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Adventure: Long Arm Of Lauto, Obolus. (DM: CaBaNa, Judge: by covaithe


First Post
Stepping forward to be next to the halfling, Aurak stood tall in his platemail and large shield. "The time to face a real warrior is here!" he calls out to the smaller foe as he slashes with his longsword, hoping to weaken his foes resolve.


Move: Shift to Q7
Minor: Divine Challenge Elalaran
Standard: Enfeebling Strike on Elalaran - 1d20+7=16, 1d8+4=7 forgot +2 for flank so hits AC 18 for 7 & if it hits he takes -2 to attack rolls TENT. If he attacks someone besides me he takes 11 damage

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
It's a blast three, yes? Just move it one square aside and all is well...but if you cannot for some reason, consider it delayed! Just add IC warning in your post above.

And next round come closer for some flanking fun! :)

Cyr moves closer to Myri and once again Sky Lord responds to his plea as blue radiance speeds toward archer, Myri and finally Elalaran. Unfotunately, all this turning causes inaccuraccy.

"You shouldn't have betrayed powerful temple. Even disregarding getting annoyed gods on your life. Even if you defeat us, more will quickly follow. And I'll come back."

Move: R14
Standard: Hand of Radiance (1d20+5=23, 1d20+5=8, 1d20+5=8) - well at least one more bandit down :(
GAH, five posts while I was typing this?!


First Post
[sblock=OOC] Sorry it took me a bit to post for third round.. shouldn't be a problem in the future :erm:.[/sblock]


Ibram gawks in amazement as the fearsome Dragonborn comes glowing like the sun to challenge the halfling, his challenging roar moving Ibram to focus on the task at hand and redouble his efforts.

[sblock=Actions] Ibram will use his second wind to regain 7 HP. Surge value=7. +2 to all defenses, and that's about all.. two(2) surges used I believe. [/sblock]


Round 4

Rocco circles Issa again and strikes hard, but his axe passes right through her body with very little resistance. She takes some damage, and blood is clearly pooling at her feet, but it is clear the strike did not hit home as hard as it could have.

Kryath moves to a more central location and spirals a trio of frozen shards towards the enemy warlocks and rogue. Myri takes a direct hit, but the others evade the worst of the spell, taking only cuts. He breathes a gout of sleet towards Issa, but the need to avoid hitting Rocco sends the force of the blast wide.

Aurak steps up to the rogue and calls on him to face him like a man. The power of his god shines clearly through him, lending force to his words, but the sword blow that strikes the rogue needs no such help. The strength of Aurak's arm is more than sufficient.

Cyr edges toward Myri, looking to cut down the bandits in the back, but suddenly the ground crumbles beneath his feet, sending him plummeting into a pit! Those remaining on the surface can clearly see that the square of ground between the two clumps of bushes was false, and has crumbled, along with two other such squares on the north and south sides of the cabin. Cyr is more surprised than hurt by the fall, but it spoils his shot completely, and he spends the time picking himself up instead.

Ibram, blinded from the rogue's cut still, takes a moment to calm himself and try to stop the bleeding.

Silphyus curses the rogue, and directs a lance of seething menace at Issa, but the warlock's enthusiasm is better than his aim.

Myri pulls the shard of ice out of her shoulder, cutting herself again on the razored edges. She circles to the northwest, ducking through the undergrowth, and curses Aurak. She directs a crooked finger at him, but the paladin's divine confidence blunts the curse. She snarls with hate, and points a second finger at the dragonborn. This time the curse bites him deeply, wracking his mind with unbearable pain. Blood streams from both ears and his mouth by the time it ebbs, and the hooded figure has a slight air of satisfaction about her.

Issa fades back into solidity. The darkness beneath her cowl turns directly toward Rocco, and she mutters a terrible syllable that makes his skin crawl. Then she flings her arms wide, clutching the air with both claw-like hands and squeezing it. Rocco feels pain like never befire, as if she were squeezing his heart through his chest. His eyes roll up in his head, and he falls in a heap at the warlock's feet. Ibram, too, despite not seeing the spell, feels the pain, but his trained mind puts aside the worst of it, and he remains standing... but only just. Kryath, on the other hand, shrugs off the spell entirely, whether by luck or innate talent or the will of the gods, none can say. Issa, noticing this, turns away from gloating over Rocco's still form and points the familiar crooked finger at Kryath. The curse takes hold, but only loosely; Kryath endures the pain.

