"Necessary Evil" IC

Walking Dad

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Siren takes her time trying to escape her bonds. She has to be careful as she will not be able to access her powers until completely free.
Just as she manages to wriggle her left hand free, the M'buna flies suddenly into the air! It flips end over end, sending you tumbling into the other captives (you are bound with your hands and feet, but not bound to the seats). The world is a jumble of color and cursing before you all finally come to rest. The M'buna is ripped wide open and you see blood and smoke everywhere. A massive explosion rocks the wreck, killing the Fin guards as they stagger forth.
You’re stunned, trying to gather your senses, but the nullifiers keep you mostly weak and useless.
Then a familiar figure strides through the smoke holding. There can be no mistaking the famous form of Earth’s most powerful supervillain — Dr. Destruction!
"You want to live?" Destruction asks.
Dr. Destruction is this settings variant of Dr. Doom. Or most closely Lex Luthor in Power Armor, for the DC folks. He is known to lead the supers resistance versus the aliens, known as "Omega".


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"Of course! 'Ow else am I gonna get them Fins offa this rock? Messin' up my plans...." Gemini replies, his faked Australian accent slipping just a bit, once the vertigo (and possible concussion) stops and Siren removes her heel from is now-bruised face.


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The Sorceress looks at the man in his shiny suit of armor, wondering if he really wants to hear an answer or just asked a rhetorical question to be all dramatic and such. She decides, that it is probably the latter, but feels like giving him his answer nonetheless. At the very least, it's a small step closer to getting rid of those nullifiers.

“Simple questions require simple answers. So, yes, I do.”


Siren spends a moment laying on the ground after the explosion, before pushing herself off the Australian and tossing the Nullifiers she'd finally managed to get free of. "I Was wondering how long it would take you. You could have waited another moment for me to finish freeing myself, but I suppose it doesn't matter." She bends down and begins working on the bonds around her ankles.


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"Absolutely. Can you get these things off of us? I'm a lot more useful without 'em," he says, holding up his null-cuffed hands.

Walking Dad

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... tossing the Nullifiers she'd finally managed to get free of... She bends down and begins working on the bonds around her ankles.
Removing the ones on the feet will be a new check. And with a penalty if you want to do it in less than 5 minutes.

Just waiting for [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION] to check in :)


OOC: Sorry, Finally getting a chance to update everything today after my trip.

Octavia was somehow knocked unconscious. After making a menace of herself practicing guerrilla warfare, someone must have figured out a way to capture her by surprise. That was not an easy thing to accomplish, but now that she is caught and awake, she quietly looks around at her situation and starts plotting her escape. Her thoughts of revenge will just have to wait.

Her wings have dematerialized and she looks only like a slender woman in dark skin-tight clothing. Her long black hair has escaped its bindings, falling both down the back and covering most of her face with the disheveled strands. Her dark eyes peer out through the gaps as she examines her fellow captives.

Then chaos ensues and Octavia tries to escape her bonds, not wanting this powered armored drekhead that just arrived to catch her completely at his mercy. But the added jostling of their transport has made things difficult.

She replies in a quiet voice, "Aye. Life is preferred."

Escape Artist (1d20+18=20)
[sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +13 Def: +10 (2 ff) Tough: +10 (6 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +15 Will: +12 CMD: 27
Attack: Ring: +12 CMB: +2
Hero Points: 1 + 3 (for Inspire)
Health: Excellent specimen of female sexuality
Diplomacy: +13; Escape Artist: +18;
Notice: +18; Sense Motive: +14 Stealth: +20; [/sblock]___________________________________________
Fallen Angel

Walking Dad

First Post
"I will take this as a yes from everyone... including him." Destruction points at the unconscious shape of Helis the Destroyer.
"Come, we have not much time before reinforcements will arrive!"

You are yanked up out of the carnage and shoved roughly into the smoke. A number of green-suited masked minions quickly escort you — still bound by the nullifiers (at least at the feet ;)) — into a waiting Anti-grav personal carrier.
Destruction’s minions zip several miles north.
On the way, the villain explains himself while his minions slap small lumps of clay and tiny receivers onto each villain’s nullifier manacles (reactivating Siren's).

"You might think I rescued you because I'm in awe of your amazing powers. You’d be wrong. You can all be cut into flank steaks on a V'sori examination table for all I care.
No, I rescued you for two reasons.
The first is because it draws the fins away from my real target.
The second is because I can always use a new Omega cell. If you want in, and can prove yourself to me tonight, you’re in. If you’re not interested…well, let’s just say you will be."

At that, Dr. Destruction slams a button on the wall. The back hatch opens, and each of you plummets out of the carrier and into the darkness below.

"You've got precious few seconds before you hit the ground. Since I’ve touched each of you, I can now communicate telepathically at the speed of thought.
One of your few seconds will be gone by the time I finish my offer. I suggest you think fast.

There’s a prisoner in the holding pens named Mindjack. You might have heard of him — he pulled the Amij Diamond job last summer. He’s in there somewhere, and I want him. If you agree to break him out and bring him to the center of the camp ALIVE — I’ll bust open your nullifiers so you can survive the fall.
If you tell me to go stuff myself, I can only say that I hope you hit a Fin on your way down.

Find Mindjack, bring him to the center of camp. I’ll pick those who survive up after I deal with any remaining V’sori that fly in.
It won’t end there though. I can find you wherever you go now. I can help you and show you how we can defeat the invaders who took over our playground, or I can point you out to them like wounded prey to a hound.
It’s your choice.

You have 7 seconds.

Oh, and please catch the ones that agree, but not able to survive the drop..."



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“Waaaaah! Yes, yes, do it!”

Hopefully someone will be able to slow the fall...

OOC: With Extra Effort, my Teleport Power would be helpful; it needs the Change Velocity feat. Maybe the Telekinesis could help someone else...
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Did 'I want to live' confuse you before? Yes, for chrissakes! Brick thinks as soon as the supervillain stops monologuing. He looks for the nullifiers to disengage, and tries to reach out for anyone close enough to grab that he can shield from the fall with his own toughened form.

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