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"Necessary Evil" IC


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OOC: Okies! Good to know, that it works both ways. :)

“There is no point in waiting, right? So, let's go!”

Making sure her defensive powers are active (Energy Shield and Frozen Armor), the Sorceress is ready to begin the assault (stealth wouldn't really work, anymore, at this point).

“I'm glad I memorized a spot in the sewers that is not in the immediate vincinity to our destination, that way, even if they manage to follow us somehow, they shouldn't be able to know where we were heading. We should make sure, that we do not leave too much of a trail, when we get there, though.”

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Ben O'hare, aka Brick

Brick smiles.

"Breaking things is what I'm built for," the broad-shouldered redhead says. When everyone's ready, he has Gemini point him toward the spot on the roof that should land them closest to the supplies, then raises both fists in the air, ready to bust through.

OOC: I'm assuming there isn't any kind of skylight. Also assuming I don't need to make an attack roll against the whole roof, so Ben would go ahead and apply his All-out Attack / Power Attack combo to bump his damage to DC 30, hoping to bust through the roof with the first attack.

Voda Vosa

First Post
After Brick made a hole in the ceiling, Helis shouted. "Into the breach! Today we bask in the glory of victory and destruction!" and he leaps into the building, girthing teeth and ready to kill!

Walking Dad

First Post
Surprise round (begin)

The heroes/villains give the 3 drones and 2 K'tharen inside a hell of a surprise!

The warehouse has a concrete floor, metal walls and ceiling and is only sparely lighted lighted by bluish fluorescent lights. Wooden and metal crates make the interior like some sort of labyrinth... all but the center, where brick lands and the alien invaders look quite surprised.


The dim light gives everyone concealment (unless negated by special senses, etc)

No HP refresh yet. We assume Siren does work on something else, because Jemal cannot post at the moment.


(Status in brackets is before spending HPs for re-rolls, etc)

Brick -
Gemini (Helis) -
Gemini (Sorceress) -
Sorceress -
Helis - (used 1 HP)

K'tharen 1 -
K'tharen 2 -
5 drones (2 are outside) -

PCs up! Please roll initiative with your surprise action post!


First Post

Gemini begins chanting and gesturing as soon as Brick jumps down into the warehouse. He steps over by the edge of the new hole in the roof and sends a magical Fire Bolt hurtling down at one of the alien guards inside!

At the same time, Gemini's 'brother' steps over to the edge wearing his replica Heracles Armor, materializing his own Toxotes in emulation of Helis, and launches it at the same target as his 'brother'! Then Gemini-Helis hops down beside Brick, trying to land out of Brick's way.

[sblock=ooc]"Magic" Gemini casts a Fire Bolt at the first K'tharen he can see through the hole brick made, or a drone in there if he cannot see any K'tharen yet from up on the roof. The "Hoplite" Gemini Duplicate launches a Toxotes attack at the same target before jumping down beside Brick.

Sorceress powers copied (Gemini):
"Energy Shield" Force Field 8 (flaw: Full Action, drawback: Power Loss without proper gestures and incantations to cast, 1pp),
Array 4 (power feat: Alternate Power 1, drawback: Power Loss as above, 1st configuration is "Teleport" Teleport 3 with Change Direction and Turnabout power feats plus the Accurate extra but also the Short-Range flaw, 2nd configuration is "Town Portal" Teleport 8 with Portal extra and Action: Standard flaw and Anchor/Single Place flaw and Long-Range flaw, 8pp),
Magic 8 (power feat: Alternate Power 8, drawback: Power Loss as above, 1st configuration is "Frozen Armor" Snare 4 with the Aura and Duration: Sustained and Independent and Total Fade extras but the Action: Full and Range: Touch flaws, 2nd configuration is "Glacial Spike" Blast 4 with the Range: Perception and Linked extras but the Action: Full flaw and it is linked to "Turn to Ice" Petrification 8 with the Range: Perception and Linked extras but the Action: Full and Duration: Instant/Lasting flaw, 3rd configuration is "Frozen Orb" Blast 5 with the Area: Cone/General and Linked extras but the Action: Full flaw and it is linked to "Freeze" Snare 5 with the Area: Cone/General and Linked extras but the Action: Full and Entangle flaws, 4th configuration is "Blizzard" Blast 5 with the Indirect 1 and Progression: Cloud Duration 1 power feats and the Area: Cloud/General and Linked extras but the Action: Full flaw and the Full Power and Reduced Range 1 drawbacks and it is linked to "Freeze" Snare 5 with the Indirect 1 and Progression: Cloud Duration 1 power feats and the Area: Cloud/General and Linked extras but the Action: Full and Entangle flaws and the Full Power and Reduced Range 1 drawbacks, 5th configuration is "Chain Lightning" Blast 5 with the Indirect 1 power feat and the Area: Burst/General extra, 6th configuration is "Fire Bolt" Blast 7 with the Accurate 2 power feat, 7th configuration is "Fire Ball" Blast 5 with the Indirect 1 power feat and the Area: Explosion/General extra, 8th configuration is "Fire Wall" Blast 4 with the Indirect 2 and Slow Fade 1 power feats and the Area: Line/General and Duration: Sustained and Independent extras but the Action: Full flaw and the Full Power and Reduced Range 2 drawbacks, 9th configuration is "Telekinesis" Telekinesis 5 with the Subtle 1 power feat and the Damaging and Range: Perception extras but the Duration: Concentration flaw, 23pp)

