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Even Newer Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


"Of course! Of course!" Jynxx flops down in a chair, his eyes eager to devour the next tale. He appeared quite similar to a young child being told a story by his father. "I am both a storyteller and a keen listener! Please, grace me."

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Deva backs off as dwarf admonishes him

"I apologize, my manners were offensive, I'll let you be in peace."

and listens with interest the story of the dwarf.
"Hmm, no wonder he keeps to himself...who knows what horrors he survived with a story like that."

OOC: Sorry Neurotic, I just saw him sitting alone, didn't mean to be offensive


First Post
The goliath nods to the bard at the request for more. Very well, he states, readjusting his hide . I shall tell you of a young boy trying to find his path in the world, and of a noble paladin who opened his eyes.


There was once a young boy from a nearby farm who was sent out to learn of the world, and to chose a path for his life. His feet led him to a great city, where any who wish it, can learn nearly anything they wished. The young boy first came across a wizard.

”Sir wizard, what is the best profession for one who wants to adventure?” asked the young boy. The wizard laughed, and called forth all the elements at his command. ”Surely it is the mighty wizard, able to wield all the elements of the cosmos, and smite his enemies from afar.” and the boy walked on.

The boy next came across a powerful fighter in majestic armor, and again he asked his question. Isn’t it obvious? It’s the fearsome fighter!” the warrior stated. “Who else can wear such an impenetrable shell of armor and stands as a bulwark against all foes! Others attempt to copy our skills, but none can compete with a true fighter! and the boy walked on.

The boy was then distracted by a pebble bouncing across the road, when suddenly there was a hand on his back. ”You wanted to know who’s the best” whispered the sneaky rogue. It is the rogue, we strike without warning and fade into the shadows before any can retaliate. No one can harm what they cannot see.” With a gentle push, the boy stumbled forward and when he turned, the rogue was gone.

The boy then came upon a devout cleric, and repeated his question. ”By divine rights, it is the holy cleric my child. We are the mender of wounds and the bringer of divine power into the world. Who else carries with them the power of gods as we do?” was the clerics reply.

His head full of answers and yet still confused, the boy wandered into the market where he came upon an old paladin who was intrigued by the boys confusion. ”Sir knight, I have asked all I have seen about the best path for me, and all say theirs. The wizard is mighty, the fighter powerful, the rogue subtle and skilled, and the cleric divine, but which one is the best?”

The old paladin laughed at the boys plight, and walked over to a nearby fruit stand and purchased a few. Handing them to the boy he asked, Child, which of these is best?” The boy thought for a moment, ”Well, the apple is sweet and refreshing, the orange is juicy and nutritious, the peach is delicious and wonderful in cobbler, and the grapes are a tasty snack and cooling on a hot day. I don’t know which is best, they are all good, which would you chose Sir?” The paladin smiled, took the fruit, chopped them up, mixed them in a bowl, and handed it to the boy. ”That my child, is wisdom.”
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Rujah entered the tavern in a slightly sour temper, having split from his group to seek something to spend his money upon, instead having to fight off muggers. They failed to appreciably hurt the Dragonborn, instead leaving searing welts, bruises and broken bones where the thieves had hoped to store his hard earned gold, with his recently acquired warhammer. As he entered, he surveyed the tavern before announcing his presence, as he was given to understand the custom.

"Rujah Neth, recently returned from a basement that was yet was not a client's... It would appear my companions are absent from this place. Has anyone seen a talkative Orc, and a quiet human, shifter and Eladrin? We were supposed to meet here to discuss a strange necklace we'd seen and other strange markings and the like..."


First Post
"I don't go around insulting strangers!" he says sharply, slamming his teacup down on the table.

Kaeysari guffaws, attempting (poorly) to keep her laughter under control.

"Not regularly!" Unfortunately, the petulance of his tone and his gestures only make him look more comical, like a child desperately trying to correct an adult who is only pretending to be mistaken.

Kaeysari grits her teeth in a real effort not to laugh at this hilarious sight.

"I'm sorry..." she says between chortles. "I really don't..." She takes a long draw of wine in an attempt to calm down. "All right, I believe you. Really. I think we..." she has another brief fit of laughter. "Really, I think we've gotten off on a bad foot to start with. Really. Okay?" She smiles at Papolstaanas, hopefuly.


First Post
Kaeysari grits her teeth in a real effort not to laugh at this hilarious sight.

