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The Wayfinders: 6 Years Running


First Post
Employed by House Tharask, the group accepts a contract to investigate a missing member of the House.

Of Rats and Men - While celebrating their graduation from the Wayfinders, the group is in a tavern when it is robbed. After pursuing the thief into the sewers they manage to defeat her and the rats she was using as protection. The stolen money was returned to the tavern in time for them to make it to the airship.

Act I

Noble Qui ap'Gwyddi's Report:
Reading the lengthly report, you glean the following information.
Brother Ouillie led a small expedition of hired mercenaries to an island called Tempest Isle. He reported in several times on his progress using animal messanger spells. His last reports indicated he had located a dragonshard and was going to transport it to Cliffscrape via the mercenary's ship, "Red Waters", captained by a half-orc named L'mar. The ship sailed from the eastern side of Tempest and was to pass between Tempest and Traglorn isles on its way to Cliffscrape. There were no more reports after they departed Tempest Isle. According to informants in Cliffscrape the ship was overtaken by pirates and presumed sunk. Unverified rumors point to Prince Mika's Cloudreavers as the pirate group responsible for the attack.

The Report from Ceidan of House Tharask in Lhazaar Principalities:
The report he handed you contains numerous pages of notes. Most are signed by someone named Brother Ouillie, the man who was transporting the dragonshards. From his notes you learn that he was searching for Siberys dragonshards, a very rare type of crystal that falls from the sky. Some parts of his report have been blacked out and from what you can tell the missing text relates to a deposit he. The last half of the report is full of short notes written in anothers handwriting. Apparently Brother Ouillie was using magical means to send updates on his mission to the House. The last note says that he was leaving aboard a small merchant ship bound for Cliffscrape with a large sample. The last report goes into detail about how the merchant ship never made it to port. Inquiries at every other port within a weeks travel indicates that the ship never made landfall. The author speculates that the ship was lost at sea due to piracy, as there was no bad weather in that region when the ship disappeared.

The new Wayfinders journey from Aundair to Lhazaar Principalities via airship. On the journey there they investigate a series of Shifter murders and discover that a paladin of the Silver Flame was behind it all. He considered them Lycanthropes and was on a personal mission to purge them from the world. They managed to take him alive and turned him over to the authorities in the next town.

Act II
The party makes their way to the city of Cliffscrape where they begin searching for information on Brother Oallies ship. They discover some info from the captain of a ship that bought the warehouse formerlly owned by Brother Oallies captain. While in town a pair of assassins try to kill the group while they were asleep, managing to kill Jaron (on of your classmates) in the process. Later a painting purchased by Whisper turns out to be a minor magical object that depicts the battle between two ships. It ends with a rough map of the ocean indicating where the battle happened. Hiring a ship the group set out for the coordinates on the map using Midian's companion to search the ocean depths. Soon the ship is located and you arrange to dive down with water breathing spells and search the ship. The dead sailors did not rest peacefully and attacked during the search. With luck you were able to recover a chest containing powerful crystal shards that had trapped some evil essence inside them. You were also able to recover Oallie's journal and learned of his adventures. He had traveled to Tempest Isle and discovered a vein of valuable siberys shards. While there he discovered a mining settlement extracting massive bones from the earth. They were attacked by its guards but managed to kill one of the skeletal creatures. It was some sort of fossilized monster powered by an evil eberron shard in the chest. He took a sample of it and fled to his ship, but the mining camp sent pirate ships after them and the ship was sunk. After battling a pirate ship of their own, the group makes it back to Cliffscrape.

The party lands on Tempest Isle and seeks out the source of the strange shards. While on the island they encounter strange and powerful undead who have been preying on the natives. They encounter a local named Kraken who helps guide them deep into the inner crater of the island. They discover a large encampment where the undead are being created. After destroying several of them they find that the undead are being powered by dragonshards that have trapped the spirits of fiends. Meanwhile, spies in their midst have been sending signals to the others alerting them to the presence of the party. An ex-druid/blighter named Kresh is hard at work at the encampment ressurecting a fossilized dragon skeleton and infusing it with the spirit of a greater demon. The horrific abomination will rain destruction down on everything in its path unless they find a way to stop it.

Act IV
The undead dragon was activated but the party managed to kill the 4 segments and most of the cultists before it could break free. The survivors fled across the jungle to the ships. The party returned to their own ship and sailed around the island until they found the harbor. Once there they snuck on board and killed off the pirates, the captain, the last cultist, and the Horror of the Black Depths.
After looting the sinking ship they return to their own ship the "Red Waters" and return to Cliffscrape. They give their detailed report to Creidan of House Tharask and are paid well for their services.

Character Creation Guidelines
We are using the Eberron setting with Pathfinder rules. Any official Paizo book is available for use. All pathfinder races are available. Eberron races are available but require conversion. Discuss it with me if you plan to make one of the other races.
Abilities - 25 point buy
HP - Max at 1st, max -2 for all other levels. For example a fighter with d10 hp would get 8hp when they level up.
Gold - Currently the party is 8th level and new characters should have about 33,000gp worth of equipment.

Character Posting Template

[B]Character Name:[/B] 
[B]Size: [/B] 
[B]Gender: [/B] 
[B]Alignment: [/B] 
[B]Deity: [/B] 

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 0 (1d00+0)
[B]Con:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]CMB:[/B] +0    
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]CMD:[/B] +10    
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 00'      
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0                 

[B]Stat Increases by Level[/B]
4th - 
8th - 
12th - 
16th - 

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    10
[B]Touch:[/B] 10              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 10

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      0    +0    +0    +0
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +0    +0    +0
[B]Will:[/B]                      0    +0    +0    +0 

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Melee                      +0     1d6+0       20x2
Ranged                     +0     1d6+0       20x2


[B]Race Abilities:[/B] 
Race : Ability
Human : +2 to () Ability
Human : Favored Class (): +1 HP
Human : +1 skill point per level

[B]Class Abilities:[/B] 
Fighter : Bravery +1
Fighter : Armor Training 1

Feat - Location - Description
Human 1 - 
Level 1 - 
Class 1 - 

[B]Future Feats[/B]
Level 3 - 
Level 5 - 
Level 7 - 
Level 9 - 
Level 11 - 
Level 13 - 
Level 15 - 
Level 17 - 
Level 19 - 

[B]Spells Prepared/Known[/B]

0st Level / DC10 3 Day : 
1st Level / DC11 1 Day : 
2nd Level / DC12 0 Day : 
3rd Level / DC13 0 Day : 
4th Level / DC14 0 Day : 
5th Level / DC15 0 Day : 
6th Level / DC16 0 Day : 
7th Level / DC17 0 Day : 
8th Level / DC18 0 Day : 
9th Level / DC19 0 Day : 

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 03        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                  0    +0     +0   +0
Appraise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Bluff                       0    +0     +0   +0
Climb                       0    +0     +0   +0
Craft                       0    +0     +0   +0
Diplomacy                   0    +0     +0   +0
Disable Device              0    +0     +0   +0
Disguise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Escape Artist               0    +0     +0   +0
Fly                         0    +0     +0   +0
Handle Animal               0    +0     +0   +0
Heal                        0    +0     +0   +0
Intimidate                  0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (arcana)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)   0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (engineering)     0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (geography)       0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (history)         0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (local)           0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nature)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nobility)        0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (planes)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (religion)        0    +0     +0   +0
Linguistics                 0    +0     +0   +0
Perception                  0    +0     +0   +0
Perform                     0    +0     +0   +0
Profession                  0    +0     +0   +0
Ride                        0    +0     +0   +0
Sense Motive                0    +0     +0   +0
Sleight of Hand             0    +0     +0   +0
Spellcraft                  0    +0     +0   +0
Stealth                     0    +0     +0   +0
Survival                    0    +0     +0   +0
Swim                        0    +0     +0   +0
Use Magic Device            0    +0     +0   +0