The two archers take advantage of Ibram's blindness to pepper him with quarrels. One misses, but the other moves forward for a better shot, avoiding the branches, and nails the bard squarely in the back. The bolt doesn't penetrate far, but this wound is the last straw, and Ibram can no longer hold onto consciousness. He falls, bleeding profusely.

The rogue Elalaran takes some heart from the success of his allies, and manages to sneak a dagger past the guard of the well-armored Aurak. The cut is not deep, but Aurak is already badly wounded, and another of those could well drop him as well.

[sblock=ooc]Rocco moves in and hits Issa; she's insubstantial and takes 6 damage instead of 13. That bloodies her, but Rocco is too far to benefit from virtue of valor.

Kryath hits Myri for 16 cold and 5 ongoing cold (se). It misses Elalaran and Issa. E takes 8 cold, and Issa takes 4 due to being insubstantial. His breath weapon misses Issa, and is easily directed to avoid hitting Rocco.

Aurak hits Elalaran for 7 damage, and challenges him. He also takes -2 to attacks TENT (Aurak). Yikes, I won't be ignoring Aurak's mark very often!

Cyr moves, but steps on a trapped square! The trap gets an attack, 16 vs. Reflex hits for 3 damage, and Cyr is prone at the bottom of the pit. You don't have line of sight to any of your targets, so your standard action isn't valid. I'll assume you use it to stand up, unless you tell me otherwise. And, just in case it comes up, climbing out of the pit will take a DC 15 athletics check as part of a move action, letting you climb at half your speed. (So if you succeeded and climbed out, you'd have 1 square of movement left.)

Ibram uses second wind.

Silphylus... I normally wouldn't NPC him yet, but THushman left instructions, said he had a flaky internet connection, and hasn't posted since. And I wanted to get this update out today; probably won't have time tomorrow. So he'll hang back and eldritch blast at Issa: 6 vs. Reflex misses. Oh, and he can curse Elalaran, too, so he'll do that.

Myri takes 5 ongoing cold. moves to N12, curses Aurak, and blasts at him with spiteful glamor: 12 vs. Will misses. She will spend an AP to do it again: 26 vs. Will hits for 17 damage. That's better. She makes her save vs. ongoing damage.

Issa becomes substantial again. She curses Rocco, overwriting Myri's curse. She uses Cursebite, which targets creatures within close burst 20 who are "suffering from Warlock's Curse". I'll interpret that to mean suffering from her warlock's curse, as opposed to a curse by any warlock. So the targets are Ibram, Rocco, and Kryath. Rocco eats a crit for 19, Ibram is hit (barely) for 10 damage, and Kryath missed. By my reading, curse damage also applies, but only once per round, so Ibram takes an extra 2 damage, leaving him with 1 HP remaining. Rocco is dying.

Issa spends her AP to try spiteful glamor on Kryath: 17 vs. Will hits for 5 damage.

Bandit 2 shoots at Ibram: 17 vs. AC hits for 3 damage misses; I forgot the +2 from second wind.

Bandit 3 moves out of the trees for a better shot, and shoots at Ibram too: 27 vs. AC hits; no reprieve this time. 3 damage drops him to -2 and dying.

Elalaran uses deft strike against Aurak: 26 vs. AC hits for 5 damage.

Ibram and Rocco are dying, and will need to make saving throws against death (unless someone heals or stabilizes them before their turn). You may wish to review the Heal skill. (Though your party's not completely out of healing powers just yet.)


