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The Infamous [M&M] The Evil assemble.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Einar narrowed his eyebrows in slight consternation. This was going to be tricky ... there were no druid circles around the Gotham. Except old Native American burial mound. But on TV they said it was desecrated.
The magic wrought on him by the little witch was really tiresome. He even didn't felt like fighting for his life. It took away all his passion for existence. Was this quiet and meaningless dying all what Norns had left for him ? He remembered how he would act in different time, boldly pushing forward and not stopping at something so trivial as lack of stuff. Albeit his expression didn't change he remembered that normally he would smile inwardly.
Nothing has been normal past 20 years, I wonder how is she doing ? I bet she feels the breath of Hel on her neck already. Her youth and beauty vanished.
Old viking thought to himself while making colored notes in the coloring book for kids that he was allowed to take away from library. Still, were he free to tavel outside of Arkham, he would go hunt some bear. Then travel to the stone circe, he remembered that Stonehenge was still intact.
"Ancient Norway:Thor's man-spear ...>"
He even spoke curse, but it felt flat and out of feeling. Empty like his soul without berserker's flame burning inside. Red marker reminded him of his first battle against the Umlafjord's invasion of his parent village. It was then when he felt the blessing of Odin for the first time, killed his first enemies and sliced his own foolish brother who should knew better than approaching someone in the throes of berserk. At least his brother died with honor, didn't let go of his spear when Einar's axe pierced his gut and in truly stoic manner admitted his mistake and greeted his end standing, staring at the beautiful aurora borealis. Wich was said to be the Rainbow Bridge to Wallhalla. He remebered the feast of mourning he threw for his brother spending all his possessions, except axe, to give him a feast worth of jarl. He stared back at thick mish-mash of english characters and old runescript he wrote in his notes. Worst of all was the Celtic Phrase. He copied it as good as he could, but it could be wrong. He went to the closest nurse, who were administering drugs and medicines to less dangerous patients. Those like him. He heard stories about the denizes of Heavy Security Ward. Most of them seemed like weaklings, even as he had healthy dose of admiration for the raw strenght possessed by one known as "Killer Croc". This would be amusing, were Einar not devoid of emotion, since he seemed even slower than Einar. "Joker" too, seemed dangerous ... reminding him much of the ever-fickle Aesir, Loki.
I wonder if were able to as easily escape as those "super-villains". But then, what would I do ? Die ? If not for the nurses forcing me do do something and obligation to repay this witch I would had died long time ago. So far I'm forced to stay there.

Another lazy thought entered Einar's head when he headed towards Aleen's office, deducting to ask for help first nurse he'll meet.

OOC: He'll ask nurse to copy the Celtic Phrase in Xero machine. Also I allowed myself to locate Einar's psychiatric ward in Arkham. If it is wrong I'll edit stuff. BTW, I plan Einar to go online and ask some @buddies from Wicca. A-hoo. Com for pointers about celtic stuff. By the way is there possible to create the ritual-equivalent ? I imagine it is necessary for Einar to regain his "berserker spirit", to be willing to do necessary stuff. As for regaining Youth and Health ... isn't it simple ? Just like in the movie "Ravenous" he'll eat humans.

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Lady Grey

"You wish to steal the prototype and sell it? Why? Who wants to buy it and for what reason? I have no interest in stealing it for profit. My interest is in sabotaging it to embarrass Wayne. Are the two of you working together?" she questions.

She makes a show of sheathing her sword, confident that she can draw it in the blink of an eye if needed.

"What about you alien? Do you want to sell the prototype as well?"


First Post
Fist of Khonsu

Lady Grey

"You wish to steal the prototype and sell it? Why? Who wants to buy it and for what reason? I have no interest in stealing it for profit. My interest is in sabotaging it to embarrass Wayne. Are the two of you working together?" she questions.

"Hadn't found a buyer yet," Shane admits without embarrassment, "But in a town like this, there's always someone wanting to buy the next big boom, yeah?

"And I just met this guy, but I figure it never hurts to make nice with the big mean guys--or girls."
here his look indicates he's classified Lady Grey in the 'big mean' category.

Walking Dad

First Post

"What about you alien? Do you want to sell the prototype as well?"

"I want revenge at this martian sIut... Miss Martian. I cannot let you sabotage the prototype..."
Hybrid grunts, his tail moving up and down as his claws pop out, ready to attack the woman, if he doesn't like her next answer.



Popping claws ony mean that he is ready to use lethal damage...

Shapeshift (25 PP):
9 Impervious
3 Super-senses (Darkvision, Infravision)
1 Concealment (Visual, Blending)
9 Life Support
2 Immune (Critical Hits)



Lady Grey

Lady Grey eyed the two strangers carefully. One of them wanted to sell the prototype and the other wanted to use it as a weapon. While she might be able to kill or disable them, it might be in her best interest to suppress that instinct for now. There was more than one way to embarrass Wayne Enterprises. She could almost see the headlines in the paper now. Poor Bruce Wayne holding a press conference to explain how his multimillion dollar prototype was stolen. That did have a certain finesse to it.

"I do not trust either of you but I have no need to distrust you either, yet. While I would prefer to sabotage the prototype, there is a certain irony in stealing it and watching Wayne explain to the press and his customer how the prototype was stolen." she says the name Wayne with obvious venom and hatred.

"Would it be too much to ask if either of you have a plan for getting the prototype out of the building?"