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Bedroll                        1sp  1.25lb
Silk Rope                     10gp     5lb
Sunrod x3                      6gp     3lb
Explorers Outfit	       
[B]Total Weight:[/B]00.0lb      [B]Money:[/B] 00gp 0sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]              00.00  00-00  00-00  000   000

[B]Age:[/B] 00
[B]Height:[/B] 0'00"
[B]Weight:[/B] 000lb


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Dr Simon

[B]Character Name:[/B] Kraken (Thom Buchanan)
[B]Class:[/B] Barbarian/Cleric
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size: [/B] Medium
[B]Gender: [/B] M
[B]Alignment: [/B] CN
[B]Deity: Animism (although probably The Traveller)[/B] 

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (05p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 4/4        
[B]Dex:[/B] 15 +2 (05p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +7         [B]HP:[/B] 82 (4d12+4d8+16)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (05p.)     [B]CMB:[/B] +10    
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]CMD:[/B] 22    
[B]Wis:[/B] 15 +2 (05p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 40 ft. (45 ft. when frenzied)      
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (05p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +6                 

[B]Stat Increases by Level[/B]
4th - Dex +1
8th -  Wis +1

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +4    +2    +0    +0    +0    +0    16
[B]Touch:[/B] 12              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      8    +2    +0    +10
[B]Ref:[/B]                       2    +2    (+2)    +4 (+6 frenzy)
[B]Will:[/B]                      5    +2    +0    +7

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
+2 Furious falchion     +12/+7     2d4+6       18-20/x2
Frenzied Falchion        +14/+14/+9  2d4+11  18-20/x2
Light crossbow           +11     1d8       19-20/x2     80 ft.
Dagger (melee)          +10/+5     1d4+3      19-20/x2 
Dagger (frenzy)          +10/+10/+5  1d4+5 19-20/x2
Dagger (thrown)          +9              1d4+3     19-20/x2  10 ft.


[B]Race Abilities:[/B] 
Human : +2 to Strength
Human : Favored Class Barbarian: +1 HP
Human : +1 skill point per level

[B]Class Abilities:[/B] 
Cleric : Destruction (Catastrophe) Domain, Weather Domain
Aura of Chaos
Channel Positive Energy - 5/day, 2d6 damage, 30 ft, Will DC 14 for half.
Destructive Smite - 5/day, +2 morale bonus to attack
Spontaneous cure spells
Storm Burst - 5/day, +9 touch vs. one creature, 30 ft., 1d6+2 nonlethal and target at -2 attack for 1 round.

Barbarian : 
Fast Movement
Rage (Frenzy): 12 rounds
Uncanny Dodge - not flat-footed, keep Dex bonus vs. invisible foes.
Trap Sense +1
Rage Power - Swift Foot (+5 ft. move when frenzied)
Rage Power - Lesser Elemental Rage - swift action 1/rage, cause 1d6 energy damage.

Human 1 - Heroic Spirit (+3 action points)
Level 1 - Improved Initiative (+4 init)
Level 3 - Raging Luck (1 extra action point when raging)
Level 5 - Ferocious Tenacity (expend rounds of rage to reduce killing damage by 2 per point)
Level 7 - Channel Smite (expend channel energy through melee strike)

[B]Future Feats[/B]
Level 9 - 

[B]Spells Prepared/Known[/B]

0th Level / DC12 (4 Day): detect magic, guidance, light, stabilise
1st Level / DC13 (4+1 Day) : bless, compel hostility, remove fear, shield of faith, true strike*
2nd Level / DC14 (3+1 Day) : ancestral communion, bull's strength, fog cloud*, grace

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 03        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                  4    +2     +3   +9
Appraise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Bluff                       0    +0     +0   +0
Climb                       0    +0     +0   +0
Craft (trapmaking)      3    +0     +3   +6
Diplomacy                   0    +0     +0   +0
Disable Device              0    +0     +0   +0
Disguise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Escape Artist               0    +0     +0   +0
Fly                         0    +0     +0   +0
Handle Animal               2    +2     +3   +7
Heal                        3    +2     +3   +8
Intimidate                  0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (arcana)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)   0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (engineering)     0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (geography)       0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (history)         0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (local)           0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nature)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nobility)        0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (planes)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (religion)        0    +0     +0   +0
Linguistics                 0    +0     +0   +0
Perception                  2    +2     +3   +7
Perform                     0    +0     +0   +0
Profession                  0    +0     +0   +0
Ride                        0    +0     +0   +0
Sense Motive                0    +0     +0   +0
Sleight of Hand             0    +0     +0   +0
Spellcraft                  4    +0     +3   +0
Stealth                     0    +0     +0   +0
Survival                    4    +2     +3   +9
Swim                        2    +3     +3   +8
Use Magic Device            0    +0     +0   +0

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
+2 Furious falchion       18075gp 8lbs
+2 leather armour          4010gp  15lbs   
+2 light crossbow              8035gp  4lbs
20x bolts                         2gp 2lbs
9x thunderstones          270gp    9lbs
5x vials antitoxin          250gp   -
bag of caltrops               1gp    2lbs
dagger                          2gp 1lb
Bedroll                        1sp  5lb
Firemaker                     1gp    -
Billycans                      1gp   5lbs  
Explorers Outfit	       
[B]Total Weight:[/B]51.0lb      [B]Money:[/B] 2352gp 9sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]              76  77-153  154-230  460   1150

[B]Age:[/B] 32
[B]Height:[/B] 6'02"
[B]Weight:[/B] 200lb
[B]Eyes: Green-grey[/B] 
[B]Hair: Light brown, sunbleached[/B] 
[B]Skin: Weathered[/B]

I was just a snip of an ankle-biter, wee Thom Buchanon, a deckhand on board the Princess of Tides, when the storm claimed me for its own. Forty three good men and true... well, scumbags, larrikins and pirates mainly but they were my only family, eh? Forty three men perished in that storm, and only I survived, washed up on the aptly-name Tempest Isle by the winds of chance.

I had a thingy in that storm, as I clung to the last floating bit of the Princess and was dashed by the waves. A... what did old Maskin call it? An epififanny. A vision. A message from the gods. The storm had chosen me as its prophet. I was a good while recovering once I'd been washed up, and I don't rightly recall much of it, eh? My new family, as they became, took me in, fed me, healed me with native medicine. When I finally got back on my feet I found I could channel the fury of the storm. I became a warrior, defending my new family against monsters and enemies. The tribal shaman taught me how to contact the spirits - he said that I was closer to them than others having been near to the Veil of Death and returning to tell the tale. He gave me my sword and my armour and my new name - Kraken, the great beast of the stormy seas.

So then the spirits brought a bunch of new folk to Tempest Isle and together we drove of the scumbags who were raising walking deadfellas and wulgaru demons, and digging up magic crystals to do it. After kicking their sorry backsides off the island, it was time to go myself. Tempest Isle didn't need the Kraken any more to defend her, and after nearly twenty years it was time for me to return to civilisation. Jiggered if in the meantime they hadn't blown it up, some kind of "Last War" as they called it. So now we're helping to put things right, sort of, and I'm trying to be Thom and not Kraken, only there always seems to be some mongrel who needs the living daylights kicking out of them, eh?
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First Post
Character Name: Whisper
Class: Sorceror
Race: Changeling
Size: Medium
Gender: Female (Usually)
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: ?

Str: 10 +0 (00p.)     Level: 8        
Dex: 14 +2 (05p.)     BAB: +4         HP: 50 (8d6+16)
Con: 14 +2 (05p.)     CMB: +4    
Int: 14 +2 (05p.)     CMD: 16    
Wis: 10 +0 (00p.)     Speed: 30'      
Cha: 22 +6 (10p.)     Init: +2                 

Stat Increases by Level
4th - Charisma
8th - Charisma
12th - 
16th - 

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +4    +0    +2    +0    +0    +1    17
Touch: 13              Flatfooted: 15

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      2    +2    +2    +6
Ref:                       2    +2    +2    +6
Will:                      6    +1    +2    +9 

Weapon                           Attack   Damage     Critical
Generic Melee                      +4     1d3+0       20x2
Generic Ranged                     +6     1d8+0       20x2

Race Abilities: 
+2 to any stat
Shapechanger subtype
+2 to save vs sleep and charm effects
+2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive
Natural Linguist - Linguistics is always a class skill
Minor Shapechange (Su) - Change appearance as per Disguise Self, only changes are real, and do not affect clothing.