"I'm sorry..." she says between chortles. "I really don't..." She takes a long draw of wine in an attempt to calm down. "All right, I believe you. Really. I think we..." she has another brief fit of laughter. "Really, I think we've gotten off on a bad foot to start with. Really. Okay?" She smiles at Papolstaanas, hopefuly.

Papolstaanas, struck dumb by anger and embarrassment, gets up and walks rudely away from the table as Kaeysari is speaking to him, and almost bumps into Rujah as he comes in.

"Rujah Neth, recently returned from a basement that was yet was not a client's... It would appear my companions are absent from this place. Has anyone seen a talkative Orc, and a quiet human, shifter and Eladrin? We were supposed to meet here to discuss a strange necklace we'd seen and other strange markings and the like..."

Trying to recover his composure, the kobold looks up at Rujah uncertainly. "You mean Fenwick? He said that he was taking a trip somewhere exotic and lucrative for his personal exchequer, or something of that sort. He went off to the docks with the eladrin and the wolf-man and the one from the Kingdom of Jade, I think."

Papolstaanas looks down morosely, suddenly remembering that he is all alone, and, the way that things have been going for him, not likely to find a band of adventurers who want his company any time soon. He looks back toward Kaeysari, who--however humiliating he might find her attitude--at least seems to want to be his friend.

"It wasn't that long ago," he says to Rujah. "You can probably still catch them."

Then he returns sheepishly to his seat opposite Kaeysari. "I'm sorry," he says. "It was my fault to start with." He takes a deep breath, and continues unhappily, "I don't know if I'm really cut out for this."


A dragonborn enters the room. He walks with a slight limp, but holds his head high, his gait making the limp seem all the more stately. His scales are a deep, leathery brown, and above one eye is strapped a patch which is flipped up. The patch seems odd because both eyes (they are of a deep and vibrant golden color) seem perfectly functional. His clothes are rough-cut, but of fine quality as if to suggest some sort of status. He is followed by a retinue of characters that have the appearance of a ship crew. There are four of them: A scrawny dwarf with a long, thin beard tucked into a leather strap he uses for a belt; a female shifter wearing a dark red bandana, black tunic and hose, and dark-brown, leather armor, and two behemoth bugbears who look so much alike, that the only way one could tell them apart is that one is carrying an axe, and the other is carrying a cutlass. Both are dressed in loose-fitting, drab clothing with leather belts and all four of them are sporting patches over one eye. Not a one of them seems to have any trouble seeing anything with either of theirs.[sblock=Perception DC 20]You notice the scrawny dwarf catch the dragonborn's attention and point to Rujah[/sblock]The dragonborn makes his way to the Warden of his own kin and takes a seat,"Hello there!" says the scaled swashbuckler, "My name's Brastrix. Brastrix Avreskt'," He extends his hand to Rujah, "and I'd like to meet your acquaintance. I don't think you are aware of the reputation you've gained for yourself in a relatively short time. The thugs you dispatched are a walking testimony to acts of skill, bravery, and heroism, the likes of which impress people such as myself, and..." he turns and winks to the other four, "my crew." With the wink, he flourishes his hand like a model on a game show.


First Post
Then he returns sheepishly to his seat opposite Kaeysari. "I'm sorry," he says. "It was my fault to start with." He takes a deep breath, and continues unhappily, "I don't know if I'm really cut out for this."

"For sitting around in a tavern waiting for something to happen?"
Kaeysari says. "Probably not. For exploring and fighting? Can't say. Haven't seen you in action."

She grins. "Once you're on the march you'll feel better, or at least not have as much time to feel bad. You've got guts, and that counts for something. Hope something comes along soon. I'm almost done with my wine, and don't know if I want to get sozzled tonight."


Jynxx's eyes dart around the room. Noticing more than most would. "Well told again! Such tales of wisdom! Many would be wise to heed the warning told by tales such as yours." Jynxx stopped abruptly, his eyes going to the other patrons at the bar. "Forgive my distraction. I believe something is going on, be it a matter of the past or present."


First Post
"Once you're on the march you'll feel better, or at least not have as much time to feel bad. You've got guts, and that counts for something. Hope something comes along soon. I'm almost done with my wine, and don't know if I want to get sozzled tonight."

Papolstaanas smiles weakly. "Green in every sense of the word," he mutters sardonically to himself. Unlike Kaeysari, he is dreading the moment that an actual recruiter walks into the tavern; just looking at the other people around, he can't imagine anyone's being too impressed with him.

He takes note of the storytellers in the tavern and listens for a bit, eventually leaning over toward Kaeysari and asking, "Do you know any good stories?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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