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New Setting Element, Arcane Society for PC's


First Post
It has come to the attention of the IAC that this public board has been involved in some sort of necromancy. To avoid future incidents, please attempt to update the WikiPage, as villagers with pitchforks tend to show when the Zed escape... So please use "Thread Necromancy" as a last resort.
Thank You, IAC

Do you have an interest in things of an arcane nature, Like to be in a secret society?​

Join The Institute for Arcane Ciphers today!

New premier secret society in Daunton!
-The Screamer​

[Sblock=Another mention in The Screamer!]

Extra! Extra!

The Sky is Falling!

Farmers near the interior of Daunton have reported seeing a ball of fire come from the sky and fly across their homesteads. During this event, it was also purported that milk was curdled, livestock fell over dead and some who stared directly at the ball were struck blind. Experts are scrambling to determine the truth of their claims and some wonder whether this new secret arcane society has summoned some despicable evil down on the island. Most have laughed off their claims as the tales of fools or a trick of swamp gasses reflecting the light. Officials have not released any word on their actions or plans for dealing with this phenomena. One thing's for certain, things have never appeared worse for our fair island, between cultists, murders, crimelords, icy islands threatening our trade routes, pirates, and the dead rising.


I'm working out the details tonight, maybe making a wiki note. Where would something like this go in the wiki?


Wiki entry, please update if you feel like it, this is a community setting element and anyone can do with it as they will.

[sblock=On being a secret society]
The society is publicly known, and registered in Daunton and Bacarte. It is not a secret that the society exists, but it's intentions are only known to members. Even then, not all members know all operations undertaken by The IAC. Also, there is no public list of membership, and even the groups head does not know who every member is. (Martelai, who is currently traveling with Veruzak is an excellent example.)

The members can acknowledge that the society exists, but not who else is a member, society goals, or projects.

The party can hear things like, "I'm a member", "I claim this site for The IAC, I'm posting this no trespassing notice, and classifying this area as experimental research.", and "Would you like to join the IAC?".

Think of it like the Freemasons, it's secret, but not because people don't know it exists. Because the public doesn't know it's rites of passage, goals, and membership information, that is what makes it secret.

Cults are the kind of secret society that if someone rejects membership you kill them... The IAC just says "thank you for your time" and continues it's secret machinations...


I'm going to be updating the note at The Hanged Man Tavern, and over at The Drowned Man Tavern, if Veruzak makes the cash it will be a secret note only detectable through an Arcana check. UPDATE: Veruzak is still stuck on the Isle of Haurton, if he ever escapes, the note will be updated with a secret message.

Secret messages will be left for characters, either with Igor, or the bartender, mostly of the "all is well" variety. This will all be happening before October is out, and I have an idea for a couple short vignettes I may develop and submit... We'll see! Looking forward to continued developments.
UPDATE: Have not developed an adventure, however someone may be working on something ;). Secret Messages still in the works, been an unexpectedly busy October (engagement... :)).

[sblock=Ideas for The IAC's future]

This is going to be space for ideas, none of this is concrete or even firm.

If you want something added to this list that your character, or you as a DM, would like to see explored or accomplished, just post, and I'll edit it in.

[sblock=Possible adventure hooks or group activity]

The group is secretly collecting the spell and ritual components for the Archlich spell.

The group is establishing authority throughout the transitive isle's and beyond as a super power.

The group is forwarding 7 Rabbits search for his legendary heros.

The group is creating a museum within Daunton to promote good public opinion of Magic.

The group is purposely and actively influencing the political and educational institutes in Daunton and Bacarte to reflect well on magic users.

The group is collecting spare parts to keep the Igors running.



[sblock=Information on Joining]

To join, post an OOC here in this thread stating that your character has joined.

There are three ways to join.

Recruitment by Veruzak

Recruitment by another IAC member

Recruitment by Igor (Terry Pratchett style)

Any of these can be done through RP (let me know so I can read this, it entertains me)
or as an off-camera/background event.

The most important bit, is the OOC confirmation on this thread.