Class Abilities: 
Bonus Feat: Eschew Materials
Bloodline: Rakshasa (meant to be 'doppelganger;' closest rules-analogue)
Bloodline Arcana: +1/2 Sorc lvl to DC for identifying spells cast with Spellcraft
Bloodline Spells: Charm Person, Invisibility, Suggestion
Bloodline Feats: Empower Spell
Bloodline Powers:
 - Silver Tongue (Su): +5 Bluff and chance to defeat truth-enforcing magic 7/day
 - Arcane Bond (Su) (Eldritch Heritage Feat, -2 effective level): Familiar (as wizard)
 - Mind Reading (Sp): As Detect Thoughts but lasts 1 rnd; results as if 3 rnds, single target, 2/day

Feat - Location - Description
Level 1 - Skill Focus: Knowledge Local
Class 1 - Eschew Materials
Level 3 - Eldritch Heritage: Arcane
Level 5 - Spell Focus: Transmutation
Level 7 - Tenacious Transmutation
Class 7 - Empower Spell

Future Feats
Level 9 - Improved Familiar
Level 11 - Heighten Spell

Spells Prepared/Known (Base DC 16+lvl)
0st Level / DC16 : Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Message, Read Magic
1st Level / DC17 6 Day : Magic Missile, Shield, Enlarge Person, Charm Person, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil
2nd Level / DC18 6 Day : Invisibility, Glitterdust, Alter Self, Pilfering Hand
3rd Level / DC19 5 Day : Suggestion, Protection from Energy, Fireball
4th Level / DC20 3 Day : Monstrous Physique II

Skill Points: 40        
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Acrobatics                  0    +0     +0   +0
Appraise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Bluff                       8    +6     +5   +19
Climb                       0    +0     +0   +0
Craft                       0    +0     +0   +0
Diplomacy                   0    +4     +2   +6
Disable Device              0    +0     +0   +0
Disguise                    3    +4     +3   +10 (+20 w/minor shapeshifting)
Escape Artist               0    +0     +0   +0
Fly                         0    +0     +0   +0
Handle Animal               0    +0     +0   +0
Heal                        0    +0     +0   +0
Intimidate                  0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (arcana)          8    +2     +3   +13
Knowledge (dungeoneering)   0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (engineering)     0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (geography)       0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (history)         0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (local)           8    +2     +3   +16  (+3 from feat)
Knowledge (nature)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nobility)        0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (planes)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (religion)        0    +0     +0   +0
Linguistics                 2    +2     +3   +7
Perception                  0    +0     +0   +0
Perform                     0    +0     +0   +0
Profession                  0    +0     +0   +0
Ride                        0    +0     +0   +0
Sense Motive                0    +0     +0   +0
Sleight of Hand             0    +0     +0   +0
Spellcraft                  8    +2     +3   +13
Stealth                     0    +0     +0   +0
Survival                    0    +0     +0   +0
Swim                        0    +0     +0   +0
Use Magic Device            3    +4     +3   +10

Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Goblin, Draconic

Equipment:               Cost  Weight
Coin 10,322

Weapons - 
Dagger+1, +5 to hit, 1d4+1, 1lb, 1gp
Light Crossbow +6, 1d8, 4lbs, 35gp
Bolts (10) 1lb, 1gp

Armour -

Gear -
Backpack 2 2
Bedroll 5sp 5
Ink (1 oz. vial) 8 -
Inkpen 1sp -
Waterskin 1 4
Small steel mirror 10 .5
1 belt pouch 1 .5
scroll case 1 .5
6 sheets of paper 2.4 -

Magicka - 
Artificer's Monocle, 1500
Circlet of Cha +2, 4000
Vest of Resistance +2, 4000
Something of something +2, 4000
Ring of Protection +1, 2000
Dagger +1, 2301
Lesser crystal of returning (set in Dagger +1)
Vestment of Many Styles, 500

Total Value: 34383
Total Weight:00.0lb      Money: 00gp 0sp 0cp

                           Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:              00.00  00-00  00-00  000   000

Age: 00
Height: 0'00"
Weight: 000lb

[B]Description[/B]: Few have ever seen Whisper's true face, as even when she has relaxed into her natural shape, she kept masked. These days she simply stays in other forms all the time. Day to day, even hour to hour, she may change features or appearances, but always they are borrowed from some interesting passer-by, or invented whole cloth from her imagination. She is something of a connosieur of facial features, and while she favors female forms and appearances she is not above dabbling with particularly good looking or interesting male ones as well.

[B]Personality[/B]: True to her chosen name, Whisper is typically quiet when she speaks. She prefers listening to speaking, however, and believes in taking action only after assessment to choose the precise moment and manner of that action. Those who believe that means she is indecisive are mistaken however. When she percieves the time is right, she moves swiftly and surely.

[B]Minor Shapechange (Transmutation, Polymorph, Su)[/B]You make your body - but not clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment - look different. You can become 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in between. You cannot change your creature type (although you can appear as another subtype). Otherwise, the extent of the apparent change is up to you. You could add or obscure a minor feature or look like an entirely different person or gender. *You can assume the appearance of specific individuals.

The ability does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the chosen form, nor the appearance or properties of your equipment. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check.

* This clause is here because Polymorph effects are specifically noted as not being able to imitate specific appearances unless noted otherwise.
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Damage Inc.

First Post
[sblock=Dante Moar]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common
Deity: The Sovereign Host[/sblock]
STR: 22 (10 PB +2 Racial)(+1 lvl 4)(+1 lvl 8)(+2 Belt of Giant Strength)
DEX: 14 (5PB)
CON: 14 (5 PB)
INT: 10
WIS: 14 (5 PB)
CHA: 10[/sblock]
HP: 90 = [1d10=66] + 16 (CON) + 8 (Favored Class)
AC: 24 = 10 + 11 (+2 Mithral Full Plate) + 2 (DEX) + 1 (+1 RoP)
Touch: 13 = 10 + 2 (DEX) + 1 (+1 Ring of Protection)
Flatfooted: 00 = 10 + 11 (+2 Mithral Full Plate) + 1 (+1 RoP)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX)
BAB: +8/+3 = +8/+3 (Ranger)
CMB: +14 = +6 (STR) + 8 (BAB)
CMD: 26 = 10 + 6 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 8 (BAB)
Fort: +0 = +6 (Ranger) + 2 (CON) + 2 (+2 CoR)
Reflex: +0 = +6 (Ranger) + 2 (DEX) + 2 (+2 CoR
Will: +0 = +2 (Ranger) + 2 (WILL) +2 (+2 CoR)
Speed: 20' (30' Base)
Damage Reduction: 0
Spell Resistance: 0
Spell Failure: 25%[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
+1 Keen Falchion: +15/+10 = +8/+3 (Ranger) +6 (Str) +1 (Magic)/ 2d4+6(S), Crit 16-20x2

Mwk. Comp. Longbow (+6 Str): +10/+5 = +8/+3 (Ranger) +2 (Dex)/ 1d8+6(P), Crit 20x3

Mwk. Dagger: +15/+10 = +8/+3 (Ranger) +6 (Str) +1 (Mwk)/ 1d4+6(S), Crit 19-20x2
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 to One Ability: Humans get a +2 to one ability score.

Medium: Humans are medium creatures.

Normal Speed: Humans have a base land speed of 30'.

Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.

Heart of the Wilderness: Humans gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on Con checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Con score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them.[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Favored Enemy: A ranger gains a bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival cheks against the following: 1st: Humanoid(Goblinoid) +4, 2nd: Animal +2.