Helis powers copied (Gemini's Duplicate):
Weapon Master Array (Hypastes - Strike 8 with Penetrating and Autofire 1 and PF: Split attack 2 and PF: Alternate Power 2, 28 pp; AP Phyla - Strike 8 with Penetrating and Secondary Effect and PF: Thrown and PF: Reach 1; AP Toxotes - Blast 8 with Autofire 1 and PF: Precise and PF: Improved Range 1)
Heracles Armor (Hard to lose, Device 3, 12 pp, Protection 3, Shield 4, Immunity 2 - critical hits, Enhanced Strength 4, and Super Strength 1 with PF: Shockwave).[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
As Helis drops to the ground, he throws his golden spear towards one of the K'tharen, and then materializes his Hypastes and approaches the enemy, to continue the onslaught.
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First Post

The Sorceress looks down into the warehouse. Figuring, that they do not want to damage the goods, she decides for a more surgical strike against the guards standing between them and their target.

Her spell releases a burst of lightning that bounces between their enemies on the ground.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Chain Lightning on the 5 targets in the warehouse (Toughness DC 25; reduced to DC 20 with a successful Reflex DC 20)[/SBLOCK]

OOC: Siren can stay on guard, in order to warn us if more enemies approach.
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First Post
Ben O'hare, aka Brick

Brick takes a second to right himself, then smiles at the surprised aliens. He braces himself, then slams his hands together, sending a shockwave out toward the densest collection of targets.

OOC: Shockwave cone, 100 feet at its widest (10 x str bonus). DC 20 Reflex to halve damage. Description says it inflicts physical damage "equal to your Strength bonus." I think that means they also make a DC 25 toughness save?

Initiative (1d20+2=8)

Walking Dad

First Post
Surprise round

Gemini begins chanting and gesturing as soon as Brick jumps down into the warehouse. He steps over by the edge of the new hole in the roof and sends a magical Fire Bolt hurtling down at one of the alien guards inside!
At the same time, Gemini's 'brother' steps over to the edge wearing his replica Heracles Armor, materializing his own Toxotes in emulation of Helis, and launches it at the same target as his 'brother'! Then Gemini-Helis hops down beside Brick, trying to land out of Brick's way.
As Helis drops to the ground, he throws his golden spear towards one of the K'tharen, and then materializes his Hypastes and approaches the enemy, to continue the onslaught.
The Sorceress looks down into the warehouse. Figuring, that they do not want to damage the goods, she decides for a more surgical strike against the guards standing between them and their target.
Her spell releases a burst of lightning that bounces between their enemies on the ground.
Brick takes a second to right himself, then smiles at the surprised aliens. He braces himself, then slams his hands together, sending a shockwave out toward the densest collection of targets.

After the 'smoke' clears and many crates are smashed by Brick's shockwave, only one shark-like alien is still standing...


Drone Initiative, K'tharen Initiative (1d20+3=15, 1d20+6=10)
K'tharen Toughness vs Firebolt (DC 22) (1d20+9=26)
K'tharen Toughness vs Phyla (DC 25) (1d20+9=27)
K'tharen/Drone reflex vs Chain Lightning (DC 20) (1d20+8=28, 1d20+8=10, 1d20+7=9, 1d20+7=9, 1d20+7=18)
K'tharen/Drone toughness vs Chain Lightning (DC 25) (1d20+9=22, 1d20+9=28, 1d20+7=25, 1d20+7=22, 1d20+7=19)
K'tharen/Drone reflex vs Shockwave (DC 25) (1d20+8=11, 1d20+8=11, 1d20+7=12)
K'tharen/Drone toughness vs Shockwave (DC 25) (1d20+9=23, 1d20+9=12, 1d20+7=20)


(Status in brackets is before spending HPs for re-rolls, etc)

Brick -
Gemini (Helis) -
Gemini (Sorceress) -
Sorceress -
Helis - (used 1 HP)

K'tharen 1 - 1 bruised
K'tharen 2 - out, damage next round from phyla
2 drones outside -

Gemini and Helis up, then aliens!

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Now thy taste the fury of the gods!" Helis claims, as he swings his sword at the shark like alien. His sword bounces off the scales of the creatures. "Demon! You'll not escape your destiny again! I'll have thy head in a pike!"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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