The only people, and I use the term loosely, that know all of the IAC's membership info, and plans, are the Igors. They are notorious for being discrete and have served countless Wizards, mad scientists, and monstrous nobles in this regard for millennia.

Their only stipulation, when the torch-bearing towns-folk come, a back door be prepared for them. The IAC also provides spare parts when possible to assist the Igors own surgical goals...


[sblock=Membership information update]

EDIT: this supersedes all below, set your own grade band level, have fun, RP to your hearts content what you've done with the IAC in the past.

Grade Band levels DO NOT give members authority over other members. The IAC believes that each member is a moral agent, and has a right to self-sovereignty. Even a Sophic may not give a direct order to another member. Each member decides their own level of involvement with the IAC.

Grade Band Levels
There are four grade band levels, each imparts it's own benefit.

All members receive the Perspicacious Grade Band to begin with, this shows membership, and grants access to most IAC buildings, without appointment. This also allows claiming arcane sites, and recruiting new members.

Any combination of the following will promote a member to Sapient. Claiming an arcane site, completing contractual obligations for the society (go on an adventure for the IAC), recruit 3 new members, or gain a full level as a member of the IAC.

Sapient Grade Band members are granted access to the guild enchanters for no fee beyond creation costs. Members at this level may open, and oversee new headquarters.

Any combination of the following will promote a member to Erudite (A member must reach Sapient before they may reach Erudite, however accomplishments before becoming Sapient may still apply to promotion to Erudite). Retrieve a rare or powerful artifact for the IAC reliquary in Daunton (This should be a minor quest), succeed in an IAC mission goal (Any minor quest that furthers the IAC), or organize an IAC operation (DM a vignette for the IAC).

Erudite Grade Band members are given their own sacred ceremony. Each Erudite gains access to the IAC spell-pool (Haven't worked out what this actually means...). Erudite members have access to the Arcane Shrine (Veruzak is going to be furnishing this place for use, if a character reaches this Grade Band level, they can come in too!).

Any combination of the following will promote a member to Sophic (A member must reach Erudite before they may reach Sophic, however accomplishments before becoming Erudite may still apply to promotion to Sophic). I'll work this out when people start reaching paragon tier...


[Sblock= Sites claimed by the IAC]

What used to be Hob's Cabin on the Isle of Haurton by Martelai (Neurotic)Here


[sblock=Site claim form]

The institute is vested with the authority to claim "unclaimed" arcane sites. So walking into the local magic shop and declaring it to be IAC property violates the contract Daunton and Bacarte signed onto. (The IAC will one day be large enough to enforce it's own authority, but until then they rely on Local Transitive Isle Governments. Those government officials comply because having a group that only wants good publicity for magic, is great for keeping crazy, blow-up-the-city wizards [looking at you dead Palindrome], from blowing up the city...)

(Thanks to Neurotic for this, I liked the idea enough to adopt it officially. Thought it was hilarious, especially *All of the above. Circle whichever you claim the site with, like this, (*). Thanks)

This site is claimed property of Institute of Arcane Ciphers for any or all of the following reasons:
* Site of known magical manifestations
* Power node
* Site of arcane menace or magical threat to general populace
* Ritual site
* Site of unexplained arcane manifestation
* Legacy site or site of historical significance
* Research station
* All of the above
* Other

For additional information or legal dispute contact ___________ or other representative of IAC in Bacarta/Dauntonian offices.

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First Post
Yeah! I get it now!

Palindrome's dead, and suddenly it's big ole arcane love-fest!

Well, you can all kiss my hairy behind, mister!


First Post
If you want to appeal to his demographic, you need to locate the organization in a honky-tonk or introduce square dancing or have a lot of drinking. A lot.


First Post
Hmmm arcane society eh? I like it. My next PC might be more magical (I'm planning to retire Murphy after his current adventure is over)


First Post
Great! That'll make four.

I can bring Veruzak into The Hanged Man if you'd like to RP joining, or we can give it the hand wave that you ran into Veruzak while out in Daunton.

Can anyone post a link where this would belong in the wiki? I'll make an entry if you show me where.

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