Track: A ranger adds 1/2 his level to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.

Wild Empathy: A ranger rolls a d20 + Cha to influence the attitude of animals and magical beasts with an intelligence of 1-2, with a -4 on the check.

Combat Style (Archery): A ranger selects a combat style which manifests in the form of feats. The ranger does not have to meet the prerequisites of these feats.

Endurance: A ranger gains Endurance as a bonus feat.

Favored Terrain: A ranger gains a bonus on Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks in the following: 1st: Forest +4, 2nd: Water (Surface and Below).

Hunter's Bond: A ranger forms a bond with either his companions or an animal. Once selected this bond can not be changeed.

Spells: A ranger gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells.

Woodland Stride: A ranger may move through any sort of undergrowth at his normal speed without taking damage or suffering other impairments.

Swift Tracker: A ranger can move at his normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal -5. He takes only -10 penalty when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Human Bonus Feat: Quick Draw: Draw weapon as a free action.

1st lvl: Power Attack: Trade melee attack bonus for damage bonus.

2nd lvl (CS): Point Blank Shot: +1 on ranged attacks and damage within 30'.

3rd lvl: Endurance: +4 bonus to avoid non-lethal damage.

3rd lvl: Cleave: Attack second target in reach if first attack hits.

5th lvl: Deadly Aim: Trade ranged attack bonus for damage bonus.

7th lvl: Heavy Armor Proficiency: Proficient with heavy armor.
Skill Ranks: 48 = [6 (Ranger) + 00 (INT)] x 08 (LvL)
Max Ranks: 11
ACP: -3

* = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
-02 =  Acrobatics          +02    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+00 =  Appraise            +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+00 =  Bluff               +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+09 =  Climb*              +06    +03   +3  +00   -3   STR
+00 =  Craft:_____*        +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+00 =  Diplomacy           +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Disguise            +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
-02 =  Escape Artist       +02    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
-02 =  Fly                 +02    +00   +0  +00   -3   DEX
+05 =  Handle Animal*      +00    +02   +3  +00        CHA
+09 =  Heal*               +02    +04   +3  +00        WIS
+00 =  Intimidate*         +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+08 =  Know:Dungeoneering* +00    +05   +3  +00        INT
+07 =  Know:Geography*     +00    +04   +3  +00        INT
+08 =  Know:Nature*        +00    +05   +3  +00        INT
+13 =  Perception*         +03    +08   +3  +00        WIS
+00 =  Perform:_____       +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Profession^:_____*  +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+03 =  Ride*               +02    +01   +3  +00   -3   DEX
+00 =  Sense Motive        +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+05 =  Spellcraft*         +00    +02   +3  +00        INT
+10 =  Stealth*            +02    +08   +3  +00   -3   DEX
+00 =  Survival*           +00    +00   +0  +00        WIS
+09 =  Swim*               +06    +03   +3  +00   -3   STR
Spells Per Day: 1st-2/2, 2nd-2/2

Entangle (1st lvl): Casting Time-1 SA, Components- V, S, DF, Range- 720', Area- 40' radius spread, Duration- 8 min, Saving Throw- Reflex (partial), Spell Resist- No

Longstrider (1st lvl): Casting Time- 1 SA, Components- V, S, M (pinch of dirt), Range- Personal, Targer- You, Duration- 8 hours

Cure Light Wounds (2nd lvl): Casting Time 1 SA, Components- V, S, Range- Touch, Target- Creature touched, Duration- Instant, Saving Throw- Will half (harmless), Spell Resist- Yes

Spike Growth (2nd lvl): Casting Time 1 SA, Compnents- V, S, DF, Range- 180', Area- 160' square, Duration- 8 hours, Saving Throw- Reflex (partial), Spell Resist- Yes[/sblock]
+2 Mithral Full Plate (14,500 gp, 25 lbs.)
+1 Keen Falchion (2,425 gp, 8 lbs.)
+1 Ring of Protection (2,000 gp, 0 lbs.)
+2 Cloak of Resistance (4,000 gp, 1 lbs.)
+2 Belt of Giant Strength (4,000 gp, 1 lbs.)
Efficent Quiver (1,800 gp, 2 lbs.)
Masterwork Dagger (152 gp, 2 lbs.)
-First Portion (60)
--30 Arrows (1.5 gp)
--10 Adamantine Arrows (600 gp)
--10 Cold Iron Arrows (1 gp)
--10 Alchemical Silver Arrows (20 gp)
-Second Portion (18)
--Javelin x10 (10 gp)
-Third Portion (6)
--Pilum x6 (30 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000, 5 lbs.)
-Central Portion (8 cubic ft. or 80 lbs.)
--Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.)
--Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lbs.)
--Rope, Hemp 50 ft. (1 gp, 10 lbs.)
--Hammer (5 sp, 2 lbs.)
--Iron Spike x5 (2.5 sp, 5 lbs.)
--Sack (1 sp, .5 lbs.)
--Saw (4 cp, 2 lbs.)
--Smokestick x3 (60 gp, 1.5 lbs.)
--Everburning Torch (110gp, 1 lbs.)
--Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs.)
--Powder x3 (3 cp, 1.5 lbs.)
--Flotation Device (1 gp, 2 lbs.)
--Waterproof Bag (5 sp, .5 lbs.)
--Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750 gp, -)
-Left Portion (2 cubic ft. or 20 lbs.)
--Map Case (1 gp, .5 lbs.)
--Compass (10 gp, .5 lbs.)
--Spyglass (1,000 gp, 1 lbs.)
-Right Portion (2 cubic ft. or 20 lbs.)
--Flint and Steel (1 gp, -)
--Small Steel Mirror (10 gp, .5 lbs)
--Whetstone (2 cp, 1 lbs.)
Belt Pouch (1 gp, .5 lbs.)
--Whistle (8 sp, -)
--Ioun Torch (75 gp, -)
Folding Ladder (2 gp, 16 lbs.)
Total weight carried: 60.5
Treasure: 378 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp

Carrying Capacity:
light- 173
medium- 174-346
heavy- 347-520[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 187
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Tanned
Appearance: Unkempt
[sblock=Background]As a boy Dante traveled The Eldeen Reaches with his father, Aroun Moar a Gatekeeper. It is on these travels that Dante learned how to live of the land. It is also on these travels that his father lost his life. ---All I got right now, sorry---[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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First Post
[B]Character Name:[/b] Midian Rightson
[B]Class:[/b] Druid 
[B]Race:[/b] Human
[B]Size:[/b] Medium
[B]Gender:[/b] Male
[B]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/b] None

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (05p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 8        
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 (05p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +6/+1        [B]HP:[/B] 66/66 (8d8+16)
[B]Con:[/B] 13 +1 (03p.)     [B]CMB:[/B] +8    
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]CMD:[/B] 22    
[B]Wis:[/B] 22 +6 (10p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'/30'     
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1 (02p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +2                 

Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
Favored Class: Hit Points

[B]Stat Increases by Level[/B]
4th - Wisdom
8th -  Wisdom
12th - 
16th - 

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc* Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +6    +0    +2    +0    +1   +2    21
[B]Touch:[/B] 14              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 18

Wildshape base AC: 15
* Ring of Protection +1, Dodge +1 

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      6    +1    +2    +9
[B]Ref:[/B]                       2    +2    +2    +6
[B]Will:[/B]                      6    +6    +2    +14

Cloak of resistance +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure) 

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

Special: Slam attacks in Water Elemental form add 1d6 cold damage (elemental shard exposure)

Common, Druidic (Druid bonus)

[B]Race Abilities (Human):[/B] 
* +2 to (Wis) Ability
* Favored Class (Druid): +1 HP
* +1 skill point per level
* Bonus Feat at 1st level

