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Red, Taran, Orim you're up[IC -D&D 4e: Forgotten Realms-] A Paid Trip to Spellhold


I aim to misbehave
"Red" - Female Elven Invoker


Red stayed back from the rapidly forming melee and left her mind open, delving into it for a spell, likely something to slow any escape the ruffians were planning.

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[sblock=Recap my POV]

Soveliss watched as the male elf went into a trance before his eyes flashing open a glitering green. With a raised hand he apologized and stated his people needed him before leaving. The young Eladrin found himself standing next to the Elven maiden, Red, and the Deva. Soveliss noticed the Deva staying near Red and smirked inwardly at the situation, he had never met a Deva before so he didn’t know if it was customary or a slight infatuation. As the three moved south they come across a set of footprints left in blood as the trio follow the tracks towards a narrow alley the area seems a bit familiar again and Soveliss realizes they are close to the Shifting Sands Tavern again, turning a corner the three find Soveliss’ quarry. One was picking a lock on a door it seemed the other on lookout. Soveliss noticed Grendel and the other two men from earlier. As Grendel shouted out as he spotted Soveliss and the men they had been chasing. The Deva moved infront of the female elf red and Soveliss had the odd thought of the man just being a gentlemen
Soveliss would make use of the fact the two men probably didn’t know who he was and Gendel shouting out to draw their attention to rush the two. Soveliss would shout back as he rushed the two attempting to provoke them, “You two ugly blokes seem to draw trouble.” Drawing his sword Soveliss would alert the group as he pressed forward “We should hurry up otherwise we might get reported for ‘disturbing the peace’ or the Cowled Mages might pop up.” Killing the two quickly flashed into the Eladrin’s mind until he remembered he needed answers plus he didn’t want to get brought in for murder in this town, maiming them for the sake of stopping a crime seemed still plausible though. Aiming to knock them unconscious or into submission instead he would make note of the building they were trying to enter and check to see if either of the two were bleeding or if it was from a ‘victim’ they had encountered along the way in case it came up later as to what they were doing.

(OoC: Don’t know how tactical or wise to initiate combat in the city. I have no real idea the time of day (late nite or early morning I hope) Also I have no idea how far away I am but if I can move in I'll you Lead the Attack if we're actually going into combat... Or if I'm going into combat. :devil:)


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Julian Drake

Julian, following the flow of the ensuing battle, draws his longsword and takes stock of the area. He looks for any nearby alleys the men might try to escape down and makes a dash for the closest one.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
[Street] Immarael (Male Eldarin Sorcerer 1) HP:26 Def: 12 - 12/12/16

Immarael like wise stays back and looks around hurriedly and concernedly, hoping that no one outside of our little group will see him, and unleashes raw malicious fey energies (Chaos Bolt) that roils forth from his mind and manifests first on the lock picker (Chr vs Will - 15 for 7 Psychic dmg) which then spills over to include the look out (Chr vs Will - 12 for 11 Psychic dmg). Seeing the confusion inherent and potential surprise in this combat he takes to a shadowy corner of the shrubbery in the near alley way of sorts to plan his next move (Stealth roll 25).
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Voda Vosa

First Post
As most of you jump into the battle, the tug that was looking around pokes the other one in the shoulder, and they both draw their weapons, and get back with back.

OOC: Here's the map, now you can state your actions and roll your dices according to your turn. I think it's self explanatory, but feel free to ask. Bushes provide cover, while you can use the corners of the buildings for avoiding LOS too.
Here are the initiatives:

23 Red
22 Orin
19 Immarael
9 Grendel
8 Tug 2
8 Soveliss
6 Julian
6 Tug 1
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I aim to misbehave
"Red" - Female Elven Invoker

Red pulledl a crystalline sphere of magic, and hurled the sphere at the two thugs. Glittering and sparkling in the afternoon light, the crystalline sphere splintered into hundreds of tiny, radiant blades, slicing into one of them. "You can't run . . . it will be just worse for you if you try," Red called out to the thugs.

[sblock=OOC]OOC: Standard Action: Grasping Shards Wisdom vs. Fort: (1d20+4,=[2, 4],, 1d20+4,=[13, 4],) for a total of 6 and 17 vs. Fort. Damage is 6 [Wis mod 4 + Covenant damage 2] radiant damage and the targets are slowed until end of Red's next turn.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
[Round 1 (19)] Immarael (Male Eldarin Sorcerer 1) HP:26 Def: 12 - 12/12/16

Immarael moves a forward (a 2 square diagonal) into the bushes while drawing his blade, to get himself out of the prying eyes of the street and looks around hurriedly and concernedly, hoping that no one outside of our little group will see him, and unleashes raw malicious fey energies (Chaos Bolt) that roils forth from his mind and manifests first on the lock picker (Chr vs Will - 15 for 7 Psychic dmg) which then spills over to include the look out (Chr vs Will - 12 for 11 Psychic dmg).

He then watches the flow and rhythm of the combat as it unfolds, perhaps to size up the new people that he may soon accompany to change the world.
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First Post
Gredel charges in and finally shows his true animalistic nature... at least in body.. his speech however was a different story...

"cowardly ruffians I smite the into submission!" the priest of Melora barks as he moves to strike his opponent...

Attack Roll: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2033474/]1d20+6=24, 2d4+3=8[/URL]
Grendel will move diagonally down one and to the left then strait for T2 three spaces more to move into melee with him and will strike him with:
Righteous Brand (Divine, Weapon)
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC (Used Greatclub attack stated on character sheet for attack)
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and one ally within
5 squares of you gains a power bonus to melee attack rolls
against the target equal to your Strength modifier until the
end of your next turn.
(Julian will be the ally that I choose to gain +3 power bns to attack rolls against T2 until the end of my next turn...)[/sblock]
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Charwoman Gene

[sblock=actions]Minor: Oath of Emnity (T1)
Move: 3 Squares to the right.
Standard: Bond of retribution (T1); 1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=18, 1d10+4=10 Hits AC 22 for 10 Damage. If anyone hits or misses me, T1 takes 3 damage.[/sblock]

Orin seeing battle joined, strikes out. "Face me, scum" he hoarsely whispers as his oath settles on the nearest thug. Orin moves over and slashes the thug, radiant energy coursing through his blade.

Voidrunner's Codex

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