Voda Vosa

First Post

Einar locates a nurse and asks her politedly to xerox the celtic text. After that is done, the old viking goes to Aleera's office. The woman is obviously busy, as she doesn't even raise his sight from the papers she's reading. As Einar asks her about using a "magic box", she waves her hand at him. "Of course of course."
Authorized, Einar sits parsimoniously in front of the machine, and begins to search the web for stuff. Somehow the magic box was so helpful that Einar thought it was a gift from Odin or something! After hours of research, he finds that Sontehenge, as he thought, would be perfect for the ritual, there are tons of places used by the celtic druids in the near vicinity. The other stuff was easy to get. However, Einar finds no clue about the celtic text. Could it be older? The viking found about the Hallstatt, an ancient people from even before Einar's kind was conceived by the gods.
Another striking news the viking found surfing was that Wayne Inc was victim of a sabotage last night, apparently three renown super villains broke in and stole a dangerous prototype. The cameras identified the intruders as Lady Grey, Hybrid and Fist of Khonsu.
Searching their names brings some information about them, that Einar is quick to learn. Perhaps if these guys sneaked inside Wayne Enterprises, they could get him out of Arkham.

Meanwhile in the roof of Wayne Enterprises

The newly formed and tense alliance put hands to work. Grey's sharp eyes spotted a small window, with view to the prototype sealed room. It was all that Shane needed. Using the paths of Khonsu, The Fist teleported the trio inside.
With caution Lady Gray identified the laser alarms surrounding the prototype. It would need an incredible feat of acrobatics to reach the prototype room sealed door. After that, someone would have to open the door, either by messing with the security panel, or with raw strength. If the second is the choice, the group knows that alarms will sound inevitable, bringing the guards, which didn't mind much. But it could draw the attention of some dangerous supers. What lies beyond the sealed door is a mystery

OOC: So, you are inside!
-DC 30 Acrobatics will move you to the door. Of course Shane can teleport there, but bringing the entire crew at once would require more time, and there are surely some patrols inside the building.
-DC 30 disable device would get you through the door without sounding the alarm.
-A strength check of 25 would rip the doors open, sounding the alarm.

Walking Dad

First Post

"I could make me flat like a sheet of paper and crawl below the lasers. But I can open the door only by ripping it apart, so I wouldn't need to bother with the laser-alarm. I take you are better burglars? Have some knowledge how to open the door without alarming everyone?"
Hybrid says, obvious eager to take the direct approach if the others have no great idea.



Tactic would be shifting 6 points from Impervious to get Insubstantial 1 (flat but retaining basic humanoid shape) and slithering (super-movement).

Shapeshift (25 PP):
9 Impervious
3 Super-senses (Darkvision, Infravision)
1 Concealment (Visual, Blending)
9 Life Support
2 Immune (Critical Hits)


Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Einar would smile upon seeing such obvious sign of good fate. Point is, that with his spirit sundered he couldn't care less. And he knew that even death would be better, yes he shall repay the Sorceress. By the same coin, he'll strip her of her powers so she would taste her own medicine. Making mental note, Einar did his best to remeber the Hallstatt people. He patted the modern oracle-device called G00gle with text "Experts on Hallstatt people". The trio of obviously cooperating warriors raiding the hold of Wayne Ent. brought shadow of a smile upon his lips.

This might be worth checking, let's leave them messages ... the hybrid would be the most troublesome to contact. Maybe runes would tell me how. Ninja woman ... perhaps she is from Japan, if so Kanji message should work. And this Konsu guy ... perhaps message in the newspaper would reach him.

Quickly he wrote [MENTION=40943]mes[/MENTION]sage to the newspaper "Gotham Daily Courier", knowing that the two humans among the three raiders would most likely read about their raid. He asked them to put on picture containing japanese text and short message in english. Both meant the same when translated to respective languages:

"Very impressive raid You had there, I represent interest in the prototype ... and perhaps cooperation in covering it up. Give contact phone number in the next "Gotham Daily Courier" with the symbol of the wolf if You agree."

Then he wrote remaining chores connected with the ritual. G00gle was truly a blessing.

OOC: About that, Einar checks if there is bear fat for sale.
1) Or the candles made from bear fat in magic accesory stores.
2) When the next moon-time is good ?
3) Conveniently placed druidic stone circle, properly consecrated ... of course.
4) Are the ritual herbs on sale ? Or he have to prepare them properly (Like cutting them with golden sicle while intoning prayers etc.)
5) Find some academic expert on Hallstatt people and preferably linguist. So Einar could find someone capable of proper spelling. Noone wants to become were-hamster !
6) Buy present for Aleen. Plus some sweets. He knows that his relative freedom within the facility is only thanks to her.

By the way, I need details about wich minor spells contained this book Einar bought on E@bay. I don't have time to research spell to contact Hybrid.
Last edited:


Lady Grey

Lady Grey examined the laser set up for a moment. She considered taking on the challenge of getting through the laser 'net' but realized that even if she were successful, she would still have to either rip the door off or disable the alarm system, neither of which she was equipped to do.

"I may be able to get past the lasers but I do not have either the strength, or the skill, to get past the door. I am unconcerned with any guards we may encounter. They can be easily dealt with. I am more concerned with the Batman showing up."

Walking Dad

First Post

Hybrid looks at the teleporting villain: "Good idea or smash? How far could you transport us after we got the prototype?"



Shapeshift (25 PP):
9 Impervious
3 Super-senses (Darkvision, Infravision)
1 Concealment (Visual, Blending)
9 Life Support
2 Immune (Critical Hits)


Voidrunner's Codex

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