[B]Class Abilities:[/B] 
--Druid (favored class)--
* Weapon proficiency: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar
     sickle, shortspear, sling, spear, nat attacks of wildshape
* Armor proficiency: non-metal light and medium
* Nature Bond: Domain (Oceans)
* Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (nature), +2 Survival
* Wild Empathy: +10 (Druid level 8, +2 Cha)
* Woodland stride: nonmagical undergrowth does not damage / impair movement
* Trackless Step: No trail / untrackable in natural surroundings
* Resist Nature's Lure: +4 to saves vs. spell-like fey abilities / plant effects
* Wild Shape 3/day, 8 hours (1 hour/druid level) as
         beast shape 3
         elemental body 2
         plant shape 1
* Spontaneous cast Summon Nature's Ally to replace prepared spell
* Divine spells: 
Level 0: 6 unique spells, unlimited casting
Level 1: 4 +2 wis +1 domain
Level 2: 3 +2 wis +1 domain
Level 3: 3 +1 wis +1 domain
Level 4: 2 +1 wis +1 domain

* Surge (su): 30 foot range?
    ~Bull Rush or Drag with wave, CMB level + Wis mod (+14)
    ~Use 9/day (3 + 6 Wis)
* Cold Resistance (Ex): Resist cold 10
* Domain spells:
1: obscuring mist
2: slipstream
3: water walk
4: control water

Feat - Location - Description
Human 1 - Spell Focus (Conjuration): +1 DC conjuration spells
Level 1 - Dodge: +1 AC
Level 3 - Augment Summoning: +4 str/con to summoned creatures
Level 5 - Natural Spell: cast in wildshape
Level 7 - Quick Wildshape: WS as move (form -2 druid level) or swift (form -4 druid level)

[B]Future Feats[/B]

Level 9 - 
Level 11 - 
Level 13 - 
Level 15 - 
Level 17 - 
Level 19 - 

[B]Spells Prepared/Known[/B]

[b]Magical Feats:[/b] Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Longstrider, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, Ray of Sickening, Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : Delay Poison, Frigid Touch, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Soften Earth and Stone, Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Call Lightning*, Mad Monkeys, Sleet Storm, Stone Shape, Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, Geyser, Control Water(D)
5th Level / DC15 0 Day : 
6th Level / DC16 0 Day : 
7th Level / DC17 0 Day : 
8th Level / DC18 0 Day : 
9th Level / DC19 0 Day : 

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level 2x/day

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 03        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[b]Skills                   Ranks  Mod   Class  Misc  ACP  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                  0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Appraise                    0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Bluff                       0    +1     +0   +0    +0     +1
Climb                       4    +2     +3   +5*   -3     +11
Craft                       0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Diplomacy                   0    +1     +0   +0    +0     +1
Disable Device              0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Disguise                    0    +1     +0   +0    +0     +1
Escape Artist               0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Fly                         8    +2     +3   +0    -3     +10
Handle Animal               7    +1     +3   +0    +0     +11
Heal                        0    +6     +0   +0    +0     +6
Intimidate                  0    +1     +0   +0    +0     +1
Knowledge (arcana)          0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)   0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (engineering)     0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (geography)       0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (history)         0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (local)           0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (nature)          8    +0     +3   +2**  +0     +13
Knowledge (nobility)        0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (planes)          0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Knowledge (religion)        0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Linguistics                 0    +0     +0   +0    +0     +0
Perception                  8    +6     +3   +0    +0     +17
Perform                     0    +1     +0   +0    +0     +1
Profession                  0    +6     +0   +0    +0     +6
Ride                        0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Sense Motive                0    +6     +0   +0    +0     +6
Sleight of Hand             0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Spellcraft                  4    +0     +3   +0    +0     +7
Stealth                     0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Survival                    1    +6     +3   +2**  +0     +12
Swim                        0    +2     +0   +0    -3     -1
Use Magic Device            0    +1     +0   +0    +0     +1

* Ring of Climbing
** Nature Sense

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
--Worn / Carried--
Wand Cure/Infl. MW (28cgs)
Empowered Spell Shard (Call Lightning)
Eberron shard (see below)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
Ring of Climbing
Holly and mistletoe
Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp)
Amulet of Nat. Armor +1 (2000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2000 gp)

Bullets (20)..........2gp....10lb

MW Dragonplate Breastplate.70PP...30lb
Traveler's Outfit.........--....--

--In Haversack (5lbs total)--

Water Breathe Scroll x2..1125gp..--
Flint and steel...........1gp...--
Trail Rations x2..........1gp...2lb
Torch x3..................3cp...3lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]48lbs      [B]Money:[/B] 104pp 233gp 9sp 7cp 

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                58    116   175   300   875

[B]Age:[/B] 25
[B]Height:[/B] 5'9"
[B]Weight:[/B] 180lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Dark Red
[B]Skin:[/B] Tan

[SBLOCK] Midian, for all that he tries, is always a bit disheveled. His hair has a tendency to cowlick. He's grown a beard since he never could manage to shave regularly. His clothes sport random smudges of dirt no matter how recently they were cleaned.
[sblock=character sketch]

[SBLOCK]Midian was supposed to be a paladin. Priam the Righteous, his grandfather, started the line. His was a tale of noble quests and brilliant wars fought in the name of goodness. Midian's father, Rolav Rightson, carried on the fine tradition. Rolav married fellow paladin Verita del Pristien, and together the pair spread good and law with their every breath and smote all evil they came across. Even Midian's older sister, Penance, has heard the calling.

It's not that Midian didn't try. He enrolled in the School of Chivalric Arts at the University of Wynarn. Try as he might, though, he could only get the feel for a handful of simple weapons well enough to be effective with them in close combat. And, most importantly, no matter how hard he prayed and focused, he simply couldn't hear the call.

At least, not the call of the paladin.

In Midian's third year at university, a visiting professor and druid named Byless Delavert joined the faculty. Midian had intended to take the elf's botany class for some easy filler, but Byless proved a fascinating, charismatic instructor. Midian found himself signing on for animal husbandry with Byless the next session. A few weeks in, Byless pulled the young man aside after class. The way of the paladin would never be Midian's, he declared, but with Byless's help, the elf was certain Midian would make an exemplary druid.

It was far too late for Midian to change his course of study as far as the university was concerned. If he wanted his degree, it would have to be from the School of Chivalric Arts. So Midian continued, but Byless offered--and Midian accepted--private tutoring in the ways of the druid. He won his degree by the skin of his teeth and a lucky stab with a shortspear in his Advanced Sparring final. His stellar performance in his uncredited druid training, however, was Midian's true point of pride.

He befriended several animals along his way, but as he realized the danger he was bringing them (killing one, nearly killing a second), he chose to relinquish that bond in favor of the connection he had developed with the sea itself over the years.

The family Rightson still hopes that one day their youngest member will be gifted with a celestial mount, that his gaze will know evil at a glance and his sword arm have the power to smite that evil. Midian is content with the road nature has chosen for him. And he hopes that one day his kin will come to accept the valor of his own, less well-trod path.