[sblock=status and initiative]

  • Myri 35 damage, cursed by Silphyus, 5 ongoing cold (se)
  • Issa 41 damage, cursed by Silphyus, bloodied, marked by Rocco
  • Elalaran 36 damage, bloodied, divine challenged, -2 to attacks TENT (Aurak), cursed by Silphyus
  • Bandit 1 dead
  • Bandit 2 unharmed
  • Bandit 3 unharmed
  • Ibram -2/30 HP, 9/11 surges, cursed by Issa, +2 def tsnt, dying, prone
  • Rocco -6/31 HP, 10/12 surges, cursed by Issa, dying, prone
  • Silphyus 28/28 HP, 9/9 surges
  • Cyr 16/22 HP 7/7 surges, cursed by Myri, in the pit
  • Kryath 19/26 HP, 8/8 surges, cursed by Issa
  • Aurak 5/27 HP, 11/11 surges, bloodied, cursed by Myri

Resources Used:
  • Cyr: Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Blades of Astral Fire
  • Ibram: Majestic Word x2, Thunder's calling, second wind
  • Rocco: second wind
  • Myri: shadow jaunt, AP
  • Issa: shadow jaunt, AP, Cursebite
  • Kryath: Ice Javelins, breath weapon

[sblock=Enemy stats]Myri and Issa: Reflex at least 14 but no more than 16.

Human bandits: AC <= 24

Elalaran: AC <= 18, Reflex > 11

[sblock=map and terrain notes]

Squares that are more than half covered in vegetation are difficult and lightly obscured terrain. Entering such a square costs 2 squares of movement. Creatures in obscured terrain have concealment, and if there are five or more squares of obscured terrain between you and a target, that target has total concealment from you.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
You cannot override warlocks curse. It's not a mark. Curse stays. Also, doesn't Issa provoke with close blast? you should roll Combat superiority if she is...
Cursebite targets: each creature in burst UNDER YOUR CURSE

Warlocks curse can be used twice on same character only with some feats and even then only feat effects apply.

From CharBuilder:
"You can't place a Warlock's Curse on a creature that is already affected by your or another character's curse"

Also, one cursed must be closest enemy to you that you can see. Curse lasts until end of encounter or until the enemy is defeated. (not clear whether felling someone who later gets up counts as defeating)

MetaVoid: to ćete naučiti da uvijek koristiš svoj minor :)
Last edited:

Neurotic: yes, yes, I will (and you told me to speak only english...smart a**)

Covaithe: is there a way to climb out without Athletics? And how deep is the hole (that is, could I make Cyr stand on his toes and see enemies, shoot and then use the hole as cover? I'll update after the answer. Down is first climb check

Athletics (1d20-1=7)


From CharBuilder:
"You can't place a Warlock's Curse on a creature that is already affected by your or another character's curse"

ooc: Ah, my mistake. Why'd they have to go and have two mechanics (mark and curse) that are nearly alike, but differ in small and annoying ways? [/rant] Anyway, close attacks don't provoke OAs, so Combat Superiority is not an issue, but if Rocco can't be re-cursed, he isn't a target, and making the attack would provoke combat challenge. But Issa would know that, so I will need to revise her action now. Hold on...


ooc: Ok, heres what happens instead. Issa moves to W8, provoking an OA from Rocco, which hits for 13 damage. Combat superiority stops her movement in Y9. She uses an AP to continue her move. She curses Silphyus instead of Rocco, and uses Cursebite as before, critting Silphyus instead of Rocco. Ibram no longer has concealment, but Rocco's mark applies now, since he's not a target, so that comes out the same as before. Issa has already used her AP, so doesn't make the second attack against Kryath. So Kryath is at full HP (how'd I subtract 5 from 26 and get 19??), Silphyus is cursed and bloodied at 9/28, and Rocco is at 13/31 still. Map is the same except Issa's in W8. She's taken 54 damage now.


Covaithe: is there a way to climb out without Athletics? And how deep is the hole (that is, could I make Cyr stand on his toes and see enemies, shoot and then use the hole as cover? I'll update after the answer. Down is first climb check

ooc: Well, you could wait for someone to pull you out, or throw down a rope for an easier DC. Or use a power that allowed you to teleport. But climbing is done with Athletics as a move action (so you could try again after failing, if you like). The pit is 10 feet deep, so you'd not have line of sight to enemies unless they were adjacent to the pit, which none currently are.

Voidrunner's Codex

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