• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The First (IC) (d20/3.x D&D)


Angrboda has allowed the sound of conversation and bickering to lull her until the sudden exclamation from the human male, Forge, brings her out of her light trance. Startled, she looks around until she has pinpointed his location. She then moves with purpose over to the human to find out what prompted the outburst.

"Is something amiss, Forge?"

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Thy wounds are healed!
"I..I am missing, I feel uncomplete when I am not working my tools." He says pointing to the implements layed out. "We need a good supply of ore the little we have will not last forever."


Angrboda nods in agreement. "I, too, have felt that same sense when I am not pursuing what I think it is my purpose to pursue." She frowns at the awkwardness of her statement but shrugs and continues. "It is true, supplies will eventually run out. That is part of the reason for our foray towards the mountains. Will you be journeying with us or remaining here?"

Angrboda thinks a brief moment. "If you remain, I can keep an eye out for ore but I'm not sure that I know what I would be looking for. Maybe Kaznak knows. I think he has some skill at forgework. In any case, let us know what you decide. We will be leaving soon, I hope."


Thy wounds are healed!
"I will.." the man pauses in thought, "I will go I need to do something that will bring me closer to wholeness, thank you." he says smiling for the first time today.


"Good." Angrboda returns Forge's smile with one of her own. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to gather my traveling gear." She leaves to collect her pack and find someone who will take care of the livestock for the time that she is traveling.


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Slightly frustrated from his fruitless woodland discussion, but accepting of the poor little creatures limitations, Elldar wanders off to prepare his pack for the outing.

"So how long do we plan to be gone on our little outing? I'd like to leave as much behind as I can in case we run across any supplies that would be of use."

"Also when do we plan on leaving?", inquired Elldar.

"I worry it is unwise to leave Theris and the rest to spend more than a night in the camp, if that, so few in number after what happened with the orc. If we have found each other in this new place who knows what friends he might have found to share in his mayhem?"


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Kaznak nods as Angrboda speaks with Forge, incapable of not hearing the giant's voice. "Indeed, I know what to look for. I was gifted with some knowledge of the hammer and anvil and what's needed with them. Perhaps it was to complement the fire I create... Light and keep the flames going without effort. And I'm ready to be goin' whenever."

The fire-breathing dwarf paces a little, his pack slung over his shoulder. He fiddles with his beard, trying to brush it a little further away from his mouth.

"I don't think there's too much danger. Forge looks to have some muscle, that Metliz seems to have some magic, Theris has set up an excellent defense along the outside, and everyone else seems able to repel any invaders. And I can't really imagine anything wanting to pick a fight with the walking, talking, burning stone over there." Kaznak chuckles as he mentions Pyre, though it's obvious he means no disrespect. Just an observation...


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"Hmph," Theris snorts. "Worry 'bout yerselves. I got a camp t' fortify. I'll work wit' whoever ya leave me." The dwarf woman finishes eating breakfast, then starts looking at some nearby trees, a small woodaxe in hand, figuring out what she should chop down for building material.

Tianulien starts carving some wood she removed from a tree yesterday, sitting on a stump from a tree that Theris and others had already chopped down before to make the animal-fence. After a moment's thought, she asks no one in particular "Can someone hunt some larger animals? Or find me some hemp plants to make string from? Flax plants will do otherwise, but......I think it'll take a lot of work to make anything from those. I need linen, hemp, or a large animal's tendons to make bowstring from. Or musical strings...."

Voda Vosa

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"The same tool, to make music and to kill. Such irony" states Metliz, hoping slithly. She balances over something invisible before making the next jump.


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Elldar removes half of his rations and his crafting tools from his pack before hoisting it onto his back. Picking up and loading his crossbow, he turns to the rest of his group.

"Alright, I'd guess two days of food and my bedroll will be in order then. I'll leave this stuff behind to make some extra room for anything I can forage, would you mind keeping an eye on it Theris?", asks Elldar.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, let's be off shall we?"

This leavers Elldar with 2 days worth of food, assuming he foraged for berries and other food while in the woods by himself. He's carrying 28.5 lbs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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