[sblock=NPCs encountered]Adal ir'Wynarns: First Warlord and Royal Minister of Magic, Aundair
Weyls Huppo: Gnome foreman in charge of provisioning for Mournlands expedition.[/sblock]

[b]HP:[/b] 66/66       
[b]AC:[/b] 21        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium Animal AC: 17

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3     
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

[b]Surge:[/b] 9/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Longstrider, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, Ray of Sickening, Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : Delay Poison, Frigid Touch, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Soften Earth and Stone, Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : Call Lightning*, Mad Monkeys, Sleet Storm, Stone Shape, Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Ice Storm, Freedom of Movement, Geyser, Control Water(D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 2/3 remaining
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Deuce Traveler

Name: Doral Kinsman
Class: Beguiler 8
Race: Human
Hit Dice: 1d6x8, 34/34 HP
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 18 (10 +5 armor +3 dex)
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Grapple: +3
Attacks: Masterwork Silver Dagger +4 (1d4, 19-20 x2); Dagger +1 (1d4+1, 19-20 x2)
Thrown Dagger +5 (1d4, 19-20 x2, Range Increment 10)
Full Attack: Dagger +1 (1d4+1, 19-20 x2)
Face/Reach: 5x5/5ft
Special Attacks: None
Saves: Fort +2 (+3 w/cloak), Ref +5 (+6 w/cloak), Will +6 (+7 w/cloak) (+9 vs Illusions)
Abilities: Strength 10, Dexterity 16, Constitution 10, Intelligence 21 (was 19, but boosted at levels 4 and 8), Wisdom 10, Charisma 12

Skills: Bluff (11 ranks) +12, Acrobatics (11 ranks) +14 (+19 w/boots), Appraise (5 ranks) +10, Disable Device (11 ranks) +15 (+20 w/ goggles), Use Magic Device (11 ranks) +12, Perception (11 ranks) +11, Sleight of Hand (7 ranks) +10, Escape Artist (10 ranks) +13, Linguistics (11 ranks) +16, Spellcraft (11 ranks) +18, Local Knowledge (11 ranks) +16, Stealth (11 ranks) +14

Feats: Armored Mage (Class Feat), Cloaked Casting (+2 to overcome SR, +2 DC, Class Feat), Improved Initiative, Silent Spell (Class Feat), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Focus (Illusion), Surprise Casting (Class Feat), Trap Finding (Class Feat), Advanced Learning x2 (Class Feat), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment)

Theoretical Musician: +2 trait on Spellcraft check
Skeptic: +2 Bonus to Saves vs Illusions

Action Points: 7
Languages: Common, Goblin, Elf, Dwarf, Draconian
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: None
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 165 lbs

Spells Known:
- Level 0: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
- Level 1: Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Rouse, Silent Image, Sleep, Undetectable Alignment, Ventriloquism (advanced learning)
- Level 2: Blur, Daze Monster, Detect Thoughts, Fog Clouds, Glitterdust, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Knock, Minor Image, Mirror Image, Misdirection, Obscure Object, See Invisibility, Silence, Spider Climb, Touch of Idiocy
- Level 3: Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Fly (advanced learning), Haste, Hold Person, Invisibility Sphere, Major Image, Nondetection, Slow, Suggestion, Tongues, Zone of Silence
- Level 4: Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Freedom of Movement, Greater Invisibility, Locate Creature, Rainbow Pattern, Solid Fog

Spells Memorized/Spell Slots: 6/6/6/5/3
Current Spells: 6/6/6/5/3
Dagger +1
Mithril Shirt+1 (2,100gp)
Masterwork Silver Dagger (322gp)
3x Daggers (for throwing) (2gp each)
Wand of Magic Missile (5th level caster w/23 charges) (3,750gp)
1x Potions of Cure Light Wounds (50gp each)
Potion of Jump (50gp)
Hand of the Mage (900gp)
Masterwork Thieves Tools (100gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (0.5gp)
Grappling Hook (1gp)
Small Steel Mirror (10gp)
Silk Rope (50 ft) (10gp)
Waterskin (1gp)
4x Trail Rations (5sp each)
Spyglass (1,000gp)
Traveler's Outfit (1gp)
Potion of Spider Climb (300gp)
Disguise Kit (10 uses) (50gp)
Sunrod (partially used)
Goggles of Minute Seeing, (+5 to disable devices)
Boots of Elven Kind, (+5 to competence checks to acrobatics)
Pearl of Power (recast any previously spell below or at 3rd level) (9,000gp)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000 gp)
44gp 8sp that needs to be spent
Doral has dark brown hair and dull gray eyes with a boyish, charming face. He is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and thin, but does not stand out in a crowd, despite his pleasing looks. In fact, he lacks distinguishing facial features and his fay-like face is hard to remember when people describe him. Doral is an extremely good listener, and people genuinely seem to enjoy telling the half-elf about their problems, though he rarely offers advice or opinion. He is quick with a joke, glows with an appreciation of life, and is always ready to offer an ear to the agitated.
Currently he is wearing simple, dark red clothes. The outfit is colorful enough to help blend into the normal crowd, yet dark enough to hide with. If he is recognized when he doesn't want to be, he will attempt to lose the old outfit, and purchase a new one with a new color, but similar in dark tone.

Brief Background
Of course, being a listener was part of Doral's job: a spy for Aundair. Doral was an up and coming member of the Royal Eyes, and helped infiltrate the organizations of many of Aundair's potential enemies. He was working a deep cover operation with several other Royal Eyes at Tanar Rath in Karrnath when his identity was blown. Doral Kinsman was severely injured in his escape, but he ended up being the only member of the Royal Eye team to return. Despite his prior service, jealous members of the organization suggested that Doral may have been the source of the intelligence leak. Although a trial acquitted him of guilt, his reputation was tarnished and he resigned from the Royal Eyes.
Long Story:
Now he wishes to conduct his own investigation into the intelligence leak on his own, but first there is the problem of revenue. Ever since he returned to Aundair Doral was removed from the government payroll. Low on the funds he knows he will need to work the case on his own, he now seeks to raise money as a freelancer. Always the realist, Doral accepts that he will have to create a new life for himself before he can pursue revenge.
Recently he took a job at Port Verge, but the mission went bad and he had to jump ship and swim to Tempest Isle to avoid further trouble.
"Move fast, Doral," Sylla whispered to me as she squeezed my hand. She threw one last wink my way, then went into the hallway to join Zax.
I watched her go out the door, enjoying the swaying of her hips. Sylla, like myself and Zax, was a member of the Royal Eyes, the greatest espionage organization in the Five Nations. Her specialities lied in seduction and potions, as the sleeping body of Captain Manash attested.
The Royal Eyes had sent us to intercept messages coming from the Karrnath court to the captain of Tanar Rath. The three of us had taken jobs as servants at the garrison. Zax worked as a smith, I as a cook for the keep, and Sylla as a maid. Zax and I were the first to find signs of a troop build-up in the area, as extra food and materials were ordered for the garrison. I became friends with many of the soldiers, playing the occasional dice with them and making conversation with those that would come to the kitchen. Zax was busier creating weapons to be used by the undead and the living soldiers of Karrnath, although this was a clear indication that the forces of the garrison were about to be increased. Coded messages from the Royal Eyes began to stress the importance of discovering what was going on.
It was Sylla who was the most successful. After a few 'accidental' encounters in the hallway with Captain Manash, she succeeded in earning a visit to his room and seducing him. After a few days he confided to her that he received daily messages from the court, trying to impress her with boasts of his own importance. Sylla was unable to open his locked drawer in order to read the notes, which was more of my specialty. It was this that led us to a daring plan. Sylla drank and ate with Captain Manash every night before other activities. He tended to drink heavily, and supposedly had a low stanima, causing him to sleep deeply. Sylla would send a servant down with an order of food for the pair each night, giving me an excuse to enter their room. As this pattern became familiar, we decided to strike after Sylla sent a magical message to our contact in the Royal Eyes.
Sylla added a potion to Captain Manash's drink one night, causing him to doze. Soon after she sent a servant boy she found in the hallway to fetch me with an order for dinner and to give Zax a copper coin she owed him. On this signal, I came up with my tray of food, Zax accompanying me. Sylla and Zax were to talk outside Captain Manash's door while I was to unlock the drawer with the notes, read them, and copy down any vital pieces of information.
I put the tray down, and took out some of my 'special' tools. As I worked, I unsuccessfully tried to remove thoughts of Sylla and concentrate on the task at hand. I only found a simple poison needle trap, which was a good sign. Disabling it, I continued working as my thoughts drifted.
Why have I been having stronger fits of jealousy? She was a pretty woman, but there were more beautiful ladies in the world. Yet something about the way she touched my shoulder when she needed to talk... the way she smiled at me as if everything I said was important... the way she stood close... "Concentrate, fool," I told myself as I thought about the way she smelled. I could feel the latch give way.
As I opened the chest I could hear an argument begin outside the door as Zax and Sylla told someone that Captain Manash was sleeping and needed his rest. I suppose the answer didn't satisfy whoever they were talking to, as I heard the sounds of scuffling outside. I scrambled to reset the trap and to hide my tools, but the door was kicked in by a large man in black armor just as I picked my tray back up. He was followed by a smaller man with a nasal voice that I recognized as Manash's orderly.
"The other spy," the orderly yelled, pointing at me.
My blood ran cold as I could see several soldiers standing with weapons outside. Zax lay on the floor unmoving in a pool of blood. Sylla had her hands held and was flanked by soldiers on each side. Thinking quickly, I cast a charm on the orderly and said, "Spy, sir? Please, I'm not sure what these two did, but I just came up to deliver the lord's food." Escape now, get Sylla and Zax (if still alive) out later.
Confusion appeared on the orderly's face. "I'm sorry Doral, but someone has recently informed me of the most vicious rumors about you." The man in black armor gave the orderly a frown of surprise.
"Who said these things about me, sir," I asked indignantly. Was my cover blown?
The black armored man was smarter than I gave him credit. "Enough," he bellowed, interrupting the conversation. He moved forward and gripped me by the collar, tossing me out of the room, where I skidded across the floor and slid against the hallway wall. He was a strong one. Through my ringing head I could hear the orderly try to stop him, telling him I may be innocent.
My head cleared as the man came at me again, sword drawn. I tumbled out of the way, pulling a knife and slicing the arm of a soldier holding Sylla. He grunted in pain, but did not release his grip on her. I couldn't get her out. Nor could I allow her to be captured. I was sure Zax was dead, so he could not tell any secrets. I still might be able to escape. There was only one thing left to do, I realized, as I held a tighter grip on the knife.
Sylla must have realized what was on my mind. "No," she begged sadly, looking into my eyes. If she had stood bravely, I could have finished her rather than allowed her to be put to the question. But as I looked into those pleading eyes, my resolve broke. All this in the space of the six longest seconds of my life.
I cast one more spell, making myself disappear to the group of enclosing soldiers. Even Sylla gasped in surprise and began to look around wildly. I always kept my magical abilities secret, even to friends. Next, I did the only thing I could. I ran.
After I returned to Aundair, I knew my career was over. Not only had the mission failed, but I had allowed an agent to be captured. The information about a troop build-up could not be confirmed, and an attack never materialized anyway, causing others to question my skills. Supposedly, Karrnath was also using the incident to privately blackmail small concessions from the Aundair court. Perhaps Sylla talked after all. As I sat, waiting for my trial to condemn or exhonerate me, I used the time I have to gather my thoughts and have come to this realization: we were betrayed.
It's only a feeling, but I can't figure out how we were captured so easily and during the act. I could make the accusation and ask for an investigation, but who would I trust? Perhaps it would be better to walk away if I'm not hung. To disappear for awhile in a different land, like a man broken and wandering. Let them forget me while I gather my own resources. Then I can return when they have grown lazy and content, unsuspecting of the man bearing down on them.


