolutely I enjoy board games that have some plot and character to them, especially when I play them with this exact group of people. And it's true that I become obsessively fond of long saga-ish TV shows. And there's always the fact that, like others in this game, I'm a writer, but ... nah, D&D just isn't for me. It's all, y'know, math."

As this new campaign began to take shape, Fajitas, WisdomLikeSilence, and the rest of the group went to work.

Time passed.

At some point, I noticed vaguely out of the corner of my eye that they were all laughing at me a lot, fondly, like proud parents (also evilly, like vampire sires, but let that go) ...

... and I was far too busy contemplating the details of my character's theological stance to care.

It now seems only fitting that I'm teaming up with Ellinor to begin the new saga. Hope you enjoy, and, of course...

Happy Birthday, Fajitas!!!


Hold the Peppers
Awwww. My players are the best obsessive, non-rich people in the world... ;)

Can't wait to see how you guys write it all up.

For the curious among you, I will share three teaser-like facts:

1) Roseanna is Giovanna's daughter

2) Giovanna... is Lira

3) The events described above actually happened in one of the last sessions of the original Halmae Campaign

This, you see, is why it's sometimes good to leave a few dangling plot threads unresolved...


Great! So now all we need to know is

1) Will this new campaign will finally tell us who the new Chancellor is?

2) Given . . .
1) Roseanna is Giovanna's daughter

2) Giovanna... is Lira
Do we know who the father is? (Or is Sedellus not the kind to leave such a thing as fate up to the hands of biology?)

3) Are there any mustelids and/or gnomes involved?

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