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Vampire Bestiary

Howdy Khisanth matey! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
Out of curiosity, how was Canaanite chosen? It's not as well known as Greek or Norse, so might not sell as well. On the other hand, it has a lot more monstrous and villainous gods than, say, Greek mythology.

To be honest I'm fed up with the same gods getting used over and over again, so I decided upon something new.

That said, with a bit of luck, I'll eventually get around to the Greek and Norse pantheons etc. ;)

But the first four will probably be the Canaanite, Chinese, Egyptian and Mesopotamian.

I'm looking forward to see what interpretation you go with -- there are a lot of scholarly debates about whether Moloch was the name of a god or not, what sort of god Dagon was meant to be, etc.

Both will be detailed. At the moment though I am wondering if Dagon should be the same level as his Monster Manual 2 counterpart even if he is otherwise different in his construction.

I suppose this is the first part of Against the Reptile God?

Yes. Thats the first third of it...

Part One: The Serpent Riders
Part Two: No Chance In Hell
Part Three: Against the Reptile God

After that I have another 4 parts determined and I am toying with a possible 2 more after that.

I also have an idea for a prequel (which uses a WotC IP so I am not sure that will ever happen), a Part Zero if you will.

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Howdy! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
Any relationship to the Serpent Riders from the Heretic/Hexen series of PC games?

No, unfortunately not. But that is one of my all time favourite games so the term was probably at the back of my mind. In this context its actually a reference to the Exarchs of Set.

Hiya mate! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
Oh, OK...

...so what level would D'Sparil, Korax, and Eidolon be? ;)

Well they were defeated by (at best) individual Level 30 characters. Therefore I give them a theoretical maximum Level 33 (or 29 Elite, or 24 Solo)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
And did you decide on a level for the 4e (Heisei?) Godzilla?

I think Level 35 Solo Soldier is appropriate, with Ghidorah being a Level 36 Solo Artillery. Clover is a Level 33 Solo Brute.

Hiya mate! :)

Well they were defeated by (at best) individual Level 30 characters. Therefore I give them a theoretical maximum Level 33 (or 29 Elite, or 24 Solo)

OK, makes sense.

They are supposed to be of unequal power, though (D'Sparil weakest, Eidolon strongest) ... so perhaps D'Sparil 20 Solo, Korax 22 Solo, Eidolon 24 Solo?

Clover is a Level 33 Solo Brute.

Are you going to change the stats on the site to reflect this lower level?

Hiya mate! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
OK, makes sense.

They are supposed to be of unequal power, though (D'Sparil weakest, Eidolon strongest) ... so perhaps D'Sparil 20 Solo, Korax 22 Solo, Eidolon 24 Solo?

That might work.

Khisanth the Ancient said:
Are you going to change the stats on the site to reflect this lower level?

I had different stats, unfortunately they were on my other (now defunct) computer. I'll see what I can do.


Hey hey U_K! Been a while since I last posted. Just want to say that I'm looking forward to your first 4E product! :) Vampires, huh? I'm not well-versed in vampire lore, myself, but I'll grab it anyway once it's released (yay, fan loyalty!)

beej said:
Hey hey U_K!

Merry Christmas beej matey! :)

Been a while since I last posted.

Been a while since I last released a book. :blush:

...so you are in good company. :p

Just want to say that I'm looking forward to your first 4E product! :)

You and me both mate.

Vampires, huh? I'm not well-versed in vampire lore, myself, but I'll grab it anyway once it's released (yay, fan loyalty!)

I'd like to think I don't do bad books...just late ones. :cool:

I think there will be enough in there both vampiric and vampire related (regardless of how tenuous that link is) to keep people interested.

The change of pace for me (Levels 1-40, rather than simply epic+) is a way of me finding my 'sea legs' on the voyage that is 4th Edition. In future products I'll concentrate on Levels 21+.

Hey guys! :)

I was planning a Vampire Bestiary preview for today, but a dose of mild food poisoning (I'll be okay by tomorrow) slowed me down, and when I eventually got round to scanning in the image in I realised the scanner had picked up an obscene amount of smudges. So I tried to correct that with photoshop, unfortunately its an intricate piece and its going to take another 10-20 minutes which I don't currently have because I need to get some dinner and then head to work. I will have this preview tomorrow though. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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