First Post
[B]Character Name:[/B] 
[B]Size: [/B] 
[B]Gender: [/B] 
[B]Alignment: [/B] 
[B]Deity: [/B] 

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 0 (1d00+0)
[B]Con:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]CMB:[/B] +0    
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]CMD:[/B] +10    
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 00'      
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0                 

[B]Stat Increases by Level[/B]
4th - 
8th - 
12th - 
16th - 

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    10
[B]Touch:[/B] 10              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 10

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      0    +0    +0    +0
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +0    +0    +0
[B]Will:[/B]                      0    +0    +0    +0 

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Melee                      +0     1d6+0       20x2
Ranged                     +0     1d6+0       20x2


[B]Race Abilities:[/B] 
Race : Ability
Human : +2 to () Ability
Human : Favored Class (): +1 HP
Human : +1 skill point per level

[B]Class Abilities:[/B] 
Fighter : Bravery +1
Fighter : Armor Training 1

Feat - Location - Description
Human 1 - 
Level 1 - 
Class 1 - 

[B]Future Feats[/B]
Level 3 - 
Level 5 - 
Level 7 - 
Level 9 - 
Level 11 - 
Level 13 - 
Level 15 - 
Level 17 - 
Level 19 - 

[B]Spells Prepared/Known[/B]

0st Level / DC10 3 Day : 
1st Level / DC11 1 Day : 
2nd Level / DC12 0 Day : 
3rd Level / DC13 0 Day : 
4th Level / DC14 0 Day : 
5th Level / DC15 0 Day : 
6th Level / DC16 0 Day : 
7th Level / DC17 0 Day : 
8th Level / DC18 0 Day : 
9th Level / DC19 0 Day : 

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 03        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                  0    +0     +0   +0
Appraise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Bluff                       0    +0     +0   +0
Climb                       0    +0     +0   +0
Craft                       0    +0     +0   +0
Diplomacy                   0    +0     +0   +0
Disable Device              0    +0     +0   +0
Disguise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Escape Artist               0    +0     +0   +0
Fly                         0    +0     +0   +0
Handle Animal               0    +0     +0   +0
Heal                        0    +0     +0   +0
Intimidate                  0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (arcana)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)   0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (engineering)     0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (geography)       0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (history)         0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (local)           0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nature)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nobility)        0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (planes)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (religion)        0    +0     +0   +0
Linguistics                 0    +0     +0   +0
Perception                  0    +0     +0   +0
Perform                     0    +0     +0   +0
Profession                  0    +0     +0   +0
Ride                        0    +0     +0   +0
Sense Motive                0    +0     +0   +0
Sleight of Hand             0    +0     +0   +0
Spellcraft                  0    +0     +0   +0
Stealth                     0    +0     +0   +0
Survival                    0    +0     +0   +0
Swim                        0    +0     +0   +0
Use Magic Device            0    +0     +0   +0

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Bedroll                        1sp  1.25lb
Silk Rope                     10gp     5lb
Sunrod x3                      6gp     3lb
Explorers Outfit           
[B]Total Weight:[/B]00.0lb      [B]Money:[/B] 00gp 0sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]              00.00  00-00  00-00  000   000

[B]Age:[/B] 00
[B]Height:[/B] 0'00"
[B]Weight:[/B] 000lb


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First Post
[sblock=Dain Guundrik]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric 7 (FC)/ Holy Vindicator 1
Level: 8
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common and Dwarven
Deity: The Sovereign Host[/sblock]
STR: 14 (5 PB)
DEX: 12 (2 PB)
CON: 16 (5 PB, +2 Racial)
INT: 10
WIS: 18 (10 PB, +2 Racial)
CHA: 15 (3 PB, -2 Racial, +1 4th, +1 7th)[/sblock]
HP: 78 = [7d8 + 1d10 =50] + 3 (CON) + 0 (Favored Class)
AC: 25 = 10 + 10 (+1 Full Plate) + 2 (+1 DWBoLF) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (+1 NoNA) +1 (+1 RoP)
AC Touch: 11 = 10 + 1 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 24 = 10 + 10 (+1 Full Plate) + 2 (DWBoLF) + 1 (+1 NoNA) +1 (+1 RoP)
INIT: +1 = +1 (DEX)
BAB: +6/+1 = +6/+1 (Cleric)
CMB: +8 = +2 (STR) + 6 (BAB)
CMD: 19 = 10 + 2 (STR) + 1 (DEX) + 6 (BAB)
Fort: +11 = +5 (Cleric) + 1 (Holy Vindicator) + 3 (CON) + 2 (+2 Cloak of Resistance)^#
Reflex: +5 = +2 (Cleric) +0 (Holy Vindicator) + 1 (DEX) + 2 (+2 Cloak of Resistance)^#
Will: +12 = +5 (Cleric) + 1 (Holy Vindicator) + 4 (WILL) + 2 (+2 Cloak of Resistance)^#
Speed: 30' (20' Base)
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: 40%

*DWBoLF = Darkwood Buckler of Light Fortification
*AoNA = Amulet of Natural Armor
*RoP = Ring of Protection
^Glory of Old
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Rock Splitter*(melee): +9/+4 = +6/+1 (BAB) + 2 (STR)/ DMG = 1d10+2(S), CRIT 20x3
Mwk Heavy Crossbow(ranged): +8/+3 = +6/+1 (BAB) +1 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d10(P), CRIT 19-20x2, Bolts 20
Net (ranged): +3 = +6 (BAB) +1 (DEX) - 4 (Non-Pro)/ Special: Entangled condition

*+1 Grayflame Earthbound Dwarven Waraxe[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff.

Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Slow and Steady: Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. (see darkvision).

Defensive Training: Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.

Greed: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.

Hatred: Dwarves receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.

Hardy: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.

Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.

Rock Stepper: Many dwarves can skillfully negotiate rocky terrain. They can ignore difficult terrain created by rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when they take a 5-foot step. This racial trait replaces stonecunning.

Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.

Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.[/sblock]
[sblock= Cleric Class Features]
Aura: A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil for details).

Spells: A cleric casts divine spells which are drawn from the cleric spell list. Her alignment, however, may restrict her from casting certain spells opposed to her moral or ethical beliefs; see Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells. A cleric must choose and prepare her spells in advance.

To prepare or cast a spell, a cleric must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a cleric’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the cleric’s Wisdom modifier.

Clerics meditate or pray for their spells. Each cleric must choose a time at which she must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain her daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a cleric can prepare spells. A cleric may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation.

Channel Energy: Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.

A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.

Domains: A cleric's deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, her values, and how others see her. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging to her deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain.

Selected domains are Luck and Travel.

Orisons: Clerics can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Cleric under “Spells per day.” These spells are treated like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).[/sblock]
[sblock=Holy Vindicator Class Features]
Channel Energy: See cleric class feature.

Vindicator's Shield: A vindicator can channel energy into his shield as a standard action; when worn, the shield gives the vindicator a sacred bonus (if positive energy) or profane bonus (if negative energy) to his Armor Class equal to the number of dice of the vindicator’s channel energy. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the vindicator is struck in combat, whichever comes first. The shield does not provide this bonus to any other wielder, but the vindicator does not need to be holding the shield for it to retain this power.[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
1st lvl- Selective Channeling: Select whom to target with channel energy.
3rd lvl- Extra Channel: Channel energy an extra 2/day.
5th lvl- Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for damage bonus.
7th lvl- Channel Alignment: Channel energy can harm outsiders of the selected alignment sub-type.

a) Magical Knack (Cleric): +2 on caster levels as long as the bonus does not exceed current hit dice.
b) Glory of Old: +1 vs. spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 16 = [02 (Cleric) + 02 (Holy Vindicator) + 00 (INT)] x 08 (LvL) + 7 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 08
ACP: -5

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
-04 =  Acrobatics          +01    +00   +0  +00   -5   DEX
+00 =  Appraise            +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+02 =  Bluff               +02    +00   +0  +00        CHA
-04 =  Climb               +01    +00   +0  +00   -5   STR
+00 =  Craft:_____         +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+02 =  Diplomacy           +02    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Disguise            +00    +00   +0  +00        CHA
-04 =  Escape Artist       +01    +00   +0  +00   -5   DEX
-04 =  Fly                 +01    +00   +0  +00   -5   DEX
+09 =  Heal                +04    +02   +3  +00        WIS
+02 =  Intimidate          +02    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+00 =  Know:Arcana^        +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+06 =  Know:History^       +00    +03   +3  +00        INT
+00 =  Know:Nobility^      +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+06 =  Know:Planes^        +00    +03   +3  +00        INT
+08 =  Know:Religion^      +00    +05   +3  +00        INT
+00 =  Linguistics^        +00    +00   +0  +00        INT
+06 =  Perception          +04    +02   +0  +00        WIS
+02 =  Perform:_____       +02    +00   +0  +00        CHA
+04 =  Profession^:_____   +04    +00   +0  +00        WIS
-04 =  Ride                +01    +00   +0  +00   -5   DEX
+09 =  Sense Motive        +04    +02   +3  +00        WIS
+09 =  Spellcraft^         +00    +06   +3  +00        INT
+00 =  Stealth             +01    +04   +0  +00   -5   DEX
+04 =  Survival            +04    +00   +0  +00        WIS
-04 =  Swim                +01    +00   +0  +00   -5   STR
[sblock=Domain Granted Powers]
Luck- Bit of Luck: You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Luck- Good Fortune: At 6th level, as an immediate action, you can reroll any one d20 roll you have just made before the results of the roll are revealed. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the original roll. You can use this ability once per day at 6th level, and one additional time per day for every six cleric levels beyond 6th.

Travel- Base Speed: Increase your base speed by 10 feet.

Travel- Agile Feet: As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.[/sblock]
Domain Powers: Bit of Luck 7/day, Good Fortune 1/day, Agile Feet 7/day
0 level: Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Read Magic
1st level: Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, D: Longstrider
2nd level: Hold Person, Sound Blast, Lesser Restoration, D: Aid
3rd level: Magic Vestment, Dispel Magic, Searing Light, D: Fly
4th level: Greater Magic Weapon, Restoration, D: Freedom of Movement

1st level: 5+1/day, DC: 15
2nd level: 4+1/day, DC: 16
3rd level: 3+1/day, DC: 17
4th level: 2+1/day, DC: 18[/sblock]
Equipment                                       Cost           Weight
+1 Full Plate                                 2,500 gp         50 lbs.
+1 Darkwood Buckler of Light Fortification    1,203 gp        2.5 lbs.
+1 Grayflame Earthbound Dwarven Waraxe        6,330 gp         08 lbs.
+2 Cloak of Resistance                        4,000 gp         02 lbs.
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor                    2,000 gp         01 lbs.
+1 Ring of Protection                         2,000 gp         00 lbs.
+2 Headband of Alluring Charisma              4,000 gp         01 lbs.
MWK Heavy Crossbow                              350 gp         08 lbs.
-Bolts (20)                                      02 gp         02 lbs.
Net                                              20 gp         06 lbs
Handy Haversack                               2,000 gp         05 lbs.
(Central Portion = 33.5 lbs.)
-Lesser Rod of Extend                         3,000 gp         05 lbs.
-Bedroll                                         01 sp         05 lbs.
-Waterskin                                       01 gp         04 lbs.
-Silk Rope (50 ft.)                              10 gp         05 lbs.
-Crowbar                                         02 gp         05 lbs.
-Net (1)                                         20 gp         05 lbs.
-Smokestick (4)                                  80 gp         02 lbs.
-Case                                            01 gp         .5 lbs.
(Left Portion = 5 lbs.)         
-Holy Water (4)                                 100 gp         04 lbs.
-Sack (2)                                        02 sp         01 lbs.
(Right Portion = 00 lbs.)
-Scroll of Magic Vestment (6)                  2250 gp         00 lbs.
-Scroll of Shield of Faith (8)                  200 gp         00 lbs.
-Scroll of Bulls Strength (4)                   600 gp         00 lbs.
-Scroll of Hold Person (4)                      600 gp         00 lbs.
Belt Pouch                                       01 gp         .5 lbs.
-Chalk (3)                                       03 cp         00 lbs.
-Tindertwig (10)                                 10 gp         00 lbs.
-Compass                                         10 gp         .5 lbs.
-Flint and Steel                                 01 gp         00 lbs.
Total weight carried: 91 lbs.
Treasure: 1779 gp, 16 sp, 7 cp Gems: None

Carrying Capacity:
light- 58 lbs.
medium- 59 - 116 lbs.
heavy- 117 - 175 lbs.[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 57
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 171
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Light
Appearance: Dain keeps his light brown beard in tight breads, four to be exact, and his hair short and neat. His armor and weapons are clean and obviously well keep. The symbol of The Sovereign Host can be seen around his neck. His blue eyes can be seen under his kempt eyebrows, yes he keeps those neat as well.
Demeanor: Dain's attitude towards others is generally warm and friendly but his hand is always on his axe.[/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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