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Siege Of Bordrin's Watch


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Wendigo reaches up to his chest to finger the holy symbol of Moradin hanging there. Stroking his beard, the shifter smiles grimly, his fangs showing. "I do here what others do, worship the great Moradin. But that is not the only reason I am here. I seek the counsel of the leadership here. Something terrible has happened."

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The Digger

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Henry rose from his knees and looked around him. Whilst he had been praying Tregar had left, presumably to attend to his own business. The fighter smiled again at the thought of the work the dwarf had done on his weapon and hoped the Gods would smile upon the smith and grant him long life.

As he walked from the cathedral he was surprised to see so many there. "I suppose they are seeking guidance in this time of uncertainty, just as I", he mused to himself.

His back straightened as he adopted his old military stance and he marched resolutely from the holy precinct. He would eat and prepare his body for the rigours ahead, whether he be chosen by the guard commander for frontline work or whether he would be amongst those manning the wall. It mattered not so long as he did his duty.


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As her eyes search the cathedral, they fall upon the form of a human rising from his knees. At first, the man seems no different, but as his back straightens her mind is assailed with memories. The flashing of blade, the clash of steel, the smell of blood, the taste of fear…and the feeling of that strong back against his…hers.
Her legs moving before she realises it, she follows him to the entrance of the building,
How do I know him?
As she asks, the spirit of Ordon materializes next to her, his steps in perfect harmony with hers. He turns to her and nods towards the human and his lips pull into a broad smile.


I aim to misbehave
Warrick Steel, Male Elven Ranger/Avenger


Warrick was lost in his reverie for several moments, the smells and aura of the cathedral sending him back to happier times. The words of a stranger shook him clear of the fog that was descending. ' . . . terrible has happened,' was the phrase and Warrick glanced in the direction it had come from.

The dwarf that had known the Captain, Grombar, was talking with the stranger. Warrick walked over to them, nodding to each and he silently intruded in the conversation, seemingly willing to lend his support to whatever the dwarf decided.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Gala walks through the town, looking for something, someone who might be interested. Her sleight form might once have been attractive, but her clothes are ill-kept, and the exposed skin on her arms and lower legs has scars, wounds that were not healed by magic, but by time. She runs a finger beneath the talisman on her choker, providing a quick coolness to her throat, before she turns a corner.

Here, is a crowd. Here, at the temple of Moradin, are several individuals gathered. She sees an elf or two among them, which makes her check her step. she stands, and watches, for a few seconds. A leaf, carried on the breeze from a tree she cannot see, floats lazily down beside her,, in the periphery of her vision. Without moving her head, she catches it, and pulls it out of the way. Only her arm moves, purposefully; the rest is still, encased in shadow.

When she has seen enough, Gala takes a step, revealing herself as a silhouette, leaning against a wall, stepping again, getting closer to what seems to be the main conversation.


Having arrived at the Stone Anvil cathedral a short while ago, the High Priest, Durkik Forgeheart, moves up and down the aisles lending council and assistance where he can. A young dwarf carried his injured mentor in, and he lent his healing words to bring the old man back from death's door. Numerous others he's spoken to... dwarves, humans, elves, even a deva.

However, when he hears his name called out from his old friend, Gombar, regarding an incident of major import... he moves over to the dwarf and the shifter standing next to him. The conversation is short and succinct, and it makes the priest blanche ever-so-slightly.

"The Sundered Chain? All of them? Or at least those you could see? This is worse than was originally thought. I must pass this on to the council."

Forgeheart shakes the shifter's hand in thanks, and then turns to Gombar. "My apologies, my friend... I'm afraid I will have to postpone that drink. If I do not see you before the call at High Hall, make your next two days fare thee well." Durkik turns and then hurries out into the night, heading back to High Hall.


As Gloomblade watches the Lost Ones circle him, looking for the right opening to attack... it comes as a great surprise as the matronly dwarf female marches out to join him, followed shortly by the other halfork whose identity he was mistaken for. As Chris moves into the street, it is evident that several of the hoodlums do a double-take at the sight of the second halfork, and very quickly a minor sight of panic flashes across their eyes.

However, that doesn't stop all of them... and with a shout, several of the Lost Ones pounce at Gloomblade (and by extension, Sister Tresa), and thus the battle is joined!

The battle is swift and fierce... Tresa nor the two halforks giving any quarter... and after numerous slashes and whacks, the thieves realize their folly and turn hightail and run. It is a good fight and it gets the blood pumping, but the three soon realize that they might have made an enemy of an organization that holds some base of control here in Overlook. so it is probably just as well they'll be leaving in two days time.


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Chris grabs one of the thugs that lay in the dirt of a dark alley near where the fight happen. His fight had split him from the remaining of the group. He lift him and pin him against a wall. He takes a quick look at the ruffian and see it was the same one who had drawn a dagger at him. "You again... listen up kid. I had nothing against your organization. I was even thinking to join it up, but you ruined it all."

He draws a dagger he had taken during the fight and put it on his throat. "That would be the thing to do. I though you would have learn after the first lesson, but you did the same mistake twice. You should never start an attack against someone you know nothing about. That will finish by killing you." He grabs the hand of the young boy and carve a serious cut in the flesh that will heal in time, but will leave a scar. "A reminder of the lesson of today."

The boy, scared, was crying, grabbing his wounded hand. As Chris release him, the boy starts to flee. "Bastar...". He never finish his word. He felt dead in the shadow of the buildings. "Lesson two, never leave a potential deadly enemy alive."

He get out of the alley and join Gloomblade. "I've handle the one over there. No more threat. How are you?" He then look at the dwarf "And thanks for your help. It is always difficult to get rid of cockroach."


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Gundar opens his eyes. He seems to awake from a deep sleep. "Where am I?"

"I've brought you to overlook, master." answered Baldwin. "We are at the cathedral of Moradin. Someone just took care of your wounds."

"I told you to seek help, to warn of the danger. Why have you come back for me, you waste precious time, you..." under the anger, the elder dwarf felt unconscious again. A young priest came to them. "He will be correct, but he need rest, we will carry him to a bed. Do you need anything?" asks the priest.

"Me?, no, just some rest." on that, the priest carry Baldwin's mentor to another part of the cathedral. Baldwin is left alone in the stairs near the altar. He see the great priest talking to a dwarf and a shifter before he leaves in a hurry. Curious, he stands up and walk to them.

"What is happening? I see there seems to be a lot of action in this city, but it is no kind of festivity. Even in this holy place, I would have expected more seclusion and peace and less tension in the air."

Voda Vosa

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"When somethin' terrible hadpens and at the very doorstep 'f the orc's attack, even the holiest of places can't rest in peace. Come 'ere young one, tell this old dwarf yer name." The older dwarf offers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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